""" The :mod:`builtins` module contains the builtin Python and ARTIQ types, such as int or float. """ from collections import OrderedDict from . import types # Types class TNone(types.TMono): def __init__(self): super().__init__("NoneType") class TBool(types.TMono): def __init__(self): super().__init__("bool") @staticmethod def zero(): return False @staticmethod def one(): return True class TInt(types.TMono): def __init__(self, width=None): if width is None: width = types.TVar() super().__init__("int", {"width": width}) @staticmethod def zero(): return 0 @staticmethod def one(): return 1 def TInt32(): return TInt(types.TValue(32)) def TInt64(): return TInt(types.TValue(64)) def _int_printer(typ, printer, depth, max_depth): if types.is_var(typ["width"]): return "numpy.int?" else: return "numpy.int{}".format(types.get_value(typ.find()["width"])) types.TypePrinter.custom_printers["int"] = _int_printer class TFloat(types.TMono): def __init__(self): super().__init__("float") @staticmethod def zero(): return 0.0 @staticmethod def one(): return 1.0 class TStr(types.TMono): def __init__(self): super().__init__("str") class TBytes(types.TMono): def __init__(self): super().__init__("bytes") class TByteArray(types.TMono): def __init__(self): super().__init__("bytearray") class TList(types.TMono): def __init__(self, elt=None): if elt is None: elt = types.TVar() super().__init__("list", {"elt": elt}) class TArray(types.TMono): def __init__(self, elt=None, num_dims=1): if elt is None: elt = types.TVar() if isinstance(num_dims, int): # Make TArray more convenient to instantiate from (ARTIQ) user code. num_dims = types.TValue(num_dims) # For now, enforce number of dimensions to be known, as we'd otherwise # need to implement custom unification logic for the type of `shape`. # Default to 1 to keep compatibility with old user code from before # multidimensional array support. assert isinstance(num_dims.value, int), "Number of dimensions must be resolved" super().__init__("array", {"elt": elt, "num_dims": num_dims}) self.attributes = OrderedDict([ ("buffer", types._TPointer(elt)), ("shape", types.TTuple([TInt32()] * num_dims.value)), ]) def _array_printer(typ, printer, depth, max_depth): return "numpy.array(elt={}, num_dims={})".format( printer.name(typ["elt"], depth, max_depth), typ["num_dims"].value) types.TypePrinter.custom_printers["array"] = _array_printer class TRange(types.TMono): def __init__(self, elt=None): if elt is None: elt = types.TVar() super().__init__("range", {"elt": elt}) self.attributes = OrderedDict([ ("start", elt), ("stop", elt), ("step", elt), ]) class TException(types.TMono): # All exceptions share the same internal layout: # * Pointer to the unique global with the name of the exception (str) # (which also serves as the EHABI type_info). # * File, line and column where it was raised (str, int, int). # * Message, which can contain substitutions {0}, {1} and {2} (str). # * Three 64-bit integers, parameterizing the message (numpy.int64). # Keep this in sync with the function ARTIQIRGenerator.alloc_exn. attributes = OrderedDict([ ("__name__", TStr()), ("__file__", TStr()), ("__line__", TInt32()), ("__col__", TInt32()), ("__func__", TStr()), ("__message__", TStr()), ("__param0__", TInt64()), ("__param1__", TInt64()), ("__param2__", TInt64()), ]) def __init__(self, name="Exception", id=0): super().__init__(name) self.id = id def fn_bool(): return types.TConstructor(TBool()) def fn_int(): return types.TConstructor(TInt()) def fn_int32(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("int32") def fn_int64(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("int64") def fn_float(): return types.TConstructor(TFloat()) def fn_str(): return types.TConstructor(TStr()) def fn_bytes(): return types.TConstructor(TBytes()) def fn_bytearray(): return types.TConstructor(TByteArray()) def fn_list(): return types.TConstructor(TList()) def fn_array(): return types.TConstructor(TArray()) def fn_Exception(): return types.TExceptionConstructor(TException("Exception")) def fn_IndexError(): return types.TExceptionConstructor(TException("IndexError")) def fn_ValueError(): return types.TExceptionConstructor(TException("ValueError")) def fn_ZeroDivisionError(): return types.TExceptionConstructor(TException("ZeroDivisionError")) def fn_RuntimeError(): return types.TExceptionConstructor(TException("RuntimeError")) def fn_range(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("range") def fn_len(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("len") def fn_round(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("round") def fn_abs(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("abs") def fn_min(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("min") def fn_max(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("max") def fn_make_array(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("make_array") def fn_print(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("print") def fn_kernel(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("kernel") def obj_parallel(): return types.TBuiltin("parallel") def obj_interleave(): return types.TBuiltin("interleave") def obj_sequential(): return types.TBuiltin("sequential") def fn_watchdog(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("watchdog") def fn_delay(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("delay") def fn_now_mu(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("now_mu") def fn_delay_mu(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("delay_mu") def fn_at_mu(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("at_mu") def fn_rtio_log(): return types.TBuiltinFunction("rtio_log") # Accessors def is_none(typ): return types.is_mono(typ, "NoneType") def is_bool(typ): return types.is_mono(typ, "bool") def is_int(typ, width=None): if width is not None: return types.is_mono(typ, "int", width=width) else: return types.is_mono(typ, "int") def is_int32(typ): return is_int(typ, types.TValue(32)) def is_int64(typ): return is_int(typ, types.TValue(64)) def get_int_width(typ): if is_int(typ): return types.get_value(typ.find()["width"]) def is_float(typ): return types.is_mono(typ, "float") def is_str(typ): return types.is_mono(typ, "str") def is_bytes(typ): return types.is_mono(typ, "bytes") def is_bytearray(typ): return types.is_mono(typ, "bytearray") def is_numeric(typ): typ = typ.find() return isinstance(typ, types.TMono) and \ typ.name in ('int', 'float') def is_list(typ, elt=None): if elt is not None: return types.is_mono(typ, "list", elt=elt) else: return types.is_mono(typ, "list") def is_array(typ, elt=None): if elt is not None: return types.is_mono(typ, "array", elt=elt) else: return types.is_mono(typ, "array") def is_listish(typ, elt=None): if is_list(typ, elt) or is_array(typ, elt): return True elif elt is None: return is_str(typ) or is_bytes(typ) or is_bytearray(typ) else: return False def is_range(typ, elt=None): if elt is not None: return types.is_mono(typ, "range", {"elt": elt}) else: return types.is_mono(typ, "range") def is_exception(typ, name=None): if name is None: return isinstance(typ.find(), TException) else: return isinstance(typ.find(), TException) and \ typ.name == name def is_iterable(typ): return is_listish(typ) or is_range(typ) def get_iterable_elt(typ): if is_str(typ) or is_bytes(typ) or is_bytearray(typ): return TInt(types.TValue(8)) elif types._is_pointer(typ) or is_iterable(typ): return typ.find()["elt"].find() else: assert False def is_collection(typ): typ = typ.find() return isinstance(typ, types.TTuple) or \ types.is_mono(typ, "list") def is_allocated(typ): return not (is_none(typ) or is_bool(typ) or is_int(typ) or is_float(typ) or is_range(typ) or types._is_pointer(typ) or types.is_function(typ) or types.is_external_function(typ) or types.is_rpc(typ) or types.is_method(typ) or types.is_tuple(typ) or types.is_value(typ))