import unittest from operator import itemgetter import os from fractions import Fraction from artiq import * from artiq.language.units import DimensionError from artiq.coredevice import comm_tcp, core, runtime_exceptions, ttl from artiq.sim import devices as sim_devices core_device = os.getenv("ARTIQ_CORE_DEVICE") def _run_on_device(k_class, **parameters): comm = comm_tcp.Comm(host=core_device) try: coredev = core.Core(comm=comm) k_inst = k_class(core=coredev, **parameters) finally: comm.close() def _run_on_host(k_class, **parameters): coredev = sim_devices.Core() k_inst = k_class(core=coredev, **parameters) class _Primes(AutoDB): class DBKeys: core = Device() output_list = Argument() maximum = Argument() @kernel def run(self): for x in range(1, self.maximum): d = 2 prime = True while d*d <= x: if x % d == 0: prime = False break d += 1 if prime: self.output_list.append(x) class _Misc(AutoDB): def build(self): self.input = 84 self.inhomogeneous_units = [] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] self.list_copy_in = [2*Hz, 10*MHz] @kernel def run(self): self.half_input = self.input//2 self.decimal_fraction = Fraction("1.2") self.inhomogeneous_units.append(1000*Hz) self.inhomogeneous_units.append(10*s) self.acc = 0 for i in range(len( self.acc +=[i] self.list_copy_out = self.list_copy_in self.unit_comp = [1*MHz for _ in range(3)] @kernel def dimension_error1(self): print(1*Hz + 1*s) @kernel def dimension_error2(self): print(1*Hz < 1*s) @kernel def dimension_error3(self): check_unit(1*Hz, "s") @kernel def dimension_error4(self): delay(10*Hz) class _PulseLogger(AutoDB): class DBKeys: core = Device() output_list = Argument() name = Argument() def _append(self, t, l, f): if not hasattr(self, "first_timestamp"): self.first_timestamp = t self.output_list.append((, t-self.first_timestamp, l, f)) def on(self, t, f): self._append(t, True, f) def off(self, t): self._append(t, False, 0) @kernel def pulse(self, f, duration): self.on(int(now().amount*1000000000), f) delay(duration)*1000000000)) class _Pulses(AutoDB): class DBKeys: core = Device() output_list = Argument() def build(self): for name in "a", "b", "c", "d": pl = _PulseLogger(core=self.core, output_list=self.output_list, name=name) setattr(self, name, pl) @kernel def run(self): for i in range(3): with parallel: with sequential: self.a.pulse(100+i, 20*us) self.b.pulse(200+i, 20*us) with sequential: self.c.pulse(300+i, 10*us) self.d.pulse(400+i, 20*us) class _MyException(Exception): pass class _Exceptions(AutoDB): class DBKeys: core = Device() trace = Argument() @kernel def run(self): for i in range(10): self.trace.append(i) if i == 4: try: self.trace.append(10) try: self.trace.append(11) break except: pass else: self.trace.append(12) try: self.trace.append(13) except: pass except _MyException: self.trace.append(14) for i in range(4): try: self.trace.append(100) if i == 1: raise _MyException elif i == 2: raise IndexError except (TypeError, IndexError): self.trace.append(101) raise except: self.trace.append(102) else: self.trace.append(103) finally: self.trace.append(104) class _RPCExceptions(AutoDB): class DBKeys: core = Device() def build(self): self.success = False def exception_raiser(self): raise _MyException @kernel def do_not_catch(self): self.exception_raiser() @kernel def catch(self): try: self.exception_raiser() except _MyException: self.success = True class _Watchdog(AutoDB): class DBKeys: core = Device() @kernel def run(self): with watchdog(50*ms): while True: pass @unittest.skipUnless(core_device, "no hardware") class ExecutionCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_primes(self): l_device, l_host = [], [] _run_on_device(_Primes, maximum=100, output_list=l_device) _run_on_host(_Primes, maximum=100, output_list=l_host) self.assertEqual(l_device, l_host) def test_misc(self): comm = comm_tcp.Comm(host=core_device) try: coredev = core.Core(comm=comm) uut = _Misc(core=coredev) self.assertEqual(uut.half_input, 42) self.assertEqual(uut.decimal_fraction, Fraction("1.2")) self.assertEqual(uut.inhomogeneous_units, [1000*Hz, 10*s]) self.assertEqual(uut.acc, sum( self.assertEqual(uut.list_copy_in, uut.list_copy_out) self.assertEqual(uut.unit_comp, [1*MHz for _ in range(3)]) with self.assertRaises(DimensionError): uut.dimension_error1() with self.assertRaises(DimensionError): uut.dimension_error2() with self.assertRaises(DimensionError): uut.dimension_error3() with self.assertRaises(DimensionError): uut.dimension_error4() finally: comm.close() def test_pulses(self): l_device, l_host = [], [] _run_on_device(_Pulses, output_list=l_device) _run_on_host(_Pulses, output_list=l_host) l_host = sorted(l_host, key=itemgetter(1)) for channel in "a", "b", "c", "d": c_device = [x for x in l_device if x[0] == channel] c_host = [x for x in l_host if x[0] == channel] self.assertEqual(c_device, c_host) def test_exceptions(self): t_device, t_host = [], [] with self.assertRaises(IndexError): _run_on_device(_Exceptions, trace=t_device) with self.assertRaises(IndexError): _run_on_host(_Exceptions, trace=t_host) self.assertEqual(t_device, t_host) def test_rpc_exceptions(self): comm = comm_tcp.Comm(host=core_device) try: uut = _RPCExceptions(core=core.Core(comm=comm)) with self.assertRaises(_MyException): uut.do_not_catch() uut.catch() self.assertTrue(uut.success) finally: comm.close() def test_watchdog(self): with self.assertRaises(IOError): _run_on_device(_Watchdog) class _RTIOLoopback(AutoDB): class DBKeys: core = Device() io = Device() npulses = Argument() def report(self, n): self.result = n @kernel def run(self): delay(1*us) with parallel:*us) with sequential: for i in range(self.npulses): delay(25*ns)*ns) class _RTIOUnderflow(AutoDB): class DBKeys: core = Device() o = Device() @kernel def run(self): while True: delay(25*ns) self.o.pulse(25*ns) class _RTIOSequenceError(AutoDB): class DBKeys: core = Device() o = Device() @kernel def run(self): t = now() self.o.pulse(25*us) at(t) self.o.pulse(25*us) @unittest.skipUnless(core_device, "no hardware") class RTIOCase(unittest.TestCase): # Connect channels 0 and 1 together for this test # (C11 and C13 on Papilio Pro) def test_loopback(self): npulses = 4 comm = comm_tcp.Comm(host=core_device) try: coredev = core.Core(comm=comm) uut = _RTIOLoopback( core=coredev, io=ttl.TTLInOut(core=coredev, channel=0), npulses=npulses ) self.assertEqual(uut.result, npulses) finally: comm.close() def test_underflow(self): comm = comm_tcp.Comm(host=core_device) try: coredev = core.Core(comm=comm) uut = _RTIOUnderflow( core=coredev, o=ttl.TTLOut(core=coredev, channel=2) ) with self.assertRaises(runtime_exceptions.RTIOUnderflow): finally: comm.close() def test_sequence_error(self): comm = comm_tcp.Comm(host=core_device) try: coredev = core.Core(comm=comm) uut = _RTIOSequenceError( core=coredev, o=ttl.TTLOut(core=coredev, channel=2) ) with self.assertRaises(runtime_exceptions.RTIOSequenceError): finally: comm.close()