forked from M-Labs/artiq

rtio/dma: add full-stack test with connection to RTIO core

This commit is contained in:
Sebastien Bourdeauducq 2017-10-08 22:38:02 +08:00
parent 5f083f21a4
commit a9c9d5779d

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@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
import unittest
import random
import itertools
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect import wishbone
from artiq.gateware import rtio
from artiq.gateware.rtio import dma, cri
from artiq.gateware.rtio.phy import ttl_simple
def encode_n(n, min_length, max_length):
@ -47,6 +50,14 @@ def encode_sequence(writes, ws):
return pack(sequence, ws)
def do_dma(dut, address):
yield from dut.dma.base_address.write(address)
yield from dut.enable.write(1)
while ((yield from dut.enable.read())):
test_writes1 = [
(0x01, 0x23, 0x12, 0x33),
(0x901, 0x902, 0x911, 0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeefffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff28888177772736646717738388488),
@ -83,21 +94,44 @@ class TB(Module):
self.submodules.dut = dma.DMA(bus)
test_writes_full_stack = [
(0, 32, 0, 1),
(1, 40, 0, 1),
(0, 48, 0, 0),
(1, 50, 0, 0),
class FullStackTB(Module):
def __init__(self, ws):
self.ttl0 = Signal()
self.ttl1 = Signal()
self.submodules.phy0 = ttl_simple.Output(self.ttl0)
self.submodules.phy1 = ttl_simple.Output(self.ttl1)
rtio_channels = [
sequence = encode_sequence(test_writes_full_stack, ws)
bus = wishbone.Interface(ws*8)
self.submodules.memory = wishbone.SRAM(
256, init=sequence, bus=bus)
self.submodules.dut = dma.DMA(bus)
self.submodules.rtio = rtio.Core(rtio_channels)
self.comb += self.dut.cri.connect(self.rtio.cri)
class TestDMA(unittest.TestCase):
def test_dma_noerror(self):
ws = 64
tb = TB(ws)
def do_dma(address):
yield from tb.dut.dma.base_address.write(address)
yield from tb.dut.enable.write(1)
while ((yield from tb.dut.enable.read())):
tb = TB(64)
def do_writes():
yield from do_dma(0)
yield from do_dma(512)
yield from do_dma(tb.dut, 0)
yield from do_dma(tb.dut, 512)
received = []
@ -124,3 +158,30 @@ class TestDMA(unittest.TestCase):
run_simulation(tb, [do_writes(), rtio_sim()])
self.assertEqual(received, test_writes1 + test_writes2)
def test_full_stack(self):
tb = FullStackTB(64)
ttl_changes = []
def monitor():
old_ttl_states = [0, 0]
for time in itertools.count():
ttl_states = [
(yield tb.ttl0),
(yield tb.ttl1)
for i, (old, new) in enumerate(zip(old_ttl_states, ttl_states)):
if new != old:
ttl_changes.append((time, i))
old_ttl_states = ttl_states
run_simulation(tb, {"sys": [
do_dma(tb.dut, 0), monitor(),
(None for _ in range(70)),
]}, {"sys": 8, "rsys": 8, "rtio": 8, "rio": 8, "rio_phy": 8})
correct_changes = [(timestamp + 11, channel)
for channel, timestamp, _, _ in test_writes_full_stack]
self.assertEqual(ttl_changes, correct_changes)