forked from M-Labs/artiq

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import itertools
from collections import namedtuple
class MPO:
2014-05-31 00:20:13 +08:00
channels = ""
parameters = ""
2014-07-10 21:38:51 +08:00
implicit_core = True
2014-05-31 00:20:13 +08:00
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
argnames = self.channels.split() + self.parameters.split()
2014-07-10 21:38:51 +08:00
if self.implicit_core:
argnames.insert(0, "core")
undef_args = list(argnames)
if len(argnames) < len(args):
raise TypeError("__init__() takes {} positional arguments but {} were given".format(len(argnames), len(args)))
for argname, value in itertools.chain(zip(argnames, args), kwargs.items()):
if hasattr(self, argname):
raise TypeError("__init__() got multiple values for argument '{}'".format(argname))
if argname not in argnames:
raise TypeError("__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument: '{}'".format(argname))
setattr(self, argname, value)
if undef_args:
raise TypeError("__init__() missing {} argument(s): ".format(len(undef_args),
", ".join(["'"+s+"'" for s in undef_args])))
self.kernel_attr_ro = self.parameters
KernelFunctionInfo = namedtuple("KernelFunctionInfo", "core_name k_function")
def kernel(arg):
if isinstance(arg, str):
2014-05-31 00:20:13 +08:00
def real_decorator(k_function):
def run_on_core(exp, *k_args, **k_kwargs):
getattr(exp, arg).run(k_function, ((exp,) + k_args), k_kwargs)
run_on_core.k_function_info = KernelFunctionInfo(core_name=arg, k_function=k_function)
return run_on_core
return real_decorator
def run_on_core(exp, *k_args, **k_kwargs):
exp.core.run(arg, ((exp,) + k_args), k_kwargs)
run_on_core.k_function_info = KernelFunctionInfo(core_name="core", k_function=arg)
return run_on_core
class _DummyTimeManager:
def _not_implemented(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError("Attempted to interpret kernel without a time manager")
enter_sequential = _not_implemented
enter_parallel = _not_implemented
exit = _not_implemented
take_time = _not_implemented
get_time = _not_implemented
set_time = _not_implemented
_time_manager = _DummyTimeManager()
def set_time_manager(time_manager):
global _time_manager
_time_manager = time_manager
class _DummySyscallManager:
def do(self, *args):
raise NotImplementedError("Attempted to interpret kernel without a syscall manager")
_syscall_manager = _DummySyscallManager()
def set_syscall_manager(syscall_manager):
global _syscall_manager
_syscall_manager = syscall_manager
2014-06-10 21:16:04 +08:00
# global namespace for kernels
kernel_globals = "sequential", "parallel", "delay", "now", "at", "syscall"
class _Sequential:
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
sequential = _Sequential()
class _Parallel:
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
parallel = _Parallel()
def delay(duration):
def now():
return _time_manager.get_time()
def at(time):
def syscall(*args):
return _syscall_manager.do(*args)