NIST users on Linux need to pay close attention to their ``umask``.
The sledgehammer called ``secureconfig`` leaves you (and root) with umask 027 and files created by root (for example through ``sudo make install``) inaccessible to you.
You can either install Anaconda (choose Python 3.5) from or install the more minimalistic Miniconda (choose Python 3.5) from
After installing either Anaconda or Miniconda, open a new terminal (also known as command line, console, or shell and denoted here as lines starting with ``$``) and verify the following command works::
Development versions are built for every change and contain more features, but are not as well-tested and are more likely to contain more bugs or inconsistencies than the releases in the ``main`` label.
Then prepare to create a new conda environment with the ARTIQ package and the matching binaries for your hardware:
choose a suitable name for the environment, for example ``artiq-main`` if you intend to track the main label or ``artiq-2016-04-01`` if you consider the environment a snapshot of ARTIQ on 2016-04-01.
Choose the package containing the binaries for your hardware:
*``artiq-pipistrello-nist_qc1`` for the `Pipistrello <>`_ board with the NIST adapter to SCSI cables and AD9858 DDS chips.
*``artiq-kc705-nist_qc1`` for the `KC705 <>`_ board with the NIST adapter to SCSI cables and AD9858 DDS chips.
*``artiq-kc705-nist_clock`` for the KC705 board with the NIST "clock" FMC backplane and AD9914 DDS chips.
*``artiq-kc7005-nist_qc2`` for the KC705 board with the NIST QC2 FMC backplane and AD9914 DDS chips.
Conda will create the environment, automatically resolve, download, and install the necessary dependencies and install the packages you select:::
[Linux] The ``qt5`` package requires libraries not packaged under the ``m-labs`` conda labels.
Those need to be installed through the Linux distribution's mechanism.
If GUI programs do not start because they ``could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"``, install the various ``libxcb-*`` packages through your distribution's preferred mechanism.
The names of the libraries missing can be obtained from the output of a command like ``ldd [path-to-conda-installation]/envs/artiq-main/lib/qt5/plugins/platform/``.
When upgrading ARTIQ or when testing different versions it is recommended that new environments are created instead of upgrading the packages in existing environments.
Keep previous environments around until you are certain that they are not needed anymore and a new environment is known to work correctly.
You can create a new conda environment specifically to test a certain version of ARTIQ:::
Switching between conda environments using ``$ source deactivate artiq-1.0rc2`` and ``$ source activate artiq-1.0rc1`` is the recommended way to roll back to previous versions of ARTIQ.
You can list the environments you have created using::
These steps are required to generate gateware bitstream (``.bit``) files, build the MiSoC BIOS and ARTIQ runtime, and flash FPGA boards. If the board is already flashed, you may skip those steps and go directly to `Installing the host-side software`.
* Get Xilinx tools from ISE can build gateware bitstreams both for boards using the Spartan-6 (Pipistrello) and 7-series devices (KC705), while Vivado supports only boards using 7-series devices.
Then move both files ``~/artiq-dev/bscan_spi_xc6slx45.bit`` and ``~/artiq-dev/bscan_spi_xc7k325t.bit`` to ``~/.migen``, ``/usr/local/share/migen``, or ``/usr/share/migen``.
..note:: Make sure that ``/usr/local/llvm-or1k/bin`` is first in your ``PATH``, so that the ``clang`` command you just built is found instead of the system one, if any.
* Check that the board boots by running a serial terminal program (you may need to press its FPGA reconfiguration button or power-cycle it to load the gateware bitstream that was newly written into the flash): ::
..note:: The reset button of the KC705 board is the "CPU_RST" labeled button.
..warning:: Both those instructions will result in the flash storage being wiped out. However you can use the test mode to change the IP/MAC without erasing everything if you skip the "fserase" command.
The idle kernel is the kernel (some piece of code running on the core device) which the core device runs whenever it is not connected to a PC via ethernet.
The idle experiment's ``run()`` method must be a kernel: it must be decorated with the ``@kernel`` decorator (see :ref:`next topic <connecting-to-the-core-device>` for more information about kernels).
..note:: You can find more information about how to use the ``artiq_coreconfig`` utility on the :ref:`Utilities <core-device-configuration-tool>` page.
The startup kernel is executed once when the core device powers up. It should initialize DDSes, set up TTL directions, etc. Proceed as with the idle kernel, but using the ``startup_kernel`` key in ``artiq_coreconfig``.
The core device may use either an external clock signal or its internal clock. This clock can be switched dynamically after the PC is connected using the ``external_clock`` parameter of the core device driver; however, one may want to select the clock at power-up so that it is used for the startup and idle kernels. Use one of these commands: ::
..[1] [Linux] If your shell does not find the ``conda`` command, make sure that the conda binaries are in your ``$PATH``:
If ``$ echo $PATH`` does not show the conda directories, add them: execute ``$ export PATH=$HOME/miniconda3/bin:$PATH`` if you installed conda into ``~/miniconda3``.