forked from M-Labs/nac3
Added code generator argument to the callback, so it would be easier to write complicated codegen with that callback. To prepare for RPC codegen.
135 lines
4.3 KiB
135 lines
4.3 KiB
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
use super::codegen::CodeGenContext;
use super::typecheck::type_inferencer::PrimitiveStore;
use super::typecheck::typedef::{FunSignature, FuncArg, SharedUnifier, Type, TypeEnum, Unifier};
use crate::{
symbol_resolver::{SymbolResolver, ValueEnum},
typecheck::{type_inferencer::CodeLocation, typedef::CallId},
use inkwell::values::BasicValueEnum;
use itertools::{izip, Itertools};
use nac3parser::ast::{self, Stmt, StrRef};
use parking_lot::RwLock;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy, Hash, Debug)]
pub struct DefinitionId(pub usize);
pub mod builtins;
pub mod composer;
pub mod helper;
pub mod type_annotation;
use composer::*;
use type_annotation::*;
mod test;
type GenCallCallback = Box<
dyn for<'ctx, 'a> Fn(
&mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>,
Option<(Type, ValueEnum<'ctx>)>,
(&FunSignature, DefinitionId),
Vec<(Option<StrRef>, ValueEnum<'ctx>)>,
&mut dyn CodeGenerator,
) -> Option<BasicValueEnum<'ctx>>
+ Send
+ Sync,
pub struct GenCall {
fp: GenCallCallback,
impl GenCall {
pub fn new(fp: GenCallCallback) -> GenCall {
GenCall { fp }
pub fn run<'ctx, 'a>(
ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>,
obj: Option<(Type, ValueEnum<'ctx>)>,
fun: (&FunSignature, DefinitionId),
args: Vec<(Option<StrRef>, ValueEnum<'ctx>)>,
generator: &mut dyn CodeGenerator,
) -> Option<BasicValueEnum<'ctx>> {
(self.fp)(ctx, obj, fun, args, generator)
impl Debug for GenCall {
fn fmt(&self, _: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct FunInstance {
pub body: Arc<Vec<Stmt<Option<Type>>>>,
pub calls: Arc<HashMap<CodeLocation, CallId>>,
pub subst: HashMap<u32, Type>,
pub unifier_id: usize,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum TopLevelDef {
Class {
// name for error messages and symbols
name: StrRef,
// object ID used for TypeEnum
object_id: DefinitionId,
/// type variables bounded to the class.
type_vars: Vec<Type>,
// class fields
// name, type, is mutable
fields: Vec<(StrRef, Type, bool)>,
// class methods, pointing to the corresponding function definition.
methods: Vec<(StrRef, Type, DefinitionId)>,
// ancestor classes, including itself.
ancestors: Vec<TypeAnnotation>,
// symbol resolver of the module defined the class, none if it is built-in type
resolver: Option<Arc<dyn SymbolResolver + Send + Sync>>,
// constructor type
constructor: Option<Type>,
Function {
// prefix for symbol, should be unique globally
name: String,
// simple name, the same as in method/function definition
simple_name: StrRef,
// function signature.
signature: Type,
// instantiated type variable IDs
var_id: Vec<u32>,
/// Function instance to symbol mapping
/// Key: string representation of type variable values, sorted by variable ID in ascending
/// order, including type variables associated with the class.
/// Value: function symbol name.
instance_to_symbol: HashMap<String, String>,
/// Function instances to annotated AST mapping
/// Key: string representation of type variable values, sorted by variable ID in ascending
/// order, including type variables associated with the class. Excluding rigid type
/// variables.
/// rigid type variables that would be substituted when the function is instantiated.
instance_to_stmt: HashMap<String, FunInstance>,
// symbol resolver of the module defined the class
resolver: Option<Arc<dyn SymbolResolver + Send + Sync>>,
// custom codegen callback
codegen_callback: Option<Arc<GenCall>>,
pub struct TopLevelContext {
pub definitions: Arc<RwLock<Vec<Arc<RwLock<TopLevelDef>>>>>,
pub unifiers: Arc<RwLock<Vec<(SharedUnifier, PrimitiveStore)>>>,
pub personality_symbol: Option<String>,