use super::*; use crate::{ codegen::{ classes::{ArrayLikeValue, NDArrayValue, RangeValue, TypedArrayLikeAccessor}, expr::destructure_range, irrt::*, llvm_intrinsics::*, numpy::*, stmt::exn_constructor, }, symbol_resolver::SymbolValue, toplevel::{ helper::PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS, numpy::make_ndarray_ty, }, typecheck::typedef::VarMap, }; use inkwell::{ attributes::{Attribute, AttributeLoc}, types::{BasicType, BasicMetadataTypeEnum}, values::{BasicValue, BasicMetadataValueEnum, CallSiteValue}, FloatPredicate, IntPredicate }; use itertools::Either; type BuiltinInfo = Vec<(Arc>, Option)>; pub fn get_exn_constructor( name: &str, class_id: usize, cons_id: usize, unifier: &mut Unifier, primitives: &PrimitiveStore )-> (TopLevelDef, TopLevelDef, Type, Type) { let int32 = primitives.int32; let int64 = primitives.int64; let string = primitives.str; let exception_fields = vec![ ("__name__".into(), int32, true), ("__file__".into(), string, true), ("__line__".into(), int32, true), ("__col__".into(), int32, true), ("__func__".into(), string, true), ("__message__".into(), string, true), ("__param0__".into(), int64, true), ("__param1__".into(), int64, true), ("__param2__".into(), int64, true), ]; let exn_cons_args = vec![ FuncArg { name: "msg".into(), ty: string, default_value: Some(SymbolValue::Str(String::new())), }, FuncArg { name: "param0".into(), ty: int64, default_value: Some(SymbolValue::I64(0)) }, FuncArg { name: "param1".into(), ty: int64, default_value: Some(SymbolValue::I64(0)) }, FuncArg { name: "param2".into(), ty: int64, default_value: Some(SymbolValue::I64(0)) }, ]; let exn_type = unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id: DefinitionId(class_id), fields: exception_fields.iter().map(|(a, b, c)| (*a, (*b, *c))).collect(), params: VarMap::default(), }); let signature = unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: exn_cons_args, ret: exn_type, vars: VarMap::default(), })); let fun_def = TopLevelDef::Function { name: format!("{name}.__init__"), simple_name: "__init__".into(), signature, var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new(exn_constructor)))), loc: None, }; let class_def = TopLevelDef::Class { name: name.into(), object_id: DefinitionId(class_id), type_vars: Vec::default(), fields: exception_fields, methods: vec![("__init__".into(), signature, DefinitionId(cons_id))], ancestors: vec![ TypeAnnotation::CustomClass { id: DefinitionId(class_id), params: Vec::default() }, TypeAnnotation::CustomClass { id: PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.exception, params: Vec::default() }, ], constructor: Some(signature), resolver: None, loc: None, }; (fun_def, class_def, signature, exn_type) } /// Creates a NumPy [`TopLevelDef`] function by code generation. /// /// * `name`: The name of the implemented NumPy function. /// * `ret_ty`: The return type of this function. /// * `param_ty`: The parameters accepted by this function, represented by a tuple of the /// [parameter type][Type] and the parameter symbol name. /// * `codegen_callback`: A lambda generating LLVM IR for the implementation of this function. fn create_fn_by_codegen( unifier: &mut Unifier, var_map: &VarMap, name: &'static str, ret_ty: Type, param_ty: &[(Type, &'static str)], codegen_callback: Box, ) -> Arc> { Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: name.into(), simple_name: name.into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: param_ty.iter().map(|p| FuncArg { name: p.1.into(), ty: p.0, default_value: None, }).collect(), ret: ret_ty, vars: var_map.clone(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(codegen_callback))), loc: None, })) } /// Creates a NumPy [`TopLevelDef`] function using an LLVM intrinsic. /// /// * `name`: The name of the implemented NumPy function. /// * `ret_ty`: The return type of this function. /// * `param_ty`: The parameters accepted by this function, represented by a tuple of the /// [parameter type][Type] and the parameter symbol name. /// * `intrinsic_fn`: The fully-qualified name of the LLVM intrinsic function. fn create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier: &mut Unifier, var_map: &VarMap, name: &'static str, ret_ty: Type, params: &[(Type, &'static str)], intrinsic_fn: &'static str, ) -> Arc> { let param_tys = params.iter() .map(|p| p.0) .collect_vec(); create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, var_map, name, ret_ty, params, Box::new(move |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let args_ty = fun.0.args.iter().map(|a| a.ty).collect_vec(); assert!(param_tys.iter().zip(&args_ty) .all(|(expected, actual)| ctx.unifier.unioned(*expected, *actual))); let args_val = args_ty.iter().zip_eq(args.iter()) .map(|(ty, arg)| { arg.1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, *ty) .unwrap() }) .map_into::() .collect_vec(); let intrinsic_fn = ctx.module.get_function(intrinsic_fn).unwrap_or_else(|| { let ret_llvm_ty = ctx.get_llvm_abi_type(generator, ret_ty); let param_llvm_ty = param_tys.iter() .map(|p| ctx.get_llvm_abi_type(generator, *p)) .map_into::() .collect_vec(); let fn_type = ret_llvm_ty.fn_type(param_llvm_ty.as_slice(), false); ctx.module.add_function(intrinsic_fn, fn_type, None) }); let val = ctx.builder .build_call(intrinsic_fn, args_val.as_slice(), name) .map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value) .map(Either::unwrap_left) .unwrap(); Ok(val.into()) }), ) } /// Creates a unary NumPy [`TopLevelDef`] function using an extern function (e.g. from `libc` or /// `libm`). /// /// * `name`: The name of the implemented NumPy function. /// * `ret_ty`: The return type of this function. /// * `param_ty`: The parameters accepted by this function, represented by a tuple of the /// [parameter type][Type] and the parameter symbol name. /// * `extern_fn`: The fully-qualified name of the extern function used as the implementation. /// * `attrs`: The list of attributes to apply to this function declaration. Note that `nounwind` is /// already implied by the C ABI. fn create_fn_by_extern( unifier: &mut Unifier, var_map: &VarMap, name: &'static str, ret_ty: Type, params: &[(Type, &'static str)], extern_fn: &'static str, attrs: &'static [&str], ) -> Arc> { let param_tys = params.iter() .map(|p| p.0) .collect_vec(); create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, var_map, name, ret_ty, params, Box::new(move |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let args_ty = fun.0.args.iter().map(|a| a.ty).collect_vec(); assert!(param_tys.iter().zip(&args_ty) .all(|(expected, actual)| ctx.unifier.unioned(*expected, *actual))); let args_val = args_ty.iter().zip_eq(args.iter()) .map(|(ty, arg)| { arg.1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, *ty) .unwrap() }) .map_into::() .collect_vec(); let intrinsic_fn = ctx.module.get_function(extern_fn).unwrap_or_else(|| { let ret_llvm_ty = ctx.get_llvm_abi_type(generator, ret_ty); let param_llvm_ty = param_tys.iter() .map(|p| ctx.get_llvm_abi_type(generator, *p)) .map_into::() .collect_vec(); let fn_type = ret_llvm_ty.fn_type(param_llvm_ty.as_slice(), false); let func = ctx.module.add_function(extern_fn, fn_type, None); func.add_attribute( AttributeLoc::Function, ctx.ctx.create_enum_attribute(Attribute::get_named_enum_kind_id("nounwind"), 0) ); for attr in attrs { func.add_attribute( AttributeLoc::Function, ctx.ctx.create_enum_attribute(Attribute::get_named_enum_kind_id(attr), 0) ); } func }); let val = ctx.builder .build_call(intrinsic_fn, &args_val, name) .map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value) .map(Either::unwrap_left) .unwrap(); Ok(val.into()) }), ) } pub fn get_builtins(unifier: &mut Unifier, primitives: &PrimitiveStore) -> BuiltinInfo { let PrimitiveStore { int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float, bool: boolean, range, str: string, ndarray, .. } = *primitives; let ndarray_float = make_ndarray_ty(unifier, &primitives, Some(float), None); let ndarray_float_2d = { let value = match primitives.size_t { 64 => SymbolValue::U64(2u64), 32 => SymbolValue::U32(2u32), _ => unreachable!(), }; let ndims = unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TLiteral { values: vec![value], loc: None, }); make_ndarray_ty(unifier, &primitives, Some(float), Some(ndims)) }; let list_int32 = unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: int32 }); let num_ty = unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range( &[int32, int64, float, boolean, uint32, uint64], Some("N".into()), None, ); let var_map: VarMap = vec![(num_ty.1, num_ty.0)].into_iter().collect(); let exception_fields = vec![ ("__name__".into(), int32, true), ("__file__".into(), string, true), ("__line__".into(), int32, true), ("__col__".into(), int32, true), ("__func__".into(), string, true), ("__message__".into(), string, true), ("__param0__".into(), int64, true), ("__param1__".into(), int64, true), ("__param2__".into(), int64, true), ]; // for Option, is_some and is_none share the same type: () -> bool, // and they are methods under the same class `Option` let (is_some_ty, unwrap_ty, (option_ty_var, option_ty_var_id)) = if let TypeEnum::TObj { fields, params, .. } = unifier.get_ty(primitives.option).as_ref() { ( *fields.get(&"is_some".into()).unwrap(), *fields.get(&"unwrap".into()).unwrap(), (*params.iter().next().unwrap().1, *params.iter().next().unwrap().0), ) } else { unreachable!() }; let TypeEnum::TObj { fields: ndarray_fields, params: ndarray_params, .. } = &*unifier.get_ty(primitives.ndarray) else { unreachable!() }; let (ndarray_dtype_ty, ndarray_dtype_var_id) = ndarray_params .iter() .next() .map(|(var_id, ty)| (*ty, *var_id)) .unwrap(); let (ndarray_ndims_ty, ndarray_ndims_var_id) = ndarray_params .iter() .nth(1) .map(|(var_id, ty)| (*ty, *var_id)) .unwrap(); let ndarray_copy_ty = *ndarray_fields.get(&"copy".into()).unwrap(); let ndarray_fill_ty = *ndarray_fields.get(&"fill".into()).unwrap(); let top_level_def_list = vec![ Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelComposer::make_top_level_class_def( PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.int32, None, "int32".into(), None, None, ))), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelComposer::make_top_level_class_def( PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.int64, None, "int64".into(), None, None, ))), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelComposer::make_top_level_class_def( PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.float, None, "float".into(), None, None, ))), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelComposer::make_top_level_class_def( PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.bool, None, "bool".into(), None, None, ))), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelComposer::make_top_level_class_def( PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.none, None, "none".into(), None, None, ))), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelComposer::make_top_level_class_def( PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.range, None, "range".into(), None, None, ))), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelComposer::make_top_level_class_def( PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.str, None, "str".into(), None, None, ))), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Class { name: "Exception".into(), object_id: PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.exception, type_vars: Vec::default(), fields: exception_fields, methods: Vec::default(), ancestors: vec![], constructor: None, resolver: None, loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelComposer::make_top_level_class_def( PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.uint32, None, "uint32".into(), None, None, ))), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelComposer::make_top_level_class_def( PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.uint64, None, "uint64".into(), None, None, ))), Arc::new(RwLock::new({ TopLevelDef::Class { name: "Option".into(), object_id: PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.option, type_vars: vec![option_ty_var], fields: vec![], methods: vec![ ("is_some".into(), is_some_ty.0, DefinitionId(PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.option.0 + 1)), ("is_none".into(), is_some_ty.0, DefinitionId(PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.option.0 + 2)), ("unwrap".into(), unwrap_ty.0, DefinitionId(PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.option.0 + 3)), ], ancestors: vec![TypeAnnotation::CustomClass { id: PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.option, params: Vec::default(), }], constructor: None, resolver: None, loc: None, } })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "Option.is_some".into(), simple_name: "is_some".into(), signature: is_some_ty.0, var_id: vec![option_ty_var_id], instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, obj, _, _, generator| { let expect_ty = obj.clone().unwrap().0; let obj_val = obj.unwrap().1.clone().to_basic_value_enum( ctx, generator, expect_ty, )?; let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(ptr) = obj_val else { unreachable!("option must be ptr") }; Ok(Some(ctx.builder .build_is_not_null(ptr, "is_some") .map(Into::into) .unwrap() )) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "Option.is_none".into(), simple_name: "is_none".into(), signature: is_some_ty.0, var_id: vec![option_ty_var_id], instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, obj, _, _, generator| { let expect_ty = obj.clone().unwrap().0; let obj_val = obj.unwrap().1.clone().to_basic_value_enum( ctx, generator, expect_ty, )?; let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(ptr) = obj_val else { unreachable!("option must be ptr") }; Ok(Some(ctx.builder .build_is_null(ptr, "is_none") .map(Into::into) .unwrap() )) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "Option.unwrap".into(), simple_name: "unwrap".into(), signature: unwrap_ty.0, var_id: vec![option_ty_var_id], instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::create_dummy( String::from("handled in gen_expr"), ))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Class { name: "ndarray".into(), object_id: PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.ndarray, type_vars: vec![ndarray_dtype_ty, ndarray_ndims_ty], fields: Vec::default(), methods: vec![ ("copy".into(), ndarray_copy_ty.0, DefinitionId(PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.ndarray.0 + 1)), ("fill".into(), ndarray_fill_ty.0, DefinitionId(PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.ndarray.0 + 2)), ], ancestors: Vec::default(), constructor: None, resolver: None, loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "ndarray.copy".into(), simple_name: "copy".into(), signature: ndarray_copy_ty.0, var_id: vec![ndarray_dtype_var_id, ndarray_ndims_var_id], instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, obj, fun, args, generator| { gen_ndarray_copy(ctx, &obj, fun, &args, generator) .map(|val| Some(val.as_basic_value_enum())) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "ndarray.fill".into(), simple_name: "fill".into(), signature: ndarray_fill_ty.0, var_id: vec![ndarray_dtype_var_id, ndarray_ndims_var_id], instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, obj, fun, args, generator| { gen_ndarray_fill(ctx, &obj, fun, &args, generator)?; Ok(None) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "int32".into(), simple_name: "int32".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "n".into(), ty: num_ty.0, default_value: None }], ret: int32, vars: var_map.clone(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let PrimitiveStore { int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float, bool: boolean, .. } = ctx.primitives; let arg_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let arg = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, arg_ty)?; Ok(if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, boolean) { Some( ctx.builder .build_int_z_extend( arg.into_int_value(), ctx.ctx.i32_type(), "zext", ) .map(Into::into) .unwrap(), ) } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, int32) || ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, uint32) { Some(arg) } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, int64) || ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, uint64) { Some( ctx.builder .build_int_truncate( arg.into_int_value(), ctx.ctx.i32_type(), "trunc", ) .map(Into::into) .unwrap(), ) } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, float) { let to_int64 = ctx .builder .build_float_to_signed_int( arg.into_float_value(), ctx.ctx.i64_type(), "", ) .unwrap(); let val = ctx.builder .build_int_truncate(to_int64, ctx.ctx.i32_type(), "conv") .unwrap(); Some(val.into()) } else { unreachable!() }) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "int64".into(), simple_name: "int64".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "n".into(), ty: num_ty.0, default_value: None }], ret: int64, vars: var_map.clone(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let PrimitiveStore { int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float, bool: boolean, .. } = ctx.primitives; let arg_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let arg = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, arg_ty)?; Ok( if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, boolean) || ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, uint32) { Some( ctx.builder .build_int_z_extend( arg.into_int_value(), ctx.ctx.i64_type(), "zext", ) .map(Into::into) .unwrap(), ) } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, int32) { Some( ctx.builder .build_int_s_extend( arg.into_int_value(), ctx.ctx.i64_type(), "sext", ) .map(Into::into) .unwrap(), ) } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, int64) || ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, uint64) { Some(arg) } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, float) { let val = ctx .builder .build_float_to_signed_int( arg.into_float_value(), ctx.ctx.i64_type(), "fptosi", ) .map(Into::into) .unwrap(); Some(val) } else { unreachable!() }, ) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "uint32".into(), simple_name: "uint32".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "n".into(), ty: num_ty.0, default_value: None }], ret: uint32, vars: var_map.clone(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let PrimitiveStore { int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float, bool: boolean, .. } = ctx.primitives; let arg_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let arg = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, arg_ty)?; let res = if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, boolean) { ctx.builder .build_int_z_extend(arg.into_int_value(), ctx.ctx.i64_type(), "zext") .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, int32) || ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, uint32) { arg } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, int64) || ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, uint64) { ctx.builder .build_int_truncate(arg.into_int_value(), ctx.ctx.i32_type(), "trunc") .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, float) { let llvm_i32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let llvm_i64 = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let arg = arg.into_float_value(); let arg_gez = ctx.builder .build_float_compare( FloatPredicate::OGE, arg, arg.get_type().const_zero(), "", ) .unwrap(); let to_int32 = ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int( arg, llvm_i32, "", ) .unwrap(); let to_uint64 = ctx.builder .build_float_to_unsigned_int( arg, llvm_i64, "", ) .unwrap(); let val = ctx.builder .build_select( arg_gez, ctx.builder.build_int_truncate(to_uint64, llvm_i32, "").unwrap(), to_int32, "conv", ) .unwrap(); val } else { unreachable!() }; Ok(Some(res)) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "uint64".into(), simple_name: "uint64".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "n".into(), ty: num_ty.0, default_value: None }], ret: uint64, vars: var_map.clone(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let PrimitiveStore { int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float, bool: boolean, .. } = ctx.primitives; let arg_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let arg = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, arg_ty)?; let res = if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, uint32) || ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, boolean) { ctx.builder .build_int_z_extend(arg.into_int_value(), ctx.ctx.i64_type(), "zext") .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, int32) { ctx.builder .build_int_s_extend(arg.into_int_value(), ctx.ctx.i64_type(), "sext") .map(Into::into) .unwrap() } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, int64) || ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, uint64) { arg } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, float) { let llvm_i64 = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let arg = arg.into_float_value(); let arg_gez = ctx.builder .build_float_compare( FloatPredicate::OGE, arg, arg.get_type().const_zero(), "", ) .unwrap(); let to_int64 = ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int(arg, llvm_i64, "") .unwrap(); let to_uint64 = ctx.builder .build_float_to_unsigned_int(arg, llvm_i64, "") .unwrap(); let val = ctx.builder .build_select(arg_gez, to_uint64, to_int64, "conv") .unwrap(); val } else { unreachable!() }; Ok(Some(res)) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "float".into(), simple_name: "float".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "n".into(), ty: num_ty.0, default_value: None }], ret: float, vars: var_map.clone(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let PrimitiveStore { int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float, bool: boolean, .. } = ctx.primitives; let arg_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let arg = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, arg_ty)?; Ok( if [boolean, int32, int64].iter().any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, *ty)) { let arg = arg.into_int_value(); let val = ctx .builder .build_signed_int_to_float(arg, ctx.ctx.f64_type(), "sitofp") .map(Into::into) .unwrap(); Some(val) } else if [uint32, uint64].iter().any(|ty| ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, *ty)) { let arg = arg.into_int_value(); let val = ctx .builder .build_unsigned_int_to_float(arg, ctx.ctx.f64_type(), "uitofp") .map(Into::into) .unwrap(); Some(val) } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, float) { Some(arg) } else { unreachable!() }, ) }, )))), loc: None, })), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "np_ndarray", ndarray_float, // We are using List[int32] here, as I don't know a way to specify an n-tuple bound on a // type variable &[(list_int32, "shape")], Box::new(|ctx, obj, fun, args, generator| { gen_ndarray_empty(ctx, &obj, fun, &args, generator) .map(|val| Some(val.as_basic_value_enum())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "np_empty", ndarray_float, // We are using List[int32] here, as I don't know a way to specify an n-tuple bound on a // type variable &[(list_int32, "shape")], Box::new(|ctx, obj, fun, args, generator| { gen_ndarray_empty(ctx, &obj, fun, &args, generator) .map(|val| Some(val.as_basic_value_enum())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "np_zeros", ndarray_float, // We are using List[int32] here, as I don't know a way to specify an n-tuple bound on a // type variable &[(list_int32, "shape")], Box::new(|ctx, obj, fun, args, generator| { gen_ndarray_zeros(ctx, &obj, fun, &args, generator) .map(|val| Some(val.as_basic_value_enum())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "np_ones", ndarray_float, // We are using List[int32] here, as I don't know a way to specify an n-tuple bound on a // type variable &[(list_int32, "shape")], Box::new(|ctx, obj, fun, args, generator| { gen_ndarray_ones(ctx, &obj, fun, &args, generator) .map(|val| Some(val.as_basic_value_enum())) }), ), { let tv = unifier.get_fresh_var(Some("T".into()), None).0; create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "np_full", ndarray, // We are using List[int32] here, as I don't know a way to specify an n-tuple bound on a // type variable &[(list_int32, "shape"), (tv, "fill_value")], Box::new(|ctx, obj, fun, args, generator| { gen_ndarray_full(ctx, &obj, fun, &args, generator) .map(|val| Some(val.as_basic_value_enum())) }), ) }, Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "np_eye".into(), simple_name: "np_eye".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![ FuncArg { name: "N".into(), ty: int32, default_value: None }, // TODO(Derppening): Default values current do not work? FuncArg { name: "M".into(), ty: int32, default_value: Some(SymbolValue::OptionNone) }, FuncArg { name: "k".into(), ty: int32, default_value: Some(SymbolValue::I32(0)) }, ], ret: ndarray_float_2d, vars: var_map.clone(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, obj, fun, args, generator| { gen_ndarray_eye(ctx, &obj, fun, &args, generator) .map(|val| Some(val.as_basic_value_enum())) }, )))), loc: None, })), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "np_identity", ndarray_float_2d, &[(int32, "n")], Box::new(|ctx, obj, fun, args, generator| { gen_ndarray_identity(ctx, &obj, fun, &args, generator) .map(|val| Some(val.as_basic_value_enum())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "round", int32, &[(float, "n")], Box::new(|ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let llvm_i32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let arg = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ctx.primitives.float)? .into_float_value(); let val = call_float_round(ctx, arg, None); let val_toint = ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int(val, llvm_i32, "round") .unwrap(); Ok(Some(val_toint.into())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "round64", int64, &[(float, "n")], Box::new(|ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let llvm_i64 = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let arg = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ctx.primitives.float)? .into_float_value(); let val = call_float_round(ctx, arg, None); let val_toint = ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int(val, llvm_i64, "round") .unwrap(); Ok(Some(val_toint.into())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "np_round", float, &[(float, "n")], Box::new(|ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let arg = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ctx.primitives.float)? .into_float_value(); let val = call_float_roundeven(ctx, arg, None); Ok(Some(val.into())) }), ), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "range".into(), simple_name: "range".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![ FuncArg { name: "start".into(), ty: int32, default_value: None }, FuncArg { name: "stop".into(), ty: int32, // placeholder default_value: Some(SymbolValue::I32(0)), }, FuncArg { name: "step".into(), ty: int32, default_value: Some(SymbolValue::I32(1)), }, ], ret: range, vars: VarMap::default(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let mut start = None; let mut stop = None; let mut step = None; let int32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let zero = int32.const_zero(); let ty_i32 = ctx.primitives.int32; for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() { if arg.0 == Some("start".into()) { start = Some(arg.1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ty_i32)?); } else if arg.0 == Some("stop".into()) { stop = Some(arg.1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ty_i32)?); } else if arg.0 == Some("step".into()) { step = Some(arg.1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ty_i32)?); } else if i == 0 { start = Some(arg.1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ty_i32)?); } else if i == 1 { stop = Some(arg.1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ty_i32)?); } else if i == 2 { step = Some(arg.1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ty_i32)?); } } let step = match step { Some(step) => { let step = step.into_int_value(); // assert step != 0, throw exception if not let not_zero = ctx.builder .build_int_compare( IntPredicate::NE, step, step.get_type().const_zero(), "range_step_ne", ) .unwrap(); ctx.make_assert( generator, not_zero, "0:ValueError", "range() step must not be zero", [None, None, None], ctx.current_loc, ); step } None => int32.const_int(1, false), }; let stop = stop.unwrap_or_else(|| { let v = start.unwrap(); start = None; v }); let start = start.unwrap_or_else(|| int32.const_zero().into()); let ty = int32.array_type(3); let ptr = generator.gen_var_alloc(ctx, ty.into(), Some("range")).unwrap(); unsafe { let a = ctx.builder .build_in_bounds_gep(ptr, &[zero, zero], "start") .unwrap(); let b = ctx.builder .build_in_bounds_gep( ptr, &[zero, int32.const_int(1, false)], "end", ) .unwrap(); let c = ctx.builder.build_in_bounds_gep( ptr, &[zero, int32.const_int(2, false)], "step", ).unwrap(); ctx.builder.build_store(a, start).unwrap(); ctx.builder.build_store(b, stop).unwrap(); ctx.builder.build_store(c, step).unwrap(); } Ok(Some(ptr.into())) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "str".into(), simple_name: "str".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "s".into(), ty: string, default_value: None }], ret: string, vars: VarMap::default(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let arg_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; Ok(Some(args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, arg_ty)?)) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "bool".into(), simple_name: "bool".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "n".into(), ty: num_ty.0, default_value: None }], ret: primitives.bool, vars: var_map.clone(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let int32 = ctx.primitives.int32; let int64 = ctx.primitives.int64; let float = ctx.primitives.float; let boolean = ctx.primitives.bool; let arg_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let arg = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, arg_ty)?; Ok(if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, boolean) { Some(arg) } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, int32) { Some( ctx.builder .build_int_compare( IntPredicate::NE, ctx.ctx.i32_type().const_zero(), arg.into_int_value(), "bool", ) .map(Into::into) .unwrap(), ) } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, int64) { Some( ctx.builder .build_int_compare( IntPredicate::NE, ctx.ctx.i64_type().const_zero(), arg.into_int_value(), "bool", ) .map(Into::into) .unwrap(), ) } else if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, float) { let val = ctx .builder .build_float_compare( // UEQ as bool(nan) is True FloatPredicate::UEQ, arg.into_float_value(), ctx.ctx.f64_type().const_zero(), "bool", ) .map(Into::into) .unwrap(); Some(val) } else { unreachable!() }) }, )))), loc: None, })), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "floor", int32, &[(float, "n")], Box::new(|ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let llvm_i32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let arg = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ctx.primitives.float)? .into_float_value(); let val = call_float_floor(ctx, arg, None); let val_toint = ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int(val, llvm_i32, "floor") .unwrap(); Ok(Some(val_toint.into())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "floor64", int64, &[(float, "n")], Box::new(|ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let llvm_i64 = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let arg = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ctx.primitives.float)? .into_float_value(); let val = call_float_floor(ctx, arg, None); let val_toint = ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int(val, llvm_i64, "floor") .unwrap(); Ok(Some(val_toint.into())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "np_floor", float, &[(float, "n")], Box::new(|ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let arg = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ctx.primitives.float)? .into_float_value(); let val = call_float_floor(ctx, arg, None); Ok(Some(val.into())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "ceil", int32, &[(float, "n")], Box::new(|ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let llvm_i32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let arg = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ctx.primitives.float)? .into_float_value(); let val = call_float_ceil(ctx, arg, None); let val_toint = ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int(val, llvm_i32, "ceil") .unwrap(); Ok(Some(val_toint.into())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "ceil64", int64, &[(float, "n")], Box::new(|ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let llvm_i64 = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let arg = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ctx.primitives.float)? .into_float_value(); let val = call_float_ceil(ctx, arg, None); let val_toint = ctx.builder .build_float_to_signed_int(val, llvm_i64, "ceil") .unwrap(); Ok(Some(val_toint.into())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "np_ceil", float, &[(float, "n")], Box::new(|ctx, _, _, args, generator| { let arg = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, ctx.primitives.float)? .into_float_value(); let val = call_float_ceil(ctx, arg, None); Ok(Some(val.into())) }), ), Arc::new(RwLock::new({ let tvar = unifier.get_fresh_var(Some("L".into()), None); let list = unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty: tvar.0 }); let ndims = unifier.get_fresh_const_generic_var(primitives.uint64, Some("N".into()), None); let ndarray = make_ndarray_ty( unifier, primitives, Some(tvar.0), Some(ndims.0), ); let arg_ty = unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range( &[list, ndarray, primitives.range], Some("I".into()), None, ); TopLevelDef::Function { name: "len".into(), simple_name: "len".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "ls".into(), ty: arg_ty.0, default_value: None }], ret: int32, vars: vec![(tvar.1, tvar.0), (arg_ty.1, arg_ty.0)] .into_iter() .collect(), })), var_id: vec![arg_ty.1], instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let range_ty = ctx.primitives.range; let arg_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let arg = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, arg_ty)?; Ok(if ctx.unifier.unioned(arg_ty, range_ty) { let arg = RangeValue::from_ptr_val(arg.into_pointer_value(), Some("range")); let (start, end, step) = destructure_range(ctx, arg); Some(calculate_len_for_slice_range(generator, ctx, start, end, step).into()) } else { match &*ctx.unifier.get_ty_immutable(arg_ty) { TypeEnum::TList { .. } => { let int32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let zero = int32.const_zero(); let len = ctx .build_gep_and_load( arg.into_pointer_value(), &[zero, int32.const_int(1, false)], None, ) .into_int_value(); if len.get_type().get_bit_width() == 32 { Some(len.into()) } else { Some(ctx.builder .build_int_truncate(len, int32, "len2i32") .map(Into::into) .unwrap() ) } } TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id, .. } if *obj_id == PRIMITIVE_DEF_IDS.ndarray => { let llvm_i32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let llvm_usize = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx); let arg = NDArrayValue::from_ptr_val( arg.into_pointer_value(), llvm_usize, None ); let ndims = arg.dim_sizes().size(ctx, generator); ctx.make_assert( generator, ctx.builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::NE, ndims, llvm_usize.const_zero(), "", ).unwrap(), "0:TypeError", "len() of unsized object", [None, None, None], ctx.current_loc, ); let len = unsafe { arg.dim_sizes().get_typed_unchecked( ctx, generator, &llvm_usize.const_zero(), None, ) }; if len.get_type().get_bit_width() == 32 { Some(len.into()) } else { Some(ctx.builder .build_int_truncate(len, llvm_i32, "len") .map(Into::into) .unwrap() ) } } _ => unreachable!(), } }) }, )))), loc: None, } })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "min".into(), simple_name: "min".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![ FuncArg { name: "m".into(), ty: num_ty.0, default_value: None }, FuncArg { name: "n".into(), ty: num_ty.0, default_value: None }, ], ret: num_ty.0, vars: var_map.clone(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let boolean = ctx.primitives.bool; let int32 = ctx.primitives.int32; let int64 = ctx.primitives.int64; let uint32 = ctx.primitives.uint32; let uint64 = ctx.primitives.uint64; let float = ctx.primitives.float; let m_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let n_ty = fun.0.args[1].ty; let m_val = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, m_ty)?; let n_val = args[1].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, n_ty)?; let mut is_type = |a: Type, b: Type| ctx.unifier.unioned(a, b); if !is_type(m_ty, n_ty) { unreachable!() } let val: BasicValueEnum = if [boolean, uint32, uint64].iter().any(|t| is_type(n_ty, *t)) { call_int_umin( ctx, m_val.into_int_value(), n_val.into_int_value(), Some("min"), ).into() } else if [int32, int64].iter().any(|t| is_type(n_ty, *t)) { call_int_smin( ctx, m_val.into_int_value(), n_val.into_int_value(), Some("min"), ).into() } else if is_type(m_ty, n_ty) && is_type(n_ty, float) { call_float_minnum( ctx, m_val.into_float_value(), n_val.into_float_value(), Some("min"), ).into() } else { unreachable!() }; Ok(val.into()) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "max".into(), simple_name: "max".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![ FuncArg { name: "m".into(), ty: num_ty.0, default_value: None }, FuncArg { name: "n".into(), ty: num_ty.0, default_value: None }, ], ret: num_ty.0, vars: var_map.clone(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let boolean = ctx.primitives.bool; let int32 = ctx.primitives.int32; let int64 = ctx.primitives.int64; let uint32 = ctx.primitives.uint32; let uint64 = ctx.primitives.uint64; let float = ctx.primitives.float; let m_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let n_ty = fun.0.args[1].ty; let m_val = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, m_ty)?; let n_val = args[1].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, n_ty)?; let mut is_type = |a: Type, b: Type| ctx.unifier.unioned(a, b); if !is_type(m_ty, n_ty) { unreachable!() } let val: BasicValueEnum = if [boolean, uint32, uint64].iter().any(|t| is_type(n_ty, *t)) { call_int_umax( ctx, m_val.into_int_value(), n_val.into_int_value(), Some("max"), ).into() } else if [int32, int64].iter().any(|t| is_type(n_ty, *t)) { call_int_smax( ctx, m_val.into_int_value(), n_val.into_int_value(), Some("max"), ).into() } else if is_type(m_ty, n_ty) && is_type(n_ty, float) { call_float_maxnum( ctx, m_val.into_float_value(), n_val.into_float_value(), Some("max"), ).into() } else { unreachable!() }; Ok(val.into()) }, )))), loc: None, })), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "abs".into(), simple_name: "abs".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "n".into(), ty: num_ty.0, default_value: None }], ret: num_ty.0, vars: var_map.clone(), })), var_id: Vec::default(), instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let boolean = ctx.primitives.bool; let int32 = ctx.primitives.int32; let int64 = ctx.primitives.int64; let uint32 = ctx.primitives.uint32; let uint64 = ctx.primitives.uint64; let float = ctx.primitives.float; let llvm_i1 = ctx.ctx.bool_type(); let n_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let n_val = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, n_ty)?; let mut is_type = |a: Type, b: Type| ctx.unifier.unioned(a, b); let val: BasicValueEnum = if [boolean, uint32, uint64].iter().any(|t| is_type(n_ty, *t)) { n_val } else if [int32, int64].iter().any(|t| is_type(n_ty, *t)) { call_int_abs( ctx, n_val.into_int_value(), llvm_i1.const_zero(), Some("abs"), ).into() } else if is_type(n_ty, float) { call_float_fabs( ctx, n_val.into_float_value(), Some("abs"), ).into() } else { unreachable!() }; Ok(val.into()) }, )))), loc: None, })), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "np_isnan", boolean, &[(float, "x")], Box::new(|ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let float = ctx.primitives.float; let x_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let x_val = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, x_ty)?; assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x_ty, float)); let val = call_isnan(generator, ctx, x_val.into_float_value()); Ok(Some(val.into())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "np_isinf", boolean, &[(float, "x")], Box::new(|ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let float = ctx.primitives.float; let x_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let x_val = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, x_ty)?; assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(x_ty, float)); let val = call_isinf(generator, ctx, x_val.into_float_value()); Ok(Some(val.into())) }), ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_sin", float, &[(float, "x")], "llvm.sin.f64", ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_cos", float, &[(float, "x")], "llvm.cos.f64", ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_exp", float, &[(float, "x")], "llvm.exp.f64", ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_exp2", float, &[(float, "x")], "llvm.exp2.f64", ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_log", float, &[(float, "x")], "llvm.log.f64", ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_log10", float, &[(float, "x")], "llvm.log10.f64", ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_log2", float, &[(float, "x")], "llvm.log2.f64", ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_fabs", float, &[(float, "x")], "llvm.fabs.f64", ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_sqrt", float, &[(float, "x")], "llvm.sqrt.f64", ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_rint", float, &[(float, "x")], "llvm.roundeven.f64", ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_tan", float, &[(float, "x")], "tan", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_arcsin", float, &[(float, "x")], "asin", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_arccos", float, &[(float, "x")], "acos", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_arctan", float, &[(float, "x")], "atan", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_sinh", float, &[(float, "x")], "sinh", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_cosh", float, &[(float, "x")], "cosh", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_tanh", float, &[(float, "x")], "tanh", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_arcsinh", float, &[(float, "x")], "asinh", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_arccosh", float, &[(float, "x")], "acosh", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_arctanh", float, &[(float, "x")], "atanh", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_expm1", float, &[(float, "x")], "expm1", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_cbrt", float, &[(float, "x")], "cbrt", &["readnone", "willreturn"], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "sp_spec_erf", float, &[(float, "z")], "erf", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "sp_spec_erfc", float, &[(float, "x")], "erfc", &[], ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "sp_spec_gamma", float, &[(float, "z")], Box::new(|ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let float = ctx.primitives.float; let z_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let z_val = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, z_ty)?; assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(z_ty, float)); Ok(Some(call_gamma(ctx, z_val.into_float_value()).into())) } )), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "sp_spec_gammaln", float, &[(float, "x")], Box::new(|ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let float = ctx.primitives.float; let z_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let z_val = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, z_ty)?; assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(z_ty, float)); Ok(Some(call_gammaln(ctx, z_val.into_float_value()).into())) }), ), create_fn_by_codegen( unifier, &var_map, "sp_spec_j0", float, &[(float, "x")], Box::new(|ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let float = ctx.primitives.float; let z_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let z_val = args[0].1.clone() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, z_ty)?; assert!(ctx.unifier.unioned(z_ty, float)); Ok(Some(call_j0(ctx, z_val.into_float_value()).into())) }), ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "sp_spec_j1", float, &[(float, "x")], "j1", &[], ), // Not mapped: jv/yv, libm only supports integer orders. create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_arctan2", float, &[(float, "x1"), (float, "x2")], "atan2", &[], ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_copysign", float, &[(float, "x1"), (float, "x2")], "llvm.copysign.f64", ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_fmax", float, &[(float, "x1"), (float, "x2")], "llvm.maxnum.f64", ), create_fn_by_intrinsic( unifier, &var_map, "np_fmin", float, &[(float, "x1"), (float, "x2")], "llvm.minnum.f64", ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_ldexp", float, &[(float, "x1"), (int32, "x2")], "ldexp", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_hypot", float, &[(float, "x1"), (float, "x2")], "hypot", &[], ), create_fn_by_extern( unifier, &var_map, "np_nextafter", float, &[(float, "x1"), (float, "x2")], "nextafter", &[], ), Arc::new(RwLock::new(TopLevelDef::Function { name: "Some".into(), simple_name: "Some".into(), signature: unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TFunc(FunSignature { args: vec![FuncArg { name: "n".into(), ty: option_ty_var, default_value: None }], ret: primitives.option, vars: VarMap::from([(option_ty_var_id, option_ty_var)]), })), var_id: vec![option_ty_var_id], instance_to_symbol: HashMap::default(), instance_to_stmt: HashMap::default(), resolver: None, codegen_callback: Some(Arc::new(GenCall::new(Box::new( |ctx, _, fun, args, generator| { let arg_ty = fun.0.args[0].ty; let arg_val = args[0].1.clone().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator, arg_ty)?; let alloca = generator.gen_var_alloc(ctx, arg_val.get_type(), Some("alloca_some")).unwrap(); ctx.builder.build_store(alloca, arg_val).unwrap(); Ok(Some(alloca.into())) }, )))), loc: None, })), ]; let ast_list: Vec>> = (0..top_level_def_list.len()).map(|_| None).collect(); izip!(top_level_def_list, ast_list).collect_vec() }