use crate::typecheck::typedef::Type; use super::{CodeGenContext, CodeGenerator}; use inkwell::{ attributes::{Attribute, AttributeLoc}, context::Context, memory_buffer::MemoryBuffer, module::Module, types::{BasicTypeEnum, IntType}, values::{IntValue, PointerValue}, AddressSpace, IntPredicate, }; use nac3parser::ast::Expr; pub fn load_irrt(ctx: &Context) -> Module { let bitcode_buf = MemoryBuffer::create_from_memory_range( include_bytes!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/irrt.bc")), "irrt_bitcode_buffer", ); let irrt_mod = Module::parse_bitcode_from_buffer(&bitcode_buf, ctx).unwrap(); let inline_attr = Attribute::get_named_enum_kind_id("alwaysinline"); for symbol in &[ "__nac3_int_exp_int32_t", "__nac3_int_exp_int64_t", "__nac3_range_slice_len", "__nac3_slice_index_bound", ] { let function = irrt_mod.get_function(symbol).unwrap(); function.add_attribute(AttributeLoc::Function, ctx.create_enum_attribute(inline_attr, 0)); } irrt_mod } // repeated squaring method adapted from GNU Scientific Library: // pub fn integer_power<'ctx, 'a>( ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, base: IntValue<'ctx>, exp: IntValue<'ctx>, ) -> IntValue<'ctx> { let symbol = match (base.get_type().get_bit_width(), exp.get_type().get_bit_width()) { (32, 32) => "__nac3_int_exp_int32_t", (64, 64) => "__nac3_int_exp_int64_t", _ => unreachable!(), }; let base_type = base.get_type(); let pow_fun = ctx.module.get_function(symbol).unwrap_or_else(|| { let fn_type = base_type.fn_type(&[base_type.into(), base_type.into()], false); ctx.module.add_function(symbol, fn_type, None) }); // TODO: throw exception when exp < 0 ctx.builder .build_call(pow_fun, &[base.into(), exp.into()], "call_int_pow") .try_as_basic_value() .unwrap_left() .into_int_value() } pub fn calculate_len_for_slice_range<'ctx, 'a>( ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, start: IntValue<'ctx>, end: IntValue<'ctx>, step: IntValue<'ctx>, ) -> IntValue<'ctx> { const SYMBOL: &str = "__nac3_range_slice_len"; let len_func = ctx.module.get_function(SYMBOL).unwrap_or_else(|| { let i32_t = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let fn_t = i32_t.fn_type(&[i32_t.into(), i32_t.into(), i32_t.into()], false); ctx.module.add_function(SYMBOL, fn_t, None) }); // TODO: assert step != 0, throw exception if not ctx.builder .build_call(len_func, &[start.into(), end.into(), step.into()], "calc_len") .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap() .into_int_value() } /// NOTE: the output value of the end index of this function should be compared ***inclusively***, /// because python allows `a[2::-1]`, whose semantic is `[a[2], a[1], a[0]]`, which is equivalent to /// NO numeric slice in python. /// /// equivalent code: /// ```pseudo_code /// match (start, end, step): /// case (s, e, None | Some(step)) if step > 0: /// return ( /// match s: /// case None: /// 0 /// case Some(s): /// handle_in_bound(s) /// ,match e: /// case None: /// length - 1 /// case Some(e): /// handle_in_bound(e) - 1 /// ,step == None ? 1 : step /// ) /// case (s, e, Some(step)) if step < 0: /// return ( /// match s: /// case None: /// length - 1 /// case Some(s): /// s = handle_in_bound(s) /// if s == length: /// s - 1 /// else: /// s /// ,match e: /// case None: /// 0 /// case Some(e): /// handle_in_bound(e) + 1 /// ,step /// ) /// ``` pub fn handle_slice_indices<'a, 'ctx, G: CodeGenerator>( start: &Option>>>, end: &Option>>>, step: &Option>>>, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, generator: &mut G, list: PointerValue<'ctx>, ) -> Result<(IntValue<'ctx>, IntValue<'ctx>, IntValue<'ctx>), String> { // TODO: throw exception when step is 0 let int32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let zero = int32.const_zero(); let one = int32.const_int(1, false); let length = ctx.build_gep_and_load(list, &[zero, one]).into_int_value(); let length = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate_or_bit_cast(length, int32, "leni32"); Ok(match (start, end, step) { (s, e, None) => ( s.as_ref().map_or_else( || Ok(int32.const_zero()), |s| handle_slice_index_bound(s, ctx, generator, length), )?, { let e = e.as_ref().map_or_else( || Ok(length), |e| handle_slice_index_bound(e, ctx, generator, length), )?; ctx.builder.build_int_sub(e, one, "final_end") }, one, ), (s, e, Some(step)) => { let step = generator .gen_expr(ctx, step)? .unwrap() .to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator) .into_int_value(); let len_id = ctx.builder.build_int_sub(length, one, "lenmin1"); let neg = ctx.builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::SLT, step, zero, "step_is_neg"); ( match s { Some(s) => { let s = handle_slice_index_bound(s, ctx, generator, length)?; ctx.builder .build_select( ctx.builder.build_and( ctx.builder.build_int_compare( IntPredicate::EQ, s, length, "s_eq_len", ), neg, "should_minus_one", ), ctx.builder.build_int_sub(s, one, "s_min"), s, "final_start", ) .into_int_value() } None => ctx.builder.build_select(neg, len_id, zero, "stt").into_int_value(), }, match e { Some(e) => { let e = handle_slice_index_bound(e, ctx, generator, length)?; ctx.builder .build_select( neg, ctx.builder.build_int_add(e, one, "end_add_one"), ctx.builder.build_int_sub(e, one, "end_sub_one"), "final_end", ) .into_int_value() } None => ctx.builder.build_select(neg, zero, len_id, "end").into_int_value(), }, step, ) } }) } /// this function allows index out of range, since python /// allows index out of range in slice (`a = [1,2,3]; a[1:10] == [2,3]`). pub fn handle_slice_index_bound<'a, 'ctx, G: CodeGenerator>( i: &Expr>, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, generator: &mut G, length: IntValue<'ctx>, ) -> Result, String> { const SYMBOL: &str = "__nac3_slice_index_bound"; let func = ctx.module.get_function(SYMBOL).unwrap_or_else(|| { let i32_t = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let fn_t = i32_t.fn_type(&[i32_t.into(), i32_t.into()], false); ctx.module.add_function(SYMBOL, fn_t, None) }); let i = generator.gen_expr(ctx, i)?.unwrap().to_basic_value_enum(ctx, generator); Ok(ctx .builder .build_call(func, &[i.into(), length.into()], "bounded_ind") .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap() .into_int_value()) } /// This function handles 'end' **inclusively**. /// Order of tuples assign_idx and value_idx is ('start', 'end', 'step'). /// Negative index should be handled before entering this function pub fn list_slice_assignment<'ctx, 'a>( ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, size_ty: IntType<'ctx>, ty: BasicTypeEnum<'ctx>, dest_arr: PointerValue<'ctx>, dest_idx: (IntValue<'ctx>, IntValue<'ctx>, IntValue<'ctx>), src_arr: PointerValue<'ctx>, src_idx: (IntValue<'ctx>, IntValue<'ctx>, IntValue<'ctx>), ) { let int8_ptr = ctx.ctx.i8_type().ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic); let int32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let (fun_symbol, elem_ptr_type) = ("__nac3_list_slice_assign_var_size", int8_ptr); let slice_assign_fun = { let ty_vec = vec![ int32.into(), // dest start idx int32.into(), // dest end idx int32.into(), // dest step elem_ptr_type.into(), // dest arr ptr int32.into(), // dest arr len int32.into(), // src start idx int32.into(), // src end idx int32.into(), // src step elem_ptr_type.into(), // src arr ptr int32.into(), // src arr len int32.into(), // size ]; ctx.module.get_function(fun_symbol).unwrap_or_else(|| { let fn_t = int32.fn_type(ty_vec.as_slice(), false); ctx.module.add_function(fun_symbol, fn_t, None) }) }; let zero = int32.const_zero(); let one = int32.const_int(1, false); let dest_arr_ptr = ctx.build_gep_and_load(dest_arr, &[zero, zero]); let dest_arr_ptr = ctx.builder.build_pointer_cast( dest_arr_ptr.into_pointer_value(), elem_ptr_type, "dest_arr_ptr_cast", ); let dest_len = ctx.build_gep_and_load(dest_arr, &[zero, one]).into_int_value(); let dest_len = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate_or_bit_cast(dest_len, int32, "srclen32"); let src_arr_ptr = ctx.build_gep_and_load(src_arr, &[zero, zero]); let src_arr_ptr = ctx.builder.build_pointer_cast( src_arr_ptr.into_pointer_value(), elem_ptr_type, "src_arr_ptr_cast", ); let src_len = ctx.build_gep_and_load(src_arr, &[zero, one]).into_int_value(); let src_len = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate_or_bit_cast(src_len, int32, "srclen32"); // index in bound and positive should be done // TODO: assert if dest.step == 1 then len(src) <= len(dest) else len(src) == len(dest), and // throw exception if not satisfied let new_len = { let args = vec![ dest_idx.0.into(), // dest start idx dest_idx.1.into(), // dest end idx dest_idx.2.into(), // dest step dest_arr_ptr.into(), // dest arr ptr dest_len.into(), // dest arr len src_idx.0.into(), // src start idx src_idx.1.into(), // src end idx src_idx.2.into(), // src step src_arr_ptr.into(), // src arr ptr src_len.into(), // src arr len { let s = match ty { BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(t) => t.size_of(), BasicTypeEnum::IntType(t) => t.size_of(), BasicTypeEnum::PointerType(t) => t.size_of(), BasicTypeEnum::StructType(t) => t.size_of().unwrap(), _ => unreachable!(), }; ctx.builder.build_int_truncate_or_bit_cast(s, int32, "size") } .into(), ]; ctx.builder .build_call(slice_assign_fun, args.as_slice(), "slice_assign") .try_as_basic_value() .unwrap_left() .into_int_value() }; // update length let need_update = ctx.builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::NE, new_len, dest_len, "need_update"); let current = ctx.builder.get_insert_block().unwrap().get_parent().unwrap(); let update_bb = ctx.ctx.append_basic_block(current, "update"); let cont_bb = ctx.ctx.append_basic_block(current, "cont"); ctx.builder.build_conditional_branch(need_update, update_bb, cont_bb); ctx.builder.position_at_end(update_bb); let dest_len_ptr = unsafe { ctx.builder.build_gep(dest_arr, &[zero, one], "dest_len_ptr") }; let new_len = ctx.builder.build_int_z_extend_or_bit_cast(new_len, size_ty, "new_len"); ctx.builder.build_store(dest_len_ptr, new_len); ctx.builder.build_unconditional_branch(cont_bb); ctx.builder.position_at_end(cont_bb); }