use super::super::typedef::*; use super::TopLevelContext; use std::boxed::Box; use std::collections::HashMap; struct ContextStack<'a> { /// stack level, starts from 0 level: u32, /// stack of variable definitions containing (id, def, level) where `def` is the original /// definition in `level-1`. var_defs: Vec<(usize, VarDef<'a>, u32)>, /// stack of symbol definitions containing (name, level) where `level` is the smallest level /// where the name is assigned a value sym_def: Vec<(&'a str, u32)>, } pub struct InferenceContext<'a> { /// top level context top_level: TopLevelContext<'a>, /// list of primitive instances primitives: Vec, /// list of variable instances variables: Vec, /// identifier to type mapping. sym_table: HashMap<&'a str, Type>, /// resolution function reference, that may resolve unbounded identifiers to some type resolution_fn: Box Result>, /// stack stack: ContextStack<'a>, /// return type result: Option, } // non-trivial implementations here impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> { /// return a new `InferenceContext` from `TopLevelContext` and resolution function. pub fn new( top_level: TopLevelContext, resolution_fn: Box Result>, ) -> InferenceContext { let primitives = (0..top_level.primitive_defs.len()) .map(|v| TypeEnum::PrimitiveType(PrimitiveId(v)).into()) .collect(); let variables = (0..top_level.var_defs.len()) .map(|v| TypeEnum::TypeVariable(VariableId(v)).into()) .collect(); InferenceContext { top_level, primitives, variables, sym_table: HashMap::new(), resolution_fn, stack: ContextStack { level: 0, var_defs: Vec::new(), sym_def: Vec::new(), }, result: None, } } /// execute the function with new scope. /// variable assignment would be limited within the scope (not readable outside), and type /// variable type guard would be limited within the scope. /// returns the list of variables assigned within the scope, and the result of the function pub fn with_scope(&mut self, f: F) -> (Vec<(&'a str, Type)>, R) where F: FnOnce(&mut Self) -> R, { self.stack.level += 1; let result = f(self); self.stack.level -= 1; while !self.stack.var_defs.is_empty() { let (_, _, level) = self.stack.var_defs.last().unwrap(); if *level > self.stack.level { let (id, def, _) = self.stack.var_defs.pop().unwrap(); self.top_level.var_defs[id] = def; } else { break; } } let mut poped_names = Vec::new(); while !self.stack.sym_def.is_empty() { let (_, level) = self.stack.sym_def.last().unwrap(); if *level > self.stack.level { let (name, _) = self.stack.sym_def.pop().unwrap(); let ty = self.sym_table.remove(name).unwrap(); poped_names.push((name, ty)); } else { break; } } (poped_names, result) } /// assign a type to an identifier. /// may return error if the identifier was defined but with different type pub fn assign(&mut self, name: &'a str, ty: Type) -> Result { if let Some(t) = self.sym_table.get_mut(name) { if t == &ty { Ok(ty) } else { Err("different types".into()) } } else { self.stack.sym_def.push((name, self.stack.level)); self.sym_table.insert(name, ty.clone()); Ok(ty) } } /// check if an identifier is already defined pub fn defined(&self, name: &str) -> bool { self.sym_table.get(name).is_some() } /// get the type of an identifier /// may return error if the identifier is not defined, and cannot be resolved with the /// resolution function. pub fn resolve(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result { if let Some(t) = self.sym_table.get(name) { Ok(t.clone()) } else { self.resolution_fn.as_mut()(name) } } /// restrict the bound of a type variable by replacing its definition. /// used for implementing type guard pub fn restrict(&mut self, id: VariableId, mut def: VarDef<'a>) { std::mem::swap(self.top_level.var_defs.get_mut(id.0).unwrap(), &mut def); self.stack.var_defs.push((id.0, def, self.stack.level)); } pub fn set_result(&mut self, result: Option) { self.result = result; } } // trivial getters: impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> { pub fn get_primitive(&self, id: PrimitiveId) -> Type { self.primitives.get(id.0).unwrap().clone() } pub fn get_variable(&self, id: VariableId) -> Type { self.variables.get(id.0).unwrap().clone() } pub fn get_fn_def(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&FnDef> { self.top_level.fn_table.get(name) } pub fn get_primitive_def(&self, id: PrimitiveId) -> &TypeDef { self.top_level.primitive_defs.get(id.0).unwrap() } pub fn get_class_def(&self, id: ClassId) -> &ClassDef { self.top_level.class_defs.get(id.0).unwrap() } pub fn get_parametric_def(&self, id: ParamId) -> &ParametricDef { self.top_level.parametric_defs.get(id.0).unwrap() } pub fn get_variable_def(&self, id: VariableId) -> &VarDef { self.top_level.var_defs.get(id.0).unwrap() } pub fn get_type(&self, name: &str) -> Option { self.top_level.get_type(name) } pub fn get_result(&self) -> Option { self.result.clone() } } impl TypeEnum { pub fn subst(&self, map: &HashMap) -> TypeEnum { match self { TypeEnum::TypeVariable(id) => map.get(id).map(|v| v.as_ref()).unwrap_or(self).clone(), TypeEnum::ParametricType(id, params) => TypeEnum::ParametricType( *id, params .iter() .map(|v| v.as_ref().subst(map).into()) .collect(), ), _ => self.clone(), } } pub fn inv_subst(&self, map: &[(Type, Type)]) -> Type { for (from, to) in map.iter() { if self == from.as_ref() { return to.clone(); } } match self { TypeEnum::ParametricType(id, params) => TypeEnum::ParametricType( *id, params.iter().map(|v| v.as_ref().inv_subst(map)).collect(), ), _ => self.clone(), } .into() } pub fn get_subst(&self, ctx: &InferenceContext) -> HashMap { match self { TypeEnum::ParametricType(id, params) => { let vars = &ctx.get_parametric_def(*id).params; vars.iter() .zip(params) .map(|(v, p)| (*v, p.as_ref().clone().into())) .collect() } // if this proves to be slow, we can use option type _ => HashMap::new(), } } pub fn get_base<'b: 'a, 'a>(&'a self, ctx: &'b InferenceContext) -> Option<&'b TypeDef> { match self { TypeEnum::PrimitiveType(id) => Some(ctx.get_primitive_def(*id)), TypeEnum::ClassType(id) | TypeEnum::VirtualClassType(id) => { Some(&ctx.get_class_def(*id).base) } TypeEnum::ParametricType(id, _) => Some(&ctx.get_parametric_def(*id).base), _ => None, } } }