diff --git a/nac3core/src/codegen/irrt/list.rs b/nac3core/src/codegen/irrt/list.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7fec59d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nac3core/src/codegen/irrt/list.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+use inkwell::{
+ types::BasicTypeEnum,
+ values::{BasicValueEnum, CallSiteValue, IntValue},
+ AddressSpace, IntPredicate,
+use itertools::Either;
+use super::calculate_len_for_slice_range;
+use crate::codegen::{
+ macros::codegen_unreachable,
+ values::{ArrayLikeValue, ListValue},
+ CodeGenContext, CodeGenerator,
+/// This function handles 'end' **inclusively**.
+/// Order of tuples `assign_idx` and `value_idx` is ('start', 'end', 'step').
+/// Negative index should be handled before entering this function
+pub fn list_slice_assignment<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>(
+ generator: &mut G,
+ ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
+ ty: BasicTypeEnum<'ctx>,
+ dest_arr: ListValue<'ctx>,
+ dest_idx: (IntValue<'ctx>, IntValue<'ctx>, IntValue<'ctx>),
+ src_arr: ListValue<'ctx>,
+ src_idx: (IntValue<'ctx>, IntValue<'ctx>, IntValue<'ctx>),
+) {
+ let size_ty = generator.get_size_type(ctx.ctx);
+ let int8_ptr = ctx.ctx.i8_type().ptr_type(AddressSpace::default());
+ let int32 = ctx.ctx.i32_type();
+ let (fun_symbol, elem_ptr_type) = ("__nac3_list_slice_assign_var_size", int8_ptr);
+ let slice_assign_fun = {
+ let ty_vec = vec![
+ int32.into(), // dest start idx
+ int32.into(), // dest end idx
+ int32.into(), // dest step
+ elem_ptr_type.into(), // dest arr ptr
+ int32.into(), // dest arr len
+ int32.into(), // src start idx
+ int32.into(), // src end idx
+ int32.into(), // src step
+ elem_ptr_type.into(), // src arr ptr
+ int32.into(), // src arr len
+ int32.into(), // size
+ ];
+ ctx.module.get_function(fun_symbol).unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ let fn_t = int32.fn_type(ty_vec.as_slice(), false);
+ ctx.module.add_function(fun_symbol, fn_t, None)
+ })
+ };
+ let zero = int32.const_zero();
+ let one = int32.const_int(1, false);
+ let dest_arr_ptr = dest_arr.data().base_ptr(ctx, generator);
+ let dest_arr_ptr =
+ ctx.builder.build_pointer_cast(dest_arr_ptr, elem_ptr_type, "dest_arr_ptr_cast").unwrap();
+ let dest_len = dest_arr.load_size(ctx, Some("dest.len"));
+ let dest_len = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate_or_bit_cast(dest_len, int32, "srclen32").unwrap();
+ let src_arr_ptr = src_arr.data().base_ptr(ctx, generator);
+ let src_arr_ptr =
+ ctx.builder.build_pointer_cast(src_arr_ptr, elem_ptr_type, "src_arr_ptr_cast").unwrap();
+ let src_len = src_arr.load_size(ctx, Some("src.len"));
+ let src_len = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate_or_bit_cast(src_len, int32, "srclen32").unwrap();
+ // index in bound and positive should be done
+ // assert if dest.step == 1 then len(src) <= len(dest) else len(src) == len(dest), and
+ // throw exception if not satisfied
+ let src_end = ctx
+ .builder
+ .build_select(
+ ctx.builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::SLT, src_idx.2, zero, "is_neg").unwrap(),
+ ctx.builder.build_int_sub(src_idx.1, one, "e_min_one").unwrap(),
+ ctx.builder.build_int_add(src_idx.1, one, "e_add_one").unwrap(),
+ "final_e",
+ )
+ .map(BasicValueEnum::into_int_value)
+ .unwrap();
+ let dest_end = ctx
+ .builder
+ .build_select(
+ ctx.builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::SLT, dest_idx.2, zero, "is_neg").unwrap(),
+ ctx.builder.build_int_sub(dest_idx.1, one, "e_min_one").unwrap(),
+ ctx.builder.build_int_add(dest_idx.1, one, "e_add_one").unwrap(),
+ "final_e",
+ )
+ .map(BasicValueEnum::into_int_value)
+ .unwrap();
+ let src_slice_len =
+ calculate_len_for_slice_range(generator, ctx, src_idx.0, src_end, src_idx.2);
+ let dest_slice_len =
+ calculate_len_for_slice_range(generator, ctx, dest_idx.0, dest_end, dest_idx.2);
+ let src_eq_dest = ctx
+ .builder
+ .build_int_compare(IntPredicate::EQ, src_slice_len, dest_slice_len, "slice_src_eq_dest")
+ .unwrap();
+ let src_slt_dest = ctx
+ .builder
+ .build_int_compare(IntPredicate::SLT, src_slice_len, dest_slice_len, "slice_src_slt_dest")
+ .unwrap();
+ let dest_step_eq_one = ctx
+ .builder
+ .build_int_compare(
+ IntPredicate::EQ,
+ dest_idx.2,
+ dest_idx.2.get_type().const_int(1, false),
+ "slice_dest_step_eq_one",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let cond_1 = ctx.builder.build_and(dest_step_eq_one, src_slt_dest, "slice_cond_1").unwrap();
+ let cond = ctx.builder.build_or(src_eq_dest, cond_1, "slice_cond").unwrap();
+ ctx.make_assert(
+ generator,
+ cond,
+ "0:ValueError",
+ "attempt to assign sequence of size {0} to slice of size {1} with step size {2}",
+ [Some(src_slice_len), Some(dest_slice_len), Some(dest_idx.2)],
+ ctx.current_loc,
+ );
+ let new_len = {
+ let args = vec![
+ dest_idx.0.into(), // dest start idx
+ dest_idx.1.into(), // dest end idx
+ dest_idx.2.into(), // dest step
+ dest_arr_ptr.into(), // dest arr ptr
+ dest_len.into(), // dest arr len
+ src_idx.0.into(), // src start idx
+ src_idx.1.into(), // src end idx
+ src_idx.2.into(), // src step
+ src_arr_ptr.into(), // src arr ptr
+ src_len.into(), // src arr len
+ {
+ let s = match ty {
+ BasicTypeEnum::FloatType(t) => t.size_of(),
+ BasicTypeEnum::IntType(t) => t.size_of(),
+ BasicTypeEnum::PointerType(t) => t.size_of(),
+ BasicTypeEnum::StructType(t) => t.size_of().unwrap(),
+ _ => codegen_unreachable!(ctx),
+ };
+ ctx.builder.build_int_truncate_or_bit_cast(s, int32, "size").unwrap()
+ }
+ .into(),
+ ];
+ ctx.builder
+ .build_call(slice_assign_fun, args.as_slice(), "slice_assign")
+ .map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value)
+ .map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_int_value))
+ .map(Either::unwrap_left)
+ .unwrap()
+ };
+ // update length
+ let need_update =
+ ctx.builder.build_int_compare(IntPredicate::NE, new_len, dest_len, "need_update").unwrap();
+ let current = ctx.builder.get_insert_block().unwrap().get_parent().unwrap();
+ let update_bb = ctx.ctx.append_basic_block(current, "update");
+ let cont_bb = ctx.ctx.append_basic_block(current, "cont");
+ ctx.builder.build_conditional_branch(need_update, update_bb, cont_bb).unwrap();
+ ctx.builder.position_at_end(update_bb);
+ let new_len = ctx.builder.build_int_z_extend_or_bit_cast(new_len, size_ty, "new_len").unwrap();
+ dest_arr.store_size(ctx, generator, new_len);
+ ctx.builder.build_unconditional_branch(cont_bb).unwrap();
+ ctx.builder.position_at_end(cont_bb);
diff --git a/nac3core/src/codegen/irrt/math.rs b/nac3core/src/codegen/irrt/math.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4bc959131a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nac3core/src/codegen/irrt/math.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+use inkwell::{
+ values::{BasicValueEnum, CallSiteValue, FloatValue, IntValue},
+ IntPredicate,
+use itertools::Either;
+use crate::codegen::{
+ macros::codegen_unreachable,
+ {CodeGenContext, CodeGenerator},
+// repeated squaring method adapted from GNU Scientific Library:
+// https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/gsl.git/tree/sys/pow_int.c
+pub fn integer_power<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>(
+ generator: &mut G,
+ ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
+ base: IntValue<'ctx>,
+ exp: IntValue<'ctx>,
+ signed: bool,
+) -> IntValue<'ctx> {
+ let symbol = match (base.get_type().get_bit_width(), exp.get_type().get_bit_width(), signed) {
+ (32, 32, true) => "__nac3_int_exp_int32_t",
+ (64, 64, true) => "__nac3_int_exp_int64_t",
+ (32, 32, false) => "__nac3_int_exp_uint32_t",
+ (64, 64, false) => "__nac3_int_exp_uint64_t",
+ _ => codegen_unreachable!(ctx),
+ };
+ let base_type = base.get_type();
+ let pow_fun = ctx.module.get_function(symbol).unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ let fn_type = base_type.fn_type(&[base_type.into(), base_type.into()], false);
+ ctx.module.add_function(symbol, fn_type, None)
+ });
+ // throw exception when exp < 0
+ let ge_zero = ctx
+ .builder
+ .build_int_compare(
+ IntPredicate::SGE,
+ exp,
+ exp.get_type().const_zero(),
+ "assert_int_pow_ge_0",
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ ctx.make_assert(
+ generator,
+ ge_zero,
+ "0:ValueError",
+ "integer power must be positive or zero",
+ [None, None, None],
+ ctx.current_loc,
+ );
+ ctx.builder
+ .build_call(pow_fun, &[base.into(), exp.into()], "call_int_pow")
+ .map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value)
+ .map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_int_value))
+ .map(Either::unwrap_left)
+ .unwrap()
+/// Generates a call to `isinf` in IR. Returns an `i1` representing the result.
+pub fn call_isinf<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>(
+ generator: &mut G,
+ ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
+ v: FloatValue<'ctx>,
+) -> IntValue<'ctx> {
+ let intrinsic_fn = ctx.module.get_function("__nac3_isinf").unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ let fn_type = ctx.ctx.i32_type().fn_type(&[ctx.ctx.f64_type().into()], false);
+ ctx.module.add_function("__nac3_isinf", fn_type, None)
+ });
+ let ret = ctx
+ .builder
+ .build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[v.into()], "isinf")
+ .map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value)
+ .map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_int_value))
+ .map(Either::unwrap_left)
+ .unwrap();
+ generator.bool_to_i1(ctx, ret)
+/// Generates a call to `isnan` in IR. Returns an `i1` representing the result.
+pub fn call_isnan<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>(
+ generator: &mut G,
+ ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
+ v: FloatValue<'ctx>,
+) -> IntValue<'ctx> {
+ let intrinsic_fn = ctx.module.get_function("__nac3_isnan").unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ let fn_type = ctx.ctx.i32_type().fn_type(&[ctx.ctx.f64_type().into()], false);
+ ctx.module.add_function("__nac3_isnan", fn_type, None)
+ });
+ let ret = ctx
+ .builder
+ .build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[v.into()], "isnan")
+ .map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value)
+ .map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_int_value))
+ .map(Either::unwrap_left)
+ .unwrap();
+ generator.bool_to_i1(ctx, ret)
+/// Generates a call to `gamma` in IR. Returns an `f64` representing the result.
+pub fn call_gamma<'ctx>(ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, v: FloatValue<'ctx>) -> FloatValue<'ctx> {
+ let llvm_f64 = ctx.ctx.f64_type();
+ let intrinsic_fn = ctx.module.get_function("__nac3_gamma").unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ let fn_type = llvm_f64.fn_type(&[llvm_f64.into()], false);
+ ctx.module.add_function("__nac3_gamma", fn_type, None)
+ });
+ ctx.builder
+ .build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[v.into()], "gamma")
+ .map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value)
+ .map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_float_value))
+ .map(Either::unwrap_left)
+ .unwrap()
+/// Generates a call to `gammaln` in IR. Returns an `f64` representing the result.
+pub fn call_gammaln<'ctx>(ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, v: FloatValue<'ctx>) -> FloatValue<'ctx> {
+ let llvm_f64 = ctx.ctx.f64_type();
+ let intrinsic_fn = ctx.module.get_function("__nac3_gammaln").unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ let fn_type = llvm_f64.fn_type(&[llvm_f64.into()], false);
+ ctx.module.add_function("__nac3_gammaln", fn_type, None)
+ });
+ ctx.builder
+ .build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[v.into()], "gammaln")
+ .map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value)
+ .map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_float_value))
+ .map(Either::unwrap_left)
+ .unwrap()
+/// Generates a call to `j0` in IR. Returns an `f64` representing the result.
+pub fn call_j0<'ctx>(ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, v: FloatValue<'ctx>) -> FloatValue<'ctx> {
+ let llvm_f64 = ctx.ctx.f64_type();
+ let intrinsic_fn = ctx.module.get_function("__nac3_j0").unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ let fn_type = llvm_f64.fn_type(&[llvm_f64.into()], false);
+ ctx.module.add_function("__nac3_j0", fn_type, None)
+ });
+ ctx.builder
+ .build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[v.into()], "j0")
+ .map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value)
+ .map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_float_value))
+ .map(Either::unwrap_left)
+ .unwrap()
diff --git a/nac3core/src/codegen/irrt/mod.rs b/nac3core/src/codegen/irrt/mod.rs
index 7e70a369de..f6c4a1eb9f 100644
--- a/nac3core/src/codegen/irrt/mod.rs
+++ b/nac3core/src/codegen/irrt/mod.rs
@@ -3,25 +3,23 @@ use inkwell::{
- types::{BasicTypeEnum, IntType},
- values::{BasicValue, BasicValueEnum, CallSiteValue, FloatValue, IntValue},
- AddressSpace, IntPredicate,
+ values::{BasicValue, BasicValueEnum, IntValue},
+ IntPredicate,
-use itertools::Either;
use nac3parser::ast::Expr;
-use super::{
- llvm_intrinsics,
- macros::codegen_unreachable,
- stmt::gen_for_callback_incrementing,
- values::{
- ArrayLikeIndexer, ArrayLikeValue, ArraySliceValue, ListValue, NDArrayValue,
- TypedArrayLikeAccessor, TypedArrayLikeAdapter, UntypedArrayLikeAccessor,
- },
- CodeGenContext, CodeGenerator,
+use super::{CodeGenContext, CodeGenerator};
use crate::{symbol_resolver::SymbolResolver, typecheck::typedef::Type};
+pub use list::*;
+pub use math::*;
+pub use ndarray::*;
+pub use slice::*;
+mod list;
+mod math;
+mod ndarray;
+mod slice;
pub fn load_irrt<'ctx>(ctx: &'ctx Context, symbol_resolver: &dyn SymbolResolver) -> Module<'ctx> {
@@ -62,88 +60,6 @@ pub fn load_irrt<'ctx>(ctx: &'ctx Context, symbol_resolver: &dyn SymbolResolver)
-// repeated squaring method adapted from GNU Scientific Library:
-// https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/gsl.git/tree/sys/pow_int.c
-pub fn integer_power<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>(
- generator: &mut G,
- ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
- base: IntValue<'ctx>,
- exp: IntValue<'ctx>,
- signed: bool,
-) -> IntValue<'ctx> {
- let symbol = match (base.get_type().get_bit_width(), exp.get_type().get_bit_width(), signed) {
- (32, 32, true) => "__nac3_int_exp_int32_t",
- (64, 64, true) => "__nac3_int_exp_int64_t",
- (32, 32, false) => "__nac3_int_exp_uint32_t",
- (64, 64, false) => "__nac3_int_exp_uint64_t",
- _ => codegen_unreachable!(ctx),
- };
- let base_type = base.get_type();
- let pow_fun = ctx.module.get_function(symbol).unwrap_or_else(|| {
- let fn_type = base_type.fn_type(&[base_type.into(), base_type.into()], false);
- ctx.module.add_function(symbol, fn_type, None)
- });
- // throw exception when exp < 0
- let ge_zero = ctx
- .builder
- .build_int_compare(
- IntPredicate::SGE,
- exp,
- exp.get_type().const_zero(),
- "assert_int_pow_ge_0",
- )
- .unwrap();
- ctx.make_assert(
- generator,
- ge_zero,
- "0:ValueError",
- "integer power must be positive or zero",
- [None, None, None],
- ctx.current_loc,
- );
- ctx.builder
- .build_call(pow_fun, &[base.into(), exp.into()], "call_int_pow")
- .map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value)
- .map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_int_value))
- .map(Either::unwrap_left)
- .unwrap()
-pub fn calculate_len_for_slice_range<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator + ?Sized>(
- generator: &mut G,
- ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
- start: IntValue<'ctx>,
- end: IntValue<'ctx>,
- step: IntValue<'ctx>,
-) -> IntValue<'ctx> {
- const SYMBOL: &str = "__nac3_range_slice_len";
- let len_func = ctx.module.get_function(SYMBOL).unwrap_or_else(|| {
- let i32_t = ctx.ctx.i32_type();
- let fn_t = i32_t.fn_type(&[i32_t.into(), i32_t.into(), i32_t.into()], false);
- ctx.module.add_function(SYMBOL, fn_t, None)
- });
- // assert step != 0, throw exception if not
- let not_zero = ctx
- .builder
- .build_int_compare(IntPredicate::NE, step, step.get_type().const_zero(), "range_step_ne")
- .unwrap();
- ctx.make_assert(
- generator,
- not_zero,
- "0:ValueError",
- "step must not be zero",
- [None, None, None],
- ctx.current_loc,
- );
- ctx.builder
- .build_call(len_func, &[start.into(), end.into(), step.into()], "calc_len")
- .map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value)
- .map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_int_value))
- .map(Either::unwrap_left)
- .unwrap()
/// NOTE: the output value of the end index of this function should be compared ***inclusively***,
/// because python allows `a[2::-1]`, whose semantic is `[a[2], a[1], a[0]]`, which is equivalent to
/// NO numeric slice in python.
@@ -309,644 +225,3 @@ pub fn handle_slice_indices<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator>(
-/// this function allows index out of range, since python
-/// allows index out of range in slice (`a = [1,2,3]; a[1:10] == [2,3]`).
-pub fn handle_slice_index_bound<'ctx, G: CodeGenerator>(
- i: &Expr