use crc; use core_io::{ErrorKind as IoErrorKind, Error as IoError}; use core::slice; use io::{proto::ProtoRead, proto::ProtoWrite, Cursor}; use libboard_zynq::{timer::GlobalTimer, time::Milliseconds}; use crate::mem::mem::DRTIOAUX_MEM; use crate::pl::csr::DRTIOAUX; use crate::drtioaux_proto::Error as ProtocolError; pub use crate::drtioaux_proto::Packet; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { GatewareError, CorruptedPacket, LinkDown, TimedOut, UnexpectedReply, RoutingError, Protocol(ProtocolError) } impl From for Error { fn from(value: ProtocolError) -> Error { Error::Protocol(value) } } impl From for Error { fn from(value: IoError) -> Error { Error::Protocol(ProtocolError::Io(value)) } } pub fn reset(linkno: u8) { let linkno = linkno as usize; unsafe { // clear buffer first to limit race window with buffer overflow // error. We assume the CPU is fast enough so that no two packets // will be received between the buffer and the error flag are cleared. (DRTIOAUX[linkno].aux_rx_present_write)(1); (DRTIOAUX[linkno].aux_rx_error_write)(1); } } pub fn has_rx_error(linkno: u8) -> bool { let linkno = linkno as usize; unsafe { let error = (DRTIOAUX[linkno].aux_rx_error_read)() != 0; if error { (DRTIOAUX[linkno].aux_rx_error_write)(1) } error } } pub fn copy_work_buffer(src: *mut u32, dst: *mut u32, len: isize) { // AXI writes must be 4-byte aligned (drtio proto doesn't care for that), // and AXI burst writes are not implemented yet in gateware // thus the need for a work buffer for transmitting and copying it over unsafe { for i in 0..(len/4) { *dst.offset(i) = *src.offset(i); } } } fn receive(linkno: u8, f: F) -> Result, Error> where F: FnOnce(&[u8]) -> Result { let linkidx = linkno as usize; unsafe { if (DRTIOAUX[linkidx].aux_rx_present_read)() == 1 { let ptr = (DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkidx].base + DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkidx].size / 2) as *mut u8; let len = (DRTIOAUX[linkidx].aux_rx_length_read)() as usize; let result = f(slice::from_raw_parts(ptr as *mut u8, len as usize)); (DRTIOAUX[linkidx].aux_rx_present_write)(1); Ok(Some(result?)) } else { Ok(None) } } } pub fn recv(linkno: u8) -> Result, Error> { if has_rx_error(linkno) { return Err(Error::GatewareError) } receive(linkno, |buffer| { if buffer.len() < 8 { return Err(IoError::new(IoErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, "Unexpected end").into()) } let mut reader = Cursor::new(buffer); let checksum_at = buffer.len() - 4; let checksum = crc::crc32::checksum_ieee(&reader.get_ref()[0..checksum_at]); reader.set_position(checksum_at); if reader.read_u32()? != checksum { return Err(Error::CorruptedPacket) } reader.set_position(0); Ok(Packet::read_from(&mut reader)?) }) } pub fn recv_timeout(linkno: u8, timeout_ms: Option, timer: GlobalTimer) -> Result { let timeout_ms = Milliseconds(timeout_ms.unwrap_or(10)); let limit = timer.get_time() + timeout_ms; while timer.get_time() < limit { match recv(linkno)? { None => (), Some(packet) => return Ok(packet), } } Err(Error::TimedOut) } fn transmit(linkno: u8, f: F) -> Result<(), Error> where F: FnOnce(&mut [u8]) -> Result { let linkno = linkno as usize; unsafe { while (DRTIOAUX[linkno].aux_tx_read)() != 0 {} let ptr = DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkno].base as *mut u32; let len = DRTIOAUX_MEM[linkno].size / 2; // work buffer, works with unaligned mem access let mut buf: [u8; 1024] = [0; 1024]; let len = f(&mut buf[0..len])?; copy_work_buffer(buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u32, ptr, len as isize); (DRTIOAUX[linkno].aux_tx_length_write)(len as u16); (DRTIOAUX[linkno].aux_tx_write)(1); Ok(()) } } pub fn send(linkno: u8, packet: &Packet) -> Result<(), Error> { transmit(linkno, |buffer| { let mut writer = Cursor::new(buffer); packet.write_to(&mut writer)?; let padding = 4 - (writer.position() % 4); if padding != 4 { for _ in 0..padding { writer.write_u8(0)?; } } let checksum = crc::crc32::checksum_ieee(&writer.get_ref()[0..writer.position()]); writer.write_u32(checksum)?; Ok(writer.position()) }) }