use crate::{ pl::csr, artiq_raise, rtio, }; use alloc::{vec::Vec, string::String, boxed::Box}; use cslice::CSlice; use super::{KERNEL_IMAGE, KERNEL_CHANNEL_0TO1, KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0, Message}; use core::mem; use log::debug; use libcortex_a9::cache::dcci_slice; const ALIGNMENT: usize = 16 * 8; #[repr(C)] pub struct DmaTrace { duration: i64, address: i32, } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct DmaRecorder { pub name: String, pub buffer: Vec, pub duration: i64, } static mut RECORDER: Option = None; pub unsafe fn init_dma_recorder() { // as static would remain after restart, we have to reset it, // without running its destructor. mem::forget(mem::replace(&mut RECORDER, None)); } pub extern fn dma_record_start(name: CSlice) { let name = String::from_utf8(name.as_ref().to_vec()).unwrap(); KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0.lock().as_mut().unwrap().send(Message::DmaEraseRequest(name.clone())); unsafe { if RECORDER.is_some() { artiq_raise!("DMAError", "DMA is already recording") } let library = KERNEL_IMAGE.as_ref().unwrap(); library.rebind(b"rtio_output", dma_record_output as *const ()).unwrap(); library.rebind(b"rtio_output_wide", dma_record_output_wide as *const ()).unwrap(); RECORDER = Some(DmaRecorder { name, buffer: Vec::new(), duration: 0, }); } } pub extern fn dma_record_stop(duration: i64) { unsafe { if RECORDER.is_none() { artiq_raise!("DMAError", "DMA is not recording") } let library = KERNEL_IMAGE.as_ref().unwrap(); library.rebind(b"rtio_output", rtio::output as *const ()).unwrap(); library.rebind(b"rtio_output_wide", rtio::output_wide as *const ()).unwrap(); let mut recorder = RECORDER.take().unwrap(); recorder.duration = duration; KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0.lock().as_mut().unwrap().send( Message::DmaPutRequest(recorder) ); } } #[inline(always)] unsafe fn dma_record_output_prepare(timestamp: i64, target: i32, words: usize) { // See gateware/rtio/ const HEADER_LENGTH: usize = /*length*/1 + /*channel*/3 + /*timestamp*/8 + /*address*/1; let length = HEADER_LENGTH + /*data*/words * 4; let buffer = &mut RECORDER.as_mut().unwrap().buffer; buffer.reserve(length); buffer.extend_from_slice(&[ (length >> 0) as u8, (target >> 8) as u8, (target >> 16) as u8, (target >> 24) as u8, (timestamp >> 0) as u8, (timestamp >> 8) as u8, (timestamp >> 16) as u8, (timestamp >> 24) as u8, (timestamp >> 32) as u8, (timestamp >> 40) as u8, (timestamp >> 48) as u8, (timestamp >> 56) as u8, (target >> 0) as u8, ]); } pub extern fn dma_record_output(target: i32, word: i32) { unsafe { let timestamp = rtio::now_mu(); dma_record_output_prepare(timestamp, target, 1); RECORDER.as_mut().unwrap().buffer.extend_from_slice(&[ (word >> 0) as u8, (word >> 8) as u8, (word >> 16) as u8, (word >> 24) as u8, ]); } } pub extern fn dma_record_output_wide(target: i32, words: CSlice) { assert!(words.len() <= 16); // enforce the hardware limit unsafe { let timestamp = rtio::now_mu(); dma_record_output_prepare(timestamp, target, words.len()); let buffer = &mut RECORDER.as_mut().unwrap().buffer; for word in words.as_ref().iter() { buffer.extend_from_slice(&[ (word >> 0) as u8, (word >> 8) as u8, (word >> 16) as u8, (word >> 24) as u8, ]); } } } pub extern fn dma_erase(name: CSlice) { let name = String::from_utf8(name.as_ref().to_vec()).unwrap(); KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0.lock().as_mut().unwrap().send(Message::DmaEraseRequest(name)); } pub extern fn dma_retrieve(name: CSlice) -> DmaTrace { let name = String::from_utf8(name.as_ref().to_vec()).unwrap(); KERNEL_CHANNEL_1TO0.lock().as_mut().unwrap().send(Message::DmaGetRequest(name)); match KERNEL_CHANNEL_0TO1.lock().as_mut().unwrap().recv() { Message::DmaGetReply(None) => (), Message::DmaGetReply(Some((mut v, duration))) => { v.reserve(ALIGNMENT - 1); let original_length = v.len(); let padding = ALIGNMENT - v.as_ptr() as usize % ALIGNMENT; let padding = if padding == ALIGNMENT { 0 } else { padding }; for _ in 0..padding { v.push(0); } // trailing zero to indicate end of buffer v.push(0); v.copy_within(0..original_length, padding); let v = Box::new(v); let address = Box::into_raw(v) as *mut Vec as i32; return DmaTrace { address, duration, }; }, _ => panic!("Expected DmaGetReply after DmaGetRequest!"), } // we have to defer raising error as we have to drop the message first... artiq_raise!("DMAError", "DMA trace not found"); } pub extern fn dma_playback(timestamp: i64, ptr: i32) { debug!("DMA playback started"); unsafe { let v = Box::from_raw(ptr as *mut Vec); let padding = ALIGNMENT - v.as_ptr() as usize % ALIGNMENT; let padding = if padding == ALIGNMENT { 0 } else { padding }; dcci_slice(&v[padding..]); let ptr = v.as_ptr().add(padding) as i32; csr::rtio_dma::base_address_write(ptr as u32); csr::rtio_dma::time_offset_write(timestamp as u64); csr::cri_con::selected_write(1); csr::rtio_dma::enable_write(1); while csr::rtio_dma::enable_read() != 0 {} csr::cri_con::selected_write(0); mem::forget(v); debug!("DMA playback finished"); let error = csr::rtio_dma::error_read(); if error != 0 { let timestamp = csr::rtio_dma::error_timestamp_read(); let channel = csr::rtio_dma::error_channel_read(); csr::rtio_dma::error_write(1); if error & 1 != 0 { artiq_raise!("RTIOUnderflow", "RTIO underflow at {0} mu, channel {1}", timestamp as i64, channel as i64, 0); } if error & 2 != 0 { artiq_raise!("RTIODestinationUnreachable", "RTIO destination unreachable, output, at {0} mu, channel {1}", timestamp as i64, channel as i64, 0); } } } }