use core::{ ops::{Deref, DerefMut, Range}, mem, slice, }; use alloc::alloc::{alloc_zeroed, dealloc, Layout, LayoutErr}; use super::{ elf::*, Error, }; fn elf_hash(name: &[u8]) -> u32 { let mut h: u32 = 0; for c in name { h = (h << 4) + *c as u32; let g = h & 0xf0000000; if g != 0 { h ^= g >> 24; h &= !g; } } h } pub struct DynamicSection<'a> { pub strtab: &'a [u8], pub symtab: &'a [Elf32_Sym], pub hash_bucket: &'a [Elf32_Word], pub hash_chain: &'a [Elf32_Word], pub rel: &'a [Elf32_Rel], pub rela: &'a [Elf32_Rela], pub pltrel: &'a [Elf32_Rel], } impl<'a> DynamicSection<'a> { pub fn lookup(&self, name: &[u8]) -> Option { let hash = elf_hash(name); let mut index = self.hash_bucket[hash as usize % self.hash_bucket.len()] as usize; loop { if index == STN_UNDEF { return None } let sym = &self.symtab[index]; let sym_name_off = sym.st_name as usize; match self.strtab.get(sym_name_off..sym_name_off + name.len()) { Some(sym_name) if sym_name == name => { if ELF32_ST_BIND(sym.st_info) & STB_GLOBAL == 0 { return None } match sym.st_shndx { SHN_UNDEF => return None, SHN_ABS => return Some(sym.st_value), _ => return Some(sym.st_value) } } _ => (), } index = self.hash_chain[index] as usize; } } pub fn name_starting_at(&self, offset: usize) -> Result<&'a [u8], Error> { let size = self.strtab.iter().skip(offset).position(|&x| x == 0) .ok_or("symbol in symbol table not null-terminated")?; Ok(self.strtab.get(offset..offset + size) .ok_or("cannot read symbol name")?) } } /// target memory image pub struct Image { layout: Layout, data: &'static mut [u8], } impl Image { pub fn new(size: usize, align: usize) -> Result { let layout = Layout::from_size_align(size, align)?; let data = unsafe { let ptr = alloc_zeroed(layout); slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, size) }; Ok(Image { layout, data, }) } /// assumes that is properly aligned pub fn get_ref(&self, offset: usize) -> Option<&T> where T: Copy, { if < offset + mem::size_of::() { None } else if ( as usize + offset) & (mem::align_of::() - 1) != 0 { None } else { let ptr = as isize) as *const T; Some(unsafe { &*ptr }) } } fn get_ref_slice(&self, offset: usize, len: usize) -> Option<&[T]> { if < offset + mem::size_of::() * len { None } else if ( as usize + offset) & (mem::align_of::() - 1) != 0 { None } else { let ptr = as isize) as *const T; Some(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, len) }) } } fn dyn_headers<'a>(&'a self, range: Range) -> impl Iterator + 'a { range .step_by(mem::size_of::()) .filter_map(move |offset| { self.get_ref::(offset) }) .take_while(|d| unsafe { d.d_un.d_val } as i32 != DT_NULL) } pub fn dyn_section(&self, range: Range) -> Result { let (mut strtab_off, mut strtab_sz) = (0, 0); let (mut symtab_off, mut symtab_sz) = (0, 0); let (mut rel_off, mut rel_sz) = (0, 0); let (mut rela_off, mut rela_sz) = (0, 0); let (mut pltrel_off, mut pltrel_sz) = (0, 0); let (mut hash_off, mut hash_sz) = (0, 0); let mut sym_ent = 0; let mut rel_ent = 0; let mut rela_ent = 0; let mut nbucket = 0; let mut nchain = 0; for dyn_header in self.dyn_headers(range) { let val = unsafe { dyn_header.d_un.d_val } as usize; match dyn_header.d_tag { DT_NULL => break, DT_STRTAB => strtab_off = val, DT_STRSZ => strtab_sz = val, DT_SYMTAB => symtab_off = val, DT_SYMENT => sym_ent = val, DT_REL => rel_off = val, DT_RELSZ => rel_sz = val / mem::size_of::(), DT_RELENT => rel_ent = val, DT_RELA => rela_off = val, DT_RELASZ => rela_sz = val / mem::size_of::(), DT_RELAENT => rela_ent = val, DT_JMPREL => pltrel_off = val, DT_PLTRELSZ => pltrel_sz = val / mem::size_of::(), DT_HASH => { nbucket = *self.get_ref::(val + 0) .ok_or("cannot read hash bucket count")? as usize; nchain = *self.get_ref::(val + 4) .ok_or("cannot read hash chain count")? as usize; hash_off = val + 8; hash_sz = nbucket + nchain; } _ => () } } if sym_ent != mem::size_of::() { return Err("incorrect symbol entry size")? } if rel_ent != 0 && rel_ent != mem::size_of::() { return Err("incorrect relocation entry size")? } if rela_ent != 0 && rela_ent != mem::size_of::() { return Err("incorrect relocation entry size")? } // These are the same--there are as many chains as buckets, and the chains only contain // the symbols that overflowed the bucket. symtab_sz = nchain; let hash = self.get_ref_slice::(hash_off, hash_sz) .ok_or("cannot read hash entries")?; let strtab = self.get_ref_slice(strtab_off, strtab_sz) .ok_or("cannot read string table")?; let symtab = self.get_ref_slice::(symtab_off, symtab_sz) .ok_or("cannot read symbol table")?; let hash_bucket = &hash[..nbucket]; let hash_chain = &hash[nbucket..nbucket + nchain]; let rel = self.get_ref_slice::(rel_off, rel_sz) .ok_or("cannot read rel entries")?; let rela = self.get_ref_slice::(rela_off, rela_sz) .ok_or("cannot read rela entries")?; let pltrel = self.get_ref_slice::(pltrel_off, pltrel_sz) .ok_or("cannot read pltrel entries")?; // debug!("ELF: {} rela, {} rel, {} pltrel entries", rela_sz, rel_sz, pltrel_sz); Ok(DynamicSection { strtab, symtab, hash_bucket, hash_chain, rel, rela, pltrel, }) } pub fn ptr(&self) -> *const u8 { } pub fn write(&self, offset: usize, value: Elf32_Word) -> Result<(), Error> { if offset + mem::size_of::() > { return Err("relocation out of image bounds")? } let ptr = ( as usize + offset) as *mut Elf32_Addr; Ok(unsafe { *ptr = value }) } } impl Drop for Image { fn drop(&mut self) { unsafe { dealloc(, self.layout); } } } impl Deref for Image { type Target = [u8]; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { } } impl DerefMut for Image { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { } }