use libboard_zynq::{gic, mpcore, println, stdio}; use libcortex_a9::{ asm, regs::{MPIDR, SP}, spin_lock_yield, notify_spin_lock }; use libregister::{RegisterR, RegisterW}; use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; extern "C" { static mut __stack1_start: u32; fn main_core1() -> !; } static CORE1_RESTART: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); #[link_section = ".text.boot"] #[no_mangle] #[naked] pub unsafe extern "C" fn IRQ() { asm!( // setup SP, depending on CPU 0 or 1 "mrc p15, #0, r0, c0, c0, #5", "movw r1, :lower16:__stack0_start", "movt r1, :upper16:__stack0_start", "tst r0, #3", "movwne r1, :lower16:__stack1_start", "movtne r1, :upper16:__stack1_start", "mov sp, r1", "bl __IRQ", options(noreturn) ); } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn __IRQ() { if == 1 { let mpcore = mpcore::RegisterBlock::mpcore(); let mut gic = gic::InterruptController::gic(mpcore); let id = gic.get_interrupt_id(); if id.0 == 0 { gic.end_interrupt(id); // save the SP and set it back after exiting IRQ // exception unwinding expect to unwind from this function, as this is not the entrance // function, maybe to IRQ which cannot further unwind... // if we set the SP to __stack1_start, interesting exceptions would be triggered when // we try to unwind the stack... let v =; asm::exit_irq(); SP.write(v); asm::enable_irq();, Ordering::Relaxed); notify_spin_lock(); main_core1(); } } stdio::drop_uart(); println!("IRQ"); loop {} } pub fn restart_core1() { let mut interrupt_controller = gic::InterruptController::gic(mpcore::RegisterBlock::mpcore());, Ordering::Relaxed); interrupt_controller.send_sgi(gic::InterruptId(0), gic::CPUCore::Core1.into()); while CORE1_RESTART.load(Ordering::Relaxed) { spin_lock_yield(); } }