forked from M-Labs/nac3
- Use where necessary - Remove NDArrayValue::ptr_to_{shape,strides} - Remove functions made obsolete by ndstrides - Remove use statement for ndarray::views as it only contain an impl block. - Remove class_names field in Resolvers of test sources
382 lines
15 KiB
382 lines
15 KiB
use inkwell::{
values::{BasicValueEnum, CallSiteValue, FloatValue, IntValue, PointerValue},
use itertools::Either;
use super::CodeGenContext;
/// Invokes the [`llvm.va_start`](
/// intrinsic.
pub fn call_va_start<'ctx>(ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, arglist: PointerValue<'ctx>) {
const FN_NAME: &str = "llvm.va_start";
let intrinsic_fn = ctx.module.get_function(FN_NAME).unwrap_or_else(|| {
let llvm_void = ctx.ctx.void_type();
let llvm_i8 = ctx.ctx.i8_type();
let llvm_p0i8 = llvm_i8.ptr_type(AddressSpace::default());
let fn_type = llvm_void.fn_type(&[llvm_p0i8.into()], false);
ctx.module.add_function(FN_NAME, fn_type, None)
ctx.builder.build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[arglist.into()], "").unwrap();
/// Invokes the [`llvm.va_end`](
/// intrinsic.
pub fn call_va_end<'ctx>(ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, arglist: PointerValue<'ctx>) {
const FN_NAME: &str = "llvm.va_end";
let intrinsic_fn = ctx.module.get_function(FN_NAME).unwrap_or_else(|| {
let llvm_void = ctx.ctx.void_type();
let llvm_i8 = ctx.ctx.i8_type();
let llvm_p0i8 = llvm_i8.ptr_type(AddressSpace::default());
let fn_type = llvm_void.fn_type(&[llvm_p0i8.into()], false);
ctx.module.add_function(FN_NAME, fn_type, None)
ctx.builder.build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[arglist.into()], "").unwrap();
/// Invokes the [`llvm.stacksave`](
/// intrinsic.
pub fn call_stacksave<'ctx>(
ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
name: Option<&str>,
) -> PointerValue<'ctx> {
const FN_NAME: &str = "llvm.stacksave";
let intrinsic_fn = Intrinsic::find(FN_NAME)
.and_then(|intrinsic| intrinsic.get_declaration(&ctx.module, &[]))
.build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[], name.unwrap_or_default())
.map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_pointer_value))
/// Invokes the
/// [`llvm.stackrestore`]( intrinsic.
/// - `ptr`: The pointer storing the address to restore the stack to.
pub fn call_stackrestore<'ctx>(ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>, ptr: PointerValue<'ctx>) {
const FN_NAME: &str = "llvm.stackrestore";
We want `llvm.stackrestore`, but the following would generate `llvm.stackrestore.p0i8`.
let intrinsic_fn = Intrinsic::find(FN_NAME)
.and_then(|intrinsic| intrinsic.get_declaration(&ctx.module, &[llvm_p0i8.into()]))
Temp workaround by manually declaring the intrinsic with the correct function name instead.
let intrinsic_fn = ctx.module.get_function(FN_NAME).unwrap_or_else(|| {
let llvm_void = ctx.ctx.void_type();
let llvm_i8 = ctx.ctx.i8_type();
let llvm_p0i8 = llvm_i8.ptr_type(AddressSpace::default());
let fn_type = llvm_void.fn_type(&[llvm_p0i8.into()], false);
ctx.module.add_function(FN_NAME, fn_type, None)
ctx.builder.build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[ptr.into()], "").unwrap();
/// Invokes the [`llvm.memcpy`]( intrinsic.
/// * `dest` - The pointer to the destination. Must be a pointer to an integer type.
/// * `src` - The pointer to the source. Must be a pointer to an integer type.
/// * `len` - The number of bytes to copy.
/// * `is_volatile` - Whether the `memcpy` operation should be `volatile`.
pub fn call_memcpy<'ctx>(
ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
dest: PointerValue<'ctx>,
src: PointerValue<'ctx>,
len: IntValue<'ctx>,
is_volatile: IntValue<'ctx>,
) {
const FN_NAME: &str = "llvm.memcpy";
debug_assert!(matches!(len.get_type().get_bit_width(), 32 | 64));
debug_assert_eq!(is_volatile.get_type().get_bit_width(), 1);
let llvm_dest_t = dest.get_type();
let llvm_src_t = src.get_type();
let llvm_len_t = len.get_type();
let intrinsic_fn = Intrinsic::find(FN_NAME)
.and_then(|intrinsic| {
&[llvm_dest_t.into(), llvm_src_t.into(), llvm_len_t.into()],
.build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[dest.into(), src.into(), len.into(), is_volatile.into()], "")
/// Invokes the `llvm.memcpy` intrinsic.
/// Unlike [`call_memcpy`], this function accepts any type of pointer value. If `dest` or `src` is
/// not a pointer to an integer, the pointer(s) will be cast to `i8*` before invoking `memcpy`.
pub fn call_memcpy_generic<'ctx>(
ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
dest: PointerValue<'ctx>,
src: PointerValue<'ctx>,
len: IntValue<'ctx>,
is_volatile: IntValue<'ctx>,
) {
let llvm_i8 = ctx.ctx.i8_type();
let llvm_p0i8 = llvm_i8.ptr_type(AddressSpace::default());
let dest_elem_t = dest.get_type().get_element_type();
let src_elem_t = src.get_type().get_element_type();
let dest = if matches!(dest_elem_t, IntType(t) if t.get_bit_width() == 8) {
} else {
.build_bit_cast(dest, llvm_p0i8, "")
let src = if matches!(src_elem_t, IntType(t) if t.get_bit_width() == 8) {
} else {
.build_bit_cast(src, llvm_p0i8, "")
call_memcpy(ctx, dest, src, len, is_volatile);
/// Invokes the `llvm.memcpy` intrinsic.
/// Unlike [`call_memcpy`], this function accepts any type of pointer value. If `dest` or `src` is
/// not a pointer to an integer, the pointer(s) will be cast to `i8*` before invoking `memcpy`.
/// Moreover, `len` now refers to the number of elements to copy (rather than number of bytes to
/// copy).
pub fn call_memcpy_generic_array<'ctx>(
ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
dest: PointerValue<'ctx>,
src: PointerValue<'ctx>,
len: IntValue<'ctx>,
is_volatile: IntValue<'ctx>,
) {
let llvm_i8 = ctx.ctx.i8_type();
let llvm_p0i8 = llvm_i8.ptr_type(AddressSpace::default());
let llvm_sizeof_expr_t = llvm_i8.size_of().get_type();
let dest_elem_t = dest.get_type().get_element_type();
let src_elem_t = src.get_type().get_element_type();
let dest = if matches!(dest_elem_t, IntType(t) if t.get_bit_width() == 8) {
} else {
.build_bit_cast(dest, llvm_p0i8, "")
let src = if matches!(src_elem_t, IntType(t) if t.get_bit_width() == 8) {
} else {
.build_bit_cast(src, llvm_p0i8, "")
let len = ctx.builder.build_int_z_extend_or_bit_cast(len, llvm_sizeof_expr_t, "").unwrap();
let len = ctx.builder.build_int_mul(len, src_elem_t.size_of().unwrap(), "").unwrap();
call_memcpy(ctx, dest, src, len, is_volatile);
/// Macro to find and generate build call for llvm intrinsic (body of llvm intrinsic function)
/// Arguments:
/// * `$ctx:ident`: Reference to the current Code Generation Context
/// * `$name:ident`: Optional name to be assigned to the llvm build call (Option<&str>)
/// * `$llvm_name:literal`: Name of underlying llvm intrinsic function
/// * `$map_fn:ident`: Mapping function to be applied on `BasicValue` (`BasicValue` -> Function Return Type).
/// Use `BasicValueEnum::into_int_value` for Integer return type and
/// `BasicValueEnum::into_float_value` for Float return type
/// * `$llvm_ty:ident`: Type of first operand
/// * `,($val:ident)*`: Comma separated list of operands
macro_rules! generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn_body {
($ctx:ident, $name:ident, $llvm_name:literal, $map_fn:expr, $llvm_ty:ident $(,$val:ident)*) => {{
const FN_NAME: &str = concat!("llvm.", $llvm_name);
let intrinsic_fn = Intrinsic::find(FN_NAME).and_then(|intrinsic| intrinsic.get_declaration(&$ctx.module, &[$llvm_ty.into()])).unwrap();
$ctx.builder.build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[$($val.into()),*], $name.unwrap_or_default()).map(CallSiteValue::try_as_basic_value).map(|v| v.map_left($map_fn)).map(Either::unwrap_left).unwrap()
/// Macro to generate the llvm intrinsic function using [`generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn_body`].
/// Arguments:
/// * `float/int`: Indicates the return and argument type of the function
/// * `$fn_name:ident`: The identifier of the rust function to be generated
/// * `$llvm_name:literal`: Name of underlying llvm intrinsic function.
/// Omit "llvm." prefix from the function name i.e. use "ceil" instead of "llvm.ceil"
/// * `$val:ident`: The operand for unary operations
/// * `$val1:ident`, `$val2:ident`: The operands for binary operations
macro_rules! generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn {
("float", $fn_name:ident, $llvm_name:literal, $val:ident) => {
#[doc = concat!("Invokes the [`", stringify!($llvm_name), "`](", stringify!($llvm_name), "-intrinsic) intrinsic." )]
pub fn $fn_name<'ctx> (
ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
$val: FloatValue<'ctx>,
name: Option<&str>,
) -> FloatValue<'ctx> {
let llvm_ty = $val.get_type();
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn_body!(ctx, name, $llvm_name, BasicValueEnum::into_float_value, llvm_ty, $val)
("float", $fn_name:ident, $llvm_name:literal, $val1:ident, $val2:ident) => {
#[doc = concat!("Invokes the [`", stringify!($llvm_name), "`](", stringify!($llvm_name), "-intrinsic) intrinsic." )]
pub fn $fn_name<'ctx> (
ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
$val1: FloatValue<'ctx>,
$val2: FloatValue<'ctx>,
name: Option<&str>,
) -> FloatValue<'ctx> {
debug_assert_eq!($val1.get_type(), $val2.get_type());
let llvm_ty = $val1.get_type();
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn_body!(ctx, name, $llvm_name, BasicValueEnum::into_float_value, llvm_ty, $val1, $val2)
("int", $fn_name:ident, $llvm_name:literal, $val1:ident, $val2:ident) => {
#[doc = concat!("Invokes the [`", stringify!($llvm_name), "`](", stringify!($llvm_name), "-intrinsic) intrinsic." )]
pub fn $fn_name<'ctx> (
ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
$val1: IntValue<'ctx>,
$val2: IntValue<'ctx>,
name: Option<&str>,
) -> IntValue<'ctx> {
debug_assert_eq!($val1.get_type().get_bit_width(), $val2.get_type().get_bit_width());
let llvm_ty = $val1.get_type();
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn_body!(ctx, name, $llvm_name, BasicValueEnum::into_int_value, llvm_ty, $val1, $val2)
/// Invokes the [`llvm.abs`]( intrinsic.
/// * `src` - The value for which the absolute value is to be returned.
/// * `is_int_min_poison` - Whether `poison` is to be returned if `src` is `INT_MIN`.
pub fn call_int_abs<'ctx>(
ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
src: IntValue<'ctx>,
is_int_min_poison: IntValue<'ctx>,
name: Option<&str>,
) -> IntValue<'ctx> {
debug_assert_eq!(is_int_min_poison.get_type().get_bit_width(), 1);
let src_type = src.get_type();
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("int", call_int_smax, "smax", a, b);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("int", call_int_smin, "smin", a, b);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("int", call_int_umax, "umax", a, b);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("int", call_int_umin, "umin", a, b);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("int", call_expect, "expect", val, expected_val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_sqrt, "sqrt", val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_sin, "sin", val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_cos, "cos", val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_pow, "pow", val, power);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_exp, "exp", val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_exp2, "exp2", val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_log, "log", val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_log10, "log10", val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_log2, "log2", val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_fabs, "fabs", src);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_minnum, "minnum", val, power);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_maxnum, "maxnum", val, power);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_copysign, "copysign", mag, sgn);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_floor, "floor", val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_ceil, "ceil", val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_round, "round", val);
generate_llvm_intrinsic_fn!("float", call_float_rint, "rint", val);
/// Invokes the [`llvm.powi`]( intrinsic.
pub fn call_float_powi<'ctx>(
ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
val: FloatValue<'ctx>,
power: IntValue<'ctx>,
name: Option<&str>,
) -> FloatValue<'ctx> {
const FN_NAME: &str = "llvm.powi";
let llvm_val_t = val.get_type();
let llvm_power_t = power.get_type();
let intrinsic_fn = Intrinsic::find(FN_NAME)
.and_then(|intrinsic| {
intrinsic.get_declaration(&ctx.module, &[llvm_val_t.into(), llvm_power_t.into()])
.build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[val.into(), power.into()], name.unwrap_or_default())
.map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_float_value))
/// Invokes the [`llvm.ctpop`]( intrinsic.
pub fn call_int_ctpop<'ctx>(
ctx: &CodeGenContext<'ctx, '_>,
src: IntValue<'ctx>,
name: Option<&str>,
) -> IntValue<'ctx> {
const FN_NAME: &str = "llvm.ctpop";
let llvm_src_t = src.get_type();
let intrinsic_fn = Intrinsic::find(FN_NAME)
.and_then(|intrinsic| intrinsic.get_declaration(&ctx.module, &[llvm_src_t.into()]))
.build_call(intrinsic_fn, &[src.into()], name.unwrap_or_default())
.map(|v| v.map_left(BasicValueEnum::into_int_value))