forked from M-Labs/nac3
321 lines
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321 lines
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use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro_error::{abort, proc_macro_error};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{
parse_macro_input, spanned::Spanned, Data, DataStruct, Expr, ExprField, ExprMethodCall,
ExprPath, GenericArgument, Ident, LitStr, Path, PathArguments, Type, TypePath,
/// Extracts all generic arguments of a [`Type`] into a [`Vec`].
/// Returns [`Some`] of a possibly-empty [`Vec`] if the path of `ty` matches with
/// `expected_ty_name`, otherwise returns [`None`].
fn extract_generic_args(expected_ty_name: &'static str, ty: &Type) -> Option<Vec<GenericArgument>> {
let Type::Path(TypePath { qself: None, path, .. }) = ty else {
return None;
let segments = &path.segments;
if segments.len() != 1 {
return None;
let segment = segments.iter().next().unwrap();
if segment.ident != expected_ty_name {
return None;
let PathArguments::AngleBracketed(path_args) = &segment.arguments else {
return Some(Vec::new());
let args = &path_args.args;
/// Maps a `path` matching one of the `target_idents` into the `replacement` [`Ident`].
fn map_path_to_ident(path: &Path, target_idents: &[&str], replacement: &str) -> Option<Ident> {
.filter(|ident| target_idents.iter().any(|target| ident == target))
.map(|ident| Ident::new(replacement, ident.span()))
/// Extracts the left-hand side of a dot-expression.
fn extract_dot_operand(expr: &Expr) -> Option<&Expr> {
match expr {
Expr::MethodCall(ExprMethodCall { receiver: operand, .. })
| Expr::Field(ExprField { base: operand, .. }) => Some(operand),
_ => None,
/// Replaces the top-level receiver of a dot-expression with an [`Ident`], returning `Some(&mut expr)` if the
/// replacement is performed.
/// The top-level receiver is the left-most receiver expression, e.g. the top-level receiver of `` is `a`.
fn replace_top_level_receiver(expr: &mut Expr, ident: Ident) -> Option<&mut Expr> {
if let Expr::MethodCall(ExprMethodCall { receiver: operand, .. })
| Expr::Field(ExprField { base: operand, .. }) = expr
return if extract_dot_operand(operand).is_some() {
if replace_top_level_receiver(operand, ident).is_some() {
} else {
} else {
*operand = Box::new(Expr::Path(ExprPath {
attrs: Vec::default(),
qself: None,
path: ident.into(),
/// Iterates all operands to the left-hand side of the `.` of an [expression][`Expr`], i.e. the container operand of all
/// [`Expr::Field`] and the receiver operand of all [`Expr::MethodCall`].
/// The iterator will return the operand expressions in reverse order of appearance. For example, `a.b.c.func()` will
/// return `vec![c, b, a]`.
fn iter_dot_operands(expr: &Expr) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Expr> {
let mut o = extract_dot_operand(expr);
std::iter::from_fn(move || {
let this = o;
o = o.as_ref().and_then(|o| extract_dot_operand(o));
/// Normalizes a value expression for use when creating an instance of this structure, returning a
/// [`proc_macro2::TokenStream`] of tokens representing the normalized expression.
fn normalize_value_expr(expr: &Expr) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
match &expr {
Expr::Path(ExprPath { qself: None, path, .. }) => {
if let Some(ident) = map_path_to_ident(path, &["usize", "size_t"], "llvm_usize") {
quote! { #ident }
} else {
"Expected one of `size_t`, `usize`, or an implicit call expression in #[value_type(...)], found {}",
Expr::Call(_) => {
quote! { ctx.#expr }
Expr::MethodCall(_) => {
let base_receiver = iter_dot_operands(expr).last();
match base_receiver {
// `usize.{...}`, `size_t.{...}` -> Rewrite the identifiers to `llvm_usize`
Some(Expr::Path(ExprPath { qself: None, path, .. }))
if map_path_to_ident(path, &["usize", "size_t"], "llvm_usize").is_some() =>
let ident =
map_path_to_ident(path, &["usize", "size_t"], "llvm_usize").unwrap();
let mut expr = expr.clone();
let expr = replace_top_level_receiver(&mut expr, ident).unwrap();
// `ctx.{...}`, `context.{...}` -> Rewrite the identifiers to `ctx`
Some(Expr::Path(ExprPath { qself: None, path, .. }))
if map_path_to_ident(path, &["ctx", "context"], "ctx").is_some() =>
let ident = map_path_to_ident(path, &["ctx", "context"], "ctx").unwrap();
let mut expr = expr.clone();
let expr = replace_top_level_receiver(&mut expr, ident).unwrap();
// No reserved identifier prefix -> Prepend `ctx.` to the entire expression
_ => quote! { ctx.#expr },
_ => {
"Expected one of `size_t`, `usize`, or an implicit call expression in #[value_type(...)], found {}",
/// Derives an implementation of `codegen::types::structure::StructFields`.
/// The benefit of using `#[derive(StructFields)]` is that all index- or order-dependent logic required by
/// `impl StructFields` is automatically generated by this implementation, including the field index as required by
/// `StructField::new` and the fields as returned by `StructFields::to_vec`.
/// # Prerequisites
/// In order to derive from [`StructFields`], you must implement (or derive) [`Eq`] and [`Copy`] as required by
/// `StructFields`.
/// Moreover, `#[derive(StructFields)]` can only be used for `struct`s with named fields, and may only contain fields
/// with either `StructField` or [`PhantomData`] types.
/// # Attributes for [`StructFields`]
/// Each `StructField` field must be declared with the `#[value_type(...)]` attribute. The argument of `value_type`
/// accepts one of the following:
/// - An expression returning an instance of `inkwell::types::BasicType` (with or without the receiver `ctx`/`context`).
/// For example, `context.i8_type()`, `ctx.i8_type()`, and `i8_type()` all refer to `i8`.
/// - The reserved identifiers `usize` and `size_t` referring to an `inkwell::types::IntType` of the platform-dependent
/// integer size. `usize` and `size_t` can also be used as the receiver to other method calls, e.g.
/// `usize.array_type(3)`.
/// # Example
/// The following is an example of an LLVM slice implemented using `#[derive(StructFields)]`.
/// ```
/// use nac3core::{
/// codegen::types::structure::StructField,
/// inkwell::{
/// values::{IntValue, PointerValue},
/// AddressSpace,
/// },
/// };
/// use nac3core_derive::StructFields;
/// // All classes that implement StructFields must also implement Eq and Copy
/// #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, StructFields)]
/// pub struct SliceValue<'ctx> {
/// // Declares ptr have a value type of i8*
/// //
/// // Can also be written as `ctx.i8_type().ptr_type(...)` or `context.i8_type().ptr_type(...)`
/// #[value_type(i8_type().ptr_type(AddressSpace::default()))]
/// ptr: StructField<'ctx, PointerValue<'ctx>>,
/// // Declares len have a value type of usize, depending on the target compilation platform
/// #[value_type(usize)]
/// len: StructField<'ctx, IntValue<'ctx>>,
/// }
/// ```
#[proc_macro_derive(StructFields, attributes(value_type))]
pub fn derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input = parse_macro_input!(input as syn::DeriveInput);
let ident = &input.ident;
let Data::Struct(DataStruct { fields, .. }) = & else {
abort!(input, "Only structs with named fields are supported");
if let Err(err_span) =
.try_for_each(|field| if field.ident.is_some() { Ok(()) } else { Err(field.span()) })
abort!(err_span, "Only structs with named fields are supported");
// Check if struct<'ctx>
if input.generics.params.len() != 1 {
abort!(input.generics, "Expected exactly 1 generic parameter")
let phantom_info = fields
.filter(|field| extract_generic_args("PhantomData", &field.ty).is_some())
.map(|field| field.ident.as_ref().unwrap())
let field_info = fields
.filter(|field| extract_generic_args("PhantomData", &field.ty).is_none())
.map(|field| {
let ident = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
let ty = &field.ty;
let Some(_) = extract_generic_args("StructField", ty) else {
abort!(field, "Only StructField and PhantomData are allowed")
let attrs = &field.attrs;
let Some(value_type_attr) =
attrs.iter().find(|attr| attr.path().is_ident("value_type"))
else {
abort!(field, "Expected #[value_type(...)] attribute for field");
let Ok(value_type_expr) = value_type_attr.parse_args::<Expr>() else {
abort!(value_type_attr, "Expected expression in #[value_type(...)]");
let value_expr_toks = normalize_value_expr(&value_type_expr);
(ident.clone(), value_expr_toks)
// `<*>::new` impl of `StructField` and `PhantomData` for `StructFields::new`
let phantoms_create = phantom_info
.map(|id| quote! { #id: ::std::marker::PhantomData })
let fields_create = field_info
.map(|(id, ty)| {
let id_lit = LitStr::new(&id.to_string(), id.span());
quote! {
#id: ::nac3core::codegen::types::structure::StructField::create(
&mut counter,
// `.into()` impl of `StructField` for `StructFields::to_vec`
let fields_into =
field_info.iter().map(|(id, _)| quote! { self.#id.into() }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let impl_block = quote! {
impl<'ctx> ::nac3core::codegen::types::structure::StructFields<'ctx> for #ident<'ctx> {
fn new(ctx: impl ::nac3core::inkwell::context::AsContextRef<'ctx>, llvm_usize: ::nac3core::inkwell::types::IntType<'ctx>) -> Self {
let ctx = unsafe { ::nac3core::inkwell::context::ContextRef::new(ctx.as_ctx_ref()) };
let mut counter = ::nac3core::codegen::types::structure::FieldIndexCounter::default();
#ident {
fn to_vec(&self) -> ::std::vec::Vec<(&'static str, ::nac3core::inkwell::types::BasicTypeEnum<'ctx>)> {