use nac3core::codegen::CodeGenContext; use inkwell::{values::BasicValueEnum, AddressSpace, AtomicOrdering}; pub trait TimeFns { fn emit_now_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>) -> BasicValueEnum<'ctx>; fn emit_at_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, t: BasicValueEnum<'ctx>); fn emit_delay_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, dt: BasicValueEnum<'ctx>); } pub struct NowPinningTimeFns64 {} // For FPGA design reasons, on VexRiscv with 64-bit data bus, the "now" CSR is split into two 32-bit // values that are each padded to 64-bits. impl TimeFns for NowPinningTimeFns64 { fn emit_now_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>) -> BasicValueEnum<'ctx> { let i64_type = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let i32_type = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let now = ctx .module .get_global("now") .unwrap_or_else(|| ctx.module.add_global(i64_type, None, "now")); let now_hiptr = ctx.builder.build_bitcast( now, i32_type.ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic), "now_hiptr" ); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(now_hiptr) = now_hiptr { let now_loptr = unsafe { ctx.builder.build_gep( now_hiptr, &[i32_type.const_int(2, false)], "now_gep", ) }; if let ( BasicValueEnum::IntValue(now_hi), BasicValueEnum::IntValue(now_lo) ) = ( ctx.builder.build_load(now_hiptr, "now_hi"), ctx.builder.build_load(now_loptr, "now_lo") ) { let zext_hi = ctx.builder.build_int_z_extend( now_hi, i64_type, "now_zext_hi" ); let shifted_hi = ctx.builder.build_left_shift( zext_hi, i64_type.const_int(32, false), "now_shifted_zext_hi" ); let zext_lo = ctx.builder.build_int_z_extend( now_lo, i64_type, "now_zext_lo" ); ctx.builder.build_or(shifted_hi, zext_lo, "now_or").into() } else { unreachable!(); } } else { unreachable!(); } } fn emit_at_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, t: BasicValueEnum<'ctx>) { let i32_type = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let i64_type = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let i64_32 = i64_type.const_int(32, false); if let BasicValueEnum::IntValue(time) = t { let time_hi = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate( ctx.builder .build_right_shift(time, i64_32, false, "now_lshr"), i32_type, "now_trunc", ); let time_lo = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate(time, i32_type, "now_trunc"); let now = ctx .module .get_global("now") .unwrap_or_else(|| ctx.module.add_global(i64_type, None, "now")); let now_hiptr = ctx.builder.build_bitcast( now, i32_type.ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic), "now_bitcast", ); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(now_hiptr) = now_hiptr { let now_loptr = unsafe { ctx.builder.build_gep( now_hiptr, &[i32_type.const_int(2, false)], "now_gep", ) }; ctx.builder .build_store(now_hiptr, time_hi) .set_atomic_ordering(AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent) .unwrap(); ctx.builder .build_store(now_loptr, time_lo) .set_atomic_ordering(AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent) .unwrap(); } else { unreachable!(); } } else { unreachable!(); } } fn emit_delay_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, dt: BasicValueEnum<'ctx>) { let i64_type = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let i32_type = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let now = ctx .module .get_global("now") .unwrap_or_else(|| ctx.module.add_global(i64_type, None, "now")); let now_hiptr = ctx.builder.build_bitcast( now, i32_type.ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic), "now_hiptr" ); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(now_hiptr) = now_hiptr { let now_loptr = unsafe { ctx.builder.build_gep( now_hiptr, &[i32_type.const_int(2, false)], "now_loptr", ) }; if let ( BasicValueEnum::IntValue(now_hi), BasicValueEnum::IntValue(now_lo), BasicValueEnum::IntValue(dt) ) = ( ctx.builder.build_load(now_hiptr, "now_hi"), ctx.builder.build_load(now_loptr, "now_lo"), dt ) { let zext_hi = ctx.builder.build_int_z_extend( now_hi, i64_type, "now_zext_hi" ); let shifted_hi = ctx.builder.build_left_shift( zext_hi, i64_type.const_int(32, false), "now_shifted_zext_hi" ); let zext_lo = ctx.builder.build_int_z_extend( now_lo, i64_type, "now_zext_lo" ); let now_val = ctx.builder.build_or(shifted_hi, zext_lo, "now_or"); let time = ctx.builder.build_int_add(now_val, dt, "now_add"); let time_hi = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate( ctx.builder .build_right_shift( time, i64_type.const_int(32, false), false, "now_lshr" ), i32_type, "now_trunc", ); let time_lo = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate(time, i32_type, "now_trunc"); ctx.builder .build_store(now_hiptr, time_hi) .set_atomic_ordering(AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent) .unwrap(); ctx.builder .build_store(now_loptr, time_lo) .set_atomic_ordering(AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent) .unwrap(); } else { unreachable!(); } } else { unreachable!(); }; } } pub static NOW_PINNING_TIME_FNS_64: NowPinningTimeFns64 = NowPinningTimeFns64 {}; pub struct NowPinningTimeFns {} impl TimeFns for NowPinningTimeFns { fn emit_now_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>) -> BasicValueEnum<'ctx> { let i64_type = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let now = ctx .module .get_global("now") .unwrap_or_else(|| ctx.module.add_global(i64_type, None, "now")); let now_raw = ctx.builder.build_load(now.as_pointer_value(), "now"); if let BasicValueEnum::IntValue(now_raw) = now_raw { let i64_32 = i64_type.const_int(32, false); let now_lo = ctx.builder.build_left_shift(now_raw, i64_32, "now_shl"); let now_hi = ctx .builder .build_right_shift(now_raw, i64_32, false, "now_lshr"); ctx.builder.build_or(now_lo, now_hi, "now_or").into() } else { unreachable!(); } } fn emit_at_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, t: BasicValueEnum<'ctx>) { let i32_type = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let i64_type = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let i64_32 = i64_type.const_int(32, false); if let BasicValueEnum::IntValue(time) = t { let time_hi = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate( ctx.builder .build_right_shift(time, i64_32, false, "now_lshr"), i32_type, "now_trunc", ); let time_lo = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate(time, i32_type, "now_trunc"); let now = ctx .module .get_global("now") .unwrap_or_else(|| ctx.module.add_global(i64_type, None, "now")); let now_hiptr = ctx.builder.build_bitcast( now, i32_type.ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic), "now_bitcast", ); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(now_hiptr) = now_hiptr { let now_loptr = unsafe { ctx.builder.build_gep( now_hiptr, &[i32_type.const_int(1, false)], "now_gep", ) }; ctx.builder .build_store(now_hiptr, time_hi) .set_atomic_ordering(AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent) .unwrap(); ctx.builder .build_store(now_loptr, time_lo) .set_atomic_ordering(AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent) .unwrap(); } else { unreachable!(); } } else { unreachable!(); } } fn emit_delay_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, dt: BasicValueEnum<'ctx>) { let i32_type = ctx.ctx.i32_type(); let i64_type = ctx.ctx.i64_type(); let i64_32 = i64_type.const_int(32, false); let now = ctx .module .get_global("now") .unwrap_or_else(|| ctx.module.add_global(i64_type, None, "now")); let now_raw = ctx.builder.build_load(now.as_pointer_value(), "now"); if let (BasicValueEnum::IntValue(now_raw), BasicValueEnum::IntValue(dt)) = (now_raw, dt) { let now_lo = ctx.builder.build_left_shift(now_raw, i64_32, "now_shl"); let now_hi = ctx .builder .build_right_shift(now_raw, i64_32, false, "now_lshr"); let now_val = ctx.builder.build_or(now_lo, now_hi, "now_or"); let time = ctx.builder.build_int_add(now_val, dt, "now_add"); let time_hi = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate( ctx.builder .build_right_shift(time, i64_32, false, "now_lshr"), i32_type, "now_trunc", ); let time_lo = ctx.builder.build_int_truncate(time, i32_type, "now_trunc"); let now_hiptr = ctx.builder.build_bitcast( now, i32_type.ptr_type(AddressSpace::Generic), "now_bitcast", ); if let BasicValueEnum::PointerValue(now_hiptr) = now_hiptr { let now_loptr = unsafe { ctx.builder.build_gep( now_hiptr, &[i32_type.const_int(1, false)], "now_gep", ) }; ctx.builder .build_store(now_hiptr, time_hi) .set_atomic_ordering(AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent) .unwrap(); ctx.builder .build_store(now_loptr, time_lo) .set_atomic_ordering(AtomicOrdering::SequentiallyConsistent) .unwrap(); } else { unreachable!(); } } else { unreachable!(); } } } pub static NOW_PINNING_TIME_FNS: NowPinningTimeFns = NowPinningTimeFns {}; pub struct ExternTimeFns {} impl TimeFns for ExternTimeFns { fn emit_now_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>) -> BasicValueEnum<'ctx> { let now_mu = ctx .module .get_function("now_mu") .unwrap_or_else(|| ctx.module.add_function("now_mu", ctx.ctx.i64_type().fn_type(&[], false), None)); ctx.builder .build_call(now_mu, &[], "now_mu") .try_as_basic_value() .left() .unwrap() } fn emit_at_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, t: BasicValueEnum<'ctx>) { let at_mu = ctx .module .get_function("at_mu") .unwrap_or_else(|| ctx.module.add_function("at_mu", ctx.ctx.void_type().fn_type(&[ctx.ctx.i64_type().into()], false), None)); ctx.builder .build_call(at_mu, &[t], "at_mu"); } fn emit_delay_mu<'ctx, 'a>(&self, ctx: &mut CodeGenContext<'ctx, 'a>, dt: BasicValueEnum<'ctx>) { let delay_mu = ctx .module .get_function("delay_mu") .unwrap_or_else(|| ctx.module.add_function("delay_mu", ctx.ctx.void_type().fn_type(&[ctx.ctx.i64_type().into()], false), None)); ctx.builder .build_call(delay_mu, &[dt], "delay_mu"); } } pub static EXTERN_TIME_FNS: ExternTimeFns = ExternTimeFns {};