use std::cell::RefCell; use crate::typecheck::typedef::TypeVarMeta; use super::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub enum TypeAnnotation { PrimitiveKind(Type), // we use type vars kind at params to represent self type CustomClassKind { id: DefinitionId, // params can also be type var params: Vec, }, // can only be CustomClassKind VirtualKind(Box), TypeVarKind(Type), ListKind(Box), TupleKind(Vec), } pub fn parse_ast_to_type_annotation_kinds( resolver: &(dyn SymbolResolver + Send + Sync), top_level_defs: &[Arc>], unifier: &mut Unifier, primitives: &PrimitiveStore, expr: &ast::Expr, // the key stores the type_var of this topleveldef::class, we only need this field here mut locked: HashMap>, ) -> Result { match &expr.node { ast::ExprKind::Name { id, .. } => match id.as_str() { "int32" => Ok(TypeAnnotation::PrimitiveKind(primitives.int32)), "int64" => Ok(TypeAnnotation::PrimitiveKind(primitives.int64)), "float" => Ok(TypeAnnotation::PrimitiveKind(primitives.float)), "bool" => Ok(TypeAnnotation::PrimitiveKind(primitives.bool)), "None" => Ok(TypeAnnotation::PrimitiveKind(primitives.none)), x => { if let Some(obj_id) = resolver.get_identifier_def(x) { let type_vars = { let def_read = top_level_defs[obj_id.0].try_read(); if let Some(def_read) = def_read { if let TopLevelDef::Class { type_vars, .. } = &*def_read { type_vars.clone() } else { return Err("function cannot be used as a type".into()); } } else { locked.get(&obj_id).unwrap().clone() } }; // check param number here if !type_vars.is_empty() { return Err(format!( "expect {} type variable parameter but got 0", type_vars.len() )); } Ok(TypeAnnotation::CustomClassKind { id: obj_id, params: vec![] }) } else if let Some(ty) = resolver.get_symbol_type(unifier, primitives, id) { if let TypeEnum::TVar { .. } = unifier.get_ty(ty).as_ref() { Ok(TypeAnnotation::TypeVarKind(ty)) } else { Err("not a type variable identifier".into()) } } else { Err("name cannot be parsed as a type annotation".into()) } } }, // virtual ast::ExprKind::Subscript { value, slice, .. } if { matches!(&value.node, ast::ExprKind::Name { id, .. } if id == "virtual") } => { let def = parse_ast_to_type_annotation_kinds( resolver, top_level_defs, unifier, primitives, slice.as_ref(), locked, )?; if !matches!(def, TypeAnnotation::CustomClassKind { .. }) { unreachable!("must be concretized custom class kind in the virtual") } Ok(TypeAnnotation::VirtualKind(def.into())) } // list ast::ExprKind::Subscript { value, slice, .. } if { matches!(&value.node, ast::ExprKind::Name { id, .. } if id == "list") } => { let def_ann = parse_ast_to_type_annotation_kinds( resolver, top_level_defs, unifier, primitives, slice.as_ref(), locked, )?; Ok(TypeAnnotation::ListKind(def_ann.into())) } // tuple ast::ExprKind::Subscript { value, slice, .. } if { matches!(&value.node, ast::ExprKind::Name { id, .. } if id == "tuple") } => { if let ast::ExprKind::Tuple { elts, .. } = &slice.node { let type_annotations = elts .iter() .map(|e| { parse_ast_to_type_annotation_kinds( resolver, top_level_defs, unifier, primitives, e, locked.clone(), ) }) .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(TypeAnnotation::TupleKind(type_annotations)) } else { Err("Expect multiple elements for tuple".into()) } } // custom class ast::ExprKind::Subscript { value, slice, .. } => { if let ast::ExprKind::Name { id, .. } = &value.node { if vec!["virtual", "Generic", "list", "tuple"].contains(&id.as_str()) { return Err("keywords cannot be class name".into()); } let obj_id = resolver .get_identifier_def(id) .ok_or_else(|| "unknown class name".to_string())?; let type_vars = { let def_read = top_level_defs[obj_id.0].try_read(); if let Some(def_read) = def_read { if let TopLevelDef::Class { type_vars, .. } = &*def_read { type_vars.clone() } else { unreachable!("must be class here") } } else { locked.get(&obj_id).unwrap().clone() } }; // we do not check whether the application of type variables are compatible here let param_type_infos = { let params_ast = if let ast::ExprKind::Tuple { elts, .. } = &slice.node { elts.iter().collect_vec() } else { vec![slice.as_ref()] }; if type_vars.len() != params_ast.len() { return Err(format!( "expect {} type parameters but got {}", type_vars.len(), params_ast.len() )); } let result = params_ast .into_iter() .map(|x| { parse_ast_to_type_annotation_kinds( resolver, top_level_defs, unifier, primitives, x, { locked.insert(obj_id, type_vars.clone()); locked.clone() }, ) }) .collect::, _>>()?; // make sure the result do not contain any type vars let no_type_var = result .iter() .all(|x| get_type_var_contained_in_type_annotation(x).is_empty()); if no_type_var { result } else { return Err("application of type vars to generic class \ is not currently supported" .into()); } }; Ok(TypeAnnotation::CustomClassKind { id: obj_id, params: param_type_infos }) } else { Err("unsupported expression type for class name".into()) } } _ => Err("unsupported expression for type annotation".into()), } } // no need to have the `locked` parameter, unlike the `parse_ast_to_type_annotation_kinds`, since // when calling this function, there should be no topleveldef::class being write, and this function // also only read the toplevedefs pub fn get_type_from_type_annotation_kinds( top_level_defs: &[Arc>], unifier: &mut Unifier, primitives: &PrimitiveStore, ann: &TypeAnnotation, ) -> Result { match ann { TypeAnnotation::CustomClassKind { id: obj_id, params } => { let def_read = top_level_defs[obj_id.0].read(); let class_def: &TopLevelDef = def_read.deref(); if let TopLevelDef::Class { fields, methods, type_vars, .. } = class_def { if type_vars.len() != params.len() { Err(format!( "unexpected number of type parameters: expected {} but got {}", type_vars.len(), params.len() )) } else { let param_ty = params .iter() .map(|x| { get_type_from_type_annotation_kinds( top_level_defs, unifier, primitives, x, ) }) .collect::, _>>()?; let subst = { // check for compatible range // TODO: if allow type var to be applied, need more check let mut result: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for (tvar, p) in type_vars.iter().zip(param_ty) { if let TypeEnum::TVar { id, range, meta: TypeVarMeta::Generic } = unifier.get_ty(*tvar).as_ref() { let ok: bool = { // NOTE: create a temp type var and unify to check compatibility let temp = unifier.get_fresh_var_with_range(range.borrow().as_slice()); unifier.unify(temp.0, p).is_ok() }; if ok { result.insert(*id, p); } else { return Err(format!( "cannot apply type {} to type variable with id {:?}", unifier.stringify( p, &mut |id| format!("class{}", id), &mut |id| format!("tvar{}", id) ), *id )); } } else { unreachable!("must be generic type var") } } result }; let mut tobj_fields = methods .iter() .map(|(name, ty, _)| { let subst_ty = unifier.subst(*ty, &subst).unwrap_or(*ty); (name.clone(), subst_ty) }) .collect::>(); tobj_fields.extend(fields.iter().map(|(name, ty)| { let subst_ty = unifier.subst(*ty, &subst).unwrap_or(*ty); (name.clone(), subst_ty) })); // println!("tobj_fields: {:?}", tobj_fields); // println!( // "{:?}: {}\n", // tobj_fields.get("__init__").unwrap(), // unifier.stringify( // *tobj_fields.get("__init__").unwrap(), // &mut |id| format!("class{}", id), // &mut |id| format!("tvar{}", id) // ) // ); Ok(unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TObj { obj_id: *obj_id, fields: RefCell::new(tobj_fields), params: subst.into(), })) } } else { unreachable!("should be class def here") } } TypeAnnotation::PrimitiveKind(ty) | TypeAnnotation::TypeVarKind(ty) => Ok(*ty), TypeAnnotation::VirtualKind(ty) => { let ty = get_type_from_type_annotation_kinds( top_level_defs, unifier, primitives, ty.as_ref(), )?; Ok(unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TVirtual { ty })) } TypeAnnotation::ListKind(ty) => { let ty = get_type_from_type_annotation_kinds( top_level_defs, unifier, primitives, ty.as_ref(), )?; Ok(unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TList { ty })) } TypeAnnotation::TupleKind(tys) => { let tys = tys .iter() .map(|x| { get_type_from_type_annotation_kinds(top_level_defs, unifier, primitives, x) }) .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(unifier.add_ty(TypeEnum::TTuple { ty: tys })) } } } /// given an def id, return a type annotation of self \ /// ```python /// class A(Generic[T, V]): /// def fun(self): /// ``` /// the type of `self` should be similar to `A[T, V]`, where `T`, `V` /// considered to be type variables associated with the class \ /// \ /// But note that here we do not make a duplication of `T`, `V`, we direclty /// use them as they are in the TopLevelDef::Class since those in the /// TopLevelDef::Class.type_vars will be substitute later when seeing applications/instantiations /// the Type of their fields and methods will also be subst when application/instantiation \ /// \ /// Note this implicit self type is different with seeing `A[T, V]` explicitly outside /// the class def ast body, where it is a new instantiation of the generic class `A`, /// but equivalent to seeing `A[T, V]` inside the class def body ast, where although we /// create copies of `T` and `V`, we will find them out as occured type vars in the analyze_class() /// and unify them with the class generic `T`, `V` pub fn make_self_type_annotation(type_vars: &[Type], object_id: DefinitionId) -> TypeAnnotation { TypeAnnotation::CustomClassKind { id: object_id, params: type_vars.iter().map(|ty| TypeAnnotation::TypeVarKind(*ty)).collect_vec(), } } /// get all the occurences of type vars contained in a type annotation /// e.g. `A[int, B[T], V, virtual[C[G]]]` => [T, V, G] /// this function will not make a duplicate of type var pub fn get_type_var_contained_in_type_annotation(ann: &TypeAnnotation) -> Vec { let mut result: Vec = Vec::new(); match ann { TypeAnnotation::TypeVarKind(..) => result.push(ann.clone()), TypeAnnotation::VirtualKind(ann) => { result.extend(get_type_var_contained_in_type_annotation(ann.as_ref())) } TypeAnnotation::CustomClassKind { params, .. } => { for p in params { result.extend(get_type_var_contained_in_type_annotation(p)); } } TypeAnnotation::ListKind(ann) => { result.extend(get_type_var_contained_in_type_annotation(ann.as_ref())) } TypeAnnotation::TupleKind(anns) => { for a in anns { result.extend(get_type_var_contained_in_type_annotation(a)); } } TypeAnnotation::PrimitiveKind(..) => {} } result } /// check the type compatibility for overload pub fn check_overload_type_annotation_compatible( this: &TypeAnnotation, other: &TypeAnnotation, unifier: &mut Unifier, ) -> bool { match (this, other) { (TypeAnnotation::PrimitiveKind(a), TypeAnnotation::PrimitiveKind(b)) => a == b, (TypeAnnotation::TypeVarKind(a), TypeAnnotation::TypeVarKind(b)) => { let a = unifier.get_ty(*a); let a = a.deref(); let b = unifier.get_ty(*b); let b = b.deref(); if let ( TypeEnum::TVar { id: a, meta: TypeVarMeta::Generic, .. }, TypeEnum::TVar { id: b, meta: TypeVarMeta::Generic, .. }, ) = (a, b) { a == b } else { unreachable!("must be type var") } } (TypeAnnotation::VirtualKind(a), TypeAnnotation::VirtualKind(b)) | (TypeAnnotation::ListKind(a), TypeAnnotation::ListKind(b)) => { check_overload_type_annotation_compatible(a.as_ref(), b.as_ref(), unifier) } (TypeAnnotation::TupleKind(a), TypeAnnotation::TupleKind(b)) => { a.len() == b.len() && { a.iter() .zip(b) .all(|(a, b)| check_overload_type_annotation_compatible(a, b, unifier)) } } ( TypeAnnotation::CustomClassKind { id: a, params: a_p }, TypeAnnotation::CustomClassKind { id: b, params: b_p }, ) => { a.0 == b.0 && { a_p.len() == b_p.len() && { a_p.iter() .zip(b_p) .all(|(a, b)| check_overload_type_annotation_compatible(a, b, unifier)) } } } _ => false, } }