// This file is part of libfringe, a low-level green threading library. // Copyright (c) 2015, edef // See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. use core::marker::PhantomData; use arch::Registers; use stack; use debug::StackId; /// Context is the heart of libfringe. /// A context represents a saved thread of execution, along with a stack. /// It can be swapped into and out of with the swap method, /// and once you're done with it, you can get the stack back through unwrap. /// /// Every operation is unsafe, because libfringe can't make any guarantees /// about the state of the context. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Context<'a, Stack: stack::Stack> { regs: Registers, _stack_id: StackId, stack: Stack, _ref: PhantomData<&'a ()> } unsafe impl<'a, Stack> Send for Context<'a, Stack> where Stack: stack::Stack + Send {} impl<'a, Stack> Context<'a, Stack> where Stack: stack::Stack { /// Create a new Context. When it is swapped into, /// it will call the passed closure. /// The closure shouldn't return - doing that will abort the process. #[inline] pub unsafe fn new(mut stack: Stack, f: F) -> Context<'a, Stack> where F: FnOnce() + Send + 'a { let stack_id = StackId::register(&mut stack); let regs = Registers::new(&mut stack, f); Context { regs: regs, _stack_id: stack_id, stack: stack, _ref: PhantomData } } /// Switch to the context, saving the current thread of execution there. #[inline(always)] pub unsafe fn swap(&mut self) { self.regs.swap() } /// Unwrap the context, returning the stack it contained. #[inline] pub unsafe fn unwrap(self) -> Stack { self.stack } }