// This file is part of libfringe, a low-level green threading library. // Copyright (c) whitequark // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, or the MIT license , at your option. This file may not be // copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms. #![feature(alloc, heap_api, allocator_api)] extern crate alloc; extern crate fringe; use alloc::heap::Global; use alloc::allocator::{Alloc, Layout}; use alloc::boxed::Box; use std::slice; use fringe::{STACK_ALIGNMENT, Stack, SliceStack, OwnedStack, OsStack}; unsafe fn heap_allocate(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 { let ptr = Global.alloc(Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align)).expect("couldn't allocate"); ptr.as_ptr() as *mut u8 } #[test] fn slice_aligned() { unsafe { let ptr = heap_allocate(16384, STACK_ALIGNMENT); let mut slice = Box::from_raw(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, 16384)); let stack = SliceStack::new(&mut slice[4096..8192]); assert_eq!(stack.base() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); assert_eq!(stack.limit() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); } } #[test] fn slice_unaligned() { unsafe { let ptr = heap_allocate(16384, STACK_ALIGNMENT); let mut slice = Box::from_raw(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, 16384)); let stack = SliceStack::new(&mut slice[4097..8193]); assert_eq!(stack.base() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); assert_eq!(stack.limit() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); } } #[test] fn slice_too_small() { unsafe { let ptr = heap_allocate(STACK_ALIGNMENT, STACK_ALIGNMENT); let mut slice = Box::from_raw(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, STACK_ALIGNMENT)); let stack = SliceStack::new(&mut slice[0..1]); assert_eq!(stack.base() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); assert_eq!(stack.limit() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); } } #[test] #[should_panic(expected = "SliceStack too small")] fn slice_too_small_unaligned() { unsafe { let ptr = heap_allocate(STACK_ALIGNMENT, STACK_ALIGNMENT); let mut slice = Box::from_raw(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, STACK_ALIGNMENT)); SliceStack::new(&mut slice[1..2]); } } #[test] fn slice_stack() { let mut memory = [0; 1024]; let stack = SliceStack::new(&mut memory); assert_eq!(stack.base() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); assert_eq!(stack.limit() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); // Size may be a bit smaller due to alignment assert!(stack.base() as usize - stack.limit() as usize > 1024 - STACK_ALIGNMENT * 2); } #[test] fn owned_stack() { let stack = OwnedStack::new(1024); assert_eq!(stack.base() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); assert_eq!(stack.limit() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); assert_eq!(stack.base() as usize - stack.limit() as usize, 1024); } #[test] fn default_os_stack() { let stack = OsStack::new(0).unwrap(); assert_eq!(stack.base() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); assert_eq!(stack.limit() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); // Make sure the topmost page of the stack, at least, is accessible. unsafe { *(stack.base().offset(-1)) = 0; } } #[test] fn one_page_os_stack() { let stack = OsStack::new(4096).unwrap(); assert_eq!(stack.base() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); assert_eq!(stack.limit() as usize & (STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1), 0); // Make sure the topmost page of the stack, at least, is accessible. unsafe { *(stack.base().offset(-1)) = 0; } }