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.. _install-from-source:
Installing ARTIQ from source
.. note::
This method is only recommended for developers and advanced users. An easier way to install ARTIQ is via the Anaconda packages (see :ref:`Installing ARTIQ <install-from-conda>`).
Preparing the build environment for the core device
These steps are required to generate code that can run on the core
device. They are necessary both for building the MiSoC BIOS
and the ARTIQ kernels.
* Create a development directory: ::
$ mkdir ~/artiq-dev
* Clone ARTIQ repository: ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ git clone --recursive
* Install OpenRISC binutils (or1k-linux-...): ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ wget
$ tar xvf binutils-2.26.tar.bz2
$ cd binutils-2.26
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ ../configure --target=or1k-linux --prefix=/usr/local
$ make -j4
$ sudo make install
.. note::
We're using an ``or1k-linux`` target because it is necessary to enable
shared library support in ``ld``, not because Linux is involved.
* Install LLVM and Clang: ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ git clone -b artiq-3.8
$ cd llvm-or1k
$ git clone -b artiq-3.8 tools/clang
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ make -j4
$ sudo make install
.. note::
Compilation of LLVM can take more than 30 min on some machines.
Preparing the core device FPGA board
These steps are required to generate gateware bitstream (``.bit``) files, build the MiSoC BIOS and ARTIQ runtime, and flash FPGA boards. If the board is already flashed, you may skip those steps and go directly to `Installing the host-side software`.
* Install the FPGA vendor tools (i.e. Xilinx ISE and/or Vivado):
* Get Xilinx tools from ISE can build gateware bitstreams both for boards using the Spartan-6 (Pipistrello) and 7-series devices (KC705), while Vivado supports only boards using 7-series devices.
* The Pipistrello is supported by Webpack, the KC705 is not.
* During the Xilinx toolchain installation, uncheck ``Install cable drivers`` (they are not required as we use better and open source alternatives).
* Install Migen: ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ git clone
$ cd migen
$ python3.5 develop --user
.. note::
The options ``develop`` and ``--user`` are for to install Migen in ``~/.local/lib/python3.5``.
* Install the required flash proxy gateware bitstreams:
The purpose of the flash proxy gateware bitstream is to give programming software fast JTAG access to the flash connected to the FPGA.
* Pipistrello and KC705:
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ wget
$ wget
Then move both files ``~/artiq-dev/bscan_spi_xc6slx45.bit`` and ``~/artiq-dev/bscan_spi_xc7k325t.bit`` to ``~/.migen``, ``/usr/local/share/migen``, or ``/usr/share/migen``.
* :ref:`Download and install OpenOCD <install-openocd>`.
* Download and install ``asyncserial``: ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ git clone
$ cd asyncserial
$ python3.5 develop --user
* Download and install MiSoC: ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd misoc
$ python3.5 develop --user
* Download and install ``pythonparser``: ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ git clone
$ cd pythonparser
$ python3.5 develop --user
* Download and install ARTIQ: ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd artiq
$ python3.5 develop --user
.. note::
If you have any trouble during ARTIQ setup about ``pygit2`` installation,
refer to the section dealing with
:ref:`installing the host-side software <installing-the-host-side-software>`.
* Build the gateware bitstream, BIOS and runtime by running:
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ export PATH=/usr/local/llvm-or1k/bin:$PATH
.. note:: Make sure that ``/usr/local/llvm-or1k/bin`` is first in your ``PATH``, so that the ``clang`` command you just built is found instead of the system one, if any.
* For Pipistrello::
$ python3.5 -m artiq.gateware.targets.pipistrello
* For KC705::
$ python3.5 -m artiq.gateware.targets.kc705 -H nist_qc1 # or nist_qc2
.. note:: Add ``--toolchain vivado`` if you wish to use Vivado instead of ISE.
* Then, gather the binaries and flash them: ::
$ mkdir binaries
$ cp misoc_nist_qcX_<board>/gateware/top.bit binaries
$ cp misoc_nist_qcX_<board>/software/bios/bios.bin binaries
$ cp misoc_nist_qcX_<board>/software/runtime/runtime.fbi binaries
$ cd binaries
$ artiq_flash -d . -t <board>
.. note:: The `-t` option specifies the board your are targeting. Available options are ``kc705`` and ``pipistrello``.
* Check that the board boots by running a serial terminal program (you may need to press its FPGA reconfiguration button or power-cycle it to load the gateware bitstream that was newly written into the flash): ::
$ flterm /dev/ttyUSB1
Booting from flash...
Loading xxxxx bytes from flash...
Executing booted program.
ARTIQ runtime built <date/time>
.. note:: flterm is part of MiSoC. If you installed MiSoC with `` develop --user``, the flterm launcher is in ``~/.local/bin``.
The communication parameters are 115200 8-N-1. Ensure that your user has access
to the serial device (``sudo adduser $USER dialout`` assuming standard setup).
.. _installing-the-host-side-software:
Installing the host-side software
* Install the llvmlite Python bindings: ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ git clone
$ cd llvmlite
$ git checkout artiq-3.8
$ LLVM_CONFIG=/usr/local/llvm-or1k/bin/llvm-config python3.5 install --user
* Install ARTIQ: ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev
$ git clone --recursive # if not already done
$ cd artiq
$ python3.5 develop --user
.. note::
If you have any trouble during ARTIQ setup about ``pygit2`` installation,
you can install it by using ``pip``:
On Ubuntu 14.04::
$ python3.5 `which pip3` install --user pygit2==0.19.1
On Ubuntu 14.10::
$ python3.5 `which pip3` install --user pygit2==0.20.3
On Ubuntu 15.04 and 15.10::
$ python3.5 `which pip3` install --user pygit2==0.22.1
The rationale behind this is that pygit2 and libgit2 must have the same
major.minor version numbers.
* Build the documentation: ::
$ cd ~/artiq-dev/artiq/doc/manual
$ make html