forked from M-Labs/artiq
Michael Birtwell
Instead of automatically closing and draining the TcpStream in the Drop implementation instead expect the user to call TcpStream::close. Add close called to all users of TcpStream. Document the requirement to call close on TcpListener::accept, this seems to be the only way to get a new TcpStream at the moment.
221 lines
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221 lines
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use alloc::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
use core::cell::RefCell;
use io::Error as IoError;
use moninj_proto::*;
use sched::{Io, Mutex, TcpListener, TcpStream, Error as SchedError};
use urc::Urc;
use board_misoc::clock;
use board_artiq::drtio_routing;
mod local_moninj {
use board_misoc::csr;
pub fn read_probe(channel: u16, probe: u8) -> u64 {
unsafe {
csr::rtio_moninj::mon_chan_sel_write(channel as _);
csr::rtio_moninj::mon_value_read() as u64
pub fn inject(channel: u16, overrd: u8, value: u8) {
unsafe {
csr::rtio_moninj::inj_chan_sel_write(channel as _);
pub fn read_injection_status(channel: u16, overrd: u8) -> u8 {
unsafe {
csr::rtio_moninj::inj_chan_sel_write(channel as _);
mod local_moninj {
pub fn read_probe(_channel: u16, _probe: u8) -> u64 { 0 }
pub fn inject(_channel: u16, _overrd: u8, _value: u8) { }
pub fn read_injection_status(_channel: u16, _overrd: u8) -> u8 { 0 }
mod remote_moninj {
use drtioaux;
use rtio_mgt::drtio;
use sched::{Io, Mutex};
pub fn read_probe(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, channel: u16, probe: u8) -> u64 {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::MonitorRequest {
destination: destination,
channel: channel,
probe: probe
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::MonitorReply { value }) => return value,
Ok(packet) => error!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", packet),
Err(e) => error!("aux packet error ({})", e)
pub fn inject(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, channel: u16, overrd: u8, value: u8) {
let _lock = aux_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
drtioaux::send(linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::InjectionRequest {
destination: destination,
channel: channel,
overrd: overrd,
value: value
pub fn read_injection_status(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, channel: u16, overrd: u8) -> u8 {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::InjectionStatusRequest {
destination: destination,
channel: channel,
overrd: overrd
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::InjectionStatusReply { value }) => return value,
Ok(packet) => error!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", packet),
Err(e) => error!("aux packet error ({})", e)
macro_rules! dispatch {
($io:ident, $aux_mutex:ident, $routing_table:ident, $channel:expr, $func:ident $(, $param:expr)*) => {{
let destination = ($channel >> 16) as u8;
let channel = $channel as u16;
let hop = $routing_table.0[destination as usize][0];
if hop == 0 {
local_moninj::$func(channel, $($param, )*)
} else {
let linkno = hop - 1;
remote_moninj::$func($io, $aux_mutex, linkno, destination, channel, $($param, )*)
macro_rules! dispatch {
($io:ident, $aux_mutex:ident, $routing_table:ident, $channel:expr, $func:ident $(, $param:expr)*) => {{
let channel = $channel as u16;
local_moninj::$func(channel, $($param, )*)
fn connection_worker(io: &Io, _aux_mutex: &Mutex, _routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
mut stream: &mut TcpStream) -> Result<(), Error<SchedError>> {
let mut probe_watch_list = BTreeMap::new();
let mut inject_watch_list = BTreeMap::new();
let mut next_check = 0;
read_magic(&mut stream)?;
info!("new connection from {}", stream.remote_endpoint());
loop {
if stream.can_recv() {
let request = HostMessage::read_from(stream)?;
trace!("moninj<-host {:?}", request);
match request {
HostMessage::MonitorProbe { enable, channel, probe } => {
if enable {
let _ = probe_watch_list.entry((channel, probe)).or_insert(None);
} else {
let _ = probe_watch_list.remove(&(channel, probe));
HostMessage::MonitorInjection { enable, channel, overrd } => {
if enable {
let _ = inject_watch_list.entry((channel, overrd)).or_insert(None);
} else {
let _ = inject_watch_list.remove(&(channel, overrd));
HostMessage::Inject { channel, overrd, value } => dispatch!(io, _aux_mutex, _routing_table, channel, inject, overrd, value),
HostMessage::GetInjectionStatus { channel, overrd } => {
let value = dispatch!(io, _aux_mutex, _routing_table, channel, read_injection_status, overrd);
let reply = DeviceMessage::InjectionStatus {
channel: channel,
overrd: overrd,
value: value
trace!("moninj->host {:?}", reply);
} else if !stream.may_recv() {
return Ok(())
if clock::get_ms() > next_check {
for (&(channel, probe), previous) in probe_watch_list.iter_mut() {
let current = dispatch!(io, _aux_mutex, _routing_table, channel, read_probe, probe);
if previous.is_none() || previous.unwrap() != current {
let message = DeviceMessage::MonitorStatus {
channel: channel,
probe: probe,
value: current
trace!("moninj->host {:?}", message);
*previous = Some(current);
for (&(channel, overrd), previous) in inject_watch_list.iter_mut() {
let current = dispatch!(io, _aux_mutex, _routing_table, channel, read_injection_status, overrd);
if previous.is_none() || previous.unwrap() != current {
let message = DeviceMessage::InjectionStatus {
channel: channel,
overrd: overrd,
value: current
trace!("moninj->host {:?}", message);
*previous = Some(current);
next_check = clock::get_ms() + 200;
io.relinquish().map_err(|err| Error::Io(IoError::Other(err)))?;
pub fn thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>) {
let listener = TcpListener::new(&io, 2047);
listener.listen(1383).expect("moninj: cannot listen");
loop {
let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone();
let routing_table = routing_table.clone();
let stream = listener.accept().expect("moninj: cannot accept").into_handle();
io.spawn(16384, move |io| {
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
let mut stream = TcpStream::from_handle(&io, stream);
match connection_worker(&io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &mut stream) {
Ok(()) => {},
Err(err) => error!("moninj aborted: {}", err)
stream.close().expect("moninj: close socket");