
242 lines
6.9 KiB

extern crate crc;
extern crate byteorder;
extern crate smoltcp;
extern crate board_misoc;
use core::{ptr, slice};
use crc::crc32;
use byteorder::{ByteOrder, BigEndian};
use board_misoc::{ident, cache, sdram, boot, mem as board_mem};
use board_misoc::{clock, config, ethmac};
use board_misoc::uart_console::Console;
fn check_integrity() -> bool {
extern {
static _begin: u8;
static _end: u8;
static _crc: u32;
unsafe {
let length = &_end as *const u8 as usize -
&_begin as *const u8 as usize;
let bootloader = slice::from_raw_parts(&_begin as *const u8, length);
crc32::checksum_ieee(bootloader) == _crc
fn memory_test(total: &mut usize, wrong: &mut usize) -> bool {
const MEMORY: *mut u32 = board_mem::MAIN_RAM_BASE as *mut u32;
*total = 0;
*wrong = 0;
macro_rules! test {
for $i:ident in ($range:expr) {
MEMORY[$index:expr] = $data:expr
) => ({
for $i in $range {
unsafe { ptr::write_volatile(MEMORY.offset($index as isize), $data) };
*total += 1;
for $i in $range {
if unsafe { ptr::read_volatile(MEMORY.offset($index as isize)) } != $data {
*wrong += 1;
fn prng32(seed: &mut u32) -> u32 { *seed = 1664525 * *seed + 1013904223; *seed }
fn prng16(seed: &mut u16) -> u16 { *seed = 25173 * *seed + 13849; *seed }
for _ in 0..4 {
// Test data bus
test!((); for i in (0..0x100) { MEMORY[i] = 0xAAAAAAAA });
test!((); for i in (0..0x100) { MEMORY[i] = 0x55555555 });
// Test counter addressing with random data
test!(let mut seed = 0;
for i in (0..0x100000) { MEMORY[i] = prng32(&mut seed) });
// Test random addressing with counter data
test!(let mut seed = 0;
for i in (0..0x10000) { MEMORY[prng16(&mut seed)] = i });
*wrong == 0
fn startup() -> bool {
if check_integrity() {
println!("Bootloader CRC passed");
} else {
println!("Bootloader CRC failed");
return false
println!("Gateware ident {}", ident::read(&mut [0; 64]));
println!("Initializing SDRAM...");
if unsafe { sdram::init(Some(&mut Console)) } {
println!("SDRAM initialized");
} else {
println!("SDRAM initialization failed");
return false
let (mut total, mut wrong) = (0, 0);
if memory_test(&mut total, &mut wrong) {
println!("Memory test passed");
} else {
println!("Memory test failed ({}/{} words incorrect)", wrong, total);
return false
fn flash_boot() {
const FIRMWARE: *mut u8 = board_mem::FLASH_BOOT_ADDRESS as *mut u8;
const MAIN_RAM: *mut u8 = board_mem::MAIN_RAM_BASE as *mut u8;
println!("Booting from flash...");
let header = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(FIRMWARE, 8) };
let length = BigEndian::read_u32(&header[0..]) as usize;
let expected_crc = BigEndian::read_u32(&header[4..]);
if length == 0xffffffff {
println!("No firmware present");
} else if length > 4 * 1024 * 1024 {
println!("Firmware too large (is it corrupted?)");
let firmware_in_flash = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(FIRMWARE.offset(8), length) };
let actual_crc_flash = crc32::checksum_ieee(firmware_in_flash);
if actual_crc_flash == expected_crc {
let firmware_in_sdram = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(MAIN_RAM, length) };
let actual_crc_sdram = crc32::checksum_ieee(firmware_in_sdram);
if actual_crc_sdram == expected_crc {
println!("Starting firmware.");
unsafe { boot::jump(MAIN_RAM as usize) }
} else {
println!("Firmware CRC failed in SDRAM (actual {:08x}, expected {:08x})",
actual_crc_sdram, expected_crc);
} else {
println!("Firmware CRC failed in flash (actual {:08x}, expected {:08x})",
actual_crc_flash, expected_crc);
fn network_boot() {
use smoltcp::wire::{EthernetAddress, IpAddress, IpCidr};
println!("Initializing network...");
let eth_addr = match config::read_str("mac", |r||s| s.parse())) {
Ok(Ok(addr)) => addr,
_ => EthernetAddress([0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01])
let ip_addr = match config::read_str("ip", |r||s| s.parse())) {
Ok(Ok(addr)) => addr,
_ => IpAddress::v4(192, 168, 1, 50)
println!("Using MAC address {} and IP address {}", eth_addr, ip_addr);
let mut net_device = unsafe { ethmac::EthernetDevice::new() };
let mut neighbor_map = [None; 2];
let neighbor_cache =
smoltcp::iface::NeighborCache::new(&mut neighbor_map[..]);
let mut ip_addrs = [IpCidr::new(ip_addr, 0)];
let mut interface =
.ip_addrs(&mut ip_addrs[..])
let mut socket_set_storage = [];
let mut sockets =
smoltcp::socket::SocketSet::new(&mut socket_set_storage[..]);
println!("Waiting for connections...");
loop {
match interface.poll(&mut sockets, clock::get_ms()) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(smoltcp::Error::Unrecognized) => (),
Err(err) => println!("Network error: {}", err)
pub extern fn main() -> i32 {
println!(r" __ __ _ ____ ____ ");
println!(r"| \/ (_) ___| ___ / ___|");
println!(r"| |\/| | \___ \ / _ \| | ");
println!(r"| | | | |___) | (_) | |___ ");
println!(r"|_| |_|_|____/ \___/ \____|");
println!("MiSoC Bootloader");
println!("Copyright (c) 2017-2018 M-Labs Limited");
if startup() {
} else {
loop {}
pub extern fn exception(vect: u32, _regs: *const u32, pc: u32, ea: u32) {
panic!("exception {} at PC {:#08x}, EA {:#08x}", vect, pc, ea)
pub extern fn abort() {
loop {}
#[lang = "panic_fmt"]
pub extern fn panic_fmt(args: core::fmt::Arguments, file: &'static str,
line: u32, column: u32) -> ! {
println!("panic at {}:{}:{}: {}", file, line, column, args);
loop {}