#![feature(lang_items, asm, libc, panic_unwind, unwind_attributes, global_allocator, needs_panic_runtime)] #![no_std] #![needs_panic_runtime] extern crate cslice; extern crate unwind; extern crate libc; extern crate io; extern crate dyld; extern crate board_misoc; extern crate board_artiq; extern crate proto_artiq; use core::{mem, ptr, slice, str}; use cslice::{CSlice, AsCSlice}; use io::Cursor; use dyld::Library; use board_misoc::csr; use board_artiq::{mailbox, rpc_queue}; use proto_artiq::{kernel_proto, rpc_proto}; use kernel_proto::*; fn send(request: &Message) { unsafe { mailbox::send(request as *const _ as usize) } while !mailbox::acknowledged() {} } fn recv R>(f: F) -> R { while mailbox::receive() == 0 {} let result = f(unsafe { &*(mailbox::receive() as *const Message) }); mailbox::acknowledge(); result } macro_rules! recv { ($p:pat => $e:expr) => { recv(move |request| { if let $p = request { $e } else { send(&Log(format_args!("unexpected reply: {:?}\n", request))); loop {} } }) } } #[no_mangle] #[lang = "panic_fmt"] pub extern fn panic_fmt(args: core::fmt::Arguments, file: &'static str, line: u32, column: u32) -> ! { send(&Log(format_args!("panic at {}:{}:{}: {}\n", file, line, column, args))); send(&RunAborted); loop {} } macro_rules! print { ($($arg:tt)*) => ($crate::send(&$crate::kernel_proto::Log(format_args!($($arg)*)))); } macro_rules! println { ($fmt:expr) => (print!(concat!($fmt, "\n"))); ($fmt:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => (print!(concat!($fmt, "\n"), $($arg)*)); } macro_rules! raise { ($name:expr, $message:expr, $param0:expr, $param1:expr, $param2:expr) => ({ use cslice::AsCSlice; let exn = $crate::eh::Exception { name: concat!("0:artiq.coredevice.exceptions.", $name).as_bytes().as_c_slice(), file: file!().as_bytes().as_c_slice(), line: line!(), column: column!(), // https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/1719 function: "(Rust function)".as_bytes().as_c_slice(), message: $message.as_bytes().as_c_slice(), param: [$param0, $param1, $param2] }; #[allow(unused_unsafe)] unsafe { $crate::eh::raise(&exn) } }); ($name:expr, $message:expr) => ({ raise!($name, $message, 0, 0, 0) }); } pub mod eh; mod api; mod rtio; mod nrt_bus; static mut NOW: u64 = 0; static mut LIBRARY: Option> = None; #[no_mangle] pub extern fn send_to_core_log(text: CSlice) { match str::from_utf8(text.as_ref()) { Ok(s) => send(&LogSlice(s)), Err(e) => { send(&LogSlice(str::from_utf8(&text.as_ref()[..e.valid_up_to()]).unwrap())); send(&LogSlice("(invalid utf-8)\n")); } } } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn send_to_rtio_log(timestamp: i64, text: CSlice) { rtio::log(timestamp, text.as_ref()) } extern fn rpc_send(service: u32, tag: CSlice, data: *const *const ()) { while !rpc_queue::empty() {} send(&RpcSend { async: false, service: service, tag: tag.as_ref(), data: data }) } extern fn rpc_send_async(service: u32, tag: CSlice, data: *const *const ()) { while rpc_queue::full() {} rpc_queue::enqueue(|mut slice| { let length = { let mut writer = Cursor::new(&mut slice[4..]); rpc_proto::send_args(&mut writer, service, tag.as_ref(), data)?; writer.position() }; io::ProtoWrite::write_u32(&mut slice, length as u32) }).unwrap_or_else(|err| { assert!(err == io::Error::UnexpectedEnd); while !rpc_queue::empty() {} send(&RpcSend { async: true, service: service, tag: tag.as_ref(), data: data }) }) } extern fn rpc_recv(slot: *mut ()) -> usize { send(&RpcRecvRequest(slot)); recv!(&RpcRecvReply(ref result) => { match result { &Ok(alloc_size) => alloc_size, &Err(ref exception) => unsafe { eh::raise(&eh::Exception { name: exception.name.as_bytes().as_c_slice(), file: exception.file.as_bytes().as_c_slice(), line: exception.line, column: exception.column, function: exception.function.as_bytes().as_c_slice(), message: exception.message.as_bytes().as_c_slice(), param: exception.param }) } } }) } fn terminate(exception: &eh::Exception, backtrace: &mut [usize]) -> ! { let mut cursor = 0; for index in 0..backtrace.len() { if backtrace[index] > kernel_proto::KERNELCPU_PAYLOAD_ADDRESS { backtrace[cursor] = backtrace[index] - kernel_proto::KERNELCPU_PAYLOAD_ADDRESS; cursor += 1; } } let backtrace = &mut backtrace.as_mut()[0..cursor]; send(&NowSave(unsafe { NOW })); send(&RunException { exception: kernel_proto::Exception { name: str::from_utf8(exception.name.as_ref()).unwrap(), file: str::from_utf8(exception.file.as_ref()).unwrap(), line: exception.line, column: exception.column, function: str::from_utf8(exception.function.as_ref()).unwrap(), message: str::from_utf8(exception.message.as_ref()).unwrap(), param: exception.param, }, backtrace: backtrace }); loop {} } extern fn watchdog_set(ms: i64) -> i32 { if ms < 0 { raise!("ValueError", "cannot set a watchdog with a negative timeout") } send(&WatchdogSetRequest { ms: ms as u64 }); recv!(&WatchdogSetReply { id } => id) as i32 } extern fn watchdog_clear(id: i32) { send(&WatchdogClear { id: id as usize }) } extern fn cache_get(key: CSlice) -> CSlice<'static, i32> { send(&CacheGetRequest { key: str::from_utf8(key.as_ref()).unwrap() }); recv!(&CacheGetReply { value } => value.as_c_slice()) } extern fn cache_put(key: CSlice, list: CSlice) { send(&CachePutRequest { key: str::from_utf8(key.as_ref()).unwrap(), value: list.as_ref() }); recv!(&CachePutReply { succeeded } => { if !succeeded { raise!("CacheError", "cannot put into a busy cache row") } }) } const DMA_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 64 * 1024; struct DmaRecorder { active: bool, data_len: usize, buffer: [u8; DMA_BUFFER_SIZE], } static mut DMA_RECORDER: DmaRecorder = DmaRecorder { active: false, data_len: 0, buffer: [0; DMA_BUFFER_SIZE], }; fn dma_record_flush() { unsafe { send(&DmaRecordAppend(&DMA_RECORDER.buffer[..DMA_RECORDER.data_len])); DMA_RECORDER.data_len = 0; } } extern fn dma_record_start(name: CSlice) { let name = str::from_utf8(name.as_ref()).unwrap(); unsafe { if DMA_RECORDER.active { raise!("DMAError", "DMA is already recording") } let library = LIBRARY.as_ref().unwrap(); library.rebind(b"rtio_output", dma_record_output as *const () as u32).unwrap(); library.rebind(b"rtio_output_wide", dma_record_output_wide as *const () as u32).unwrap(); DMA_RECORDER.active = true; send(&DmaRecordStart(name)); } } extern fn dma_record_stop(duration: i64) { unsafe { dma_record_flush(); if !DMA_RECORDER.active { raise!("DMAError", "DMA is not recording") } let library = LIBRARY.as_ref().unwrap(); library.rebind(b"rtio_output", rtio::output as *const () as u32).unwrap(); library.rebind(b"rtio_output_wide", rtio::output_wide as *const () as u32).unwrap(); DMA_RECORDER.active = false; send(&DmaRecordStop { duration: duration as u64 }); } } extern fn dma_record_output(timestamp: i64, channel: i32, address: i32, word: i32) { dma_record_output_wide(timestamp, channel, address, [word].as_c_slice()) } extern fn dma_record_output_wide(timestamp: i64, channel: i32, address: i32, words: CSlice) { assert!(words.len() <= 16); // enforce the hardware limit // See gateware/rtio/dma.py. let header_length = /*length*/1 + /*channel*/3 + /*timestamp*/8 + /*address*/2; let length = header_length + /*data*/words.len() * 4; let header = [ (length >> 0) as u8, (channel >> 0) as u8, (channel >> 8) as u8, (channel >> 16) as u8, (timestamp >> 0) as u8, (timestamp >> 8) as u8, (timestamp >> 16) as u8, (timestamp >> 24) as u8, (timestamp >> 32) as u8, (timestamp >> 40) as u8, (timestamp >> 48) as u8, (timestamp >> 56) as u8, (address >> 0) as u8, (address >> 8) as u8, ]; let mut data = [0; 16 * 4]; for (i, &word) in words.as_ref().iter().enumerate() { let part = [ (word >> 0) as u8, (word >> 8) as u8, (word >> 16) as u8, (word >> 24) as u8, ]; data[i * 4..(i + 1) * 4].copy_from_slice(&part[..]); } let data = &data[..words.len() * 4]; unsafe { if DMA_RECORDER.buffer.len() - DMA_RECORDER.data_len < length { dma_record_flush() } let dst = &mut DMA_RECORDER.buffer[DMA_RECORDER.data_len.. DMA_RECORDER.data_len + length]; dst[..header_length].copy_from_slice(&header[..]); dst[header_length..].copy_from_slice(&data[..]); DMA_RECORDER.data_len += length; } } extern fn dma_erase(name: CSlice) { let name = str::from_utf8(name.as_ref()).unwrap(); send(&DmaEraseRequest { name: name }); } #[repr(C)] struct DmaTrace { duration: i64, address: i32, } extern fn dma_retrieve(name: CSlice) -> DmaTrace { let name = str::from_utf8(name.as_ref()).unwrap(); send(&DmaRetrieveRequest { name: name }); recv!(&DmaRetrieveReply { trace, duration } => { match trace { Some(bytes) => Ok(DmaTrace { address: bytes.as_ptr() as i32, duration: duration as i64 }), None => Err(()) } }).unwrap_or_else(|()| { println!("DMA trace called {:?} not found", name); raise!("DMAError", "DMA trace not found"); }) } #[cfg(has_rtio)] extern fn dma_playback(timestamp: i64, ptr: i32) { assert!(ptr % 64 == 0); unsafe { csr::rtio_dma::base_address_write(ptr as u64); csr::rtio_dma::time_offset_write(timestamp as u64); csr::cri_con::selected_write(1); csr::rtio_dma::enable_write(1); while csr::rtio_dma::enable_read() != 0 {} csr::cri_con::selected_write(0); let error = csr::rtio_dma::error_read(); if error != 0 { let timestamp = csr::rtio_dma::error_timestamp_read(); let channel = csr::rtio_dma::error_channel_read(); csr::rtio_dma::error_write(1); if error & 1 != 0 { raise!("RTIOUnderflow", "RTIO underflow at {0} mu, channel {1}", timestamp as i64, channel as i64, 0); } if error & 2 != 0 { raise!("RTIOLinkError", "RTIO output link error at {0} mu, channel {1}", timestamp as i64, channel as i64, 0); } } } } #[cfg(not(has_rtio))] extern fn dma_playback(timestamp: i64, ptr: i32) { unimplemented!("not(has_rtio)") } unsafe fn attribute_writeback(typeinfo: *const ()) { struct Attr { offset: usize, tag: CSlice<'static, u8>, name: CSlice<'static, u8> } struct Type { attributes: *const *const Attr, objects: *const *const () } let mut tys = typeinfo as *const *const Type; while !(*tys).is_null() { let ty = *tys; tys = tys.offset(1); let mut objects = (*ty).objects; while !(*objects).is_null() { let object = *objects; objects = objects.offset(1); let mut attributes = (*ty).attributes; while !(*attributes).is_null() { let attribute = *attributes; attributes = attributes.offset(1); if (*attribute).tag.len() > 0 { rpc_send_async(0, (*attribute).tag, [ &object as *const _ as *const (), &(*attribute).name as *const _ as *const (), (object as usize + (*attribute).offset) as *const () ].as_ptr()); } } } } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe fn main() { let image = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(kernel_proto::KERNELCPU_PAYLOAD_ADDRESS as *mut u8, kernel_proto::KERNELCPU_LAST_ADDRESS - kernel_proto::KERNELCPU_PAYLOAD_ADDRESS); let library = recv!(&LoadRequest(library) => { match Library::load(library, image, &api::resolve) { Err(error) => { send(&LoadReply(Err(error))); loop {} }, Ok(library) => { send(&LoadReply(Ok(()))); library } } }); let __bss_start = library.lookup(b"__bss_start").unwrap(); let _end = library.lookup(b"_end").unwrap(); let __modinit__ = library.lookup(b"__modinit__").unwrap(); let typeinfo = library.lookup(b"typeinfo"); LIBRARY = Some(library); ptr::write_bytes(__bss_start as *mut u8, 0, (_end - __bss_start) as usize); send(&NowInitRequest); recv!(&NowInitReply(now) => NOW = now); (mem::transmute::(__modinit__))(); send(&NowSave(NOW)); if let Some(typeinfo) = typeinfo { attribute_writeback(typeinfo as *const ()); } send(&RunFinished); loop {} } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn exception(vect: u32, _regs: *const u32, pc: u32, ea: u32) { panic!("exception {:?} at PC 0x{:x}, EA 0x{:x}", vect, pc, ea) } #[no_mangle] pub extern fn abort() { panic!("aborted") }