diff --git a/doc/manual/developing.rst b/doc/manual/developing.rst index 481920993..a2c0d5da4 100644 --- a/doc/manual/developing.rst +++ b/doc/manual/developing.rst @@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ Developing ARTIQ The easiest way to obtain an ARTIQ development environment is via the Nix package manager on Linux. The Nix system is used on the `M-Labs Hydra server `_ to build ARTIQ and its dependencies continuously; it ensures that all build instructions are up-to-date and allows binary packages to be used on developers' machines, in particular for large tools such as the Rust compiler. ARTIQ itself does not depend on Nix, and it is also possible to compile everything from source (look into the ``flake.nix`` file and/or nixpkgs, and run the commands manually) - but Nix makes the process a lot easier. -* Download Vivado from Xilinx and install it (by running the official installer in a FHS chroot environment if using NixOS; the ARTIQ flake provides such an environment). If you do not want to write to ``/opt``, you can install it in a folder of your home directory. The "appropriate" Vivado version to use for building the bitstream can vary. Some versions contain bugs that lead to hidden or visible failures, others work fine. Refer to `Hydra `_ and/or the ``flake.nix`` file from the ARTIQ repository in order to determine which version is used at M-Labs. If the Vivado GUI installer crashes, you may be able to work around the problem by running it in unattended mode with a command such as ``./xsetup -a XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA,WebTalkTerms -b Install -e 'Vitis Unified Software Platform' -l /opt/Xilinx/``. +* Download Vivado from Xilinx and install it (by running the official installer in a FHS chroot environment if using NixOS; the ARTIQ flake provides such an environment, which can be entered with the command `vivado-env`). If you do not want to write to ``/opt``, you can install it in a folder of your home directory. The "appropriate" Vivado version to use for building the bitstream can vary. Some versions contain bugs that lead to hidden or visible failures, others work fine. Refer to `Hydra `_ and/or the ``flake.nix`` file from the ARTIQ repository in order to determine which version is used at M-Labs. If the Vivado GUI installer crashes, you may be able to work around the problem by running it in unattended mode with a command such as ``./xsetup -a XilinxEULA,3rdPartyEULA,WebTalkTerms -b Install -e 'Vitis Unified Software Platform' -l /opt/Xilinx/``. * During the Vivado installation, uncheck ``Install cable drivers`` (they are not required as we use better and open source alternatives). * Install the `Nix package manager `_, version 2.4 or later. Prefer a single-user installation for simplicity. * If you did not install Vivado in its default location ``/opt``, clone the ARTIQ Git repository and edit ``flake.nix`` accordingly. * Enable flakes in Nix by e.g. adding ``experimental-features = nix-command flakes`` to ``nix.conf`` (for example ``~/.config/nix/nix.conf``). * Clone the ARTIQ Git repository and run ``nix develop`` at the root (where ``flake.nix`` is). * Make the current source code of ARTIQ available to the Python interpreter by running ``export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`:$PYTHONPATH``. -* You can then build the firmware and gateware with a command such as ``$ python -m artiq.gateware.targets.kasli file.json``. +* You can then build the firmware and gateware with a command such as ``$ python -m artiq.gateware.targets.kasli .json``, using a JSON system description file. * Flash the binaries into the FPGA board with a command such as ``$ artiq_flash --srcbuild -d artiq_kasli/``. You need to configure OpenOCD as explained :ref:`in the user section `. OpenOCD is already part of the flake's development environment. * Check that the board boots and examine the UART messages by running a serial terminal program, e.g. ``$ flterm /dev/ttyUSB1`` (``flterm`` is part of MiSoC and installed in the flake's development environment). Leave the terminal running while you are flashing the board, so that you see the startup messages when the board boots immediately after flashing. You can also restart the board (without reflashing it) with ``$ artiq_flash start``. * The communication parameters are 115200 8-N-1. Ensure that your user has access to the serial device (e.g. by adding the user account to the ``dialout`` group). diff --git a/doc/manual/getting_started_core.rst b/doc/manual/getting_started_core.rst index 1ffaccb62..867b5b544 100644 --- a/doc/manual/getting_started_core.rst +++ b/doc/manual/getting_started_core.rst @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ As a very first step, we will turn on a LED on the core device. Create a file `` The central part of our code is our ``LED`` class, which derives from :class:`artiq.language.environment.EnvExperiment`. Among other features, :class:`~artiq.language.environment.EnvExperiment` calls our :meth:`~artiq.language.environment.Experiment.build` method and provides the :meth:`~artiq.language.environment.HasEnvironment.setattr_device` method that interfaces to the device database to create the appropriate device drivers and make those drivers accessible as ``self.core`` and ``self.led``. The :func:`~artiq.language.core.kernel` decorator (``@kernel``) tells the system that the :meth:`~artiq.language.environment.Experiment.run` method must be compiled for and executed on the core device (instead of being interpreted and executed as regular Python code on the host). The decorator uses ``self.core`` internally, which is why we request the core device using :meth:`~artiq.language.environment.HasEnvironment.setattr_device` like any other. -Copy the file ``device_db.py`` (containing the device database) from the ``examples/master`` folder of ARTIQ into the same directory as ``led.py`` (alternatively, you can use the ``--device-db`` option of ``artiq_run``). You will probably want to set the IP address of the core device in ``device_db.py`` so that the computer can connect to it (it is the ``host`` parameter of the ``comm`` entry). See :ref:`device-db` for more information. The example device database is designed for the ``nist_clock`` hardware adapter on the KC705; see :ref:`board-ports` for RTIO channel assignments if you need to adapt the device database to a different hardware platform. +You will need to supply the correct device database for your core device; it is generated by a Python script typically called ``device_db.py`` (see also :ref:`device_db`). If you purchased a system from M-Labs, the device database is provided either on the USB stick or inside ~/artiq on the NUC; otherwise, you can also find examples in the ``examples`` folder of ARTIQ, sorted inside the corresponding subfolder for your core device. Copy ``device_db.py`` into the same directory as ``led.py`` (or use the ``--device-db`` option of ``artiq_run``). The field ``core_addr``, placed at the top of the file, needs to match the IP address of your core device so your computer can communicate with it. If you purchased a pre-assembled system it is normally already set correctly. .. note:: - To obtain the examples, you can find where the ARTIQ package is installed on your machine with: :: + To access the examples, you can find where the ARTIQ package is installed on your machine with: :: python3 -c "import artiq; print(artiq.__path__[0])"