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doc: Add 'Overview' diagram

This commit is contained in:
architeuthidae 2024-08-22 11:21:46 +08:00 committed by Sébastien Bourdeauducq
parent 3d125e76b3
commit 9bfac74c3f
5 changed files with 238 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -332,3 +332,5 @@ render_using_wavedrompy = True
# tikz_proc_suite = pdf2svg
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# these are the defaults
tikz_tikzlibraries = 'positioning, shapes, arrows'

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ ARTIQ manual
:caption: ARTIQ components
:maxdepth: 2

doc/manual/overview.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Overview diagram
.. Kept in a separate file for the luxury of good syntax highlighting
.. tikz:: Structure of an ARTIQ system. Note that most components can also be used independently of each other. Network-connected components can be distributed across multiple machines.
:align: left
:libs: positioning, shapes, arrows
:xscale: 100
:include: overview.tex
1. As described in the :doc:`management tutorial <getting_started_mgmt>`, the clients can simply be run on the same machine as the master. It is common however to set up several other 'client machines' to allow distributed access to the system, each with an installation of ARTIQ and (potentially) a Git clone of the experiment repository. The communication between components is the same. Other ARTIQ commands and utilities can also be used from these machines.
2. It is common to have controllers for one or several 'slow' devices running on other machines. In this case, it's simply necessary to have one controller manager per machine. Note that running controllers and controller managers does not require a full ARTIQ install: the minimal package ``artiq-comtools`` can be installed instead. Otherwise, if these controllers are run side-by-side to the built-in controllers, they can be handled by the same controller manager, as depicted by the non-dashed lines.
3. The various other ARTIQ utilities may also connect to the master, read the device database, communicate with the core device, etc., depending on their specific functionalities. See their :doc:`individual references <utilities>`.
4. These are the :ref:`built-in controllers <built-in-ctlrs>` used by the ARTIQ dashboard to provide certain functionalities which require access to the core device. They can be found listed in :ref:`Utilities <utilities-ctrls>` (the commands prefixed with ``aqctl_`` rather than ``artiq_``). It is possible to use the ARTIQ management system without them, and the other abilities of the dashboard will still function, but important features will be unavailable.

doc/manual/overview.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
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\tikzstyle{rtio} = [line, draw = brand-light]
\tikzstyle{drtio} = [line, draw = blue]
\tikzstyle{slow} = [line, draw = dingle]
\tikzstyle{jtag} = [line, draw = gray]
\tikzstyle{direct} = [line, draw = primary, thin]
\tikzstyle{master} = [draw = purple]
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\tikzstyle{core} = [matrices, draw = purple]
\matrix[peripheral](peri-slow) at (0, 15.75)
\node[label] (label){Peripherals (slow)};\\
\node [splits, rectangle split parts = 4](slow-list){
\nodepart{one} Optical translation stages
\nodepart{two} Optical rotation stages
\nodepart{three} Temperature controllers
\nodepart{four} etc...
\matrix[pc](comtools) at (6.38, 15.75)
\node [splits, rectangle split parts = 3](remote-ctlrs){
\nodepart{one} Controller
\nodepart{two} Controller
\nodepart{three} etc...
}; \\
\node[single, minimum height = 0.5cm, font=\tt](remote-ctlmgr){
}; \\
\node[anchor = north west] (label) at (11, 16) {Client machines, NB: see footnote 1.};
\matrix[pc](clients) at (10.75, 15)
\node[single, draw=rtm, solid](remote-repo) {Cloned repository};
\node [splits, master, rectangle split parts = 2, minimum width = 3 cm](remote-client){
\nodepart[font=\tt]{one} artiq\_client
\nodepart[font=\tt]{two} artiq\_dashboard
\matrix[host](host-machine) at (0, 11)
\node[font=\tt, single](browser) {artiq\_browser};
\node[single, master](results){Results};
\node[splits, rectangle split parts = 2, master](master) {
\nodepart[font=\bf]{one} ARTIQ master
\nodepart{two} Datasets
\node [single, master](repo){Repository};
\node[font=\tt, single, master](ctlmgr) {artiq\_ctlmgr};
\node[font=\tt, single](flash) {artiq\_flash};
\node[font=\tt, single](run) {artiq\_run};
\node[single, master](ddb) {Device database};
\node[font=\tt, single](coremgmt) {artiq\_coremgmt\textsuperscript{3}};
\node[single, master](builtin) {Built-in controllers\textsuperscript{4}};
\node[linelabel] (label1) at (-0.25, 6.3) {PCs AND REMOTE DEVICES};
\draw[primary, thick, dotted] (-0.5, 6) -- (19, 6);
\node[linelabel] (label2) at (0, 5.7) {REAL TIME HARDWARE};
\matrix[peripheral](peri-fast) at (0, 5)
\node[label] (label){Peripherals (fast)};\\
\node [splits, rectangle split parts = 5](fast-list){
\nodepart{one} TTL in/out
\nodepart{two} DDS/Urukul
\nodepart{three} AWG/Phaser
\nodepart{four} DAC/Zotino
\nodepart{five} etc...
\matrix[core](core) at (6.75, 5)
\node[label] (label){Core device};\\
\node [splits, rectangle split parts = 2](core-list){
\nodepart{one} CPU
\nodepart{two} RTIO gateware
\matrix[core](satellite) at (6.25, 2)
\node[label] (label){Satellite core devices};\\
% legend
\matrix[legend] (legend) at (12, 5.5) {
\node [colorbox, fill=magenta] (network) {}; \& \node[label] (network-label) {Network}; \\
\node [colorbox, fill=brand-light] (rtio) {}; \& \node[label] (rtio-label) {RTIO}; \\
\node [colorbox, fill=dingle] (slow) {}; \& \node[label] (slow-label) {Slow IO}; \\
\node [colorbox, fill=blue] (drtio) {}; \& \node[label] (drtio-label) {DRTIO}; \\
\node [colorbox, fill=gray] (jtag) {}; \& \node[label] (jtag-label) {JTAG}; \\
\node [colorbox, fill=primary] (direct) {}; \& \node[label] (direct-label) {Local}; \\
\node [colorbox, fill=violet] (git) {}; \& \node[label] (git-label) {Git}; \\
\draw[direct, dashed] (remote-ctlmgr.north) -- (remote-ctlrs);
\draw[slow] ( east) -| +(0.5,0) |- ( west);
\draw[slow] (slow-list.two east) -| +(0.8,0) |- (remote-ctlrs.two west);
\draw[slow] (slow-list.three east) -| +(1.1,0) |- (remote-ctlrs.three west);
\draw[direct] (remote-ctlrs.east) -| + (1, -2.25) -|(ctlmgr.70);
\draw[network, dashed] (remote-ctlmgr.west) -| +(-0.5, -1) -| (master.120);
% client
\draw[git] (remote-repo.south) -- +(0, -1) -| (repo.110);
\draw[network] (remote-client.south) -- +(0, -1.5) -| (master.90);
\draw[network] (remote-client.two east) -- +(0.7, 0) |- (builtin.east);
\draw[direct] (browser) -- (results);
\draw[direct] (results) -- (master);
\draw[direct] (master) -- (ddb);
\draw[direct] (master) -- (repo);
\draw[direct] (run) -- (ddb);
\draw[direct] (coremgmt) -- (ddb);
% ctlmgr
\draw[network] (master.60) -- +(0, 0.25) -| (ctlmgr.110);
\draw[network] (ctlmgr) -- (builtin);
% core connections
\draw[jtag] (flash.south) |- +(1, -1) -| (core.125);
\draw[network] (run.south) |- +(1, -0.75) -| (core.110);
\draw[network] (master.230) |- +(-1.25, -0.25) |- +(0, -2) -| (core.north);
\draw[network] (coremgmt.south) |- +(-0.75, -0.75) -| (core.70);
\draw[network] (builtin.south) |- +(-2, -1.1) -| (core.55);
\node (branch) at (5, 2.5){};
\draw[rtio] (core-list.two west) |- +(-1, 0) |- (;
\draw[rtio] ( |- ( east);
\draw[rtio] ( |- (fast-list.two east);
\draw[rtio] ( |- (fast-list.three east);
\draw[rtio] ( |- (fast-list.four east);
\draw[rtio] ( |- (fast-list.five east);
\draw[drtio] ( east) |- +(1, 0) |- (satellite.east);
\draw[rtio] (satellite.west) -| +(-0.5, 0) |- (5, 2);

View File

@ -100,6 +100,8 @@ Note however that in order for the controller manager to be able to start a cont
Once a device is correctly listed in ````, it can be added to an experiment using ``self.setattr_device([device_name])`` and the methods its API offers called straightforwardly as ``self.[device_name].[method_name]``. As long as the requisite controllers are running and available, the experiment can then be executed with :mod:`~artiq.frontend.artiq_run` or through the management system. To understand how to add controllers to the device database, see also :ref:`device-db`.
.. _built-in-ctlrs:
ARTIQ built-in controllers