test: remove test_numpy (NAC3TODO)

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Sebastien Bourdeauducq 2022-02-26 18:39:28 +08:00
parent d7c915ff7b
commit 645c4590b3

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@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
from artiq.experiment import *
import numpy
import scipy.special
from artiq.test.hardware_testbench import ExperimentCase
from artiq.compiler.targets import CortexA9Target
from artiq.compiler import math_fns
class _RunOnDevice(EnvExperiment):
def build(self):
def run_on_kernel_unary(self, a, callback, numpy, scipy):
self.run(a, callback, numpy, scipy)
def run_on_kernel_binary(self, a, b, callback, numpy, scipy):
self.run(a, b, callback, numpy, scipy)
# Binary operations supported for scalars and arrays of any dimension, including
# broadcasting.
ELEM_WISE_BINOPS = ["+", "*", "//", "%", "**", "-", "/"]
class CompareHostDeviceTest(ExperimentCase):
def _test_binop(self, op, a, b):
exp = self.create(_RunOnDevice)
exp.run = kernel_from_string(["a", "b", "callback", "numpy", "scipy"],
"callback(" + op + ")",
checked = False
def with_host_result(host):
def with_both_results(device):
nonlocal checked
checked = True
numpy.allclose(host, device, equal_nan=True),
"Discrepancy in binop test for '{}': Expexcted ({}, {}) -> {}, got {}"
.format(op, a, b, host, device))
exp.run_on_kernel_binary(a, b, with_both_results, numpy, scipy)
exp.run(a, b, with_host_result, numpy, scipy)
self.assertTrue(checked, "Test did not run")
def _test_unaryop(self, op, a):
exp = self.create(_RunOnDevice)
exp.run = kernel_from_string(["a", "callback", "numpy", "scipy"],
"callback(" + op + ")",
checked = False
def with_host_result(host):
def with_both_results(device):
nonlocal checked
checked = True
numpy.allclose(host, device, equal_nan=True),
"Discrepancy in unaryop test for '{}': Expexcted {} -> {}, got {}"
.format(op, a, host, device))
exp.run_on_kernel_unary(a, with_both_results, numpy, scipy)
exp.run(a, with_host_result, numpy, scipy)
self.assertTrue(checked, "Test did not run")
def test_scalar_scalar_binops(self):
# Some arbitrarily chosen arguments of different types. Could be turned into
# randomised tests instead.
# TODO: Provoke overflows, division by zero, etc., and compare results.
args = [(typ(a), typ(b)) for a, b in [(0, 1), (3, 2), (11, 6)]
for typ in [numpy.int32, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]]
for arg in args:
self._test_binop("a" + op + "b", *arg)
def test_scalar_matrix_binops(self):
for typ in [numpy.int32, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]:
scalar = typ(3)
matrix = numpy.array([[4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]], dtype=typ)
code = "a" + op + "b"
self._test_binop(code, scalar, matrix)
self._test_binop(code, matrix, scalar)
self._test_binop(code, matrix, matrix)
def test_matrix_mult(self):
for typ in [numpy.int32, numpy.int64, numpy.float64]:
mat_a = numpy.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=typ)
mat_b = numpy.array([[7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12]], dtype=typ)
self._test_binop("a @ b", mat_a, mat_b)
def test_unary_math_fns(self):
names = [
a for a, _ in math_fns.unary_fp_intrinsics + math_fns.unary_fp_runtime_calls
exp = self.create(_RunOnDevice)
if exp.core.target_cls != CortexA9Target:
for name in names:
op = "numpy.{}(a)".format(name)
# Avoid 0.5, as numpy.rint's rounding mode currently doesn't match.
self._test_unaryop(op, 0.51)
self._test_unaryop(op, numpy.array([[0.3, 0.4], [0.51, 0.6]]))
def test_unary_scipy_fns(self):
names = [name for name, _ in math_fns.scipy_special_unary_runtime_calls]
if self.create(_RunOnDevice).core.target_cls != CortexA9Target:
for name in names:
op = "scipy.special.{}(a)".format(name)
self._test_unaryop(op, 0.5)
self._test_unaryop(op, numpy.array([[0.3, 0.4], [0.5, 0.6]]))
def test_binary_math_fns(self):
names = [name for name, _ in math_fns.binary_fp_runtime_calls]
exp = self.create(_RunOnDevice)
if exp.core.target_cls != CortexA9Target:
for name in names:
code = "numpy.{}(a, b)".format(name)
# Avoid 0.5, as numpy.rint's rounding mode currently doesn't match.
self._test_binop(code, 1.0, 2.0)
self._test_binop(code, 1.0, numpy.array([2.0, 3.0]))
self._test_binop(code, numpy.array([1.0, 2.0]), 3.0)
self._test_binop(code, numpy.array([1.0, 2.0]), numpy.array([3.0, 4.0]))
class _MatrixMult(EnvExperiment):
"""Regression test for GitHub #1578 (ICE when mixing different matrix multiplication
types in one kernel).
def build(self):
self.imat = numpy.arange(4, dtype=numpy.int64).reshape((2, 2))
self.fmat = numpy.arange(4, dtype=numpy.float64).reshape((2, 2))
def run(self):
self.verify(self.imat, self.imat, self.imat @ self.imat)
self.verify(self.imat, self.fmat, self.imat @ self.fmat)
self.verify(self.fmat, self.imat, self.fmat @ self.imat)
self.verify(self.fmat, self.fmat, self.fmat @ self.fmat)
def verify(self, a, b, ab):
if not numpy.allclose(a @ b, ab):
raise ValueError("Mismatch for {} @ {}", a, b)
class TestMatrixMult(ExperimentCase):
def test_multiple_matrix_mult_types(self):