forked from M-Labs/artiq
runtime: fix DRTIO aux channel race condition
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use core::cell::RefCell;
use kernel_proto as kern;
use sched::{Io, Error as SchedError};
use sched::{Io, Mutex, Error as SchedError};
use session::{kern_acknowledge, kern_send, Error};
use rtio_mgt;
use urc::Urc;
@ -11,14 +11,20 @@ use board_artiq::spi as local_spi;
mod remote_i2c {
use drtioaux;
use rtio_mgt::drtio;
use sched::{Io, Mutex};
fn basic_reply(linkno: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
match drtioaux::recv_timeout(linkno, None) {
pub fn start(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cStartRequest {
destination: destination,
busno: busno
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded }) => {
if succeeded { Ok(()) } else { Err(()) }
Ok(_) => {
error!("received unexpected aux packet");
Ok(packet) => {
error!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", packet);
Err(e) => {
@ -28,49 +34,53 @@ mod remote_i2c {
pub fn start(linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
let request = drtioaux::Packet::I2cStartRequest {
pub fn restart(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cRestartRequest {
destination: destination,
busno: busno
if drtioaux::send(linkno, &request).is_err() {
return Err(())
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded }) => {
if succeeded { Ok(()) } else { Err(()) }
Ok(packet) => {
error!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", packet);
Err(e) => {
error!("aux packet error ({})", e);
pub fn restart(linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
let request = drtioaux::Packet::I2cRestartRequest {
pub fn stop(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cStopRequest {
destination: destination,
busno: busno
if drtioaux::send(linkno, &request).is_err() {
return Err(())
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::I2cBasicReply { succeeded }) => {
if succeeded { Ok(()) } else { Err(()) }
Ok(packet) => {
error!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", packet);
Err(e) => {
error!("aux packet error ({})", e);
pub fn stop(linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
let request = drtioaux::Packet::I2cStopRequest {
destination: destination,
busno: busno
if drtioaux::send(linkno, &request).is_err() {
return Err(())
pub fn write(linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8, data: u8) -> Result<bool, ()> {
let request = drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteRequest {
pub fn write(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8, data: u8) -> Result<bool, ()> {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteRequest {
destination: destination,
busno: busno,
data: data
if drtioaux::send(linkno, &request).is_err() {
return Err(())
match drtioaux::recv_timeout(linkno, None) {
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::I2cWriteReply { succeeded, ack }) => {
if succeeded { Ok(ack) } else { Err(()) }
@ -85,16 +95,13 @@ mod remote_i2c {
pub fn read(linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8, ack: bool) -> Result<u8, ()> {
let request = drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadRequest {
pub fn read(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8, ack: bool) -> Result<u8, ()> {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadRequest {
destination: destination,
busno: busno,
ack: ack
if drtioaux::send(linkno, &request).is_err() {
return Err(())
match drtioaux::recv_timeout(linkno, None) {
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::I2cReadReply { succeeded, data }) => {
if succeeded { Ok(data) } else { Err(()) }
@ -113,14 +120,24 @@ mod remote_i2c {
mod remote_spi {
use drtioaux;
use rtio_mgt::drtio;
use sched::{Io, Mutex};
fn basic_reply(linkno: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
match drtioaux::recv_timeout(linkno, None) {
pub fn set_config(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8, flags: u8, length: u8, div: u8, cs: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::SpiSetConfigRequest {
destination: destination,
busno: busno,
flags: flags,
length: length,
div: div,
cs: cs
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::SpiBasicReply { succeeded }) => {
if succeeded { Ok(()) } else { Err(()) }
Ok(_) => {
error!("received unexpected aux packet");
Ok(packet) => {
error!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", packet);
Err(e) => {
@ -130,47 +147,38 @@ mod remote_spi {
pub fn set_config(linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8, flags: u8, length: u8, div: u8, cs: u8) -> Result<(), ()> {
let request = drtioaux::Packet::SpiSetConfigRequest {
destination: destination,
busno: busno,
flags: flags,
length: length,
div: div,
cs: cs
if drtioaux::send(linkno, &request).is_err() {
return Err(())
pub fn write(linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8, data: u32) -> Result<(), ()> {
let request = drtioaux::Packet::SpiWriteRequest {
pub fn write(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8, data: u32) -> Result<(), ()> {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::SpiWriteRequest {
destination: destination,
busno: busno,
data: data
if drtioaux::send(linkno, &request).is_err() {
return Err(())
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::SpiBasicReply { succeeded }) => {
if succeeded { Ok(()) } else { Err(()) }
Ok(packet) => {
error!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", packet);
Err(e) => {
error!("aux packet error ({})", e);
pub fn read(linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8) -> Result<u32, ()> {
let request = drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadRequest {
pub fn read(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, busno: u8) -> Result<u32, ()> {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadRequest {
destination: destination,
busno: busno
if drtioaux::send(linkno, &request).is_err() {
return Err(())
match drtioaux::recv_timeout(linkno, None) {
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::SpiReadReply { succeeded, data }) => {
if succeeded { Ok(data) } else { Err(()) }
Ok(_) => {
error!("received unexpected aux packet");
Ok(packet) => {
error!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", packet);
Err(e) => {
@ -184,7 +192,7 @@ mod remote_spi {
macro_rules! dispatch {
($mod_local:ident, $mod_remote:ident, $routing_table:ident, $busno:expr, $func:ident $(, $param:expr)*) => {{
($io:ident, $aux_mutex:ident, $mod_local:ident, $mod_remote:ident, $routing_table:ident, $busno:expr, $func:ident $(, $param:expr)*) => {{
let destination = ($busno >> 16) as u8;
let busno = $busno as u8;
let hop = $routing_table.0[destination as usize][0];
@ -192,27 +200,27 @@ macro_rules! dispatch {
$mod_local::$func(busno, $($param, )*)
} else {
let linkno = hop - 1;
$mod_remote::$func(linkno, destination, busno, $($param, )*)
$mod_remote::$func($io, $aux_mutex, linkno, destination, busno, $($param, )*)
macro_rules! dispatch {
($mod_local:ident, $mod_remote:ident, $routing_table:ident, $busno:expr, $func:ident $(, $param:expr)*) => {{
($io:ident, $aux_mutex:ident,$mod_local:ident, $mod_remote:ident, $routing_table:ident, $busno:expr, $func:ident $(, $param:expr)*) => {{
let busno = $busno as u8;
$mod_local::$func(busno, $($param, )*)
pub fn process_kern_hwreq(io: &Io,
pub fn process_kern_hwreq(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
_routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
_up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
request: &kern::Message) -> Result<bool, Error<SchedError>> {
match request {
&kern::RtioInitRequest => {
info!("resetting RTIO");
rtio_mgt::init_core(io, aux_mutex, false);
@ -228,42 +236,42 @@ pub fn process_kern_hwreq(io: &Io,
&kern::I2cStartRequest { busno } => {
let succeeded = dispatch!(local_i2c, remote_i2c, _routing_table, busno, start).is_ok();
let succeeded = dispatch!(io, aux_mutex, local_i2c, remote_i2c, _routing_table, busno, start).is_ok();
kern_send(io, &kern::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded })
&kern::I2cRestartRequest { busno } => {
let succeeded = dispatch!(local_i2c, remote_i2c, _routing_table, busno, restart).is_ok();
let succeeded = dispatch!(io, aux_mutex, local_i2c, remote_i2c, _routing_table, busno, restart).is_ok();
kern_send(io, &kern::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded })
&kern::I2cStopRequest { busno } => {
let succeeded = dispatch!(local_i2c, remote_i2c, _routing_table, busno, stop).is_ok();
let succeeded = dispatch!(io, aux_mutex, local_i2c, remote_i2c, _routing_table, busno, stop).is_ok();
kern_send(io, &kern::I2cBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded })
&kern::I2cWriteRequest { busno, data } => {
match dispatch!(local_i2c, remote_i2c, _routing_table, busno, write, data) {
match dispatch!(io, aux_mutex, local_i2c, remote_i2c, _routing_table, busno, write, data) {
Ok(ack) => kern_send(io, &kern::I2cWriteReply { succeeded: true, ack: ack }),
Err(_) => kern_send(io, &kern::I2cWriteReply { succeeded: false, ack: false })
&kern::I2cReadRequest { busno, ack } => {
match dispatch!(local_i2c, remote_i2c, _routing_table, busno, read, ack) {
match dispatch!(io, aux_mutex, local_i2c, remote_i2c, _routing_table, busno, read, ack) {
Ok(data) => kern_send(io, &kern::I2cReadReply { succeeded: true, data: data }),
Err(_) => kern_send(io, &kern::I2cReadReply { succeeded: false, data: 0xff })
&kern::SpiSetConfigRequest { busno, flags, length, div, cs } => {
let succeeded = dispatch!(local_spi, remote_spi, _routing_table, busno,
let succeeded = dispatch!(io, aux_mutex, local_spi, remote_spi, _routing_table, busno,
set_config, flags, length, div, cs).is_ok();
kern_send(io, &kern::SpiBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded })
&kern::SpiWriteRequest { busno, data } => {
let succeeded = dispatch!(local_spi, remote_spi, _routing_table, busno,
let succeeded = dispatch!(io, aux_mutex, local_spi, remote_spi, _routing_table, busno,
write, data).is_ok();
kern_send(io, &kern::SpiBasicReply { succeeded: succeeded })
&kern::SpiReadRequest { busno } => {
match dispatch!(local_spi, remote_spi, _routing_table, busno, read) {
match dispatch!(io, aux_mutex, local_spi, remote_spi, _routing_table, busno, read) {
Ok(data) => kern_send(io, &kern::SpiReadReply { succeeded: true, data: data }),
Err(_) => kern_send(io, &kern::SpiReadReply { succeeded: false, data: 0 })
@ -289,22 +289,25 @@ fn startup_ethernet() {
let up_destinations = urc::Urc::new(RefCell::new(
[false; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]));
let aux_mutex = sched::Mutex::new();
let mut scheduler = sched::Scheduler::new();
let io =;
rtio_mgt::startup(&io, &drtio_routing_table, &up_destinations);
rtio_mgt::startup(&io, &aux_mutex, &drtio_routing_table, &up_destinations);
io.spawn(4096, mgmt::thread);
let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone();
let drtio_routing_table = drtio_routing_table.clone();
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
io.spawn(16384, move |io| { session::thread(io, &drtio_routing_table, &up_destinations) });
io.spawn(16384, move |io| { session::thread(io, &aux_mutex, &drtio_routing_table, &up_destinations) });
#[cfg(any(has_rtio_moninj, has_drtio))]
let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone();
let drtio_routing_table = drtio_routing_table.clone();
io.spawn(4096, move |io| { moninj::thread(io, &drtio_routing_table) });
io.spawn(4096, move |io| { moninj::thread(io, &aux_mutex, &drtio_routing_table) });
io.spawn(4096, analyzer::thread);
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use core::cell::RefCell;
use io::Error as IoError;
use moninj_proto::*;
use sched::{Io, TcpListener, TcpStream, Error as SchedError};
use sched::{Io, Mutex, TcpListener, TcpStream, Error as SchedError};
use urc::Urc;
use board_misoc::clock;
use board_artiq::drtio_routing;
@ -50,21 +50,16 @@ mod local_moninj {
mod remote_moninj {
use drtioaux;
use rtio_mgt::drtio;
use sched::{Io, Mutex};
pub fn read_probe(linkno: u8, destination: u8, channel: u16, probe: u8) -> u32 {
let request = drtioaux::Packet::MonitorRequest {
pub fn read_probe(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, channel: u16, probe: u8) -> u32 {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::MonitorRequest {
destination: destination,
channel: channel,
probe: probe
match drtioaux::send(linkno, &request) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
error!("aux packet error ({})", e);
return 0;
match drtioaux::recv_timeout(linkno, None) {
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::MonitorReply { value }) => return value,
Ok(packet) => error!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", packet),
Err(e) => error!("aux packet error ({})", e)
@ -72,33 +67,23 @@ mod remote_moninj {
pub fn inject(linkno: u8, destination: u8, channel: u16, overrd: u8, value: u8) {
let request = drtioaux::Packet::InjectionRequest {
pub fn inject(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, channel: u16, overrd: u8, value: u8) {
let _lock = aux_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
drtioaux::send(linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::InjectionRequest {
destination: destination,
channel: channel,
overrd: overrd,
value: value
match drtioaux::send(linkno, &request) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => error!("aux packet error ({})", e)
pub fn read_injection_status(linkno: u8, destination: u8, channel: u16, overrd: u8) -> u8 {
let request = drtioaux::Packet::InjectionStatusRequest {
pub fn read_injection_status(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, destination: u8, channel: u16, overrd: u8) -> u8 {
let reply = drtio::aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::InjectionStatusRequest {
destination: destination,
channel: channel,
overrd: overrd
match drtioaux::send(linkno, &request) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => {
error!("aux packet error ({})", e);
return 0;
match drtioaux::recv_timeout(linkno, None) {
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::InjectionStatusReply { value }) => return value,
Ok(packet) => error!("received unexpected aux packet: {:?}", packet),
Err(e) => error!("aux packet error ({})", e)
@ -109,7 +94,7 @@ mod remote_moninj {
macro_rules! dispatch {
($routing_table:ident, $channel:expr, $func:ident $(, $param:expr)*) => {{
($io:ident, $aux_mutex:ident, $routing_table:ident, $channel:expr, $func:ident $(, $param:expr)*) => {{
let destination = ($channel >> 16) as u8;
let channel = $channel as u16;
let hop = $routing_table.0[destination as usize][0];
@ -117,20 +102,20 @@ macro_rules! dispatch {
local_moninj::$func(channel, $($param, )*)
} else {
let linkno = hop - 1;
remote_moninj::$func(linkno, destination, channel, $($param, )*)
remote_moninj::$func($io, $aux_mutex, linkno, destination, channel, $($param, )*)
macro_rules! dispatch {
($routing_table:ident, $channel:expr, $func:ident $(, $param:expr)*) => {{
($io:ident, $aux_mutex:ident, $routing_table:ident, $channel:expr, $func:ident $(, $param:expr)*) => {{
let channel = $channel as u16;
local_moninj::$func(channel, $($param, )*)
fn connection_worker(io: &Io, _routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
fn connection_worker(io: &Io, _aux_mutex: &Mutex, _routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
mut stream: &mut TcpStream) -> Result<(), Error<SchedError>> {
let mut probe_watch_list = BTreeMap::new();
let mut inject_watch_list = BTreeMap::new();
@ -159,9 +144,9 @@ fn connection_worker(io: &Io, _routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
let _ = inject_watch_list.remove(&(channel, overrd));
HostMessage::Inject { channel, overrd, value } => dispatch!(_routing_table, channel, inject, overrd, value),
HostMessage::Inject { channel, overrd, value } => dispatch!(io, _aux_mutex, _routing_table, channel, inject, overrd, value),
HostMessage::GetInjectionStatus { channel, overrd } => {
let value = dispatch!(_routing_table, channel, read_injection_status, overrd);
let value = dispatch!(io, _aux_mutex, _routing_table, channel, read_injection_status, overrd);
let reply = DeviceMessage::InjectionStatus {
channel: channel,
overrd: overrd,
@ -178,7 +163,7 @@ fn connection_worker(io: &Io, _routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
if clock::get_ms() > next_check {
for (&(channel, probe), previous) in probe_watch_list.iter_mut() {
let current = dispatch!(_routing_table, channel, read_probe, probe);
let current = dispatch!(io, _aux_mutex, _routing_table, channel, read_probe, probe);
if previous.is_none() || previous.unwrap() != current {
let message = DeviceMessage::MonitorStatus {
channel: channel,
@ -193,7 +178,7 @@ fn connection_worker(io: &Io, _routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
for (&(channel, overrd), previous) in inject_watch_list.iter_mut() {
let current = dispatch!(_routing_table, channel, read_injection_status, overrd);
let current = dispatch!(io, _aux_mutex, _routing_table, channel, read_injection_status, overrd);
if previous.is_none() || previous.unwrap() != current {
let message = DeviceMessage::InjectionStatus {
channel: channel,
@ -214,17 +199,18 @@ fn connection_worker(io: &Io, _routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
pub fn thread(io: Io, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>) {
pub fn thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>) {
let listener = TcpListener::new(&io, 2047);
listener.listen(1383).expect("moninj: cannot listen");
loop {
let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone();
let routing_table = routing_table.clone();
let stream = listener.accept().expect("moninj: cannot accept").into_handle();
io.spawn(16384, move |io| {
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
let mut stream = TcpStream::from_handle(&io, stream);
match connection_worker(&io, &routing_table, &mut stream) {
match connection_worker(&io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &mut stream) {
Ok(()) => {},
Err(err) => error!("moninj aborted: {}", err)
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ use board_misoc::clock;
use board_misoc::config;
use board_artiq::drtio_routing;
use sched::Io;
use sched::Mutex;
pub mod crg {
@ -47,16 +48,18 @@ pub mod drtio {
use super::*;
use drtioaux;
pub fn startup(io: &Io, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
pub fn startup(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>) {
unsafe {
let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone();
let routing_table = routing_table.clone();
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
io.spawn(4096, move |io| {
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
link_thread(io, &routing_table, &up_destinations);
link_thread(io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &up_destinations);
@ -87,26 +90,6 @@ pub mod drtio {
fn ping_remote(linkno: u8, io: &Io) -> u32 {
let mut count = 0;
loop {
if !link_rx_up(linkno) {
return 0
count += 1;
if count > 200 {
return 0;
drtioaux::send(linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::EchoRequest).unwrap();
let pr = drtioaux::recv(linkno);
match pr {
Ok(Some(drtioaux::Packet::EchoReply)) => return count,
_ => {}
fn recv_aux_timeout(io: &Io, linkno: u8, timeout: u32) -> Result<drtioaux::Packet, &'static str> {
let max_time = clock::get_ms() + timeout as u64;
loop {
@ -125,7 +108,35 @@ pub mod drtio {
fn sync_tsc(io: &Io, linkno: u8) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
pub fn aux_transact(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
linkno: u8, request: &drtioaux::Packet) -> Result<drtioaux::Packet, &'static str> {
let _lock = aux_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
drtioaux::send(linkno, request).unwrap();
recv_aux_timeout(io, linkno, 200)
fn ping_remote(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8) -> u32 {
let mut count = 0;
loop {
if !link_rx_up(linkno) {
return 0
count += 1;
if count > 100 {
return 0;
let reply = aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::EchoRequest);
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::EchoReply) => return count,
_ => {}
fn sync_tsc(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let _lock = aux_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
unsafe {
(csr::DRTIO[linkno as usize].set_time_write)(1);
while (csr::DRTIO[linkno as usize].set_time_read)() == 1 {}
@ -140,14 +151,13 @@ pub mod drtio {
fn load_routing_table(io: &Io, linkno: u8, routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable)
fn load_routing_table(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable)
-> Result<(), &'static str> {
for i in 0..drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT {
drtioaux::send(linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetPath {
let reply = aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetPath {
destination: i as u8,
hops: routing_table.0[i]
let reply = recv_aux_timeout(io, linkno, 200)?;
if reply != drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck {
return Err("unexpected reply");
@ -155,11 +165,10 @@ pub mod drtio {
fn set_rank(io: &Io, linkno: u8, rank: u8) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
drtioaux::send(linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetRank {
fn set_rank(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8, rank: u8) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
let reply = aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::RoutingSetRank {
rank: rank
let reply = recv_aux_timeout(io, linkno, 200)?;
if reply != drtioaux::Packet::RoutingAck {
return Err("unexpected reply");
@ -179,7 +188,8 @@ pub mod drtio {
fn process_unsolicited_aux(linkno: u8) {
fn process_unsolicited_aux(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, linkno: u8) {
let _lock = aux_mutex.lock(io).unwrap();
match drtioaux::recv(linkno) {
Ok(Some(packet)) => warn!("[LINK#{}] unsolicited aux packet: {:?}", linkno, packet),
Ok(None) => (),
@ -227,7 +237,7 @@ pub mod drtio {
up_destinations[destination as usize]
fn destination_survey(io: &Io, routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
fn destination_survey(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>) {
for destination in 0..drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT {
let hop = routing_table.0[destination][0];
@ -242,10 +252,10 @@ pub mod drtio {
let linkno = hop - 1;
if destination_up(up_destinations, destination) {
if link_up(linkno) {
drtioaux::send(linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationStatusRequest {
let reply = aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationStatusRequest {
destination: destination
match recv_aux_timeout(io, linkno, 200) {
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::DestinationDownReply) =>
destination_set_up(routing_table, up_destinations, destination, false),
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::DestinationOkReply) => (),
@ -263,10 +273,10 @@ pub mod drtio {
} else {
if link_up(linkno) {
drtioaux::send(linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationStatusRequest {
let reply = aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno, &drtioaux::Packet::DestinationStatusRequest {
destination: destination
match recv_aux_timeout(io, linkno, 200) {
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::DestinationDownReply) => (),
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::DestinationOkReply) => {
destination_set_up(routing_table, up_destinations, destination, true);
@ -281,7 +291,8 @@ pub mod drtio {
pub fn link_thread(io: Io, routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
pub fn link_thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>) {
loop {
for linkno in 0..csr::DRTIO.len() {
@ -289,7 +300,7 @@ pub mod drtio {
if link_up(linkno) {
/* link was previously up */
if link_rx_up(linkno) {
process_unsolicited_aux(&io, aux_mutex, linkno);
} else {
info!("[LINK#{}] link is down", linkno);
@ -299,17 +310,17 @@ pub mod drtio {
/* link was previously down */
if link_rx_up(linkno) {
info!("[LINK#{}] link RX became up, pinging", linkno);
let ping_count = ping_remote(linkno, &io);
let ping_count = ping_remote(&io, aux_mutex, linkno);
if ping_count > 0 {
info!("[LINK#{}] remote replied after {} packets", linkno, ping_count);
set_link_up(linkno, true);
if let Err(e) = sync_tsc(&io, linkno) {
if let Err(e) = sync_tsc(&io, aux_mutex, linkno) {
error!("[LINK#{}] failed to sync TSC ({})", linkno, e);
if let Err(e) = load_routing_table(&io, linkno, routing_table) {
if let Err(e) = load_routing_table(&io, aux_mutex, linkno, routing_table) {
error!("[LINK#{}] failed to load routing table ({})", linkno, e);
if let Err(e) = set_rank(&io, linkno, 1) {
if let Err(e) = set_rank(&io, aux_mutex, linkno, 1) {
error!("[LINK#{}] failed to set rank ({})", linkno, e);
info!("[LINK#{}] link initialization completed", linkno);
@ -319,18 +330,18 @@ pub mod drtio {
destination_survey(&io, routing_table, up_destinations);
destination_survey(&io, aux_mutex, routing_table, up_destinations);
pub fn init() {
pub fn init(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex) {
for linkno in 0..csr::DRTIO.len() {
let linkno = linkno as u8;
if link_up(linkno) {
&drtioaux::Packet::ResetRequest { phy: false }).unwrap();
match drtioaux::recv_timeout(linkno, None) {
let reply = aux_transact(io, aux_mutex, linkno,
&drtioaux::Packet::ResetRequest { phy: false });
match reply {
Ok(drtioaux::Packet::ResetAck) => (),
Ok(_) => error!("[LINK#{}] reset failed, received unexpected aux packet", linkno),
Err(e) => error!("[LINK#{}] reset failed, aux packet error ({})", linkno, e)
@ -344,9 +355,10 @@ pub mod drtio {
pub mod drtio {
use super::*;
pub fn startup(_io: &Io, _routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
pub fn startup(_io: &Io, _aux_mutex: &Mutex,
_routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
_up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>) {}
pub fn init() {}
pub fn init(_io: &Io, _aux_mutex: &Mutex) {}
pub fn link_up(_linkno: u8) -> bool { false }
@ -372,7 +384,8 @@ fn async_error_thread(io: Io) {
pub fn startup(io: &Io, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
pub fn startup(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>) {
@ -413,17 +426,17 @@ pub fn startup(io: &Io, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>
drtio::startup(io, routing_table, up_destinations);
drtio::startup(io, aux_mutex, routing_table, up_destinations);
init_core(io, aux_mutex, true);
io.spawn(4096, async_error_thread);
pub fn init_core(phy: bool) {
pub fn init_core(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex, phy: bool) {
unsafe {
if phy {
drtio::init(io, aux_mutex)
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ impl Mutex {
pub fn lock<'a>(&'a self, io: Io) -> Result<MutexGuard<'a>, Error> {
pub fn lock<'a>(&'a self, io: &Io) -> Result<MutexGuard<'a>, Error> {
io.until(|| !self.0.get())?;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use io::{Read, Write, Error as IoError};
use board_misoc::{ident, cache, config};
use {mailbox, rpc_queue, kernel};
use urc::Urc;
use sched::{ThreadHandle, Io, TcpListener, TcpStream, Error as SchedError};
use sched::{ThreadHandle, Io, Mutex, TcpListener, TcpStream, Error as SchedError};
use rtio_mgt;
use rtio_dma::Manager as DmaManager;
use cache::Cache;
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ fn process_host_message(io: &Io,
fn process_kern_message(io: &Io,
fn process_kern_message(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
mut stream: Option<&mut TcpStream>,
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ fn process_kern_message(io: &Io,
if kern_hwreq::process_kern_hwreq(io, routing_table, up_destinations, request)? {
if kern_hwreq::process_kern_hwreq(io, aux_mutex, routing_table, up_destinations, request)? {
return Ok(false)
@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ fn process_kern_queued_rpc(stream: &mut TcpStream,
fn host_kernel_worker(io: &Io,
fn host_kernel_worker(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
stream: &mut TcpStream,
@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ fn host_kernel_worker(io: &Io,
if mailbox::receive() != 0 {
process_kern_message(io, aux_mutex,
routing_table, up_destinations,
Some(stream), &mut session)?;
@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ fn host_kernel_worker(io: &Io,
fn flash_kernel_worker(io: &Io,
fn flash_kernel_worker(io: &Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &drtio_routing::RoutingTable,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>,
congress: &mut Congress,
@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ fn flash_kernel_worker(io: &Io,
if mailbox::receive() != 0 {
if process_kern_message(io, routing_table, up_destinations, None, &mut session)? {
if process_kern_message(io, aux_mutex, routing_table, up_destinations, None, &mut session)? {
return Ok(())
@ -591,7 +591,8 @@ fn respawn<F>(io: &Io, handle: &mut Option<ThreadHandle>, f: F)
*handle = Some(io.spawn(16384, f))
pub fn thread(io: Io, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
pub fn thread(io: Io, aux_mutex: &Mutex,
routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
up_destinations: &Urc<RefCell<[bool; drtio_routing::DEST_COUNT]>>) {
let listener = TcpListener::new(&io, 65535);
listener.listen(1381).expect("session: cannot listen");
@ -601,6 +602,7 @@ pub fn thread(io: Io, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
let mut kernel_thread = None;
let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone();
let routing_table = routing_table.clone();
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
let congress = congress.clone();
@ -608,7 +610,7 @@ pub fn thread(io: Io, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
let mut congress = congress.borrow_mut();
info!("running startup kernel");
match flash_kernel_worker(&io, &routing_table, &up_destinations, &mut congress, "startup_kernel") {
match flash_kernel_worker(&io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &up_destinations, &mut congress, "startup_kernel") {
Ok(()) =>
info!("startup kernel finished"),
Err(Error::KernelNotFound) =>
@ -637,6 +639,7 @@ pub fn thread(io: Io, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
info!("new connection from {}", stream.remote_endpoint());
let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone();
let routing_table = routing_table.clone();
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
let congress = congress.clone();
@ -645,7 +648,7 @@ pub fn thread(io: Io, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
let mut congress = congress.borrow_mut();
let mut stream = TcpStream::from_handle(&io, stream);
match host_kernel_worker(&io, &routing_table, &up_destinations, &mut stream, &mut *congress) {
match host_kernel_worker(&io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &up_destinations, &mut stream, &mut *congress) {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(Error::Protocol(host::Error::Io(IoError::UnexpectedEnd))) =>
info!("connection closed"),
@ -663,13 +666,14 @@ pub fn thread(io: Io, routing_table: &Urc<RefCell<drtio_routing::RoutingTable>>,
if kernel_thread.as_ref().map_or(true, |h| h.terminated()) {
info!("no connection, starting idle kernel");
let aux_mutex = aux_mutex.clone();
let routing_table = routing_table.clone();
let up_destinations = up_destinations.clone();
let congress = congress.clone();
respawn(&io, &mut kernel_thread, move |io| {
let routing_table = routing_table.borrow();
let mut congress = congress.borrow_mut();
match flash_kernel_worker(&io, &routing_table, &up_destinations, &mut *congress, "idle_kernel") {
match flash_kernel_worker(&io, &aux_mutex, &routing_table, &up_destinations, &mut *congress, "idle_kernel") {
Ok(()) =>
info!("idle kernel finished, standing by"),
Reference in New Issue
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