# Import built in I/O, Connectors & Platform template from migen.build.platforms.sinara.humpback import _io, _connectors, Platform # Import migen platform for Lattice Products from migen.build.lattice import LatticePlatform # Import migen pin record structure from migen.build.generic_platform import * # Modify the SPI record, to include all 3 CS pins ''' sclk -> PA5 : C8 mosi -> PB5 : N5 miso -> PA6 : T2 cs_0 -> PB12: B13 cs_1 -> PA15: B14 cs_2 -> PC7 : B15 ''' # Filter out SPI record _io = [record for record in _io if record[0] != "spi"] # Reinsert new SPI record, without MISO _io.append( ("spi", 0, Subsignal("cs" , Pins("B13 B14 B15")), Subsignal("sclk", Pins("C8")), Subsignal("mosi", Pins("N5")), Subsignal("miso", Pins("T2")), IOStandard("LVCMOS33"), ) ) # Resource: DDS I/O_Update ''' io_update -> PB13 : B12 ''' _io.append( ("io_update", 0, Pins("B12"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")) ) # Inherit Platform to gain the programmed clock attribute class HumpbackPlatform(Platform): def __init__(self): LatticePlatform.__init__(self, "ice40-hx8k-ct256", _io, _connectors, toolchain="icestorm") # Syntax check for direct execution if __name__ == "__main__": platform = HumpbackPlatform()