forked from M-Labs/humpback-dds
195 lines
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195 lines
8.2 KiB
use log::info;
use embedded_hal::blocking::spi::Transfer;
use core::convert::TryInto;
use crate::ClockSource as UrukulClockSource;
use crate::ClockSource::*;
use crate::Urukul;
use crate::Error;
pub enum MqttCommandType {
// Urukul/Control/Clock/Source
// Urukul/Control/Clock/Division
// Urukul/Control/ChannelX/Switch
Switch(u8, bool),
// Urukul/Control/ChannelX/Attenuation
Attenuation(u8, f32),
// Urukul/Control/ChannelX/SystemClock
SystemClock(u8, f64),
// Urukul/Control/ChannelX/ProfileY/Frequency
SingleToneFrequency(u8, u8, f64),
// Urukul/Control/ChannelX/ProfileY/Amplitude
SingleToneAmplitude(u8, u8, f64),
// Urukul/Control/ChannelX/ProfileY/Phase
SingleTonePhase(u8, u8, f64),
use crate::mqtt_mux::MqttCommandType::*;
pub struct MqttMux<SPI> {
urukul: Urukul<SPI>
impl<SPI, E> MqttMux<SPI> where SPI: Transfer<u8, Error = E> {
pub fn new(urukul: Urukul<SPI>) -> Self {
MqttMux {
pub fn handle_command(&mut self, topic: &str, message: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error<E>> {
let command = self.parse(topic, message)?;
// MQTT command are not case tolerant
// If the command differs by case, space or delimiter, it is a wrong command
// A starting forward slash ("/") is acceptable, as per MQTT standard
// Topic should contain the appropriate command header
// Message should provide the parameter
fn parse(&mut self, topic: &str, message: &[u8]) -> Result<MqttCommandType, Error<E>> {
let mut assigned_channel = false;
let mut assigned_profile = false;
let mut channel :u8 = 0;
let mut profile :u8 = 0;
// Verify that the topic must start with Urukul/Control/ or /Urukul/Control/
let mut header = topic.strip_prefix("/Urukul/Control/")
.or_else(|| topic.strip_prefix("Urukul/Control/"))
loop {
match header {
// The topic has a channel subtopic
_ if header.starts_with("Channel") => {
// MQTT command should only mention channel once appropriately
// Channel must be referred before profile,
// as a channel is broader than a profile
if assigned_channel || assigned_profile {
return Err(Error::MqttCommandError);
// Remove the "Channel" part of the subtopic
header = header.strip_prefix("Channel")
// Remove the channel number at the end of the subtopic
// But store the channel as a char, so it can be removed easily
let numeric_char :char = header.chars()
// Record the channel number
channel = numeric_char.to_digit(10)
assigned_channel = true;
header = header.strip_prefix(numeric_char)
// Remove forward slash ("/")
header = header.strip_prefix("/")
_ if header.starts_with("Profile") => {
// MQTT command should only mention profile once appropriately
if assigned_profile {
return Err(Error::MqttCommandError);
// Remove the "Profile" part of the subtopic
header = header.strip_prefix("Profile")
// Remove the profile number at the end of the subtopic
// But store the profile as a char, so it can be removed easily
let numeric_char :char = header.chars()
// Record the channel number
profile = numeric_char.to_digit(10)
assigned_profile = true;
header = header.strip_prefix(numeric_char)
// Remove forward slash ("/")
header = header.strip_prefix("/")
"Clock/Source" => {
// Clock/Source refers to the Urukul clock source
// It should be common for all channels and profiles
if assigned_channel || assigned_profile {
return Err(Error::MqttCommandError);
let source_string = core::str::from_utf8(message).unwrap();
return match source_string {
_ if source_string.eq_ignore_ascii_case("OSC") => {
_ if source_string.eq_ignore_ascii_case("SMA") => {
_ if source_string.eq_ignore_ascii_case("MMCX") => {
_ => Err(Error::MqttCommandError),
"Clock/Division" => {
// Clock/Division refers to the Urukul clock division
// It should be common for all channels and profiles
if assigned_channel || assigned_profile {
return Err(Error::MqttCommandError);
let division = u8::from_str_radix(core::str::from_utf8(message).unwrap(), 10)
|_| Err(Error::MqttCommandError),
|div| if (div == 1 || div == 2 || div == 4) {
} else {
return Ok(ClockDivision(division));
"Switch" => {
// Switch is a channel specific topic
if !(assigned_channel && !assigned_profile) {
return Err(Error::MqttCommandError);
let switch_string = core::str::from_utf8(message).unwrap();
return match switch_string {
_ if switch_string.eq_ignore_ascii_case("on") => {
Ok(Switch(channel, true))
_ if switch_string.eq_ignore_ascii_case("off") => {
Ok(Switch(channel, false))
_ => Err(Error::MqttCommandError),
// TODO: Cover all commands
_ => return Err(Error::MqttCommandError),
// TODO: Implement this
fn execute(&mut self, command_type: MqttCommandType) -> Result<(), Error<E>> {
info!("{:?}", command_type);
match command_type {
Switch(channel, status) => self.urukul.set_channel_switch(channel as u32, status),
_ => Ok(())