Fork 0

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// This file is part of libfringe, a low-level green threading library.
// Copyright (c) edef <edef@edef.eu>,
// whitequark <whitequark@whitequark.org>
// See the LICENSE file included in this distribution.
extern crate simd;
extern crate fringe;
use fringe::Context;
static mut ctx_slot: *mut Context<fringe::OsStack> = 0 as *mut Context<_>;
fn context() {
unsafe extern "C" fn adder(arg: usize) -> ! {
println!("it's alive! arg: {}", arg);
let arg = Context::swap(ctx_slot, ctx_slot, arg + 1);
println!("still alive! arg: {}", arg);
Context::swap(ctx_slot, ctx_slot, arg + 1);
panic!("i should be dead");
unsafe {
let stack = fringe::OsStack::new(4 << 20).unwrap();
let mut ctx = Context::new(stack, adder);
ctx_slot = &mut ctx;
let ret = Context::swap(ctx_slot, ctx_slot, 10);
assert_eq!(ret, 11);
let ret = Context::swap(ctx_slot, ctx_slot, 50);
assert_eq!(ret, 51);
fn context_simd() {
unsafe extern "C" fn permuter(arg: usize) -> ! {
// This will crash if the stack is not aligned properly.
let x = simd::i32x4::splat(arg as i32);
let y = x * x;
println!("simd result: {:?}", y);
Context::swap(ctx_slot, ctx_slot, 0);
// And try again after a context switch.
let x = simd::i32x4::splat(arg as i32);
let y = x * x;
println!("simd result: {:?}", y);
Context::swap(ctx_slot, ctx_slot, 0);
panic!("i should be dead");
unsafe {
let stack = fringe::OsStack::new(4 << 20).unwrap();
let mut ctx = Context::new(stack, permuter);
ctx_slot = &mut ctx;
Context::swap(ctx_slot, ctx_slot, 10);
Context::swap(ctx_slot, ctx_slot, 20);