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# sinara-assembly
Repository with instructions and remarks on assembling and testing Sinara hardware
### Build docs
nix build
The output files are in `result/book` directory.
### Development shell
nix develop
mdbook build
The output files are in `book` directory.
## Contributing
If you found missing hardware or just want to add/enhance hints and instructions,
feel free to push them.
Tips for adding hardware instructions:
1. Compose a chapter in a new Markdown file in `src/hw`
2. Add pictures if needed, store them in `src/img`, assure them to be clear, informative and compressed
(you can use `convert <INPUT IMAGE> -quality 80% -resize <width>x<height> <OUTPUT IMAGE>` for optimizing)
3. Add link to the new chapter to the `src/SUMMARY.md`
4. Do not forget to tell about all hidden/non-obvious obstacles and pitfalls
5. Add testing steps, even the "obvious" ones
6. Add JSON sample if needed
7. Add hardware setup (e.g. pins, switches) steps if needed
8. View changed and added pages with `mdbook build` (see building instructions above)