forked from M-Labs/artiq-zynq
314 lines
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314 lines
10 KiB
Non-realtime drivers for CXP.
# TODO: add api calls for CTRL packet similar i2c
# TODO: add timing critical trigger ack
from artiq.language.core import syscall, kernel
from artiq.language.types import TBool, TInt32, TNone
from artiq.coredevice.rtio import rtio_output
from artiq.experiment import *
import numpy as np
import math
# TODO: change this to read bytes and accept TBytearray
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_read_words(addr: TInt32, val: TList(TInt32), with_tag: TBool) -> TInt32:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_readu32(addr: TInt32, with_tag: TBool) -> TInt32:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_readu64(addr: TInt32, with_tag: TBool) -> TInt64:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_writeu32(addr: TInt32, val: TInt32, with_tag: TBool) -> TNone:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_writeu64(addr: TInt32, val: TInt64, with_tag: TBool) -> TNone:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_setup() -> TBool:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_debug_frame_print() -> TNone:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
# Bootstrap register
_XML_VER = 0x0010
_XML_SCHEMA_VER = 0x0014
_XML_URL_ADDR = 0x0018
_WIDTH_ADDR = 0x3000
_HEIGHT_ADDR = 0x3004
_MAX_BYTE_SIZE = 100 # in bytes
_MAX_WORD_SIZE = _MAX_BYTE_SIZE // 4 # in bytes
class CoaXPress:
def __init__(self, channel, core_device="core", xml_url_len=_MAX_WORD_SIZE):
# __device_mgr is private
# self.core = dmgr.get(core_device)
# you can get the channel via `print(len(rtio_channels))` before calling
# `rtio_channels.append(rtio.Channel.from_phy(cxp_interface))`
| = channel
# the first 8 bits is reserved for the rtlink.OInterface.addr not for channel no.
self.target_o = channel << 8
self.with_tag = False
self.xml_addr = 0
self.width_addr = 0
self.height_addr = 0
self.acq_mode_addr = 0
self.acq_start_addr = 0
self.acq_stop_addr = 0
self.pixel_fmt_addr = 0
self.device_tap_geog_addr = 0
self.img_1_streamid_addr = 0
self.xml_url = [0] * xml_url_len
def get_rtio_channels(channel, **kwargs):
return [(channel, None)]
def trigger(self, linktrig, trigdelay):
rtio_output(self.target_o, linktrig | trigdelay << 1)
def init(self):
self.with_tag = cxp_setup()
self.xml_addr = self.read_u32(_XML_URL_ADDR)
# self.width_addr = self.read_u32(_WIDTH_ADDR)
# self.height_addr = self.read_u32(_HEIGHT_ADDR)
self.acq_mode_addr = self.read_u32(_ACQUISITION_MODE_ADDR)
self.acq_start_addr = self.read_u32(_ACQUISITION_START_ADDR)
self.acq_stop_addr = self.read_u32(_ACQUISITION_STOP_ADDR)
self.pixel_fmt_addr = self.read_u32(_PIXEL_FORMAT_ADDR)
# self.device_tap_geog_addr = self.read_u32(_DEVICE_TAP_GEOG_ADDR)
self.img_1_streamid_addr = self.read_u32(_IMG_1_STREAMID_ADDR)
self.read_words(self.xml_addr, self.xml_url)
def read_u32(self, addr: TInt32) -> TInt32:
return cxp_readu32(addr, self.with_tag)
def read_u64(self, addr: TInt32) -> TInt64:
return cxp_readu64(addr, self.with_tag)
def read_words(self, addr: TInt32, val: TList(TInt32)):
cxp_read_words(addr, val, self.with_tag)
def write_u32(self, addr: TInt32, val: TInt32):
cxp_writeu32(addr, val, self.with_tag)
def write_u64(self, addr: TInt32, val: TInt64):
cxp_writeu64(addr, val, self.with_tag)
def write_wide(self, addr: TInt32, vals: TList(TInt32)):
for i in range(len(vals)):
cxp_writeu32(addr + i * 4, vals[i], self.with_tag)
def read_width(self) -> TInt32:
return self.read_u32(self.width_addr)
def read_height(self) -> TInt32:
return self.read_u32(self.height_addr)
def read_acq_mode(self) -> TInt64:
return self.read_u64(self.acq_mode_addr)
def write_acq_mode(self, val: TInt64):
self.write_u64(self.acq_mode_addr, val)
def start(self):
self.write_u32(self.acq_start_addr, 0x00000001)
def stop(self):
self.write_u32(self.acq_stop_addr, 0x00000001)
def get_frameid(self) -> TInt32:
return self.read_u32(self.img_1_streamid_addr)
def get_pixel_format(self) -> TInt32:
return self.read_u32(self.pixel_fmt_addr)
def print_xml_url(self):
url = ""
for x in self.xml_url:
url += x.to_bytes(4, byteorder="big").decode("ascii")
print(f"url = {url}")
if "Local:" in url:
file_name, start_addr, size = url.split(";", 2)
f"file name: {file_name.replace("Local:", "")}, start addr: 0x{start_addr}, size; 0x{size.split("?", 1)[0]} bytes"
def get_xml_data(self, xml_start_addr, xml_data):
i = -1
addr_offset = 0
for i in range(len(xml_data) // _MAX_WORD_SIZE):
buf = [0] * _MAX_WORD_SIZE
self.read_words(xml_start_addr + addr_offset, buf)
for j in range(len(buf)):
xml_data[j+i*_MAX_WORD_SIZE] = buf[j]
addr_offset += _MAX_WORD_SIZE * 4
buf = [0]*(len(xml_data) % _MAX_WORD_SIZE)
self.read_words(xml_start_addr + addr_offset, buf)
for j in range(len(buf)):
xml_data[j+(i+1)*_MAX_WORD_SIZE] = buf[j]
def write_xml_data(self, xml_data, file_path):
byte_arr = bytearray()
for d in xml_data:
byte_arr += d.to_bytes(4, "big", signed=True)
with open(file_path, "wb") as binary_file:
# From the camera XML files
_USER_SET_SELECTOR = 0x10000050
_REAL_ACQ_MODE = 0x10000bb4
_REAL_ACQ_START = 0x10000498
_REAL_ACQ_STOP = 0x100004a4
_REAL_ACQ_ABORT = 0x100004b0 #stop all acq immediately
_BSL_SENSOR_STAND_BY = 0x100004c8 # put sensor in standby mode, certain parameter can only be change during standby
_BSL_POWER_MODE = 0x100000b4
# strange d_470 -> d_469 (= 3) perhaps a obscure security trick? So I guess looking @ Index"3" is fine?
_TRIG_MODE_INDEX_3 = 0x10001424 # d_87
_TRIG_SRC_INDEX_3 = 0x100081ac # d_479
_TRIG_ACT_INDEX_3 = 0x1000293c # d_502
_TRIG_SOFTWARE_INDEX_3 = 0x10000c34 # d_525
CXP_TRIG = False
class IdleKernel(EnvExperiment):
def build(self):
# declare the class before using it in kernel
self.cxp = CoaXPress(0x0)
# self.vals = [0]*0x11ab3
xml_word_size = math.ceil(0x11ab3/4)
self.vals = [0] * xml_word_size
def camera_setup(self):
# DEBUG: get xml data
# self.cxp.get_xml_data(0xc0000000, self.vals)
# DEBUG: Try to setup trigger
# All address below is from the XML, what's the point of bootstrap anyway?
# NOTE: setting is persistent over ConnectionReset but NOT power cycle
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_MODE, 1) # single frame mode
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_START, 1) # single acq start
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_STOP, 1) # single acq end
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_ABORT, 1) # single acq ABORT
# boA2448-250cm is area scan camera:
# see to setup triggering properly
# TRIGGER: setup
# self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_SELECTOR, 3) # FrameStart by default, boA xml b_469 don't have an address for some reason
self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_MODE_INDEX_3, 1) # ON
self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_SRC_INDEX_3, 7) # CXPTrigger0
self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_SRC_INDEX_3, 0) # use software trigger
self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_ACT_INDEX_3, 2) # trig on anyedge
self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_MODE, 1) # single frame mode
self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_START, 1) # single acq start
# STOP acq
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_STOP, 1) # single acq end
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_ABORT, 1) # single acq ABORT
# self.cxp.write_u32(_BSL_SENSOR_STAND_BY, 1)
return self.cxp.read_u32(_BSL_POWER_MODE)
def kernel(self):
# reset mu for rtio
self.cxp.trigger(0 ,0x00)
self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_SOFTWARE_INDEX_3, 0) # software trigger via register write
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_STOP, 1) # single acq end
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_ABORT, 1) # single acq ABORT
# self.cxp.write_u32(_BSL_SENSOR_STAND_BY, 1)
# NOTE: This may not print when using CXP hardware TRIG
# As the write_u32 trigger a packet printout that delays the CPU enough that the frame arrive
# But using hw trigger, the print is not necessory i.e. not enough time delay for the zc706 to receive the frame
return 0
def print_hex(self, arr: TList(TInt32)):
print("[{}]".format(", ".join(hex(np.uint32(x)) for x in arr)))
def run(self):
print(f"power mode = {self.camera_setup()}")
# self.cxp.print_xml_url()
# self.cxp.write_xml_data(self.vals, "")