Contains parameters for configuring all aspects of the operation of the camera. Contains parameters for configuring all aspects of the operation of the camera. Root Beginner ImageFormatControl AcquisitionControl AutoFunctionControl AnalogControl ImageProcessingControl BslLightControl DigitalIOControl SerialCommunicationControl CounterAndTimerControl SoftwareSignalControl UserSetControl UserDefinedValues SequencerControl DeviceControl TransportLayerControl FileAccessControl ErrorReportControl Contains parameters for configuring the size of an acquired image and the format of the transferred pixel data. Contains parameters for configuring the size of an acquired image and the format of the transferred pixel data. Image Format Control Beginner SensorWidth SensorHeight ReverseX ReverseY BinningSelector BinningHorizontalMode BinningHorizontal BinningVerticalMode BinningVertical WidthMax HeightMax MultipleROI Width Height OffsetX OffsetY BslCenterX BslCenterY PixelFormat PixelSize PixelDynamicRangeMin PixelDynamicRangeMax TestPattern Contains parameters for configuring the Multiple ROI feature. Contains parameters for configuring the Multiple ROI feature. Multiple ROI Expert BslMultipleROIColumnsEnable BslMultipleROIColumnSelector BslMultipleROIColumnSize BslMultipleROIColumnOffset BslMultipleROIRowsEnable BslMultipleROIRowSelector BslMultipleROIRowSize BslMultipleROIRowOffset Contains parameters for controlling image acquisition and triggering. Contains parameters for controlling image acquisition and triggering. Acquisition Control Beginner AcquisitionMode BslAcquisitionStopMode AcquisitionStart AcquisitionStop AcquisitionAbort SensorShutterMode BslExposureTimeMode ExposureTime BslEffectiveExposureTime ExposureAuto ExposureMode BslTransferBitDepthMode BslTransferBitDepth BslSensorBitDepthMode BslSensorBitDepth AcquisitionFrameRate AcquisitionFrameRateEnable SensorReadoutTime BslExposureStartDelay ResultingFrameRate BslResultingAcquisitionFrameRate BslResultingTransferFrameRate BslFlashWindowDelay BslFlashWindowDuration TriggerSelector TriggerMode TriggerSource TriggerActivation TriggerSoftware TriggerDelay BslAcquisitionBurstMode AcquisitionBurstFrameCount BslResultingFrameBurstRate AcquisitionStatusSelector AcquisitionStatus BslSensorState BslSensorOff BslSensorStandby BslSensorOn Contains parameters for configuring auto functions. Contains parameters for configuring auto functions. Auto Function Control Beginner AutoTargetBrightness AutoFunctionProfile AutoGainLowerLimit AutoGainUpperLimit AutoExposureTimeLowerLimit AutoExposureTimeUpperLimit AutoFunctionROIControl Contains parameters for configuring auto function ROIs. Contains parameters for configuring auto function ROIs (regions of interest). Auto Function ROI Control Beginner AutoFunctionROISelector AutoFunctionROIWidth AutoFunctionROIHeight AutoFunctionROIOffsetX AutoFunctionROIOffsetY AutoFunctionROIUseBrightness AutoFunctionROIHighlight Contains parameters for controlling the analog characteristics of the image data. Contains parameters for controlling the analog characteristics of the image data. Analog Control Beginner GainSelector Gain GainAuto BlackLevelSelector BlackLevel Gamma DigitalShift Contains parameters related to image processing. Contains parameters related to image processing. Image Processing Control Beginner VignettingCorrection BslBrightness BslContrastMode BslContrast LUTControl BslStaticDefectPixelCorrection Contains parameters related to the Vignetting Correction feature. Contains parameters related to the Vignetting Correction feature. Vignetting Correction Beginner BslVignettingCorrectionMode BslVignettingCorrectionLoad Contains parameters for configuring the operation of the camera's lookup table (LUT). Contains parameters for configuring the operation of the camera's lookup table (LUT). LUT Control Expert LUTSelector LUTEnable LUTIndex LUTValue LUTValueAll Contains parameters for configuring static defect pixel correction. Contains parameters for configuring static defect pixel correction. Static Defect Pixel Correction Beginner BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMaxDefects BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionMode BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionFileStatus BslStaticDefectPixelCorrectionReload Contains parameters for the light control features. Contains parameters for the light control features. Basler Light Control Expert BslLightControlMode BslLightControlEnumerateDevices BslLightControlErrorSummary BslLightControlTriggerSource BslLightControlTriggerActivation BslLightControlOvertriggerCount BslLightControlOvertriggerCountReset BslLightDeviceSelector BslLightDeviceErrorStatus BslLightDeviceModelName BslLightDeviceFirmwareVersion BslLightDeviceControlMode BslLightDeviceCurrent BslLightDeviceOperationMode BslLightDeviceStrobeMode BslLightDeviceStrobeDuration BslLightDeviceDutyCycle BslLightDeviceOverdriveLimit BslLightDeviceBrightness BslLightDeviceErrorCode BslLightDeviceErrorStatusReadAndClear BslLightDeviceNewID BslLightDeviceNewIDSave Contains parameters for configuring the camera's digital I/O lines. Contains parameters for configuring the camera's digital I/O lines. Digital I/O Control Expert LineSelector LineFormat LineInverter BslLineConnection LineMode BslInputFilterTime BslInputHoldOffTime LineSource LineStatus BslLineOverloadStatus LineStatusAll BslLineOverloadStatusAll UserOutputSelector UserOutputValue UserOutputValueAll Contains parameters for configuring the camera's serial communication via I/O lines. Contains parameters for configuring the camera's serial communication via I/O lines. Serial Communication Control Expert BslSerialRxSource BslSerialBaudRate BslSerialNumberOfDataBits BslSerialParity BslSerialNumberOfStopBits BslSerialTransferBuffer BslSerialTransferLength BslSerialTransmit BslSerialTxFifoEmpty BslSerialTxFifoOverflow BslSerialTxBreak BslSerialReceive BslSerialRxFifoOverflow BslSerialRxParityError BslSerialRxStopBitError BslSerialRxBreak BslSerialRxBreakReset Contains parameters for configuring counters and timers. Contains parameters for configuring counters and timers. Counter and Timer Control Expert CounterControl TimerControl Contains parameters related to the Counter feature. Contains parameters related to the Counter feature. Counter Control Expert CounterSelector CounterEventSource CounterEventActivation CounterResetSource CounterResetActivation CounterTriggerSource CounterTriggerActivation CounterValue CounterDuration CounterStatus CounterReset Contains parameters related to the Timer feature. Contains parameters related to the Timer feature. Timer Control Expert TimerSelector TimerTriggerSource TimerTriggerActivation TimerDelay TimerDuration TimerTriggerArmDelay TimerStatus TimerReset Contains parameters for generating software signals that can be used as trigger signals. Contains parameters for generating software signals that can be used as trigger signals. Software Signal Control Beginner SoftwareSignalSelector SoftwareSignalPulse Contains parameters for creating user sets, also known as configuration sets. Contains parameters for creating user sets, also known as configuration sets. Groups of factory settings or user-defined settings can be saved in these sets and loaded again at a later stage or on a different camera. User Set Control Beginner UserSetSelector UserSetLoad UserSetSave UserSetDefault Contains parameters for setting and getting user-defined values. Contains parameters for setting and getting user-defined values. The values serve as storage locations for the camera user and have no impact on the operation of the camera. User Defined Values Guru UserDefinedValueSelector UserDefinedValue Contains parameters for configuring the sequencer. Contains parameters for configuring the sequencer. The sequencer allows you to quickly change parameter settings during image acquisition by storing the desired settings in a sequence set. During image acquisition, the sequencer then executes the sequence sets in the order specified by you. Sequencer Control Expert SequencerMode SequencerSetActive SequencerConfigurationMode SequencerSetSelector SequencerSetSave SequencerSetLoad SequencerSetStart SequencerPathSelector SequencerSetNext SequencerTriggerSource SequencerTriggerActivation Contains parameters with information about the selected camera and some parameters for configuring the camera. Contains parameters with information about the selected camera and some parameters for configuring the camera. Device Control Expert BslDeviceFirmwareType DeviceScanType DeviceVendorName DeviceModelName DeviceFamilyName DeviceManufacturerInfo DeviceVersion DeviceFirmwareVersion DeviceSerialNumber DeviceUserID DeviceIndicatorMode DeviceLinkSpeed BslDeviceLinkCurrentThroughput DeviceTemperatureSelector DeviceTemperature BslTemperatureStatus BslTemperatureStatusErrorCount BslTemperatureMax DeviceReset DeviceSFNCVersionMajor DeviceSFNCVersionMinor DeviceSFNCVersionSubMinor DeviceManifestXMLMajorVersion DeviceManifestXMLMinorVersion DeviceManifestXMLSubMinorVersion DeviceManifestSchemaMajorVersion DeviceManifestSchemaMinorVersion DeviceManifestPrimaryURL DeviceTLType DeviceTLVersionMajor DeviceTLVersionMinor DeviceTLVersionSubMinor DeviceCharacterSet DeviceFeaturePersistenceStart DeviceFeaturePersistenceEnd DeviceRegistersStreamingStart DeviceRegistersStreamingEnd DeviceRegistersEndianness ServiceBoardIdSelector Contains parameters related to the transport layer. Contains parameters related to the transport layer. Transport Layer Control Beginner TLParamsLocked PayloadSize DeviceTapGeometry CoaXPress Contains parameters related to the CoaXPress transport layer of the device. Contains parameters related to the CoaXPress transport layer of the device. CoaXPress Beginner Image1StreamID CxpLinkConfiguration CxpLinkConfigurationPreferred CxpLinkConfigurationStatus CxpConnectionSelector CxpConnectionTestMode CxpConnectionTestErrorCount CxpSendReceiveSelector CxpConnectionTestPacketCount CxpErrorCounterSelector CxpErrorCounterReset CxpErrorCounterValue CxpErrorCounterStatus Contains parameters for performing file operations. Contains parameters for performing file operations. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. File Access Control Guru FileSelector FileOperationSelector FileOperationExecute FileOpenMode FileAccessBuffer FileAccessOffset FileAccessLength FileOperationStatus FileOperationResult Contains parameters for error reporting. Contains parameters for error reporting. Error Report Control Guru BslErrorReportValue BslErrorReportNext BslErrorPresent BsliSensorImxGsTypeName BsliSensorImxGsMonoColor BsliSensorImxGsTypeGroup BsliSensorImxGsId1 BsliSensorImxGsId2 BsliSensorImxGsId3 BsliSensorImxGsId4 BsliAtpEnab BsliAtpWidth BsliAtpHeight BsliAtpPixX BsliAtpPixY BsliAtpPixVal BsliAtpPixSet Beginner BsliDPCE BsliDPCH BsliDPCTR BsliDPCND d_1 -2147483648 2147483647 1 d_3 -2147483648 2147483647 1 d_5 -2147483648 2147483647 1 d_7 -2147483648 2147483647 1 d_9 -2147483648 2147483647 1 0 RO d_10 d_11 d_0 d_2 d_4 d_6 d_8 d_0 Sets the user-defined value to set or read. Sets the user-defined value to set or read. User Defined Value Selector Guru The user-defined value 1 can be configured. The user-defined value 1 can be configured. Value 1 Guru 0 The user-defined value 2 can be configured. The user-defined value 2 can be configured. Value 2 Guru 1 The user-defined value 3 can be configured. The user-defined value 3 can be configured. Value 3 Guru 2 The user-defined value 4 can be configured. The user-defined value 4 can be configured. Value 4 Guru 3 The user-defined value 5 can be configured. The user-defined value 5 can be configured. Value 5 Guru 4 d_10 UserDefinedValue User-defined value. User-defined value. The value can serve as storage location for the camera user. It has no impact on the operation of the camera. User Defined Value Guru Yes d_12
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_20 d_19 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 Unsigned BigEndian
128 RO Device
d_14 273150 SK_bslTemperatureMax_mk_0-SK_273150 d_92 d_93 1000.0 SK_d_93/SK_1000_0
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_98 d_99 d_100 BigEndian
32 RO Device
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_109 d_110 BigEndian
0 RO d_112 Sets the user set or the factory set to load, save, or configure. Sets the user set or the factory set to load, save, or configure. User Set Selector Beginner d_108 The Default User Set factory set can be loaded. The Default User Set factory set can be loaded. This user set configures the camera to provide good camera performance in many common applications under normal conditions. Default User Set Beginner 0 User set 1 can be saved, loaded, or configured. User set 1 can be saved, loaded, or configured. User Set 1 Beginner 1 User set 2 can be saved, loaded, or configured. User set 2 can be saved, loaded, or configured. User Set 2 Beginner 2 User set 3 can be saved, loaded, or configured. User set 3 can be saved, loaded, or configured. User Set 3 Beginner 3 d_112 UserSetLoad UserSetSave Loads the selected set into the camera's volatile memory and makes it the active configuration set. Loads the selected set into the camera's volatile memory and makes it the active configuration set. After the selected set has been loaded, the parameters in that set will control the camera. User Set Load Beginner d_1166 WO d_19 d_113 Saves the current active set as the selected user set. Saves the current active set as the selected user set. User Set Save Beginner d_1166 WO d_997 d_113 d_120 0 1500 1 d_119 10.0 FROM*SK_10_0 TO/SK_10_0 d_121 Automatic
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
Sets the CoaXPress physical connection to control. Sets the CoaXPress physical connection to control. Connection Selector Expert d_185 CxpConnectionTestMode CxpConnectionTestErrorCount CxpSendReceiveSelector CxpErrorCounterSelector Sets the test mode for an individual physical connection of the device. Sets the test mode for an individual physical connection of the device. Connection Test Mode Expert d_1200 Test mode is disabled. Test mode is disabled. Off Expert 0 Test mode is enabled. Test mode is enabled. Mode 1 Expert 1 d_184 Number of test packet connection errors received by the device on the connection selected by the Connection Selector parameter. Number of test packet connection errors received by the device on the connection selected by the Connection Selector parameter. Connection Error Count Expert d_187 Sets whether the send or the receive features can be configured. Sets whether the send or the receive features can be configured. Send/Receive Selector Expert The send features can be configured. The send features can be configured. Send Expert 0 The receive features can be configured. The receive features can be configured. Receive Expert 1 d_168 CxpConnectionTestPacketCount 0 RO d_168 d_169 d_189 d_190 d_189 Number of test packets received by the device on the connection selected by the Cxp Connection Selector parameter. Number of test packets received by the device on the connection selected by the Cxp Connection Selector parameter. Connection Test Packet Count Expert d_170 Sets which CoaXPress error counter to read or reset. Sets which CoaXPress error counter to read or reset. Error Counter Selector Expert The Connection Lock Loss error counter can be read or reset. The Connection Lock Loss error counter can be read or reset. Connection Lock Loss Expert 0 The Control Packet CRC error counter can be read or reset. The Control Packet CRC error counter can be read or reset. Control Packet CRC Expert 1 The Duplicated Characters Uncorrected error counter can be read or reset. The Duplicated Characters Uncorrected error counter can be read or reset. Duplicated Characters Uncorrected Expert 2 d_174 CxpErrorCounterReset CxpErrorCounterValue CxpErrorCounterStatus Resets the selected CoaXPress error counter. Resets the selected CoaXPress error counter. Error Counter Reset Expert WO d_175 1
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_174 d_175 Unsigned BigEndian
Current value of the selected CoaXPress error counter. Current value of the selected CoaXPress error counter. Error Counter Value Expert d_173 Indicates the current status of the selected CoaXPress error counter. Indicates the current status of the selected CoaXPress error counter. Error Counter Status Expert The counter is actively counting errors. The counter is actively counting errors. Counter Active Expert 0 d_610 RO 0 RO 0 d_186 0 1 1
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
8 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
8 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_74 d_75 Unsigned BigEndian
d_192 1000000 SK_genicamValue_16*SK_1000000
64 RO Device
RO d_194 0 RO d_203 d_204 d_200 d_202 d_200 d_204 d_207 d_210 1 d_204 d_208 d_211 d_208 d_204 d_214 d_216 d_214 d_204 d_219 d_222 1 d_204 d_220 d_223 d_220 d_204 d_226 d_228 d_226 d_204 d_231 d_234 1 d_204 d_232 d_235 d_232
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
d_204 d_237 d_239 d_237 d_243 0 4294967295 1 d_245 0 4294967295 1 d_204 d_242 d_244 d_242
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
d_204 d_247 d_249 d_247 d_204 d_253 d_255 d_253 Sets which counter can be configured. Sets which counter can be configured. All changes to the counter settings will be applied to the selected counter. Counter Selector Expert Counter 1 can be configured. Counter 1 can be configured. Counter 1 Expert 0 Counter 2 can be configured. Counter 2 can be configured. Counter 2 Expert 1 d_203 CounterEventSource CounterEventActivation CounterResetSource CounterResetActivation CounterTriggerSource CounterTriggerActivation CounterValue CounterDuration CounterStatus CounterReset Sets which event increases the currently selected counter. Sets which event increases the currently selected counter. Counter Event Source Expert Yes The selected counter is disabled. The selected counter is disabled. Off Expert d_258 0 The selected counter counts the number of Line 1 signals. The selected counter counts the number of Line 1 signals. A Line 1 signal is generated whenever the input or output signal on Line 1 changes as specified by the Counter Event Activation parameter. Line 1 Beginner d_259 1 The selected counter counts the number of Line 2 signals. The selected counter counts the number of Line 2 signals. A Line 2 signal is generated whenever the input or output signal on Line 2 changes as specified by the Counter Event Activation parameter. Line 2 Beginner d_260 2 The selected counter counts the number of Line 3 signals. The selected counter counts the number of Line 3 signals. A Line 3 signal is generated whenever the input or output signal on Line 3 changes as specified by the Counter Event Activation parameter. Line 3 Beginner d_261 3 The selected counter counts the number of Acquisition Active signals. The selected counter counts the number of Acquisition Active signals. Acquisition Active Beginner d_262 4 The selected counter counts the number of Exposure Active signals. The selected counter counts the number of Exposure Active signals. By default, an Exposure Active signal is generated whenever exposure is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Exposure Active Expert d_263 5 The selected counter counts the number of Exposure Start signals. The selected counter counts the number of Exposure Start signals. Exposure Start Expert d_264 6 The selected counter counts the number of Exposure Trigger Wait signals. The selected counter counts the number of Exposure Trigger Wait signals. Exposure Trigger Wait Expert d_265 7 The selected counter counts the number of Flash Window signals. The selected counter counts the number of Flash Window signals. Flash Window Expert d_266 8 The selected counter counts the number of Frame Burst Active signals. The selected counter counts the number of Frame Burst Active signals. Frame Burst Active Expert d_267 9 The selected counter counts the number of Frame Burst Trigger Wait signals. The selected counter counts the number of Frame Burst Trigger Wait signals. Frame Burst Trigger Wait Expert d_268 10 The selected counter counts the number of Frame Trigger Wait signals. The selected counter counts the number of Frame Trigger Wait signals. Frame Trigger Wait Expert d_269 11 The selected counter counts the number of Software Signal 1 signals. The selected counter counts the number of Software Signal 1 signals. Software Signal 1 Beginner d_270 12 The selected counter counts the number of Software Signal 2 signals. The selected counter counts the number of Software Signal 2 signals. Software Signal 2 Beginner d_271 13 The selected counter counts the number of Software Signal 3 signals. The selected counter counts the number of Software Signal 3 signals. Software Signal 3 Beginner d_272 14 The selected counter counts the number of CXP Trigger 0 signals. The selected counter counts the number of CXP Trigger 0 signals. CXP Trigger 0 Expert d_273 15 The selected counter counts the number of CXP Trigger 1 signals. The selected counter counts the number of CXP Trigger 1 signals. CXP Trigger 1 Expert d_274 16 The selected counter counts the number of Counter 1 Active signals. The selected counter counts the number of Counter 1 Active signals. By default, a Counter 1 Active signal is generated whenever counter 1 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Counter 1 Active Expert d_275 17 The selected counter counts the number of Counter 1 End signals. The selected counter counts the number of Counter 1 End signals. A Counter 1 End signal is generated whenever counter 1 is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value. Counter 1 End Expert d_276 18 The selected counter counts the number of Counter 1 Start signals. The selected counter counts the number of Counter 1 Start signals. A Counter 1 Start signal is generated whenever counter 1 is started. Counter 1 Start Expert d_277 19 The selected counter counts the number of Counter 2 Active signals. The selected counter counts the number of Counter 2 Active signals. By default, a Counter 2 Active signal is generated whenever counter 2 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Counter 2 Active Expert d_278 20 The selected counter counts the number of Counter 2 End signals. The selected counter counts the number of Counter 2 End signals. A Counter 2 End signal is generated whenever counter 2 is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value. Counter 2 End Expert d_279 21 The selected counter counts the number of Counter 2 Start signals. The selected counter counts the number of Counter 2 Start signals. A Counter 2 Start signal is generated whenever counter 2 is started. Counter 2 Start Expert d_280 22 The selected counter counts the number of Timer 1 Active signals. The selected counter counts the number of Timer 1 Active signals. By default, a Timer 1 Active signal is generated whenever timer 1 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Timer 1 Active Expert d_281 23 The selected counter counts the number of Timer 1 End signals. The selected counter counts the number of Timer 1 End signals. A Timer 1 End signal is generated whenever timer 1 has elapsed. Timer 1 End Expert d_282 24 The selected counter counts the number of Timer 2 Active signals. The selected counter counts the number of Timer 2 Active signals. By default, a Timer 2 Active signal is generated whenever timer 2 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Timer 2 Active Expert d_283 25 The selected counter counts the number of Timer 2 End signals. The selected counter counts the number of Timer 2 End signals. A Timer 2 End signal is generated whenever timer 2 has elapsed. Timer 2 End Expert d_284 26 d_205 Sets the type of signal transition that the counter will count. Sets the type of signal transition that the counter will count. Counter Event Activation Expert d_212_availableMux Yes Trigger on the rising edge of the selected source. Trigger on the rising edge of the selected source. Rising Edge Expert d_286 0 Trigger on the falling edge of the selected source. Trigger on the falling edge of the selected source. Falling Edge Expert d_287 1 Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source. Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source. Any Edge Expert d_288 2 Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic high level. Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic high level. Level High Expert d_289 3 Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic low level. Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic low level. Level Low Expert d_290 4 d_212 Sets which source signal will reset the currently selected counter. Sets which source signal will reset the currently selected counter. Counter Reset Source Expert Yes The counter reset is disabled. The counter reset is disabled. Off Expert d_292 0 The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 1. The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 1. Line 1 Beginner d_293 1 The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 2. The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 2. Line 2 Beginner d_294 2 The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 3. The selected counter can be reset by a signal applied to Line 3. Line 3 Beginner d_295 3 The selected counter can be reset by an Acquisition Active signal. The selected counter can be reset by an Acquisition Active signal. Acquisition Active Beginner d_296 4 The selected counter can be reset by an Exposure Active signal. The selected counter can be reset by an Exposure Active signal. By default, an Exposure Active signal is generated whenever exposure is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Exposure Active Expert d_297 5 The selected counter can be reset by an Exposure Start signal. The selected counter can be reset by an Exposure Start signal. Exposure Start Expert d_298 6 The selected counter can be reset by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal. The selected counter can be reset by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal. Exposure Trigger Wait Expert d_299 7 The selected counter can be reset by a Flash Window signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Flash Window signal. Flash Window Expert d_300 8 The selected counter can be reset by a Frame Burst Active signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Frame Burst Active signal. Frame Burst Active Expert d_301 9 The selected counter can be reset by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal. Frame Burst Trigger Wait Expert d_302 10 The selected counter can be reset by a Frame Trigger Wait signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Frame Trigger Wait signal. Frame Trigger Wait Expert d_303 11 The selected counter can be reset by a Software Signal 1 signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Software Signal 1 signal. Software Signal 1 Beginner d_304 12 The selected counter can be reset by a Software Signal 2 signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Software Signal 2 signal. Software Signal 2 Beginner d_305 13 The selected counter can be reset by a Software Signal 3 signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Software Signal 3 signal. Software Signal 3 Beginner d_306 14 The selected counter can be reset by a CXP Trigger 0 signal. The selected counter can be reset by a CXP Trigger 0 signal. CXP Trigger 0 Expert d_307 15 The selected counter can be reset by a CXP Trigger 1 signal. The selected counter can be reset by a CXP Trigger 1 signal. CXP Trigger 1 Expert d_308 16 The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 1 Active signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 1 Active signal. By default, a Counter 1 Active signal is generated whenever counter 1 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Counter 1 Active Expert d_309 17 The selected counter can be reset by a Counter End 1 signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Counter End 1 signal. Counter 1 End Expert d_310 18 The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 1 Start signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 1 Start signal. A Counter 1 Start signal is generated whenever counter 1 is started. Counter 1 Start Expert d_311 19 The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 2 Active signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 2 Active signal. By default, a Counter 2 Active signal is generated whenever counter 2 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Counter 2 Active Expert d_312 20 The selected counter can be reset by a Counter End 2 signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Counter End 2 signal. Counter 2 End Expert d_313 21 The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 2 Start signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Counter 2 Start signal. A Counter 2 Start signal is generated whenever counter 2 is started. Counter 2 Start Expert d_314 22 The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 1 Active signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 1 Active signal. By default, a Timer 1 Active signal is generated whenever timer 1 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Timer 1 Active Expert d_315 23 The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 1 End signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 1 End signal. A Timer 1 End signal is generated whenever timer 1 has elapsed. Timer 1 End Expert d_316 24 The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 2 Active signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 2 Active signal. By default, a Timer 2 Active signal is generated whenever timer 2 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Timer 2 Active Expert d_317 25 The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 2 End signal. The selected counter can be reset by a Timer 2 End signal. A Timer 2 End signal is generated whenever timer 2 has elapsed. Timer 2 End Expert d_318 26 d_217 Sets which type of signal transition will reset the counter. Sets which type of signal transition will reset the counter. Counter Reset Activation Expert d_224_availableMux Yes The counter is reset on the rising edge of the signal. The counter is reset on the rising edge of the signal. Rising Edge Expert d_320 0 Trigger on the falling edge of the selected source. Trigger on the falling edge of the selected source. Falling Edge Expert d_321 1 Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source. Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source. Any Edge Expert d_322 2 Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic high level. Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic high level. Level High Expert d_323 3 Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic low level. Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic low level. Level Low Expert d_324 4 d_224 Sets the signal used to start the selected counter. Sets the signal used to start the selected counter. If you start a counter, it will not necessarily start counting. If and when the counter counts, depends on the Counter Event Source parameter value. Counter Trigger Source Expert Yes The selected counter is disabled and can't be started. The selected counter is disabled and can't be started. Off Expert d_326 0 The selected counter can be started by a Line 1 signal. The selected counter can be started by a Line 1 signal. Line 1 Beginner d_327 1 The selected counter can be started by a Line 2 signal. The selected counter can be started by a Line 2 signal. Line 2 Beginner d_328 2 The selected counter can be started by a Line 3 signal. The selected counter can be started by a Line 3 signal. Line 3 Beginner d_329 3 The selected counter can be started by an Acquisition Active signal. The selected counter can be started by an Acquisition Active signal. Acquisition Active Beginner d_330 4 The selected counter can be started by an Exposure Active signal. The selected counter can be started by an Exposure Active signal. By default, an Exposure Active signal is generated whenever exposure is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Exposure Active Expert d_331 5 The selected counter can be started by an Exposure Start signal. The selected counter can be started by an Exposure Start signal. Exposure Start Expert d_332 6 The selected counter can be started by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal. The selected counter can be started by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal. Exposure Trigger Wait Expert d_333 7 The selected counter can be started by a Flash Window signal. The selected counter can be started by a Flash Window signal. Flash Window Expert d_334 8 The selected counter can be started by a Frame Burst Active signal. The selected counter can be started by a Frame Burst Active signal. Frame Burst Active Expert d_335 9 The selected counter can be started by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal. The selected counter can be started by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal. Frame Burst Trigger Wait Expert d_336 10 The selected counter can be started by a Frame Trigger Wait signal. The selected counter can be started by a Frame Trigger Wait signal. Frame Trigger Wait Expert d_337 11 The selected counter can be started by a Software Signal 1 signal. The selected counter can be started by a Software Signal 1 signal. Software Signal 1 Beginner d_338 12 The selected counter can be started by a Software Signal 2 signal. The selected counter can be started by a Software Signal 2 signal. Software Signal 2 Beginner d_339 13 The selected counter can be started by a Software Signal 3 signal. The selected counter can be started by a Software Signal 3 signal. Software Signal 3 Beginner d_340 14 The selected counter can be started by a CXP Trigger 0 signal. The selected counter can be started by a CXP Trigger 0 signal. CXP Trigger 0 Expert d_341 15 The selected counter can be started by a CXP Trigger 1 signal. The selected counter can be started by a CXP Trigger 1 signal. CXP Trigger 1 Expert d_342 16 The selected counter can be started by a Counter 1 Active signal. The selected counter can be started by a Counter 1 Active signal. By default, a Counter 1 Active signal is generated whenever counter 1 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Counter 1 Active Expert d_343 17 The selected counter can be started by a Counter 1 End signal. The selected counter can be started by a Counter 1 End signal. A Counter 1 End signal is generated whenever counter 1 is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value. Counter 1 End Expert d_344 18 The selected counter can be started by a Counter 1 Start signal. The selected counter can be started by a Counter 1 Start signal. A Counter 1 Start signal is generated whenever counter 1 is started. Counter 1 Start Expert d_345 19 The selected counter can be started by a Counter 2 Active signal. The selected counter can be started by a Counter 2 Active signal. By default, a Counter 2 Active signal is generated whenever counter 2 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Counter 2 Active Expert d_346 20 The selected counter can be started by a Counter 2 End signal. The selected counter can be started by a Counter 2 End signal. A Counter 2 End signal is generated whenever counter 2 is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value. Counter 2 End Expert d_347 21 The selected counter can be started by a Counter 2 Start signal. The selected counter can be started by a Counter 2 Start signal. A Counter 2 Start signal is generated whenever counter 2 is started. Counter 2 Start Expert d_348 22 The selected counter can be started by a Timer 1 Active signal. The selected counter can be started by a Timer 1 Active signal. By default, a Timer 1 Active signal is generated whenever timer 1 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Timer 1 Active Expert d_349 23 The selected counter can be started by a Timer 1 End signal. The selected counter can be started by a Timer 1 End signal. A Timer 1 End signal is generated whenever timer 1 has elapsed. Timer 1 End Expert d_350 24 The selected counter can be started by a Timer 2 Active signal. The selected counter can be started by a Timer 2 Active signal. By default, a Timer 2 Active signal is generated whenever timer 2 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Timer 2 Active Expert d_351 25 The selected counter can be started by a Timer 2 End signal. The selected counter can be started by a Timer 2 End signal. A Timer 2 End signal is generated whenever timer 2 has elapsed. Timer 2 End Expert d_352 26 d_229 Sets the type of signal transition that will start the counter. Sets the type of signal transition that will start the counter. Counter Trigger Activation Expert d_236_availableMux Yes Trigger on the rising edge of the selected source. Trigger on the rising edge of the selected source. Rising Edge Expert d_354 0 Trigger on the falling edge of the selected source. Trigger on the falling edge of the selected source. Falling Edge Expert d_355 1 Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source. Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source. Any Edge Expert d_356 2 Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic high level. Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic high level. Level High Expert d_357 3 Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic low level. Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic low level. Level Low Expert d_358 4 d_236 Current value of the counter. Current value of the counter. Counter Value Expert genicamCounterValue_0 Number of times a sequencer set is used before the Counter End event is generated. Number of times a sequencer set is used before the Counter End event is generated. Counter Duration Expert Yes d_246 Returns the current status of the counter. Returns the current status of the counter. Counter Status Expert The counter is waiting to be started. The counter is waiting to be started. Counter Trigger Wait Expert 0 The counter is waiting to be increased by the selected event source or is currently counting. The counter is waiting to be increased by the selected event source or is currently counting. Counter Active Expert 1 The counter has reached its maximum value defined by the Counter Duration parameter. The counter has reached its maximum value defined by the Counter Duration parameter. Counter Completed Expert 2 genicamCounterStatus_0 Immediately resets the selected counter. Immediately resets the selected counter. The counter starts counting again immediately after the reset. Counter Reset Expert WO d_256 1 RO d_241 RO d_251 0 RO d_364 d_365 d_361 d_363 d_361 d_365 d_368 d_371 1 d_365 d_369 d_372 d_369 d_375 0 2147483647 1 d_377 0 2147483647 1 d_365 d_374 d_376 d_374 d_378 100.0 FROM*SK_100_0 TO/SK_100_0 d_379 Automatic d_382 0 2147483647 1 d_384 0 2147483647 1 d_365 d_381 d_383 d_381 d_385 100.0 FROM*SK_100_0 TO/SK_100_0 d_386 Automatic d_389 0 2147483647 1 d_391 0 2147483647 1 d_365 d_388 d_390 d_388 d_392 100.0 FROM*SK_100_0 TO/SK_100_0 d_393 Automatic
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
d_365 d_395 d_397 d_395 d_365 d_401 d_403 d_401 Sets the timer to be configured. Sets the timer to be configured. Timer Selector Expert Timer 1 can be configured. Timer 1 can be configured. Timer 1 Expert 0 Timer 2 can be configured. Timer 2 can be configured. Timer 2 Expert 1 d_364 TimerTriggerSource TimerTriggerActivation TimerDelay TimerDuration TimerTriggerArmDelay TimerStatus TimerReset Sets the internal camera signal used to trigger the selected timer. Sets the internal camera signal used to trigger the selected timer. Timer Trigger Source Expert Yes The selected timer is disabled and can't be started. The selected timer is disabled and can't be started. Off Expert d_406 0 The selected timer can be started by a Line 1 signal. The selected timer can be started by a Line 1 signal. Line 1 Beginner d_407 1 The selected timer can be started by a Line 2 signal. The selected timer can be started by a Line 2 signal. Line 2 Beginner d_408 2 The selected timer can be started by a Line 3 signal. The selected timer can be started by a Line 3 signal. Line 3 Beginner d_409 3 The selected timer can be started by an Acquisition Active signal. The selected timer can be started by an Acquisition Active signal. Acquisition Active Beginner d_410 4 The selected timer can be started by an Exposure Active signal. The selected timer can be started by an Exposure Active signal. By default, an Exposure Active signal is generated whenever exposure is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Exposure Active Expert d_411 5 The selected timer can be started by an Exposure Start signal. The selected timer can be started by an Exposure Start signal. Exposure Start Expert d_412 6 The selected timer can be started by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal. The selected timer can be started by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal. Exposure Trigger Wait Expert d_413 7 The selected timer can be started by a Flash Window signal. The selected timer can be started by a Flash Window signal. Flash Window Expert d_414 8 The selected timer can be started by a Frame Burst Active signal. The selected timer can be started by a Frame Burst Active signal. Frame Burst Active Expert d_415 9 The selected timer can be started by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal. The selected timer can be started by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal. Frame Burst Trigger Wait Expert d_416 10 The selected timer can be started by a Frame Trigger Wait signal. The selected timer can be started by a Frame Trigger Wait signal. Frame Trigger Wait Expert d_417 11 The selected timer can be started by a Software Signal 1 signal. The selected timer can be started by a Software Signal 1 signal. Software Signal 1 Beginner d_418 12 The selected timer can be started by a Software Signal 2 signal. The selected timer can be started by a Software Signal 2 signal. Software Signal 2 Beginner d_419 13 The selected timer can be started by a Software Signal 3 signal. The selected timer can be started by a Software Signal 3 signal. Software Signal 3 Beginner d_420 14 The selected timer can be started by a CXP Trigger 0 signal. The selected timer can be started by a CXP Trigger 0 signal. CXP Trigger 0 Expert d_421 15 The selected timer can be started by a CXP Trigger 1 signal. The selected timer can be started by a CXP Trigger 1 signal. CXP Trigger 1 Expert d_422 16 The selected timer can be started by a Counter 1 Active signal. The selected timer can be started by a Counter 1 Active signal. By default, a Counter 1 Active signal is generated whenever timer 1 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Counter 1 Active Expert d_423 17 The selected timer can be started by a Counter 1 End signal. The selected timer can be started by a Counter 1 End signal. A Counter 1 End signal is generated whenever timer 1 is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value. Counter 1 End Expert d_424 18 The selected timer can be started by a Counter 1 Start signal. The selected timer can be started by a Counter 1 Start signal. A Counter 1 Start signal is generated whenever timer 1 is started. Counter 1 Start Expert d_425 19 The selected timer can be started by a Counter 2 Active signal. The selected timer can be started by a Counter 2 Active signal. By default, a Counter 2 Active signal is generated whenever timer 2 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Counter 2 Active Expert d_426 20 The selected timer can be started by a Counter 2 End signal. The selected timer can be started by a Counter 2 End signal. A Counter 2 End signal is generated whenever timer 2 is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value. Counter 2 End Expert d_427 21 The selected timer can be started by a Counter 2 Start signal. The selected timer can be started by a Counter 2 Start signal. A Counter 2 Start signal is generated whenever timer 2 is started. Counter 2 Start Expert d_428 22 The selected timer can be started by a Timer 1 Active signal. The selected timer can be started by a Timer 1 Active signal. By default, a Timer 1 Active signal is generated whenever timer 1 has been started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Timer 1 Active Expert d_429 23 The selected timer can be started by a Timer 1 End signal. The selected timer can be started by a Timer 1 End signal. A Timer 1 End signal is generated whenever timer 1 has elapsed. Timer 1 End Expert d_430 24 The selected timer can be started by a Timer 2 Active signal. The selected timer can be started by a Timer 2 Active signal. By default, a Timer 2 Active signal is generated whenever timer 2 is started. You can change this behavior using the Counter Event Activation parameter. Timer 2 Active Expert d_431 25 The selected timer can be started by a Timer 2 End signal. The selected timer can be started by a Timer 2 End signal. A Timer 2 End signal is generated whenever timer 2 has elapsed. Timer 2 End Expert d_432 26 d_366 Sets the type of signal transition that will start the timer. Sets the type of signal transition that will start the timer. Timer Trigger Activation Expert d_373_availableMux Yes The timer will start at a rising edge signal change. The timer will start at a rising edge signal change. Rising Edge Expert d_434 0 The timer will start at a falling edge signal change. The timer will start at a falling edge signal change. Falling Edge Expert d_435 1 Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source. Trigger on the rising or falling edge of the selected source. Any Edge Expert d_436 2 Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic high level. Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic high level. Level High Expert d_437 3 Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic low level. Trigger is active as long as the selected source signal is on a logic low level. Level Low Expert d_438 4 d_373 Delay of the currently selected timer in microseconds. Delay of the currently selected timer in microseconds. Timer Delay Expert d_378 Yes d_380 us Logarithmic Fixed 2 Duration of the currently selected timer in microseconds. Duration of the currently selected timer in microseconds. Timer Duration Expert d_385 Yes d_387 us Logarithmic Fixed 2 Arm delay of the currently selected timer. Arm delay of the currently selected timer. If an arm delay is set and the timer is triggered, the camera accepts the trigger signal and stops accepting any further timer trigger signals until the arm delay has elapsed. Timer Trigger Arm Delay Expert d_392 Yes d_394 us Logarithmic Fixed 2 Indicates the status of the currently selected timer. Indicates the status of the currently selected timer. Timer Status Expert The timer is idle. The timer is idle. A timer is in this state whenever the Timer Trigger Source parameter is set to Off, i.e., the timer can't be started. Timer Idle Expert 0 The timer is waiting to be started. The timer is waiting to be started. Timer Trigger Wait Expert 1 The timer has been started. The timer has been started. A timer immediately switches to this state when the trigger source event occurs, regardless of the delay set. If an arm delay is set, the timer remains in the Timer Active state until the arm delay has expired. Timer Active Expert 2 genicamTimerStatus_0 Resets the selected timer. Resets the selected timer. Timer Reset Expert WO d_404 1 RO d_399 0 RO d_446 d_447 d_441 d_443 d_445 d_441 Sets the software signal to be executed. Sets the software signal to be executed. Software Signal Selector Beginner Software signal 1 can be executed. Software signal 1 can be executed. Software Signal 1 Beginner 0 Software signal 2 can be executed. Software signal 2 can be executed. Software Signal 2 Beginner 1 Software signal 3 can be executed. Software signal 3 can be executed. Software Signal 3 Beginner 2 d_446 SoftwareSignalPulse Executes the selected software signal. Executes the selected software signal. Software Signal Pulse Beginner WO d_448 1
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_455 d_133 d_456 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_23 d_48 d_457 Unsigned BigEndian
3 RO d_469 d_470 d_1016 d_1016 d_1016 d_1016 d_1016 d_1016 d_1016 d_1016 d_1016 0 d_470 d_71 d_70 d_69 d_87 d_88 d_86 d_466 d_85 d_84 d_71 d_470 d_473 d_475 d_477 d_479 d_481 d_483 d_485 d_487 d_489 d_473 d_470 d_492 d_495 d_498 d_501 d_504 d_507 d_510 d_513 d_516 1 d_470 d_493 d_496 d_499 d_502 d_505 d_508 d_511 d_514 d_517 d_493 0 d_470 1 1 BOOL_0 1 1 BOOL_0 1 1 BOOL_0 1 d_470 d_520 d_522 d_523 d_525 d_527 d_523 d_529 d_531 d_523 d_520 d_534 0 10000 1 d_536 0 10000 1 d_538 0 10000 1 d_540 0 10000 1 d_542 0 10000 1 d_544 0 10000 1 d_546 0 10000 1 d_548 0 10000 1 d_550 0 10000 1 d_470 d_533 d_535 d_537 d_539 d_541 d_543 d_545 d_547 d_549 d_533 d_551 Sets the trigger type to be configured. Sets the trigger type to be configured. All changes to the trigger settings will be applied to the selected trigger. Trigger Selector Beginner The Frame Burst Start trigger can be configured. The Frame Burst Start trigger can be configured. Frame Burst Start Beginner 0 The Frame Burst End trigger can be configured. The Frame Burst End trigger can be configured. Frame Burst End Beginner 1 The Frame Burst Active trigger can be configured. The Frame Burst Active trigger can be configured. Frame Burst Active Beginner 2 The Frame Start trigger can be configured. The Frame Start trigger can be configured. Frame Start Beginner 3 The Frame End trigger can be configured. The Frame End trigger can be configured. Frame End Beginner 4 The Frame Active trigger can be configured. The Frame Active trigger can be configured. Frame Active Beginner 5 The Exposure Start trigger can be configured. The Exposure Start trigger can be configured. Exposure Start Beginner 6 The Exposure End trigger can be configured. The Exposure End trigger can be configured. Exposure End Beginner 7 The Exposure Active trigger can be configured. The Exposure Active trigger can be configured. Exposure Active Beginner 8 d_469 TriggerMode TriggerSource TriggerActivation TriggerSoftware TriggerDelay Sets the mode for the currently selected trigger. Sets the mode for the currently selected trigger. Trigger Mode Beginner d_471_lockedMux Yes The currently selected trigger is turned off. The currently selected trigger is turned off. Off Beginner d_554 0 The currently selected trigger is turned on. The currently selected trigger is turned on. On Beginner d_555 1 d_471 Sets the source signal for the selected trigger. Sets the source signal for the selected trigger. Trigger Source Beginner Yes The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software triggering. The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software triggering. Software Expert d_557 0 The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 1. The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 1. Line 1 Beginner d_558 1 The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 2. The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 2. Line 2 Beginner d_559 2 The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 3. The source signal for the selected trigger is set to Line 3. Line 3 Beginner d_560 3 The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software signal 1. The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software signal 1. Software Signal 1 Beginner d_561 4 The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software signal 2. The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software signal 2. Software Signal 2 Beginner d_562 5 The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software signal 3. The source signal for the selected trigger is set to software signal 3. Software Signal 3 Beginner d_563 6 The CXP Trigger 0 trigger can be configured. The CXP Trigger 0 trigger can be configured. CXP Trigger 0 Expert d_564 7 The CXP Trigger 1 trigger can be configured. The CXP Trigger 1 trigger can be configured. CXP Trigger 1 Expert d_565 8 The Counter 1 Active trigger can be configured. The Counter 1 Active trigger can be configured. Counter 1 Active Expert d_566 9 The Counter 1 End trigger can be configured. The Counter 1 End trigger can be configured. Counter 1 End Expert d_567 10 The Counter 1 Start trigger can be configured. The Counter 1 Start trigger can be configured. Counter 1 Start Expert d_568 11 The Counter 2 Active trigger can be configured. The Counter 2 Active trigger can be configured. Counter 2 Active Expert d_569 12 The Counter 2 End trigger can be configured. The Counter 2 End trigger can be configured. Counter 2 End Expert d_570 13 The Counter 2 Start trigger can be configured. The Counter 2 Start trigger can be configured. Counter 2 Start Expert d_571 14 The Timer 1 Active trigger can be configured. The Timer 1 Active trigger can be configured. Timer 1 Active Expert d_572 15 The Timer 1 End trigger can be configured. The Timer 1 End trigger can be configured. Timer 1 End Expert d_573 16 The Timer 2 Active trigger can be configured. The Timer 2 Active trigger can be configured. Timer 2 Active Expert d_574 17 The Timer 2 End trigger can be configured. The Timer 2 End trigger can be configured. Timer 2 End Expert d_575 18 d_490 Sets the type of signal transition that will activate the selected trigger. Sets the type of signal transition that will activate the selected trigger. Trigger Activation Beginner d_518_availableMux Yes The selected trigger is activated by the rising edge of the source signal. The selected trigger is activated by the rising edge of the source signal. Rising Edge Beginner d_577 0 The selected trigger is activated by the falling edge of the source signal. The selected trigger is activated by the falling edge of the source signal. Falling Edge Beginner d_578 1 The selected trigger is activated by the falling or rising edge of the source signal. The selected trigger is activated by the falling or rising edge of the source signal. Any Edge Beginner d_579 2 The selected trigger is activated when the source signal is high. The selected trigger is activated when the source signal is high. Level High Beginner d_580 3 The selected trigger is activated when the source signal is low. The selected trigger is activated when the source signal is low. Level Low Beginner d_581 4 d_518 Generates a software trigger signal. Generates a software trigger signal. The software trigger signal will be used if the Trigger Source parameter is set to Trigger Software. Generate Software Trigger Beginner d_532_availableMux WO d_532 1 Trigger delay time in microseconds. Trigger delay time in microseconds. The delay is applied after the trigger has been received and before effectively activating the trigger. Trigger Delay Expert d_551 Yes d_552 us Logarithmic Fixed 1
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 Unsigned BigEndian
d_583 d_585 1.0 SK_d_585/SK_1_0 RO 0 genicamValue_26
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_78 d_79 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_20 d_19 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_466 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_20 d_19 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 Unsigned BigEndian
d_594 d_596 1000000.0 SK_1000000_0/SK_d_596 RO d_597 d_594 d_598 1000000.0 SK_1000000_0/SK_d_598 RO d_599
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_48 Unsigned BigEndian
d_602 273150 SK_genicamValue_31-SK_273150 d_604 d_605 1000.0 SK_d_605/SK_1000_0 d_602 273150 SK_genicamValue_32-SK_273150 d_607 d_608 1000.0 SK_d_608/SK_1000_0 0 d_590 1.0 SK_d_590/SK_1_0 d_593 1.0 SK_d_593/SK_1_0 RO 0
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
0 RO d_623 d_624 1 1 d_1567 1 d_624 d_616 d_618 d_620 d_616 d_625 d_626 1000.0 SK_d_626/SK_1000_0 d_627 273.15 SK_d_627-SK_273_15 Sets the location in the camera where the temperature will be measured. Sets the location in the camera where the temperature will be measured. The temperature can be retrieved using the Device Temperature parameter. Device Temperature Selector Expert The temperature is measured on the camera housing. The temperature is measured on the camera housing. Camera Expert 0 The temperature is measured on the FPGA board. The temperature is measured on the FPGA board. FPGA Expert 1 The temperature is measured on the image sensor. The temperature is measured on the image sensor. Sensor Expert 2 d_623 DeviceTemperature Temperature at the selected location in the camera (in degrees centigrade). Temperature at the selected location in the camera (in degrees centigrade). The temperature is measured at the location specified by the Device Temperature Selector parameter. Device Temperature Expert d_625_availableMux celsius_0 C Fixed 1 RO d_628 0 0 31 1 RO d_632 The sequencer set to be configured. The sequencer set to be configured. Sequencer sets are identified by their sequencer set index numbers. Sequencer Set Selector Expert d_600 d_632 Linear SequencerSetSave SequencerSetLoad Saves the sequencer parameter values in the currently selected sequencer set. Saves the sequencer parameter values in the currently selected sequencer set. Sequencer Set Save Expert d_600 WO d_634 d_633 Loads the parameter values of the currently selected sequencer set for configuration. Loads the parameter values of the currently selected sequencer set for configuration. Sequencer Set Load Expert d_1235 WO d_635 d_633
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
d_640 0 31 1 0 0 1 1 RO d_641 Sets which path can be configured. Sets which path can be configured. By configuring multiple paths, you can define different conditions and settings for sequencer set advance. For example, you can define that the camera should advance to set 0 when a trigger signal on Line 1 is received, and advance to set 3 when a trigger signal on Line 2 is received. Sequencer Path Selector Expert d_600 d_641 Linear SequencerSetNext SequencerTriggerSource SequencerTriggerActivation d_644 0 31 1 d_646 0 31 1 d_642 d_600 d_600 1 d_642 d_1272 d_1272 0 d_642 d_643 d_645 d_643 Next sequencer set that the sequencer will advance to when the configured trigger signal is received. Next sequencer set that the sequencer will advance to when the configured trigger signal is received. Sequencer Set Next Expert d_647_availableMux d_647_lockedMux d_647 Linear d_642 d_600 d_600 1 d_642 d_1272 d_1272 0 d_642 d_649 d_651 d_649 Sets the source signal to be used to advance to the next set. Sets the source signal to be used to advance to the next set. Sequencer Trigger Source Expert d_652_availableMux d_652_lockedMux The sequencer can't be triggered. The sequencer can't be triggered. Off Expert d_653 0 Line 1 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Line 1 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Line 1 Beginner d_654 1 Line 2 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Line 2 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Line 2 Beginner d_655 2 Line 3 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Line 3 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Line 3 Beginner d_656 3 Acquisition Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Acquisition Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Acquisition Active Beginner d_657 4 Exposure Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Exposure Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Exposure Active Expert d_658 5 Exposure Start signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Exposure Start signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Exposure Start Expert d_659 6 Exposure Trigger Wait signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Exposure Trigger Wait signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Exposure Trigger Wait Expert d_660 7 Flash Window signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Flash Window signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Flash Window Expert d_661 8 Frame Burst Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Frame Burst Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Frame Burst Active Expert d_662 9 Frame Burst Trigger Wait signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Frame Burst Trigger Wait signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Frame Burst Trigger Wait Expert d_663 10 Frame Trigger Wait signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Frame Trigger Wait signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Frame Trigger Wait Expert d_664 11 Software Signal 1 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Software Signal 1 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Software Signal 1 Beginner d_665 12 Software Signal 2 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Software Signal 2 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Software Signal 2 Beginner d_666 13 Software Signal 3 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Software Signal 3 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Software Signal 3 Beginner d_667 14 CXP Trigger 0 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. CXP Trigger 0 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. CXP Trigger 0 Expert d_668 15 CXP Trigger 1 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. CXP Trigger 1 signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. CXP Trigger 1 Expert d_669 16 Counter 1 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 1 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 1 Active Expert d_670 17 Counter 1 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 1 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 1 End Expert d_671 18 Counter 1 Start signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 1 Start signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 1 Start Expert d_672 19 Counter 2 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 2 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 2 Active Expert d_673 20 Counter 2 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 2 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 2 End Expert d_674 21 Counter 2 Start signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 2 Start signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Counter 2 Start Expert d_675 22 Timer 1 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Timer 1 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Timer 1 Active Expert d_676 23 Timer 1 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Timer 1 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Timer 1 End Expert d_677 24 Timer 2 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Timer 2 Active signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Timer 2 Active Expert d_678 25 Timer 2 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Timer 2 End signals can be used to advance to the next sequence set. Timer 2 End Expert d_679 26 d_652 d_642 d_1273 d_1275 1 d_642 d_1272 d_1272 0 d_642 d_682 d_684 d_682 Sets the logical state that makes the sequencer advance to the next set. Sets the logical state that makes the sequencer advance to the next set. Sequencer Trigger Activation Expert d_685_availableMux d_685_lockedMux The sequencer advances when the source signal rises. The sequencer advances when the source signal rises, i.e., when the signal status changes from low to high. Rising Edge Expert d_686 0 The sequencer advances when the source signal falls. The sequencer advances when the source signal falls, i.e., when the signal status changes from high to low. Falling Edge Expert d_687 1 The sequencer advances when the source signal falls or rises. The sequencer advances when the source signal falls or rises. Any Edge Expert d_688 2 The sequencer advances when the source signal is high. The sequencer advances when the source signal is high. If the signal is already high when the sequencer set becomes active, the sequencer immediately advances to the next set. Level High Expert d_689 3 The sequencer advances when the source signal is low. The sequencer advances when the source signal is low. If the signal is already low when the sequencer set becomes active, the sequencer immediately advances to the next set. Level Low Expert d_690 4 d_685 Indicates the maximum temperature the camera reached during operation. Indicates the maximum temperature the camera reached during operation. Temperature Max Beginner signal_18 C Fixed 1 RO d_94 Indicates the depth of the pixel values in the image (in bits per pixel). Indicates the depth of the pixel values in the image (in bits per pixel). The potential values depend on the pixel format setting. Pixel Size Expert The pixel depth in the acquired images is 8 bits per pixel. The pixel depth in the acquired images is 8 bits per pixel. 8 Bits/Pixel Expert 8 The pixel depth in the acquired images is 10 bits per pixel. The pixel depth in the acquired images is 10 bits per pixel. 10 Bits/Pixel Expert 10 The pixel depth in the acquired images is 12 bits per pixel. The pixel depth in the acquired images is 12 bits per pixel. 12 Bits/Pixel Expert 12 The pixel depth in the acquired images is 16 bits per pixel. The pixel depth in the acquired images is 16 bits per pixel. 16 Bits/Pixel Expert 16 The pixel depth in the acquired images is 24 bits per pixel. The pixel depth in the acquired images is 24 bits per pixel. 24 Bits/Pixel Expert 24 d_18 Minimum possible pixel value that can be transferred from the camera. Minimum possible pixel value that can be transferred from the camera. Dynamic Range Min Expert genicamValue_33 Maximum possible pixel value that can be transferred from the camera. Maximum possible pixel value that can be transferred from the camera. Dynamic Range Max Expert d_613 Beginner d_1016 d_48 Sets the target file in the camera. Sets the target file in the camera. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. File Selector Guru No file is selected. No file is selected. None Guru 0 The Firmware Update file is selected. The Firmware Update file is selected. Firmware Update Guru 1 The Firmware Update Package file is selected. The Firmware Update Package file is selected. Firmware Update Package Guru 2 The Boot Firmware Update file is selected. The Boot Firmware Update file is selected. Boot Firmware Update Guru 3 The Boot Firmware Update Package file is selected. The Boot Firmware Update Package file is selected. Boot Firmware Update Package Guru 4 The User Data file is selected. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. User Data Guru 5 The Vignetting Correction file is selected. The Vignetting Correction file is selected. Vignetting Correction Guru 6 The factory defect pixel correction file is selected. The factory defect pixel correction file is selected. Factory Defect Pixel Correction Guru 8 The user defect pixel correction file is selected. The user defect pixel correction file is selected. User Defect Pixel Correction Guru 9 d_706 FileOperationSelector FileOpenMode Sets the target operation for the currently selected file. Sets the target operation for the currently selected file. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. File Operation Selector Guru The currently selected file can be opened. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. Open Guru 258 The currently selected file can be closed. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. Close Guru 259 The currently selected file can be written to. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. Write Guru 260 The currently selected file can be read. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. Read Guru 261 d_694 FileOperationExecute FileAccessOffset FileAccessLength FileOperationStatus FileOperationResult 258 RO d_694 Executes the operation selected by File Operation Selector parameter. Executes the operation selected by File Operation Selector parameter. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. File Operation Execute Guru WO d_699 d_695 Sets the access mode in which a file is opened in the camera. Sets the access mode in which a file is opened in the camera. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. File Open Mode Guru Files are opened in read-only mode. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. Read Guru 0 Files are opened in write-only mode. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. Write Guru 1 d_708 Number of bytes after which FileAccessLength bytes are read from the file into the file access buffer or are written to the file from the file access buffer. Number of bytes after which FileAccessLength bytes are read from the file into the file access buffer or are written to the file from the file access buffer. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. File Access Offset Guru d_709 Number of bytes read from the file into the file access buffer or written to the file from the file access buffer. Number of bytes read from the file into the file access buffer or written to the file from the file access buffer. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. File Access Length Guru d_710
4 RW Device d_699 0 0 Unsigned BigEndian
d_698 RO status_0 d_700 0 SK_d_700=SK_0 d_701 0 1 SK_d_701 ? SK_0 : SK_1 Indicates the file operation execution status. Indicates the file operation execution status. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. File Operation Status Guru The file operation was successful. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. Success Guru 0 The file operation has failed. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. Failure Guru 1 signal_25
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_699 31 16 Unsigned BigEndian
d_703 RO result_0 File operation result. File operation result. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. File Operation Result Guru d_704
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
d_713 65536 16461899 1 d_712 20.0 2.302585092994046 65536.0 (EXP(((FROM/SK_20_0)*SK_2_302585092994046)))*SK_65536_0 ((LN((TO/SK_65536_0)))/SK_2_302585092994046)*SK_20_0 d_714 Automatic Sets the gain type to be adjusted. Sets the gain type to be adjusted. All changes to the Gain parameter will be applied to the selected gain type. Gain Selector Invisible Changes to the gain will be applied universally. Changes to the gain will be applied universally. All Beginner 0 d_720 Gain GainAuto Value of the currently selected gain in dB. Value of the currently selected gain in dB. Gain Beginner d_1279 d_712 Yes d_718 dB Linear Fixed 3 0 d_82 d_1831 d_1832 d_1833 d_721 1.0 FROM*SK_1_0 TO/SK_1_0 d_725 Automatic
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 Unsigned BigEndian
d_731 d_1845 d_1846 d_1847 d_76 1 10000000 1 d_735 10.0 FROM*SK_10_0 TO/SK_10_0 d_736 Automatic
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_20 d_17 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_68 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_731 d_44 d_45 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_466 Unsigned BigEndian
d_741 32 SK_genicamHi_0<<SK_32
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_20 d_17 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_68 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_731 d_44 d_45 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_466 Unsigned BigEndian
d_743 d_744 SK_d_743|SK_genicamLo_0 RO d_746 genicamValue_42 d_747 1000000.0 SK_1000000_0/SK_d_747 RO d_748 d_758 0 16 1
4 RO Device d_761 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_766 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_766 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_766 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 BigEndian
RO d_777 d_778 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
4 RO Device d_20 d_109 d_19 d_783 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_794 d_795 d_19 d_796 Unsigned BigEndian
d_793 d_782 d_782 d_782 d_782 1 d_793 d_1323 d_1325 d_1327 d_1329 0 d_793 d_786 d_788 d_790 d_792 d_786 Sets which light device can be configured. Sets which light device can be configured. To populate the list, use the Light Control Enumerate Devices command first. All subsequent parameter changes in this category will be applied to the device selected here. Light Device Selector Expert d_782 Light device 1 can be configured. Light device 1 can be configured. Device 1 Expert 0 Light device 2 can be configured. Light device 2 can be configured. Device 2 Expert 1 Light device 3 can be configured. Light device 3 can be configured. Device 3 Expert 2 Light device 4 can be configured. Light device 4 can be configured. Device 4 Expert 3 d_794 BslLightDeviceControlMode BslLightDeviceCurrent BslLightDeviceOverdriveLimit BslLightDeviceBrightness BslLightDeviceOperationMode BslLightDeviceStrobeMode BslLightDeviceStrobeDuration BslLightDeviceDutyCycle BslLightDeviceErrorStatusReadAndClear BslLightDeviceModelName BslLightDeviceFirmwareVersion BslLightDeviceErrorStatus BslLightDeviceErrorCode BslLightDeviceNewIDSave Sets how the light device is controlled. Sets how the light device is controlled. Light Device Control Mode Expert d_798_availableMux d_798_lockedMux Yes The light device is controlled by current. The light device is controlled by current. Current Expert d_800 0 The light device is controlled by 12 V voltage. The light device is controlled by 12 V voltage. Voltage (12 V) Expert d_801 1 The light device is controlled by 24 V voltage. The light device is controlled by 24 V voltage. Voltage (24 V) Expert d_802 2 d_798 d_805 d_1911 d_1912 d_1913 d_810 d_1914 d_1915 d_1916 d_815 d_1917 d_1918 d_1919 d_820 d_1920 d_1921 d_1922 d_793 d_782 d_782 d_782 d_782 1 d_793 d_1331 d_1333 d_1335 d_1337 0 d_793 d_804 d_809 d_814 d_819 d_804 d_824 Nominal current that the light device uses in continuous operation. Nominal current that the light device uses in continuous operation. If not automatically set, you must set this value to the nominal current of your device to avoid overload. To change the setting, the Light Device Operation Mode parameter must be set to Off. Light Device Current Expert d_824_availableMux d_824_lockedMux d_824 Yes d_825 mA PureNumber Fixed 1 d_827 d_1923 d_1924 d_1925 d_832 d_1926 d_1927 d_1928 d_837 d_1929 d_1930 d_1931 d_842 d_1932 d_1933 d_1934 d_793 d_1341 d_1345 d_1349 d_1353 1 d_793 d_1339 d_1343 d_1347 d_1351 0 d_793 d_826 d_831 d_836 d_841 d_826 d_846 Maximum current to be used when operating the light device in overdrive. Maximum current to be used when operating the light device in overdrive. This parameter value is relative to the value of the Light Device Max Current parameter. Light Device Overdrive Limit Expert d_846_availableMux d_846_lockedMux d_846 Yes d_847 % Linear Fixed 1 d_849 d_1935 d_1936 d_1937 d_854 d_1938 d_1939 d_1940 d_859 d_1941 d_1942 d_1943 d_864 d_1944 d_1945 d_1946 d_793 d_782 d_782 d_782 d_782 1 d_793 d_1339 d_1343 d_1347 d_1351 0 d_793 d_848 d_853 d_858 d_863 d_848 d_868 Brightness of the light in percent of total brightness available. Brightness of the light in percent of total brightness available. Setting this parameter to 100 % means that the light device draws the maximum current as specified by the Light Device Max Current parameter. Light Device Brightness Expert d_868_availableMux d_868_lockedMux d_868 Yes d_869 % Linear Fixed 1 d_793 d_782 d_782 d_782 d_782 1 d_793 d_1339 d_1343 d_1347 d_1351 0 d_793 d_871 d_873 d_875 d_877 d_871 Sets the operation mode of the light device. Sets the operation mode of the light device. Light Device Operation Mode Expert d_878_availableMux d_878_lockedMux Yes The currently selected light device is switched off. The currently selected light device is switched off. Off Expert d_879 0 The currently selected light device is switched on. The currently selected light device is switched on. On Expert d_880 1 The currently selected light device is set to strobe mode. The currently selected light device is set to strobe mode. Strobe Expert d_881 2 d_878 d_793 d_782 d_782 d_782 d_782 1 d_793 d_1339 d_1343 d_1347 d_1351 0 d_793 d_884 d_886 d_888 d_890 d_884 Sets the strobe mode of the light device. Sets the strobe mode of the light device. Light Device Strobe Mode Expert d_891_availableMux d_891_lockedMux Yes The timing of the individual strobe pulses is determined by the Exposure Active signal. The timing of the individual strobe pulses is determined by the Exposure Active signal. The light pulse will last for the duration of the exposure, up to a maximum of 655 350 microseconds. Automatic Expert d_892 0 The timing of the individual strobe pulses can be specified manually. The timing of the individual strobe pulses can be specified manually using the Light Device Strobe Duration parameter. Manual Expert d_893 1 d_891 d_896 d_1963 d_1964 d_1965 d_901 d_1966 d_1967 d_1968 d_906 d_1969 d_1970 d_1971 d_911 d_1972 d_1973 d_1974 d_793 d_782 d_782 d_782 d_782 1 d_793 d_1355 d_1357 d_1359 d_1361 0 d_793 d_895 d_900 d_905 d_910 d_895 d_915 Duration of the individual strobe pulses. Duration of the individual strobe pulses. The maximum value is 655 350 microseconds. Light Device Strobe Duration Expert d_915_availableMux d_915_lockedMux d_915 Yes d_916 us Logarithmic Fixed 1
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_20 d_19 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_884 d_896 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_20 d_19 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_886 d_901 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_20 d_19 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_888 d_906 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_20 d_19 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_890 d_911 Unsigned BigEndian
d_793 d_917 d_919 d_921 d_923 d_917 RO d_925 dutyCycleRaw_0 Duty cycle of the device. Duty cycle of the device calculated using the strobe duration and the frame period. If the strobe duration is longer than the frame period, the duty cycle exceeds 100 %. Light Device Duty Cycle Expert d_782 dutyCycleRaw_0 d_926 % Fixed 1 d_793 d_1303 d_1305 d_1307 d_1309 1 d_793 d_928 d_930 d_932 d_934 d_928 Reads the error code from the current light device and resets the error status to No Error. Reads the error code from the current light device and resets the error status to No Error. After executing this command, the error code is available in the Light Device Error Code parameter. Light Device Error Status Read And Clear Expert d_935_availableMux WO d_935 1
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_877 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_864 d_792 d_934 d_875 d_888 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_859 d_790 d_932 d_873 d_886 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_854 d_788 d_930 d_871 d_884 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_849 d_786 d_928 Unsigned BigEndian
d_938 0 SK_deviceStatus_0=SK_0 d_938 1 SK_deviceStatus_0=SK_1 d_940 d_941 SK_d_940||SK_d_941 RO d_942
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_877 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_864 d_792 d_934 d_875 d_888 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_859 d_790 d_932 d_873 d_886 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_854 d_788 d_930 d_871 d_884 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_849 d_786 d_928 Unsigned BigEndian
d_943 0 SK_deviceStatus_1=SK_0 d_943 1 SK_deviceStatus_1=SK_1 d_945 d_946 SK_d_945||SK_d_946 RO d_947
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_877 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_864 d_792 d_934 d_875 d_888 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_859 d_790 d_932 d_873 d_886 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_854 d_788 d_930 d_871 d_884 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_849 d_786 d_928 Unsigned BigEndian
d_948 0 SK_deviceStatus_2=SK_0 d_948 1 SK_deviceStatus_2=SK_1 d_950 d_951 SK_d_950||SK_d_951 RO d_952
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_877 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_864 d_792 d_934 d_875 d_888 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_859 d_790 d_932 d_873 d_886 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_854 d_788 d_930 d_871 d_884 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_849 d_786 d_928 Unsigned BigEndian
d_953 0 SK_deviceStatus_3=SK_0 d_953 1 SK_deviceStatus_3=SK_1 d_955 d_956 SK_d_955||SK_d_956 RO d_957 1 SK_1=SK_1 d_958 2 6 SK_d_958 ? SK_2 : SK_6 RO d_959 deviceOk_3 a_0 1 SK_deviceOk_3 ? SK_1 : SK_a_0 d_960 1 SK_d_960=SK_1 d_961 3 6 SK_d_961 ? SK_3 : SK_6 RO d_962 deviceOk_2 d_960 a_1 SK_deviceOk_2 ? SK_d_960 : SK_a_1 d_963 1 SK_d_963=SK_1 d_964 4 6 SK_d_964 ? SK_4 : SK_6 RO d_965 deviceOk_1 d_963 a_2 SK_deviceOk_1 ? SK_d_963 : SK_a_2 d_966 1 SK_d_966=SK_1 d_967 5 6 SK_d_967 ? SK_5 : SK_6 RO d_968 deviceOk_0 d_966 a_3 SK_deviceOk_0 ? SK_d_966 : SK_a_3 d_936 d_969 0 SK_genicamDeviceAvailable_0 ? SK_d_969 : SK_0 RO d_783 d_972 0 SK_d_972<>SK_0 Name of the light device model. Name of the light device model. Light Device Model Name Expert d_782 d_980 Version of the light device's firmware. Version of the light device's firmware. Light Device Firmware Version Expert d_782 d_982 d_975 0 500 1
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
RO d_970 Indicates whether any of the light devices are currently experiencing problems. Indicates whether any of the light devices are currently experiencing problems. Light Control Error Summary Expert d_973 No light device has been detected. No light device has been detected. This could be because no light device is connected to your computer or because the device enumeration failed. No Device Expert 0 No error was detected. No error was detected. No Error Expert 1 Light device 1 is experiencing problems. Light device 1 is experiencing problems. Device 1 Expert 2 Light device 2 is experiencing problems. Light device 2 is experiencing problems. Device 2 Expert 3 Light device 3 is experiencing problems. Light device 3 is experiencing problems. Device 3 Expert 4 Light device 4 is experiencing problems. Light device 4 is experiencing problems. Device 4 Expert 5 Multiple light devices are experiencing problems. Multiple light devices are experiencing problems. Multiple Devices Expert 6 featureLevelError_0
32 RO Device d_794 d_795 d_19 d_796
32 RO Device d_794 d_795 d_19 d_796
Beginner WO d_100 1 Beginner WO d_99 1 Beginner WO d_98 1
4 RO Device d_990 Unsigned BigEndian
d_989 32 SK_genicamValue_62<<SK_32
4 RO Device d_990 Unsigned BigEndian
d_992 d_993 SK_d_992|SK_genicamValue_63 Retrieves the next error code from the device. Retrieves the next error code from the device. To check the error code, get the value of the Error Report Value parameter. Error Report Next Guru WO d_990 1 Prepares the camera for feature streaming. Prepares the camera for feature streaming. Start Feature Streaming Guru d_1168 WO d_109 1 Announces the end of feature streaming. Announces the end of feature streaming. Stop Feature Streaming Guru d_1170 WO d_20 1 Enables feature streaming on the device. Enables feature streaming on the device. Feature streaming allows you to save camera settings outside of the device. Device Feature Persistence Start Guru d_1168 WO d_109 1 Disables feature streaming on the device. Disables feature streaming on the device. Feature streaming allows you to save camera settings outside of the device. Device Feature Persistence End Guru d_1170 WO d_20 1 Immediately resets and restarts the camera. Immediately resets and restarts the camera. Device Reset Guru WO d_1001 1 Beginner d_1172 WO d_132 1 Beginner d_1172 WO d_130 1 Indicates the link configuration used by the device. Indicates the link configuration used by the device. Link Configuration Status Beginner BOOL_1 The link configuration is set to automatic discovery. The link configuration is set to automatic discovery. Auto Beginner 0 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). CXP2_X1 Beginner 65584 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). CXP3_X1 Beginner 65592 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). CXP5_X1 Beginner 65600 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). CXP6_X1 Beginner 65608 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). CXP10_X1 Beginner 65616 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). CXP12_X1 Beginner 65624 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). CXP2_X2 Beginner 131120 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). CXP3_X2 Beginner 131128 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). CXP5_X2 Beginner 131136 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). CXP6_X2 Beginner 131144 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). CXP10_X2 Beginner 131152 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). CXP12_X2 Beginner 131160 d_74 Sets the link configuration. Sets the link configuration. Link Configuration Beginner BOOL_1 The link configuration is set to automatic discovery. The link configuration is set to automatic discovery. Auto Beginner 0 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). CXP2_X1 Beginner 65584 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). CXP3_X1 Beginner 65592 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). CXP5_X1 Beginner 65600 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). CXP6_X1 Beginner 65608 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). CXP10_X1 Beginner 65616 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). CXP12_X1 Beginner 65624 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). CXP2_X2 Beginner 131120 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). CXP3_X2 Beginner 131128 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). CXP5_X2 Beginner 131136 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). CXP6_X2 Beginner 131144 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). CXP10_X2 Beginner 131152 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). CXP12_X2 Beginner 131160 d_180 Sets the link configuration that allows the device to operate in its default mode. Sets the link configuration that allows the device to operate in its default mode. Link Configuration Preferred Expert BOOL_1 The link configuration is set to automatic discovery. The link configuration is set to automatic discovery. Auto Beginner 0 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). CXP2_X1 Beginner 65584 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). CXP3_X1 Beginner 65592 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). CXP5_X1 Beginner 65600 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). CXP6_X1 Beginner 65608 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). CXP10_X1 Beginner 65616 The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 1 connection operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). CXP12_X1 Beginner 65624 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-2 speed (2.5 Gbps). CXP2_X2 Beginner 131120 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-3 speed (3.125 Gbps). CXP3_X2 Beginner 131128 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-5 speed (5 Gbps). CXP5_X2 Beginner 131136 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-6 speed (6.25 Gbps). CXP6_X2 Beginner 131144 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-10 speed (10 Gbps). CXP10_X2 Beginner 131152 The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). The link configuration is set to 2 connections operating at CXP-12 speed (12.5 Gbps). CXP12_X2 Beginner 131160 d_182 Starts the acquisition of images. Starts the acquisition of images. If the camera is configured for single frame acquisition, it will start the acquisition of one frame. If the camera is configured for continuous frame acquisition, it will start the continuous acquisition of frames. Acquisition Start Beginner d_1174 WO d_133 1 Stops the acquisition of images. Stops the acquisition of images if a continuous image acquisition is in progress. Acquisition Stop Beginner d_1174 WO d_131 1 Aborts the acquisition of images. Aborts the acquisition of images. If the camera is currently exposing a frame, the camera stops exposing immediately. The readout process, if already started, is aborted. The current frame will be incomplete. Afterwards, image acquisition is switched off. Acquisition Abort Expert d_1174 WO d_129 1 Switches the sensor power off. Switches the sensor power off. Sensor Off Expert d_1176 WO d_456 1 Puts the sensor in standby mode. Puts the sensor in standby mode. In standby mode, power consumption is reduced significantly, which results in a lower camera temperature. Certain parameters can only be configured when the sensor is in standby mode. Sensor Standby Expert d_1176 WO d_457 1 Switches the sensor power on. Switches the sensor power on. Sensor On Expert d_1176 WO d_455 1 d_596 1.0 SK_d_596/SK_1_0 d_598 1.0 SK_d_598/SK_1_0
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 BigEndian
RO 1264526227 RO 4 RO 4
64 RO Device
RO 3232209637 RO 131072 RO 1 d_1034 0 0 1 RO 65536 RO 65537 RO 24832 RO 0
32 RO Device
32 RO Device
48 RO Device
32 RO Device
16 RO Device
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_43 Unsigned BigEndian
RO 24576
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_68 Unsigned BigEndian
RO 24592 RO 0 RO 24608 d_1052 0 4294967295 1 RO 24624 d_1054 0 4294967295 1 RO 24640
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 Unsigned BigEndian
RO 24656 RO 24672 RO 24688 RO 0 d_1058 0 4294967295 1
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
d_73 0 4294967295 1 RO 0 RO 0 d_1064 0 4294967295 1 RO 6 d_1066 0 4294967295 1 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 0 RO 2148532224 d_110 0 1 1
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_20 d_19 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 Unsigned BigEndian
d_1068 d_1070 1000000.0 SK_1000000_0/SK_d_1070 RO d_1071 Sets the operation mode of the Gain Auto auto function. Sets the operation mode of the Gain Auto auto function. The Gain Auto auto function automatically adjusts the gain within set limits until a target brightness value has been reached. Gain Auto Beginner d_1319 Yes Automatic gain adjustment is disabled. Automatic gain adjustment is disabled. Off Beginner d_1881 0 The gain is adjusted automatically to reach the specifed target value. The gain is adjusted automatically to reach the specifed target value. When the target value has been reached, the auto function will automatically be set to Off and the new parameter value will be applied to the following images. Once Beginner d_1882 1 The gain is adjusted continuously while images are being acquired. The gain is adjusted continuously while images are being acquired. The adjustment process will continue until the parameter is set to Once or Off. Continuous Beginner d_1883 2 d_1077 d_1085 0 16 16 d_1087 0 16 1 d_1089 0 4095 1 d_1091 0 15 1 d_1093 0 15 1 RO d_794 d_1094 d_953 d_948 d_943 d_938 d_953 Error status indicating whether the current light device is experiencing problems. Error status indicating whether the current light device is experiencing problems. Light Device Error Status Expert d_782 No error was detected. No error was detected. No Error Expert 0 The light device is not connected to the camera or has not been enumerated yet. The light device is not connected to the camera or has not been enumerated yet. Execute the Light Control Enumerate Devices command to enumerate the device. Not Connected Expert 1 The data transmission between the camera and the light device is disrupted. The data transmission between the camera and the light device is disrupted. Data packets are being lost. This can be caused by using cables that are too long or by too much noise on the line. Communication Error Expert 2 The light device is experiencing a technical fault. The light device is experiencing a technical fault. Hardware Error Expert 3 The light device is experiencing an internal error. The light device is experiencing an internal error. Disconnecting and reconnecting the power supply may solve the issue. Light Device Error Expert 4 The light device is not compatible with the current camera. The light device is not compatible with the current camera. Contact support to find out whether firmware updates are available. Unsupported Device Version Expert 5 The connection to a previously connected light device has been lost. The connection to a previously connected light device has been lost. This can happen, for example, if a cable has become loose. Connection Lost Expert 6 signal_36 Error code indicating the cause of an error in a light device. Error code indicating the cause of an error in a light device. The error code provides additional information about the kind of error. Execute the Light Device Error Status Read And Clear command to read the error code from the light device. Then, contact support with the error code. Light Device Error Code Expert d_782 d_1096 HexNumber
4 RO Device d_794 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_934 d_932 d_930 d_928 Unsigned BigEndian
Changes the ID of the current light device. Changes the ID of the current light device to the value of the Light Device New ID parameter. Light Device New ID Save Expert d_1301 d_1200 WO d_795 1 d_95 HexNumber Beginner d_97 Beginner d_102 Beginner d_1021 Error code indicating the cause of the internal error. Error code indicating the cause of the internal error. If there are multiple errors, execute the Error Report Next command to retrieve the next error code. A parameter value of 0 means that there are no more error codes to retrieve. Error Report Value Guru signal_45 HexNumber RO d_995 Indicates whether an internal error occured on the device. Indicates whether an internal error occured on the device. If an error occured, you can use the Error Report Next command to determine the error code. Error Present Guru d_1027 Sets the user set or the factory set to be used as the startup set. Sets the user set or the factory set to be used as the startup set. The startup set will be loaded as the active set whenever the camera is powered on or reset. User Set Default Beginner d_108 The Default User Set factory set is set as the default startup set. The Default User Set factory set is set as the default startup set. Default User Set Beginner 0 User set 1 is set as the default startup set. User set 1 is set as the default startup set. User Set 1 Beginner 1 User set 2 is set as the default startup set. User set 2 is set as the default startup set. User Set 2 Beginner 2 User set 3 is set as the default startup set. User set 3 is set as the default startup set. User Set 3 Beginner 3 d_118 Indicates the type of firmware used by the device. Indicates the type of firmware used by the device. Device Firmware Type Invisible The device uses the internal backup firmware. The device uses the internal backup firmware. Usually, this is due to an error during the firmware update process. Backup Invisible 0 The device uses a valid product firmware. The device uses a valid product firmware. Product Invisible 1 The device uses an emulation firmware. The device uses an emulation firmware. Emulation Invisible 2 signal_49 RO 1 Beginner d_1030 Beginner d_1192 d_122 C Fixed 1 Beginner signal_52 C Fixed 1 RO d_606 Beginner signal_53 C Fixed 1 RO d_609 Beginner genicamValue_70 C Indicates the temperature state. Indicates the temperature state. Temperature Status Beginner The temperature is within the normal operating temperature range. The temperature is within the normal operating temperature range. Ok Beginner 0 The temperature is close to or at the allowed maximum. Provide cooling. The temperature is close to or at the allowed maximum. Provide cooling. Critical Beginner 1 The temperature is above the allowed maximum. Provide cooling immediately. The temperature is above the allowed maximum. Provide cooling immediately. Error Beginner 2 d_123 Indicates how often the temperature state changed to Error. Indicates how often the temperature state changed to Error. Temperature Status Error Count Beginner d_125 Beginner d_1194 Beginner 0 Beginner 1 Beginner 2 d_145 Beginner d_160 Beginner d_162 Sets the tap geometry. Sets the tap geometry. The tap geometry uniquely describes the geometrical properties characterizing the different taps of a multi-tap camera. Tap Geometry Expert The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with one tap and 1 zone in vertical direction with 1 tap. The tap geometry is set to 1 zone in horizontal direction with one tap and 1 zone in vertical direction with 1 tap. 1X-1Y Expert 0 genicamValue_14 Stream ID of the first image stream. Stream ID of the first image stream. Image 1 Stream ID Expert genicamValue_15 Indicates the scan type of the camera's sensor (area or line scan). Indicates the scan type of the camera's sensor (area or line scan). Device Scan Type Expert The camera has an area scan sensor. The camera has an area scan sensor. Area Scan Expert 0 The camera has a line scan sensor. The camera has a line scan sensor. Line Scan Expert 1 signal_74 RO 0 Name of the camera vendor. Name of the camera vendor. Device Vendor Name Beginner d_1035 Name of the camera model. Name of the camera model. Device Model Name Beginner d_1037 Identifier of the product family of the device. Identifier of the product family of the device. Device Family Name Beginner d_1031 Additional information from the vendor about the camera. Additional information from the vendor about the camera. Device Manufacturer Info Beginner d_1039 Version of the camera. Version of the camera. Device Version Beginner d_1041 User-settable ID of the camera. User-settable ID of the camera. Device User ID Beginner d_1046 Version of the camera's firmware. Version of the camera's firmware. Device Firmware Version Beginner d_195 Serial number of the camera. Serial number of the camera. Device Serial Number Expert d_1043 Major version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with. Major version number of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) specification that the camera is compatible with. Device SFNC Version Major Beginner signal_83 RO 2 Minor version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with. Minor version number of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) specification that the camera is compatible with. Device SFNC Version Minor Beginner signal_84 RO 5 Subminor version number of the SFNC specification that the camera is compatible with. Subminor version number of the Standard Features Naming Convention (SFNC) specification that the camera is compatible with. Device SFNC Version SubMinor Beginner signal_85 RO 0 Major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry. Major version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry. Device Manifest XML Major Version Guru signal_86 RO 1 Minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry. Minor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry. Device Manifest XML Minor Version Guru signal_87 RO 0 Subminor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry. Subminor version number of the GenICam XML file of the selected manifest entry. Device Manifest XML Sub Minor Version Guru signal_88 RO 0 Major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry. Major version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry. Device Manifest Schema Major Version Guru signal_89 RO 1 Minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry. Minor version number of the schema file of the selected manifest entry. Device Manifest Schema Minor Version Guru signal_90 RO 1 Indicates the type of the device's transport layer. Indicates the type of the device's transport layer. Device TL Type Beginner The device provides a GigE Vision transport layer. The device provides a GigE Vision transport layer. GigE Vision Beginner 0 The device provides a CoaXPress transport layer. The device provides a CoaXPress transport layer. CoaXPress Beginner 1 The device provides a USB3 Vision transport layer. The device provides a USB3 Vision transport layer. USB3 Vision Beginner 2 signal_91 RO 1 Major version number of the device's transport layer. Major version number of the device's transport layer. Device TL Version Major Beginner signal_92 RO 2 Minor version number of the device's transport layer. Minor version number of the device's transport layer. Device TL Version Minor Beginner signal_93 RO 0 Subminor version number of the device's transport layer. Subminor version number of the device's transport layer. Device TL Version Sub Minor Beginner signal_94 RO 0 Speed of transmission negotiated on the selected link. Speed of transmission negotiated on the selected link. Device Link Speed Expert deviceLinkSpeedBps_0 Sets the behavior of the camera's status LED. Sets the behavior of the camera's status LED. Device Indicator Mode Expert Yes The status LED of the camera is turned off. The status LED of the camera is turned off. Inactive Expert 0 The status LED of the camera is turned on. The status LED of the camera is turned on. Active Expert 1 The camera's status LED is inactive unless an error occurs. The camera's status LED is inactive unless an error occurs. Error Status Expert 2 d_198 Actual bandwidth the camera will use. Actual bandwidth (in bytes per second) that the camera will use to transmit image data and chunk data with the current camera settings. Device Link Current Throughput Expert d_22 Indicates the character set used by the strings of the device's bootstrap registers. Indicates the character set used by the strings of the device's bootstrap registers. Device Character Set Guru The strings of the device's bootstrap registers use the UTF-8 character set. The strings of the device's bootstrap registers use the UTF-8 character set. UTF 8 Guru 0 signal_98 RO 0 Endianness of the registers of the device. Endianness of the registers of the device. Device Registers Endianness Guru The endianness of the device's registers is little-endian. The endianness of the device's registers is little-endian. Little Guru 0 The endianness of the device's registers is big-endian. The endianness of the device's registers is big-endian. Big Guru 1 signal_99 RO 1 Invisible Unknown Invisible 0 signal_100 RO 0 Sets whether Acquisition Stop commands abort exposure. Sets whether Acquisition Stop commands abort exposure. Acquisition Stop Mode Expert Yes Acquisition Stop commands allow the exposure to be completed. Acquisition Stop commands allow the exposure to be completed. Complete Exposure Expert 0 Acquisition Stop commands abort exposure. Acquisition Stop commands abort exposure. Abort Exposure Expert 1 d_451 Sets the image acquisition mode. Sets the image acquisition mode. Acquisition Mode Beginner d_1200 The acquisition mode is set to Continuous. The acquisition mode is set to Continuous. The camera will acquire images until acquisition is stopped. Continuous Beginner 0 The acquisition mode is set to Single Frame. The acquisition mode is set to Single Frame. The camera will acquire a single image. Single Frame Beginner 1 d_453 Returns the current power state of the sensor. Returns the current power state of the sensor. Sensor State Expert The sensor power is switched off. The sensor power is switched off. Off Expert 0 The sensor is in standby mode. The sensor is in standby mode. In standby mode, power consumption is reduced significantly, which results in a lower camera temperature. Certain parameters can only be configured when the sensor is in standby mode. Standby Expert 1 The sensor power is switched on. The sensor power is switched on. On Expert 2 d_454 The delay between ExposureStart and the Flash Window. The delay between ExposureStart and the Flash Window. Flash Window Delay Expert d_587 us Linear Fixed 1 The length of the Flash Window in microseconds. The length of the Flash Window in microseconds. Flash Window Duration Expert d_585 us Linear Fixed 1 Sensor readout time with current settings. Sensor readout time with current settings. Sensor Readout Time Beginner d_590 us Linear Fixed 1 Exposure start delay with current settings. Exposure start delay with current settings. Exposure Start Delay Beginner d_593 us Linear Fixed 1 Maximum number of frames that can be acquired per second with current camera settings. Maximum number of frames that can be acquired per second with current camera settings. In High Speed burst mode, this value is usually higher than the Resulting Transfer Frame Rate parameter value. Resulting Acquisition Frame Rate Beginner genicamResultingAcquisitionFrameRate_0 Hz Linear Fixed 3 Maximum frame acquisition rate with current camera settings. Maximum frame acquisition rate with current camera settings (in frames per second). Resulting Frame Rate Invisible genicamResultingFrameRate_0 Hz Linear Fixed 3 d_727 d_1118 1.0 SK_d_1118/SK_1_0 RO d_477 d_1120 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_473 d_1121 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_475 d_1122 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_483 d_1124 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_479 d_1125 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_481 d_1126 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_489 d_1127 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_485 d_1128 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_487 d_1129 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 d_1131 d_1987 d_1988 d_1989 d_1130 16.0 FROM*SK_16_0 TO/SK_16_0 d_1135 Automatic Sets which sensor tap can be configured. Sets which sensor tap can be configured. All changes to the Black Level parameter will be applied to the selected sensor tap. Black Level Selector Invisible The black level value is applied to all sensor taps. The black level value is applied to all sensor taps. All Expert 0 d_1138 BlackLevel Black level value to be applied to the currently selected sensor tap. Black level value to be applied to the currently selected sensor tap. Black Level Expert d_1130 Yes d_1136 DN Linear Fixed 3 0 RO d_200 d_1141 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_214 d_1142 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_226 d_1143 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_202 d_1144 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_216 d_1145 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_228 d_1146 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_361 d_1147 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 RO d_363 d_1148 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
d_1165 0 4 1
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_109 d_110 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_20 d_109 d_40 d_41 d_110 d_129 d_130 d_131 d_132 d_133 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_20 d_109 d_40 d_41 d_110 d_129 d_130 d_131 d_132 d_133 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_109 d_145 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_109 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_110 d_129 d_131 d_133 BigEndian
d_1178 0 31 1 d_81 0 31 1 Beginner WO d_1180 1 Beginner WO d_1184 1 Initiates a transmitting transaction to the serial output buffer. Initiates a transmitting transaction to the serial output buffer. Set the correct transfer length before you issue a transmit command. Serial Transmit Command Expert d_1237 WO d_761 1 Initiates a receiving transaction from the serial input buffer. Initiates a receiving transaction from the serial input buffer. When the transaction has been completed, the Serial Transfer Length parameter indicates the number of valid data units received. Serial Receive Command Expert d_1237 WO d_766 1 Resets the incoming break status. Resets the incoming break status. Serial Rx Break Reset Expert d_1237 WO d_1188 1 Searches for light devices connected to your camera. Searches for light devices connected to your camera. Light Control Enumerate Devices Expert d_1238 d_1200 WO d_796 1 Resets the counter for trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it. Resets the counter for trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it. Light Control Overtrigger Count Reset Expert d_1238 WO d_1191 1
4 RO Device d_1030 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_110 d_129 d_130 d_131 d_132 d_133 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_110 d_129 d_131 d_133 BigEndian
0 RO d_1202 Sets whether sensor or FPGA binning can be configured. Sets whether sensor or FPGA binning can be configured. To configure binning, use the Binning Horizontal, Binning Vertical, Binning Horizontal Mode, and Binning Vertical Mode parameters. Binning Selector Expert FPGA binning can be configured. FPGA binning can be configured. Region 1 Expert 0 Sensor binning can be configured. Sensor binning can be configured. Sensor Expert 1 d_1202 BinningHorizontal BinningHorizontalMode BinningVertical BinningVerticalMode
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 BigEndian
RO 0 RO 1 0 First URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry. First URL to the GenICam XML device description file of the selected manifest entry. Device Manifest Primary URL Guru d_90 Sets whether the sequencer can be used for image acquisition. Sets whether the sequencer can be used for image acquisition. Sequencer Mode Expert d_1194 The sequencer can't be used for image acquisition. The sequencer can't be used for image acquisition. Off Expert 0 The sequencer can be used for image acquisition. Image acquisitions will be controlled by the sequencer. On Expert 1 d_40 Sets whether the sequencer can be configured. Sets whether the sequencer can be configured. Sequencer Configuration Mode Expert d_1270 The sequencer can't be configured. The sequencer can't be configured. Off Expert d_1829 0 The sequencer can be configured. The sequencer can be configured. On Expert d_1830 1 d_41 Index number of the currently active sequencer set. Index number of the current sequencer set, i.e., of the sequencer set that will be used for image acquisition. Sequencer Set Active Expert d_1272 d_636 First sequencer set to be used after the Sequencer Mode parameter is set to On. First sequencer set to be used after the Sequencer Mode parameter is set to On. Sequencer Set Start Expert d_600 d_639 Linear RO d_702 Sets the sensor bit depth mode. Sets the sensor bit depth mode. Sensor Bit Depth Mode Expert d_1277 Yes The sensor bit depth mode is set to Auto. The sensor bit depth mode is set to Auto. The sensor bit depth is automatically adjusted depending on the pixel format used. Auto Expert 0 The sensor bit depth mode is set to Manual. The sensor bit depth mode is set to Manual. The sensor bit depth can be set independently of the pixel format used. Manual Expert 1 d_46 Exposure time of the camera in microseconds. Exposure time of the camera in microseconds. Exposure Time Beginner d_1281 d_721 Yes d_725 us Logarithmic Fixed 1 Current exposure time of the camera in microseconds. Current exposure time of the camera in microseconds. Effective Exposure Time Guru d_727 d_1118 us PureNumber Fixed 1 Sets the exposure mode. Sets the exposure mode. Exposure Mode Beginner d_1016 Yes The exposure mode is set to Timed. The exposure mode is set to Timed. In this mode, the exposure time for each frame acquisition is determined by the value of the camera's Exposure Time (Abs) parameter. Timed Beginner d_1834 0 The exposure mode is set to Trigger Width. The exposure mode is set to Trigger Width. In this mode, the exposure time for each frame acquisition will be directly controlled by the ExFSTrig signal. Trigger Width Beginner d_1835 1 The exposure mode is set to Trigger Controlled. The exposure mode is set to Trigger Controlled. Trigger Controlled Beginner d_1836 2 d_83 Number of frames to acquire for each Frame Burst Start trigger. Number of frames to acquire for each Frame Burst Start trigger. Acquisition Burst Frame Count Expert Yes d_730 Acquisition frame rate of the camera in frames per second. Acquisition frame rate of the camera in frames per second. Acquisition Frame Rate Beginner d_1016 d_735 Yes d_737 Hz Logarithmic Fixed 1 Enables setting the camera's acquisition frame rate to a specified value. Enables setting the camera's acquisition frame rate to a specified value. Enable Acquisition Frame Rate Beginner d_1016 Yes d_77 Beginner d_1205 Expert Expert 0 Expert 1 Expert 2 Expert 3 Expert 4 d_740 Maximum number of bursts per second with current camera settings. Maximum number of bursts per second with current camera settings. Resulting Frame Burst Rate Beginner genicamResultingFrameBurstRate_0 Hz Linear Fixed 3 Sets which kind of parity check is performed. Sets which kind of parity check is performed. Serial Parity Expert d_1237 Yes No parity check is performed. No parity check is performed. None Expert 0 An even parity check is performed. An even parity check is performed. Even Expert 1 An odd parity check is performed. An odd parity check is performed. Odd Expert 2 d_750 Sets the number of data bits used in serial communication. Sets the number of data bits used in serial communication. Serial Number of Data Bits Expert d_1237 Yes Seven data bits per frame are used in serial communication. Seven data bits per frame are used in serial communication. 7 Bit Expert 7 Eight data bits per frame are used in serial communication. Eight data bits per frame are used in serial communication. 8 Bit Expert 8 d_752 Sets the number of stop bits used in serial communication. Sets the number of stop bits used in serial communication. Serial Number of Stop Bits Expert d_1237 Yes One stop bit is used in serial communication. One stop bit is used in serial communication. 1 Bit Expert 1 Two stop bits are used in serial communication. Two stop bits are used in serial communication. 2 Bit Expert 2 d_754 Sets the baud rate used in serial communication. Sets the baud rate used in serial communication. Serial Baud Rate Expert d_1237 Yes A symbol rate of 1200 baud is used in serial communication. A symbol rate of 1200 baud is used in serial communication. 1200 Baud Expert 1200 A symbol rate of 2400 baud is used in serial communication. A symbol rate of 2400 baud is used in serial communication. 2400 Baud Expert 2400 A symbol rate of 4800 baud is used in serial communication. A symbol rate of 4800 baud is used in serial communication. 4800 Baud Expert 4800 A symbol rate of 9600 baud is used in serial communication. A symbol rate of 9600 baud is used in serial communication. 9600 Baud Expert 9600 A symbol rate of 19200 baud is used in serial communication. A symbol rate of 19200 baud is used in serial communication. 19200 Baud Expert 19200 A symbol rate of 38400 baud is used in serial communication. A symbol rate of 38400 baud is used in serial communication. 38400 Baud Expert 38400 A symbol rate of 57600 baud is used in serial communication. A symbol rate of 57600 baud is used in serial communication. 57600 Baud Expert 57600 A symbol rate of 115200 baud is used in serial communication. A symbol rate of 115200 baud is used in serial communication. 115200 Baud Expert 115200 d_756 Effective number of serial frames in a Rx or Tx data transfer. Effective number of serial frames in a Rx or Tx data transfer. The maximum number of data frames is 16. Serial Transfer Length Expert d_1237 d_757 Indicates whether the transmitting FIFO has overflown. Indicates whether the transmitting FIFO has overflown. Serial Tx FIFO Overflow Status Expert d_1237 d_759 Signals a break to a receiver connected to the camera, or terminates the break. Signals a break to a receiver connected to the camera, or terminates the break. If this parameter is set to true, a serial break is signaled by setting the serial output to low level (space). If this parameter is set to false, the serial output is reset to high (mark). Serial Tx Break Expert d_1237 d_764 Indicates the overflow status of the receiving FIFO. Indicates the overflow status of the receiving FIFO. Serial Rx FIFO Overflow Status Expert d_1237 d_765 Indicates the parity error status of the receiving FIFO. Indicates the parity error status of the receiving FIFO. Serial Rx Parity Error Status Expert d_1237 d_768 Indicates the stop bit error status of the receiving FIFO. Indicates the stop bit error status of the receiving FIFO. Serial Rx Stop Bit Error Status Expert d_1237 d_770 Indicates the incoming break signal status. Indicates the incoming break signal status. Serial Rx Break Expert d_1237 d_772 Indicates whether the transmitting FIFO is empty. Indicates whether the transmitting FIFO is empty. Serial Tx FIFO Empty Expert d_1237 d_774 Expert d_974 ms Enables or disables the light control features. Enables or disables the light control features. Light Control Mode Expert d_1200 Yes The light control features are disabled. The light control features are disabled. Off Expert 0 The light control features are enabled. The light control features are enabled. On Expert 1 d_783 Sets the type of signal transition that will trigger connected light devices. Sets the type of signal transition that will trigger connected light devices. Light Control Trigger Activation Expert BslLightControlTriggerActivation_available Yes The light device is triggered when the source signal rises. The light device is triggered when the source signal rises. Rising Edge Expert 0 The light device is triggered when the source signal falls. The light device is triggered when the source signal falls. Falling Edge Expert 1 The light device is triggered when the source signal falls or rises. The light device is triggered when the source signal falls or rises. Any Edge Expert 2 d_781 Number of trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it. Number of trigger signals that were received while any of the connected light devices wasn't ready for it. Counts up to a maximum value of 65535. Light Control Overtrigger Count Expert d_1238 d_976 Sets the transfer bit depth mode. Sets the transfer bit depth mode. Transfer Bit Depth Mode Expert d_1277 Yes The transfer bit depth mode is set to Auto. The transfer bit depth mode is set to Auto. The transfer bit depth is automatically adjusted depending on the pixel format used. Auto Expert 0 The transfer bit depth mode is set to Manual. The transfer bit depth mode is set to Manual. The transfer bit depth can be set independently of the pixel format used. Manual Expert 1 d_49 Sets the bit depth used for internal image processing. Sets the bit depth used for internal image processing. Lowering the transfer bit depth increases the frame rate, but image quality may degrade. Transfer Bit Depth Expert d_1283 Yes The transfer bit depth is set to 8 bits per pixel. The transfer bit depth is set to 8 bits per pixel. Bpp8 Expert d_1878 0 The transfer bit depth is set to 10 bits per pixel. The transfer bit depth is set to 10 bits per pixel. Bpp10 Expert d_1879 1 The transfer bit depth is set to 12 bits per pixel. The transfer bit depth is set to 12 bits per pixel. Bpp12 Expert d_1880 2 d_50
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_110 d_129 d_130 d_131 d_132 d_133 d_40 d_41 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_783 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_783 BigEndian
d_1070 1.0 SK_d_1070/SK_1_0 Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel Set. Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel Set. Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel Set Beginner WO d_1241 1 Loads the vignetting correction data from the camera's file system. Loads the vignetting correction data from the camera's file system and applies them to the camera. Vignetting Correction Load Beginner d_1200 WO d_1243 1 d_24 1 4 1 d_23 1 2 1 d_1203 d_1432 d_1367 0 d_1203 d_1244 d_1245 d_1244 Number of adjacent horizontal pixels to be summed. Number of adjacent horizontal pixels to be summed. Their charges will be summed and reported out of the camera as a single pixel. Binning Horizontal Expert d_1246_lockedMux Yes d_1246 Linear d_1203 0 d_1200 0 d_1203 d_1248 d_1250 d_1248 Sets the binning mode for horizontal binning. Sets the binning mode for horizontal binning. Binning Horizontal Mode Expert d_1251_lockedMux Yes The values of the binned pixels are summed. The values of the binned pixels are summed. This increases the camera's response to light and the signal-to-noise ratio. Sum Expert d_1252 0 The values of the binned pixels are averaged. The values of the binned pixels are averaged. This increases the signal-to-noise ratio without affecting the camera's response to light. Average Expert d_1253 1 d_1251 d_51 1 4 1 d_1257 d_1992 d_1993 d_1994 d_1203 d_1432 d_1369 0 d_1203 d_1255 d_1256 d_1255 Number of adjacent vertical pixels to be summed. Number of adjacent vertical pixels to be summed. Their charges will be summed and reported out of the camera as a single pixel. Binning Vertical Expert d_1261_lockedMux Yes d_1261 Linear d_1203 0 d_1200 0 d_1203 d_1263 d_1265 d_1263 Sets the binning mode for vertical binning. Sets the binning mode for vertical binning. Binning Vertical Mode Expert d_1266_lockedMux Yes The values of the binned pixels are summed. The values of the binned pixels are summed. This increases the camera's response to light and the signal-to-noise ratio. Sum Expert d_1267 0 The values of the binned pixels are averaged. The values of the binned pixels are averaged. This increases the signal-to-noise ratio without affecting the camera's response to light. Average Expert d_1268 1 d_1266
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_110 d_129 d_130 d_131 d_132 d_133 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_649 d_40 d_81 d_41 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_651 d_40 d_81 d_41 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_110 d_129 d_131 d_133 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_110 d_129 d_131 d_133 d_20 d_19 d_49 BigEndian
RO 1 RO 1
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 Unsigned BigEndian
RO 2464 RO 2064 Indicates whether image acquisition is in progress. Indicates whether image acquisition is in progress. TL Params Locked Invisible d_1317 d_1067 Size of the payload in bytes. Size of the payload in bytes. This is the total number of bytes sent in the payload. Payload Size Beginner d_1285 B Maximum number of frames that can be transferred per second with current camera settings. Maximum number of frames that can be transferred per second with current camera settings. This value indicates the peak frame rate to be expected at the camera's output. In High Speed burst mode, this value is usually lower than the Resulting Acquisition Frame Rate parameter value. Resulting Transfer Frame Rate Beginner genicamResultingTransferFrameRate_0 Hz Linear Fixed 3 Sets the operation mode of the Exposure Auto auto function. Sets the operation mode of the Exposure Auto auto function. The Exposure Auto auto function automatically adjusts the exposure time within set limits until a target brightness value has been reached. Exposure Auto Beginner d_1319 Yes Automatic exposure time adjustment is disabled. Automatic exposure time adjustment is disabled. Off Beginner d_1884 0 The exposure time is adjusted automatically to reach the specified target value. The exposure time is adjusted automatically to reach the specified target value. When the target value has been reached, the auto function will automatically be set to Off and the new parameter value will be applied to the following images. Once Beginner d_1885 1 The exposure time is adjusted continuously while images are being acquired. The exposure time is adjusted continuously while images are being acquired. The adjustment process will continue until the parameter is set to Once or Off. Continuous Beginner d_1886 2 d_1079 Beginner d_1321 Beginner 0 Beginner 1 d_1081 Sets the shutter mode of the camera. Sets the shutter mode of the camera. Sensor Shutter Mode Beginner d_1200 The shutter opens and closes at the same time for all pixels. The shutter opens and closes at the same time for all pixels. All pixels are exposed at the same time and for the same length of time. Global Beginner 0 d_1209 Width of the camera's sensor in pixels. Width of the camera's sensor in pixels. Sensor Width Expert genicamValue_128 Height of the camera's sensor in pixels. Height of the camera's sensor in pixels. Sensor Height Expert genicamValue_129 Arbitrary Testpattern Enable. Arbitrary Testpattern Enable. Arbitrary Testpattern Enable Beginner d_1083 Arbitrary Testpattern Width. Arbitrary Testpattern Width. Arbitrary Testpattern Width Beginner d_1084 Arbitrary Testpattern Height. Arbitrary Testpattern Height. Arbitrary Testpattern Height Beginner d_1086 Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel Value. Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel Value. Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel Value Beginner d_1088 Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel X. Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel X. Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel X Beginner d_1090 Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel Y. Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel Y. Arbitrary Testpattern Pixel Y Beginner d_1092 RO d_1095 Enables horizontal mirroring of the image. Enables horizontal mirroring of the image. The pixel values of every line in a captured image will be swapped along the line's center. You can use the ROI feature when using the Reverse X feature. The position of the ROI relative to the sensor remains the same. Reverse X Expert Yes d_1114 Enables vertical mirroring of the image. Enables vertical mirroring of the image. The pixel values of every column in a captured image will be swapped along the column's center. You can use the ROI feature when using the Reverse Y feature. The position of the ROI relative to the sensor remains the same. Reverse Y Expert Yes d_1116 Sets the burst mode. Sets the burst mode. Acquisition Burst Mode Beginner d_1363 Yes The Standard burst mode is enabled. The Standard burst mode is enabled. This mode allows you to execute bursts in quick succession, but offers lower frame rates compared to High Speed burst mode. Standard Beginner d_1975 0 The High Speed burst mode is enabled. The High Speed burst mode is enabled. This mode offers high frame rates within a burst, but introduces a delay after each burst. Within a burst, the frame rate is only limited by the bandwidth of the streaming buffer and the sensor. High Speed Beginner d_1976 1 d_72 Enables the vignetting correction. Enables the vignetting correction. This feature allows you to remove vignetting artifacts from your images. To do this, you first have to create vignetting correction data. For more information, see the Basler Product Documentation. Vignetting Correction Mode Guru d_1365 Yes The vignetting correction is disabled. The vignetting correction is disabled. Off Guru d_1990 0 The vignetting correction is enabled. The vignetting correction is enabled. On Guru d_1991 1 d_1140 Type Name d_1150 HexNumber Mono/Color d_1152 HexNumber Lot Number ID-1 d_1154 HexNumber Lot Number ID-2 d_1156 HexNumber Lot Number ID-3 d_1158 HexNumber Lot Number ID-4 d_1160 HexNumber Lot Number Type Group d_1162 HexNumber Digital shift to be applied. Digital shift allows you to multiply the pixel values in an image. This increases the brightness of the image. If the parameter is set to zero, digital shift is disabled. Digital Shift Beginner d_1164 Yes d_1164 Linear
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_794 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_877 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_864 d_792 d_875 d_888 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_859 d_790 d_873 d_886 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_854 d_788 d_871 d_884 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_849 d_786 d_783 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_20 d_109 d_19 d_783 d_795 d_796 d_871 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_884 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_849 d_786 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_20 d_109 d_19 d_783 d_795 d_796 d_873 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_886 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_854 d_788 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_20 d_109 d_19 d_783 d_795 d_796 d_875 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_888 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_859 d_790 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_20 d_109 d_19 d_783 d_795 d_796 d_877 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_864 d_792 BigEndian
Beginner d_1200 WO d_1316 0
4 RO Device d_20 d_109 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_110 d_129 d_131 d_133 d_455 d_456 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_23 d_48 d_457 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_871 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_884 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_849 d_786 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_873 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_886 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_854 d_788 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_875 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_888 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_859 d_790 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_877 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_864 d_792 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_871 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_884 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_849 d_786 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_873 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_886 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_854 d_788 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_875 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_888 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_859 d_790 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_877 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_864 d_792 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_871 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_884 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_849 d_786 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_109 d_19 d_783 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_873 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_886 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_854 d_788 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_109 d_19 d_783 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_875 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_888 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_859 d_790 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_109 d_19 d_783 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_795 d_19 d_796 d_20 d_877 d_40 d_41 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_864 d_792 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_109 d_19 d_783 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_884 d_795 d_796 d_871 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_849 d_786 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_886 d_795 d_796 d_873 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_854 d_788 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_888 d_795 d_796 d_875 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_859 d_790 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_890 d_795 d_796 d_877 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_864 d_792 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_110 d_129 d_130 d_131 d_132 d_133 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_23 d_1243 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_110 d_129 d_130 d_131 d_132 d_133 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_110 d_129 d_130 d_131 d_132 d_133 BigEndian
RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 d_1374 0 4095 1 d_1373 4095.0 FROM*SK_4095_0 TO/SK_4095_0 d_1375 Automatic d_1380 65536 16461899 1 d_1379 20.0 2.302585092994046 65536.0 (EXP(((FROM/SK_20_0)*SK_2_302585092994046)))*SK_65536_0 ((LN((TO/SK_65536_0)))/SK_2_302585092994046)*SK_20_0 d_1381 Automatic d_1387 d_1999 d_2000 d_2001 d_1386 20.0 2.302585092994046 65536.0 (EXP(((FROM/SK_20_0)*SK_2_302585092994046)))*SK_65536_0 ((LN((TO/SK_65536_0)))/SK_2_302585092994046)*SK_20_0 d_1391 Automatic d_1397 1 10000000 1 d_1396 1.0 FROM*SK_1_0 TO/SK_1_0 d_1398 Automatic d_1401 d_2002 d_2003 d_2004 d_1400 1.0 FROM*SK_1_0 TO/SK_1_0 d_1405 Automatic Beginner d_1232 Beginner d_1407 d_1234 Beginner signal_190 RO 4096 Reloads the user defect pixel correction file. Reloads the user defect pixel correction file. This command must be executed if the user defect pixel correction file has been uploaded for the first time or has been updated. Static Defect Pixel Correction Reload Guru d_1200 WO d_1316 0
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 BigEndian
RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1
4 RO Device d_133 d_1316 d_20 d_19 d_1288 Unsigned BigEndian
d_43 d_2005 d_2006 d_2007 d_68 d_2008 d_2009 d_2010 d_44 d_2011 d_2012 d_2013 d_78 d_2014 d_2015 d_2016 Maximum number of defect pixels that the factory or user correction file can contain. Maximum number of defect pixels that the factory or user correction file can contain. Static Defect Pixel Correction Max Defects Guru signal_194 RO 4096 Sets the static defect pixel correction mode. Sets the static defect pixel correction mode. Static Defect Pixel Correction Mode Beginner d_1200 Yes Static defect pixel correction is based on the defect pixels stored in the factory correction file. Static defect pixel correction is based on the defect pixels stored in the factory correction file. Factory Beginner 0 Static defect pixel correction is based on the defect pixels stored in the user correction file. Static defect pixel correction is based on the defect pixels stored in the user correction file. User Beginner 1 Static defect pixel correction is disabled. Static defect pixel correction is disabled. Off Beginner 2 d_1288 Returns the file status of the defect pixel correction file. Returns the file status of the defect pixel correction file. Static Defect Pixel Correction File Status Guru The status of the defect pixel correction file is unknown. The status of the defect pixel correction file is unknown. Acquire an image to change the file status. File Status Unknown Guru 0 The defect pixel correction file is valid. The defect pixel correction file is valid. File Ok Guru 1 The defect pixel correction file can't be found. The defect pixel correction file can't be found. It has never been uploaded or was deleted. File Not Found Guru 2 The defect pixel correction file has no entries. The defect pixel correction file has no entries. The file header is valid but the file doesn't contain any defect pixels. The defect pixel correction process is aborted. File Empty Guru 3 The defect pixel correction file header is invalid. The defect pixel correction file header is invalid. The file must have a 4-byte file header. Invalid Header Guru 4 The defect pixel correction file size is invalid. The defect pixel correction file size is invalid. The maximum number of defect pixels must not exceed 4096. Invalid Size Guru 5 The sorting of entries in the defect pixel correction file is invalid. The sorting of entries in the defect pixel correction file is invalid. The defect pixel correction process is aborted. Invalid Sorting Guru 6 An invalid cluster has been found. An invalid cluster has been found. Three or more adjacent pixels in a row are considered an invalid cluster. Any defect pixels between other defect pixels can't be corrected. Invalid Clustering Guru 7 At least one entry in the defect pixel correction file has an invalid size. At least one entry in the defect pixel correction file has an invalid size. The defect pixel correction process is aborted. Invalid File Entry Guru 8 d_1411
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_110 d_129 d_130 d_131 d_132 d_133 BigEndian
RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 Target brightness for the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions. Target brightness for the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions. Auto Target Brightness Beginner d_1373 Yes d_1376 Linear Fixed 3 Sets how gain and exposure time will be balanced when the camera is making automatic adjustments. Sets how gain and exposure time will be balanced when the camera is making automatic adjustments. Auto Function Profile Beginner Yes Gain is kept as low as possible. Gain is kept as low as possible during automatic adjustments. Minimize Gain Beginner 0 Exposure time is kept as low as possible. Exposure time is kept as low as possible during automatic adjustments. Minimize Exposure Time Beginner 1 d_1378 Lower limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active. Lower limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active. Gain Lower Limit Beginner d_1379 Yes d_1385 dB Linear Fixed 3 Upper limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active. Upper limit of the Gain parameter when the Gain Auto auto function is active. Gain Upper Limit Beginner d_1386 Yes d_1395 dB Linear Fixed 3 Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active. Lower limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active. Exposure Time Lower Limit Beginner d_1396 Yes d_1398 us Linear Fixed 1 Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active. Upper limit of the Exposure Time parameter when the Exposure Auto auto function is active. Exposure Time Upper Limit Beginner d_1400 Yes d_1405 us Linear Fixed 1 d_1440 0 262143 1 d_1439 65536.0 FROM*SK_65536_0 TO/SK_65536_0 d_1441 Automatic d_1444 0 65536 128 d_1443 32768.0 (FROM*SK_32768_0)+SK_32768_0 (TO-SK_32768_0)/SK_32768_0 d_1445 Automatic d_1449 0 65536 128 d_1448 32768.0 (FROM*SK_32768_0)+SK_32768_0 (TO-SK_32768_0)/SK_32768_0 d_1450 Automatic Sets the lookup table (LUT) to be configured. Sets the lookup table (LUT) to be configured. All changes to the LUT settings will be applied to the selected LUT. LUT Selector Invisible The luminance lookup table can be configured. The luminance lookup table can be configured. Luminance LUT Expert 0 d_1456 LUTEnable LUTIndex LUTValue Enables the selected lookup table (LUT). Enables the selected lookup table (LUT). LUT Enable Expert Yes d_1458 Pixel value to be replaced with the LUT Value pixel value. Pixel value to be replaced with the LUT Value pixel value. LUT Index Expert d_1467 DN Linear New pixel value to replace the LUT Index pixel value. New pixel value to replace the LUT Index pixel value. LUT Value Expert d_1468 DN Linear 0 Centers the image horizontally. Centers the image horizontally. Center X Beginner d_1016 WO d_45 1 Centers the image vertically. Centers the image vertically. Center Y Beginner d_1016 WO d_79 1 Sets the test pattern to display. Sets the test pattern to display. Test Pattern Beginner Yes No test pattern is generated. No test pattern is generated. The original image is displayed. Off Beginner 0 The camera generates a black test pattern. The camera generates a black test pattern. Black Beginner 1 The camera generates a white test pattern. The camera generates a white test pattern. White Beginner 2 The camera generates a test image with the test image 1 pattern. The camera generates a test image with the test image 1 pattern. Test Image 1 Beginner 3 The camera generates a test image with the test image 2 pattern. The camera generates a test image with the test image 2 pattern. Test Image 2 Beginner 4 The camera generates a test image with the test image 3 pattern. The camera generates a test image with the test image 3 pattern. Test Image 3 Beginner 5 d_1431 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 Unsigned BigEndian
Width of the camera's region of interest (area of interest) in pixels. Width of the camera's region of interest (area of interest) in pixels. Depending on the camera model, the parameter can be set in different increments. Width Beginner d_1432 Yes d_1413 Linear Height of the camera's region of interest (area of interest) in pixels. Height of the camera's region of interest (area of interest) in pixels. Depending on the camera model, the parameter can be set in different increments. Height Beginner d_1432 Yes d_1417 Linear Horizontal offset of the region of interest (area of interest) from the left side of the sensor (in pixels). Horizontal offset from the left side of the sensor to the region of interest (area of interest) (in pixels). Offset X Beginner d_1016 Yes d_1421 Linear Vertical offset of the region of interest (area of interest) from the top of the sensor (in pixels). Vertical offset from the top of the sensor to the region of interest (area of interest) (in pixels). Offset Y Beginner d_1016 Yes d_1425 Linear Maximum width of the region of interest (area of interest) in pixels. Maximum width of the region of interest (area of interest) in pixels. The value takes into account any function that may limit the maximum width. Max Width Expert d_1462 Maximum height of the region of interest (area of interest) in pixels. Maximum height of the region of interest (area of interest) in pixels. The value takes into account any features that may limit the maximum height, e.g., binning. Max Height Expert d_1464 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 Gamma correction to be applied. Gamma correction to be applied. Gamma correction allows you to optimize the brightness of acquired images for display on a monitor. Gamma Beginner d_1439 Yes d_1442 Linear Fixed 4 Contrast value to be applied. Adjusting the contrast increases the difference between light and dark areas in the image. Contrast Beginner d_1443 Yes d_1447 Linear Fixed 3 Sets the contrast mode. Sets the contrast mode. Contrast Mode Beginner Yes The camera uses a linear function to adjust the contrast. The camera uses a linear function to adjust the contrast. Increasing or decreasing the contrast, increases or decreases the gradient of the linear function. Linear Beginner 0 The camera uses an S-curve function to adjust the contrast. The camera uses an S-curve function to adjust the contrast. This allows you to improve the perceived contrast while preserving the dynamic range of the image. S-Curve Beginner 1 d_1454 Brightness value to be applied. Adjusting the brightness lightens or darkens the entire image. Brightness Beginner d_1448 Yes d_1452 Linear Fixed 3 0 0 4095 1 d_1469 0 4095 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 Sets which ID should be assigned to the current light device. Sets which ID should be assigned to the current light device. Light Device New ID Expert d_1301 d_1200 The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 1. The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 1. Device 1 Expert d_2020 0 The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 2. The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 2. Device 2 Expert d_2021 1 The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 3. The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 3. Device 3 Expert d_2022 2 The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 4. The ID of the currently selected light device can be set to Device 4. Device 4 Expert d_2023 3 d_1100 0 0 RO d_1480 d_1481 d_1475 d_1477 d_1479 d_1475 Sets the I/O line to be configured. Sets the I/O line to be configured. All changes to the line settings will be applied to the selected line. Line Selector Expert Line 1 can be configured. Line 1 can be configured. Line 1 Expert 0 Line 2 can be configured. Line 2 can be configured. Line 2 Expert 1 Line 3 can be configured. Line 3 can be configured. Line 3 Expert 2 d_1480 LineMode LineFormat LineSource LineInverter LineStatus BslInputFilterTime BslInputHoldOffTime BslLineOverloadStatus BslLineConnection Sets the mode for the selected line. Sets the mode for the selected line. This controls whether the physical line is used to input or output a signal. Line Mode Expert Yes The selected physical line can be used to input an electrical signal. The selected physical line can be used to input an electrical signal. Input Expert d_1484 0 The selected physical line can be used to output an electrical signal. The selected physical line can be used to output an electrical signal. Output Expert d_1485 1 The selected physical line can be used to input and output an electrical signal. The selected physical line can be used to input and output an electrical signal. Input / Output Expert d_1486 2 d_1482 d_1481 0 1 1 0 Indicates the electrical configuration of the currently selected line. Indicates the electrical configuration of the currently selected line. Line Format Expert The line is opto-coupled. The line is opto-coupled. Opto-coupled Expert 0 The output of the line is "open drain"/"open collector". The output of the line is "open drain"/"open collector". Open Drain Expert 1 The line is currently accepting or sending LVTTL level signals. The line is currently accepting or sending LVTTL level signals. LVTTL Expert 2 lineFormat_0 0 d_1481 BOOL_0 1 1 1 d_1481 d_1489 d_1491 d_1493 d_1489 Sets the source signal for the currently selected line. Sets the source signal for the currently selected line. The currently selected line must be an output line. Line Source Expert d_1494_availableMux Yes No source signal is set for the currently selected line. No source signal is set for the currently selected line. Off Expert d_1495 0 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 1. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 1. User Output 1 Expert d_1496 1 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 2. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 2. User Output 2 Expert d_1497 2 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 3. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to User Output 3. User Output 3 Expert d_1498 3 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Acquisition Active. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Acquisition Active. Acquisition Active Beginner d_1499 4 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Exposure Active. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Exposure Active. Exposure Active Expert d_1500 5 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Exposure Trigger Wait. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Exposure Trigger Wait. The signal goes high when the camera is ready to receive exposure trigger signals. When you apply an exposure trigger signal, the signal goes low. Exposure Trigger Wait Expert d_1501 6 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Flash Window. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Flash Window. Flash Window Expert d_1502 7 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Burst Active. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Burst Active. You can use this signal to monitor if the camera is currently acquiring a series of images (a "burst" of images). The signal goes high when the acquisition of a series of images has started. The signal goes low when the acquisition of a series of images has finished. Frame Burst Active Expert d_1503 8 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Burst Trigger Wait. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Burst Trigger Wait. Frame Burst Trigger Wait Expert d_1504 9 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Trigger Wait. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Frame Trigger Wait. Frame Trigger Wait Expert d_1505 10 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Counter 1 Active. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Counter 1 Active. The signal goes high when the counter is started. The signal goes low when the counter is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value. Counter 1 Active Expert d_1506 11 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Counter 2 Active. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Counter 2 Active. The signal goes high when the counter is started. The signal goes low when the counter is stopped, reset, or when it has reached its maximum value. Counter 2 Active Expert d_1507 12 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer 1 Active. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer 1 Active. You can use this signal to monitor the camera's Timer feature. The signal goes high after the delay specified. The signal goes low after the duration specified. Timer 1 Active Expert d_1508 13 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer 2 Active. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Timer 2 Active. You can use this signal to monitor the camera's Timer feature. The signal goes high after the delay specified. The signal goes low after the duration specified. Timer 2 Active Expert d_1509 14 The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Serial Tx. The source signal for the currently selected line is set to Serial Tx. Serial Tx Expert d_1510 15 d_1494 d_1481 d_1513 d_1515 d_1517 d_1513 Enables the signal inverter function for the currently selected input or output line. Enables the signal inverter function for the currently selected input or output line. Line Inverter Expert Yes d_1518
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 BigEndian d_1519_0 d_1519_1 d_1519_2 31 29 d_1519 31 d_1519 30 d_1519 29
d_1481 d_1519_0 d_1519_1 d_1519_2 d_1519_0 Indicates the current logical state of the selected line. Indicates the current logical state of the selected line. Line Status Expert genicamLineStatus_0
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 BigEndian d_1527_0 d_1527_1 d_1527_2 31 29 d_1527 31 d_1527 30 d_1527 29
RO d_1527 RO d_1488 RO d_1526 RO d_1519
4 RW Device d_20 BigEndian d_1530_0 d_1530_1 d_1530_2 31 29 d_1530 31 d_1530 30 d_1530 29
0 RO d_1537 d_1538 d_1530_0 d_1530_1 d_1530_2 d_1530_0 Sets the user-settable output signal to be configured. Sets the user-settable output signal to be configured. All changes to the user-settable output signal settings will be applied to the selected user-settable output signal. User Output Selector Expert The user-settable output signal 1 can be configured. The user-settable output signal 1 can be configured. User Output 1 Expert 0 The user-settable output signal 2 can be configured. The user-settable output signal 2 can be configured. User Output 2 Expert 1 The user-settable output signal 3 can be configured. The user-settable output signal 3 can be configured. User Output 3 Expert 2 d_1537 UserOutputValue Enables the selected user-settable output line. Enables the selected user-settable output line. User Output Value Expert Yes d_1539 d_1543 0 100000 1 d_1545 0 100000 1 d_1547 0 100000 1 d_1481 d_1542 d_1544 d_1546 d_1542 d_1548 100.0 FROM*SK_100_0 TO/SK_100_0 d_1549 Automatic Time period in which the camera evaluates all changes and durations of logical states of the input signal. Time period in which the camera evaluates all changes and durations of logical states of the input signal. During evaluation, the camera calculates the mean value over time and applies a threshold function to the result to reconstruct the digital signal. This removes noise, interference, etc. as well as signal pulses shorter than the filter time. Input Filter Time Expert d_1548 Yes d_1550 us Logarithmic Fixed 2 d_1552 0 2000000 1 d_1554 0 2000000 1 d_1556 0 2000000 1 d_1481 d_1551 d_1553 d_1555 d_1551 d_1557 100.0 FROM*SK_100_0 TO/SK_100_0 d_1558 Automatic Time period in which the camera doesn't accept any further trigger signals or signal changes after receiving an input trigger signal. Time period in which the camera doesn't accept any further trigger signals or signal changes after receiving an input trigger signal. This is useful if you want to avoid false triggering caused by multiple trigger signals arriving in quick succession (contact bounce). Input Hold-Off Time Expert d_1557 Yes d_1559 us Logarithmic Fixed 2 d_1481 d_1527_0 d_1527_1 d_1527_2 d_1527_0 Indicates whether a GPIO line is overloaded, i.e., not powered correctly. Indicates whether a GPIO line is overloaded, i.e., not powered correctly. A value of true (1) means that the GPIO line is overloaded. Line Overload Status Expert genicamLineOverloadStatus_0 RO d_1566
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_455 d_133 d_456 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_23 d_48 d_457 d_110 d_129 d_131 BigEndian
RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 0 d_1481 BOOL_0 1 1 1 d_1481 d_1568 d_1570 d_1572 d_1568 Sets the connection signal for the currently selected line. Sets the connection signal for the currently selected line. Line Connection Expert d_1573_availableMux Yes No connection signal is set for the currently selected line. No connection signal is set for the currently selected line. Connection Off Expert d_1574 0 The Light Control signal is set for the currently selected line. The Light Control signal is set for the currently selected line. This allows you to control a light device over the line. Light Control Expert d_1575 1 d_1573 Single bit field indicating the current logical state of all available line signals at time of polling. Single bit field indicating the current logical state of all available line signals at time of polling. Line Status All Expert d_1529 HexNumber Single bit field that sets the state of all user-settable output signals in one access. Single bit field that sets the state of all user-settable output signals in one access. User Output Value All Expert d_1530 HexNumber Single bit field indicating which GPIO lines are overloaded, i.e., not powered correctly, at time of polling. Single bit field indicating which GPIO lines are overloaded, i.e., not powered correctly, at time of polling. Line Overload Status All Invisible d_1528 HexNumber RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 Sets the bit depth of the image sensor's data output. Sets the bit depth of the image sensor's data output. You can set the sensor bit depth independently of the pixel format used if the Sensor Bit Depth Mode parameter is set to Manual. If that parameter is set to Auto, the sensor bit depth is adjusted automatically depending on the pixel format used. Sensor Bit Depth Expert d_1734 Yes The sensor bit depth is set to 8 bits per pixel. The sensor bit depth is set to 8 bits per pixel. Bpp8 Expert d_2039 0 The sensor bit depth is set to 10 bits per pixel. The sensor bit depth is set to 10 bits per pixel. Bpp10 Expert d_2040 1 The sensor bit depth is set to 12 bits per pixel. The sensor bit depth is set to 12 bits per pixel. Bpp12 Expert d_2041 2 d_47 Sets the exposure time mode. Sets the exposure time mode. Exposure Time Mode Beginner d_1277 Yes The exposure time mode is set to Standard. The exposure time mode is set to Standard. Standard Beginner d_2042 0 The exposure time mode is set to Ultra Short. The exposure time mode is set to Ultra Short. Ultra Short Beginner d_2043 1 d_80 Sets which auto function ROI can be configured. Sets which auto function ROI can be configured. ROI Selector Beginner Auto function ROI 1 can be configured. Auto function ROI 1 can be configured. ROI 1 Beginner 0 Auto function ROI 2 can be configured. Auto function ROI 2 can be configured. ROI 2 Beginner 1 d_1585 AutoFunctionROIUseBrightness AutoFunctionROIWidth AutoFunctionROIHeight AutoFunctionROIOffsetX AutoFunctionROIOffsetY AutoFunctionROIHighlight 0 0 RO d_1586 d_25 d_2056 d_2057 d_2058 d_27 d_2062 d_2063 d_2064 d_29 d_2068 d_2069 d_2070 d_31 d_2074 d_2075 d_2076 d_33 d_2080 d_2081 d_2082 d_35 d_2086 d_2087 d_2088 d_37 d_2092 d_2093 d_2094 d_39 d_2098 d_2099 d_2100 d_1587 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 0 d_1587 d_1588 d_1592 d_1596 d_1600 d_1604 d_1608 d_1612 d_1616 d_1588 d_26 d_2059 d_2060 d_2061 d_28 d_2065 d_2066 d_2067 d_30 d_2071 d_2072 d_2073 d_32 d_2077 d_2078 d_2079 d_34 d_2083 d_2084 d_2085 d_36 d_2089 d_2090 d_2091 d_38 d_2095 d_2096 d_2097 d_1650 d_2101 d_2102 d_2103 d_1587 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1791 0 d_1587 d_1621 d_1625 d_1629 d_1633 d_1637 d_1641 d_1645 d_1649 d_1621 Sets which column can be configured. Sets which column can be configured. Multiple ROI Column Selector Expert Column 1 can be configured. Column 1 can be configured. Column 1 Expert 0 Column 2 can be configured. Column 2 can be configured. Column 2 Expert 1 Column 3 can be configured. Column 3 can be configured. Column 3 Expert 2 Column 4 can be configured. Column 4 can be configured. Column 4 Expert 3 Column 5 can be configured. Column 5 can be configured. Column 5 Expert 4 Column 6 can be configured. Column 6 can be configured. Column 6 Expert 5 Column 7 can be configured. Column 7 can be configured. Column 7 Expert 6 Column 8 can be configured. Column 8 can be configured. Column 8 Expert 7 d_1586 BslMultipleROIColumnSize BslMultipleROIColumnOffset Width of the currently selected column. Width of the currently selected column. Multiple ROI Column Size Expert d_1620_lockedMux Yes d_1620 Linear Horizontal offset of the currently selected column. Horizontal offset of the currently selected column. Multiple ROI Column Offset Expert d_1654_lockedMux Yes d_1654 Linear 0 RO d_1656 d_52 d_2104 d_2105 d_2106 d_54 d_2110 d_2111 d_2112 d_56 d_2116 d_2117 d_2118 d_58 d_2122 d_2123 d_2124 d_60 d_2128 d_2129 d_2130 d_62 d_2134 d_2135 d_2136 d_64 d_2140 d_2141 d_2142 d_66 d_2146 d_2147 d_2148 d_1657 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 0 d_1657 d_1658 d_1662 d_1666 d_1670 d_1674 d_1678 d_1682 d_1686 d_1658 d_53 d_2107 d_2108 d_2109 d_55 d_2113 d_2114 d_2115 d_57 d_2119 d_2120 d_2121 d_59 d_2125 d_2126 d_2127 d_61 d_2131 d_2132 d_2133 d_63 d_2137 d_2138 d_2139 d_65 d_2143 d_2144 d_2145 d_1720 d_2149 d_2150 d_2151 d_1657 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1789 d_1791 0 d_1657 d_1691 d_1695 d_1699 d_1703 d_1707 d_1711 d_1715 d_1719 d_1691 Sets which row can be configured. Sets which row can be configured. Multiple ROI Row Selector Expert Row 1 can be configured. Row 1 can be configured. Row 1 Expert 0 Row 2 can be configured. Row 2 can be configured. Row 2 Expert 1 Row 3 can be configured. Row 3 can be configured. Row 3 Expert 2 Row 4 can be configured. Row 4 can be configured. Row 4 Expert 3 Row 5 can be configured. Row 5 can be configured. Row 5 Expert 4 Row 6 can be configured. Row 6 can be configured. Row 6 Expert 5 Row 7 can be configured. Row 7 can be configured. Row 7 Expert 6 Row 8 can be configured. Row 8 can be configured. Row 8 Expert 7 d_1656 BslMultipleROIRowSize BslMultipleROIRowOffset Height of the currently selected row. Height of the currently selected row. Multiple ROI Row Size Expert d_1690_lockedMux Yes d_1690 Linear Vertical offset of the currently selected row. Vertical offset of the currently selected row. Multiple ROI Row Offset Expert d_1724_lockedMux Yes d_1724 Linear RO d_1585 d_1730 d_1727 d_1729 d_1727 Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function ROI. Assigns the Gain Auto and the Exposure Auto auto functions to the currently selected auto function ROI. For this parameter, Gain Auto and Exposure Auto are considered as a single auto function named 'Brightness'. Brightness Beginner Yes d_1731
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_110 d_129 d_131 d_133 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_110 d_129 d_131 d_133 d_20 d_19 d_46 BigEndian
d_1737 d_2152 d_2153 d_2154 d_1742 d_2164 d_2165 d_2166 d_1730 d_1736 d_1741 d_1736 Width of the auto function ROI (in pixels). Width of the auto function ROI (in pixels). Width Beginner Yes d_1746 Linear d_1748 d_2155 d_2156 d_2157 d_1753 d_2167 d_2168 d_2169 d_1730 d_1747 d_1752 d_1747 Height of the auto function ROI (in pixels). Height of the auto function ROI (in pixels). Height Beginner Yes d_1757 Linear d_1759 d_2158 d_2159 d_2160 d_1764 d_2170 d_2171 d_2172 d_1730 d_1758 d_1763 d_1758 Horizontal offset of the auto function ROI from the left side of the sensor (in pixels). Horizontal offset of the auto function ROI from the left side of the sensor (in pixels). Offset X Beginner Yes d_1768 Linear d_1770 d_2161 d_2162 d_2163 d_1775 d_2173 d_2174 d_2175 d_1730 d_1769 d_1774 d_1769 Vertical offset from the top of the sensor to the auto function ROI (in pixels). Vertical offset of the auto function ROI from the top of the sensor (in pixels). Offset Y Beginner Yes d_1779 Linear d_1730 d_1781 d_1783 d_1781 Highlights the current auto function ROI in the image window. Highlights the current auto function ROI in the image window. Areas that do not belong to the current ROI appear darker. Highlight ROI Beginner Yes d_1784 Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in horizontal direction. Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in horizontal direction. When disabled, the width and horizontal offset of all regions is defined by the Width and Offset X parameters, and the Multiple ROI Column Offset and Multiple ROI Column Size parameter values are ignored. Multiple ROI Columns Enable Expert BslMultipleROIColumnsEnable_locked Yes d_42 Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in vertical direction. Enables or disables the ability to define multiple regions in vertical direction. When disabled, the height and vertical offset of all regions is defined by the Height and Offset Y parameters, and the Multiple ROI Row Offset and Multiple ROI Row Size parameter values are ignored. Multiple ROI Rows Enable Expert BslMultipleROIRowsEnable_locked Yes d_67
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_110 d_129 d_131 d_133 d_130 d_132 BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_110 d_129 d_131 d_133 d_130 d_132 BigEndian
RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 Sets the format of the pixel data transmitted by the camera. Sets the format of the pixel data transmitted by the camera. The available pixel formats depend on the camera model and whether the camera is monochrome or color. Pixel Format Beginner d_1732 Yes The pixel format is set to Mono 8. The pixel format is set to Mono 8. Mono 8 Beginner d_2036 17301505 The pixel format is set to Mono 10. The pixel format is set to Mono 10. Mono 10 Beginner d_2037 17825795 The pixel format is set to Mono 12. The pixel format is set to Mono 12. Mono 12 Beginner d_2038 17825797 d_17 Sets which signal is used to trigger connected light devices. Sets which signal is used to trigger connected light devices. Light Control Trigger Source Expert d_1238 Yes The light device can be triggered by a Line 1 signal. The light device can be triggered by a Line 1 signal. Line 1 Expert 0 The light device can be triggered by a Line 2 signal. The light device can be triggered by a Line 2 signal. Line 2 Expert 1 The light device can be triggered by a Line 3 signal. The light device can be triggered by a Line 3 signal. Line 3 Expert 2 The light device can be triggered by an Acquisition Active signal. The light device can be triggered by an Acquisition Active signal. Acquisition Active Expert 3 The light device can be triggered by an Exposure Active signal. The light device can be triggered by an Exposure Active signal. Exposure Active Expert 4 The light device can be triggered by an Exposure Start signal. The light device can be triggered by an Exposure Start signal. Exposure Start Expert 5 The light device can be triggered by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal. The light device can be triggered by an Exposure Trigger Wait signal. Exposure Trigger Wait Expert 6 The light device can be triggered by a Flash Window signal. The light device can be triggered by a Flash Window signal. Flash Window Expert 7 The light device can be triggered by a Frame Burst Active signal. The light device can be triggered by a Frame Burst Active signal. Frame Burst Active Expert 8 The light device can be triggered by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal. The light device can be triggered by a Frame Burst Trigger Wait signal. Frame Burst Trigger Wait Expert 9 The light device can be triggered by a Frame Trigger Wait signal. The light device can be triggered by a Frame Trigger Wait signal. Frame Trigger Wait Expert 10 The light device can be triggered by a Software Signal 1 signal. The light device can be triggered by a Software Signal 1 signal. Software Signal 1 Expert 11 The light device can be triggered by a Software Signal 2 signal. The light device can be triggered by a Software Signal 2 signal. Software Signal 2 Expert 12 The light device can be triggered by a Software Signal 3 signal. The light device can be triggered by a Software Signal 3 signal. Software Signal 3 Expert 13 The light device can be triggered by a CXP Trigger 0 signal. The light device can be triggered by a CXP Trigger 0 signal. CXP Trigger 0 Expert 14 The light device can be triggered by a CXP Trigger 1 signal. The light device can be triggered by a CXP Trigger 1 signal. CXP Trigger 1 Expert 15 The light device can be triggered by a Counter 1 Active signal. The light device can be triggered by a Counter 1 Active signal. Counter 1 Active Expert 16 The light device can be triggered by a Counter 1 End signal. The light device can be triggered by a Counter 1 End signal. Counter 1 End Expert 17 The light device can be triggered by a Counter 1 Start signal. The light device can be triggered by a Counter 1 Start signal. Counter 1 Start Expert 18 The light device can be triggered by a Counter 2 Active signal. The light device can be triggered by a Counter 2 Active signal. Counter 2 Active Expert 19 The light device can be triggered by a Counter 2 End signal. The light device can be triggered by a Counter 2 End signal. Counter 2 End Expert 20 The light device can be triggered by a Counter 2 Start signal. The light device can be triggered by a Counter 2 Start signal. Counter 2 Start Expert 21 The light device can be triggered by a Timer 1 Active signal. The light device can be triggered by a Timer 1 Active signal. Timer 1 Active Expert 22 The light device can be triggered by a Timer 1 End signal. The light device can be triggered by a Timer 1 End signal. Timer 1 End Expert 23 The light device can be triggered by a Timer 2 Active signal. The light device can be triggered by a Timer 2 Active signal. Timer 2 Active Expert 24 The light device can be triggered by a Timer 2 End signal. The light device can be triggered by a Timer 2 End signal. Timer 2 End Expert 25 d_777 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 BigEndian d_1798_0 d_1798_1 d_1798_2 d_1798_3 d_1798_4 d_1798_5 d_1798_6 31 25 d_1798 31 d_1798 30 d_1798 29 d_1798 28 d_1798 27 d_1798 26 d_1798 25
0 RO d_1813 d_1814 d_1798_0 d_1798_1 d_1798_2 d_1798_3 d_1798_4 d_1798_5 d_1798_6 d_1798_0 Sets the signal whose status you want to check. Sets the signal whose status you want to check. Its status can be checked by reading the Acquisition Status parameter value. Acquisition Status Selector Expert A check determines whether the camera is currently acquiring one or multiple frames. A check determines whether the camera is currently acquiring one or multiple frames. Acquisition Active Beginner 0 A check determines whether the camera is currently exposing a frame. A check determines whether the camera is currently exposing a frame. Exposure Active Expert 1 A check determines whether the camera is currently waiting for an Exposure Start trigger signal. A check determines whether the camera is currently waiting for an Exposure Start trigger signal. Exposure Trigger Wait Expert 2 A check determines whether the camera is currently within the flash window, i.e. whether flash lighting can be used. A check determines whether the camera is currently within the flash window, i.e. whether flash lighting can be used. Flash Window Expert 3 A check determines whether the camera is currently doing a frame burst of one or many frames. A check determines whether the camera is currently doing a frame burst of one or many frames. Frame Burst Active Expert 4 A check determines whether the camera is currently waiting for a frame burst trigger. A check determines whether the camera is currently waiting for a frame burst trigger. Frame Burst Trigger Wait Expert 5 A check determines whether the camera is currently waiting for a frame trigger. A check determines whether the camera is currently waiting for a frame trigger. Frame Trigger Wait Expert 6 d_1813 AcquisitionStatus Indicates whether the camera is waiting for trigger signals. Indicates whether the camera is waiting for trigger signals. You should only use this feature if the camera is configured for software triggering. If the camera is configured for hardware triggering, monitor the camera's Trigger Wait signals instead. Acquisition Status Expert acquisitionStatus_0 RO d_1798 RO d_1815 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 RO 0 RO 1 RO 1 Sets the source of the Rx serial input. Sets the source of the Rx serial input. Serial Rx Source Expert d_1237 Rx input is muted. Rx input is muted. Serial input is set to high level. Off Expert 0 The source of the Rx serial input is set to Line 1. The source of the Rx serial input is set to Line 1. Line 1 Expert 1 The source of the Rx serial input is set to Line 2. The source of the Rx serial input is set to Line 2. Line 2 Expert 2 The source of the Rx serial input is set to Line 3. The source of the Rx serial input is set to Line 3. Line 3 Expert 3 The source of the Rx serial input is set to Serial Tx. The source of the Rx serial input is set to Serial Tx. Select this source for a serial echo test. The serial transmit output is used as the source for serial receive input (loop back). Serial Tx Expert 4 d_1820 RO 0 RO 1
4 RW Device BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
d_1821 0 4294967295 1
4 RW Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 WO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_145 BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
16 RW Device NoCache 1000
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_74 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_75 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 WO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 WO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_81 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_81 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_81 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_81 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_20 d_19 d_40 d_81 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_80 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_69 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_69 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_69 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_69 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_68 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_68 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 d_86 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 d_86 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 d_86 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 d_86 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 d_84 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 d_84 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 d_84 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 d_84 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
d_1237 0 0 3 1 RO d_1872 d_1873 4 SK_d_1873*SK_4 d_1874 268441924 SK_268441924+SK_d_1874 d_1237 d_1875 4 RW Device d_766 BslSerialTransferBuffer Unsigned BigEndian d_1876 0 4294967295 1
4 RW Device d_766 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_49 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_49 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_49 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_49 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_796 d_20 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_796 d_20 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_796 d_20 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_796 d_20 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_796 d_20 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_796 d_20 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_796 d_20 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_796 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_796 d_20 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_884 d_896 d_805 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_884 d_896 d_805 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_884 d_896 d_805 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_886 d_901 d_810 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_886 d_901 d_810 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_886 d_901 d_810 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_888 d_906 d_815 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_888 d_906 d_815 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_888 d_906 d_815 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_884 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_871 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_884 d_896 d_805 d_827 d_871 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_886 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_873 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_886 d_901 d_810 d_832 d_873 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_888 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_875 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_888 d_906 d_815 d_837 d_875 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_877 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_19 d_796 d_40 d_20 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_80 d_81 d_82 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_890 d_911 d_820 d_842 d_877 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_884 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_884 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_884 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_886 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_886 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_886 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_888 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_888 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_888 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_890 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_890 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device NoCache 1000 d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_23 d_24 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_42 d_43 d_44 d_45 d_17 d_46 d_47 d_48 d_81 d_82 d_49 d_50 d_51 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_67 d_68 d_69 d_70 d_71 d_72 d_73 d_74 d_75 d_76 d_77 d_78 d_79 d_83 d_84 d_85 d_86 d_87 d_88 d_796 d_890 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_69 d_70 d_71 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_69 d_70 d_71 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_46 d_47 Signed BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_46 d_47 Signed BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_46 d_47 Signed BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_46 d_47 Signed BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_23 d_1243 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_23 d_1243 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_1250 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_1250 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_1250 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device BigEndian
4 RW Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_1380 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_1380 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_1397 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_1397 Unsigned BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 WO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_43 d_45 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_68 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_68 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_68 d_79 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 BigEndian
RO d_1467 d_2017 4 SK_d_2017*SK_4 d_2018 268449232 SK_268449232+SK_d_2018 d_2019 4 RW Device d_20 d_19 LUTValueAll Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_795 d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_795 d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_795 d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_795 d_19 d_796 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_795 d_19 d_796 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 Signed BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 Signed BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 Signed BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 Signed BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 Signed BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_1570 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_1570 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_1570 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_783 d_1572 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_783 d_1572 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_783 d_1572 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_20 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_46 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_46 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_46 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 d_20 d_17 d_46 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_783 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_783 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_783 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_1737 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_1737 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_1737 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_1748 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_1748 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_1748 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_1742 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_1742 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_24 d_23 d_25 d_26 d_27 d_28 d_29 d_30 d_31 d_32 d_33 d_34 d_35 d_36 d_37 d_38 d_39 d_40 d_41 d_42 d_1742 d_1114 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_1753 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_1753 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_51 d_23 d_52 d_53 d_54 d_55 d_56 d_57 d_58 d_59 d_60 d_61 d_62 d_63 d_64 d_65 d_66 d_40 d_41 d_67 d_1753 d_1116 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_81 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_81 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RO Device BigEndian
4 RO Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 BigEndian
4 RW Device d_40 d_41 d_20 d_19 d_80 d_83 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_20 d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
4 RW Device d_19 Unsigned BigEndian
d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2176 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 1 d_2178 1 1 1 1 1 1 d_470 1 1 1 d_2180 1 1 1 1 1 1 d_470 1 1 1 d_2182 1 1 1 1 1 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2184 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2186 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2188 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2190 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2192 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 1 d_2194 1 1 1 1 1 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2196 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2198 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 1 d_2200 1 1 1 1 1 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2202 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2204 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 1 d_2206 1 1 1 1 1 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2208 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 1 d_2210 1 1 1 1 1 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_2212 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 0 0 0 d_204 0 0 0 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 0 0 0 d_204 0 0 0 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_204 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_365 1 1 1 d_470 d_1837 d_1841 1 d_1852 d_1856 d_1848 d_1864 d_1868 d_1860 d_1837 d_470 d_1839 d_1843 1 d_1854 d_1858 d_1850 d_1866 d_1870 d_1862 d_1839 d_470 1 1 0 d_1977 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_1979 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 0 d_1981 1 0 1 1 0 1 d_470 1 1 1 d_1983 1 1 1 1 1 1 d_470 1 1 1 d_1985 1 1 1 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_642 1 1 1 d_793 d_1887 d_1893 d_1899 d_1905 d_1887 d_793 d_1889 d_1895 d_1901 d_1907 d_1889 d_793 d_1891 d_1897 d_1903 d_1909 d_1891 d_793 1 1 1 1 1 d_793 1 1 1 1 1 d_793 1 1 1 1 1 d_793 d_1947 d_1951 d_1955 d_1959 d_1947 d_793 d_1949 d_1953 d_1957 d_1961 d_1949 d_1203 1 1 1 d_1203 1 0 1 d_1203 1 d_1995 1 d_1203 1 d_1997 1 d_1481 1 d_2024 d_2030 1 d_1481 0 d_2026 d_2032 0 d_1481 0 d_2028 d_2034 0 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 1 1 d_1481 1 1 d_2052 1 d_1481 1 0 d_2054 1 d_2044 SK_d_2045=0 d_2046 SK_d_2047=0 d_2284 d_2285 SK_d_2284||SK_d_2285 d_2048 SK_d_2049=0 d_2050 SK_d_2051=0 d_2286 d_2287 SK_d_2286||SK_d_2287 Access buffer for file operations. Access buffer for file operations. Basler advises against using this parameter. Use the appropriate feature for file access operations instead. File Access Buffer Guru
512 RW Device d_699
Buffer that holds Rx or Tx transfer data in the controller domain. Buffer that holds Rx or Tx transfer data in the controller domain. Data is displayed in hexadecimal notation. Transfer starts with the leftmost data. Serial Transfer Buffer Expert d_1237
16 RW Device d_1876 d_766
A single register that lets you access all LUT entries. A single register that lets you access all LUT entries. In many cases, this is faster than repeatedly changing individual entries in the LUT. LUT Value All Guru Yes
16384 RW Device d_20 d_19 d_1469
0 1 d_779 d_1238 var_d_779&&var_d_1238 d_1786 d_1789 var_d_1786||var_d_1789 d_1788 d_1789 var_d_1788||var_d_1789