Compare commits


32 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
4f79ee962c fix cargo-xbuild dependency 2025-02-17 15:15:33 +08:00
d4105b79e7 flake: update dependencies 2025-02-17 15:15:22 +08:00
1beb6fd944 cargo fmt 2025-02-13 17:46:15 +08:00
ce1c430fdc upgrade rustfmt required version 2025-02-13 17:45:29 +08:00
cf99700299 update cargo lockfile 2025-02-13 17:31:43 +08:00
9f1f349b29 export rust_eh_personality manually 2025-02-13 17:31:43 +08:00
98255ec25a prevent vectorizing copy_work_buffer 2025-02-13 17:31:43 +08:00
421033ef98 remove unused asm feature flag 2025-02-13 17:31:43 +08:00
c603a4ba12 remove allow incomplete features 2025-02-13 17:31:43 +08:00
529d7819a9 fix missing asm macro 2025-02-13 17:31:43 +08:00
1a1a7112ca silence target-feature warns 2025-02-13 17:31:43 +08:00
e524317eb9 bump to llvm14 2025-02-13 17:31:43 +08:00
d545feddbd flake: update dependencies 2025-02-13 17:31:28 +08:00
0e6da19406 ksupport: remove redundant enable_fpu 2025-02-11 20:16:24 +08:00
d0e2404311 flake: update zynq-rs 2025-02-11 20:15:55 +08:00
cd9f8e6d7c flake: update dependencies 2025-02-11 20:11:53 +08:00
4a2b28dcc3 flake: update dependencies 2025-02-06 20:16:34 +08:00
21a4a0b5dd core1: use C repr in attribute writeback 2025-02-06 14:34:18 +08:00
a82d356f52 flake: update dependencies 2025-02-05 16:58:48 +08:00
8b9bb38331 Do not apply offsets to null pointers 2025-02-03 12:04:02 +00:00
63157588bb flake: update dependencies 2025-01-15 21:17:34 +08:00
11f8675ad6 drtio: fix RTIO channel name resolution for remote channels 2025-01-15 13:12:14 +08:00
a0281e4989 cargo fmt 2024-12-23 12:51:10 +08:00
850e783139 bump rustfmt 2024-12-23 12:50:54 +08:00
8fd8cae9d5 update dependencies 2024-12-20 16:11:26 +08:00
7acf8af7f7 flake add outputHashes 2024-12-20 16:11:26 +08:00
13264d9992 update cargo lockfile 2024-12-20 16:11:26 +08:00
8d07f006f2 silence inline_const warns 2024-12-20 16:11:26 +08:00
97e15d51f2 remove unused abi-blacklist, force-unwind-tables 2024-12-20 16:11:26 +08:00
0021a01bdf use forked core_io, up nalgebra 2024-12-20 16:11:04 +08:00
16801a35f4 llvm11 -> llvm13 2024-12-18 17:06:39 +08:00
81eba30a29 prevent cursor r/w optimization 2024-12-18 17:06:39 +08:00
60 changed files with 67 additions and 5119 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- repo: local
- id: cargo_format
name: cargo_format
language: script
pass_filenames: false

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
if [ -z "$OPENOCD_ZYNQ" ]; then
echo "OPENOCD_ZYNQ environment variable must be set"
exit 1
if [ -z "$SZL" ]; then
echo "SZL environment variable must be set"
exit 1
# variant="firmware"
# variant="gateware"
# variant="jtag"
nix build .#kasli_soc-demo-$variant -L
nix build .#kasli_soc-master-$variant -L
nix build .#kasli_soc-satellite-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-acpki_nist_clock-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-acpki_nist_clock_master-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-acpki_nist_clock_satellite-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-acpki_nist_qc2-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-acpki_nist_qc2_master-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-acpki_nist_qc2_satellite-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-nist_clock-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-nist_clock_master-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-nist_clock_satellite-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-nist_qc2-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-nist_qc2_master-$variant -L
# nix build .#zc706-nist_qc2_satellite-$variant -L

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
python src/gateware/ -r build/ -c build/rustc-cfg -m build/ -V CXP_Demo -g build/gateware/

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
nix-shell -p gnumake --command 'make manifests -B'
cd src
cargo fmt -- --check

View File

@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
<mxfile host="65bd71144e">
<diagram id="en7HUHNV3kVsTTCxeEt8" name="Page-1">
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<mxPoint x="320" y="280" as="targetPoint"/>
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<mxPoint x="390" y="600" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="240" y="599.76" as="targetPoint"/>
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<mxGeometry x="-0.375" y="4" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="-15" y="-14" as="offset"/>
<mxCell id="21" value="TX&lt;br style=&quot;border-color: var(--border-color);&quot;&gt;Low speed" style="shape=offPageConnector;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;rotation=0;size=0.3333333333333333;direction=south;fillColor=#DAE8FC;strokeColor=#6c8ebf;rounded=0;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="120" y="400" width="120" height="80" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="24" value="RX GTX&lt;br style=&quot;border-color: var(--border-color);&quot;&gt;High Speed&lt;br&gt;Master" style="shape=offPageConnector;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;rotation=0;size=0.3333333333333333;direction=north;fillColor=#f8cecc;strokeColor=#b85450;rounded=0;" parent="1" vertex="1">
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<mxGeometry x="120" y="560" width="120" height="80" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="26" value="RX GTX&lt;br style=&quot;border-color: var(--border-color);&quot;&gt;High Speed&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;Extension&lt;br&gt;(Optional)" style="shape=offPageConnector;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;rotation=0;size=0.4166666666666667;direction=north;fillColor=#f8cecc;strokeColor=#b85450;rounded=0;dashed=1;" parent="1" vertex="1">
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<mxPoint x="400" y="439.58" as="sourcePoint"/>
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<mxCell id="31" value="CTRL/Trig &lt;br&gt;DATA PACKET" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];rounded=0;" parent="30" vertex="1" connectable="0">
<mxGeometry x="-0.375" y="4" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="-30" y="-24" as="offset"/>
<mxCell id="33" value="&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;TX pipeline&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- priority transmission&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- IDLE&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="400" y="400" width="160" height="80" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="38" value="Red: clocked by cxp_gtx_rx/tx (31.25MHz - 312.5MHz)&amp;nbsp;" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;labelBackgroundColor=none;strokeColor=#b85450;fillColor=#f8cecc;align=left;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="120" y="680" width="360" height="40" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="39" value="Blue: clocked by sys with CEInserter (20.83MHz - 41.66MHz)&amp;nbsp;" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;labelBackgroundColor=none;strokeColor=#6c8ebf;fillColor=#dae8fc;align=left;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="120" y="720" width="360" height="40" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="40" value="White: clocked by sys (125MHz)" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;labelBackgroundColor=none;strokeColor=default;fontColor=#000000;fillColor=default;align=left;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="120" y="800" width="360" height="40" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="43" value="&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;&lt;u&gt;CXP Bootstrap FW&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- handle GTX speed&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- test connection&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- hand over to RTIO after init&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;white-space: pre;&quot;&gt;&#9;&lt;/span&gt;- cannot access CTRL PAK&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- with camera specific .rs file&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- compare heatbeat to check connection status&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- handle event ack??&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- don't use tag?&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;fillColor=#fff2cc;strokeColor=#d6b656;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="800" y="240" width="240" height="240" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="53" value="&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;&lt;u&gt;&lt;b&gt;CXP Camera specific prog&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/u&gt;&lt;br&gt;GenICam interface @&amp;nbsp;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;RTIO coredevice&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- handle frame programming&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- handle event as well??&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- two interface&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;- IO CTRL packet via API!&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;- on master ch only&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;&amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp;- O Frame data&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fillColor=#d5e8d4;strokeColor=#82b366;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="1120" y="80" width="160" height="480" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="54" value="RX pipeline" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fillColor=#f8cecc;strokeColor=#b85450;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="400" width="160" height="80" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="55" style="edgeStyle=none;html=1;exitX=1;exitY=0.5;exitDx=0;exitDy=0;rounded=0;" parent="1" edge="1">
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<mxPoint x="400" y="39.660000000000025" as="targetPoint"/>
<mxPoint x="240" y="39.660000000000025" as="sourcePoint"/>
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<mxGeometry x="120" y="760" width="360" height="40" as="geometry"/>
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<Array as="points"/>
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<mxPoint x="640" y="439.71" as="sourcePoint"/>
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<Array as="points"/>
<mxCell id="71" value="&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;TX Bootstrap&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- testseq&lt;/span&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- DMA&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="640" y="400" width="80" height="80" as="geometry"/>
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<mxPoint x="800" y="439.7100000000002" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="720" y="439.7100000000002" as="targetPoint"/>
<Array as="points"/>
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<mxGeometry x="-0.4276" y="-1" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="-17" y="-19" as="offset"/>
<mxCell id="77" value="&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;RX Bootstrap&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- testseq&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- DMA&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;fillColor=#f8cecc;strokeColor=#b85450;" parent="1" vertex="1">
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<mxPoint x="720" y="279.71" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="800" y="279.71" as="targetPoint"/>
<Array as="points"/>
<mxCell id="82" value="CTRL/Event&lt;br style=&quot;border-color: var(--border-color);&quot;&gt;Packet (DMA)" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];" parent="78" vertex="1" connectable="0">
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<Array as="points"/>
<mxPoint as="offset"/>
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<mxPoint x="720" y="119.66000000000003" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="800" y="119.66000000000003" as="targetPoint"/>
<Array as="points">
<mxPoint x="680" y="120"/>
<mxCell id="97" value="4x Frame data" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];" parent="94" vertex="1" connectable="0">
<mxGeometry x="0.5972" y="-1" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="-1" y="-11" as="offset"/>
<mxCell id="95" value="CTRL Packet" style="edgeStyle=none;orthogonalLoop=1;jettySize=auto;html=1;" parent="1" edge="1">
<mxGeometry y="-10" width="100" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="1120" y="439.66000000000025" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="1040" y="439.66000000000025" as="targetPoint"/>
<Array as="points"/>
<mxPoint as="offset"/>
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<mxGeometry width="100" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="1040" y="119.57999999999984" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="1120" y="119.95999999999995" as="targetPoint"/>
<Array as="points"/>
<mxCell id="98" value="&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;RX Bootstrap&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- testseq&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div style=&quot;text-align: justify;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- DMA&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;align=center;fillColor=#f8cecc;strokeColor=#b85450;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="640" width="80" height="80" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="99" value="" style="edgeStyle=none;orthogonalLoop=1;jettySize=auto;html=1;" parent="1" edge="1">
<mxGeometry width="100" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="560" y="39.58000000000004" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="640" y="39.58000000000004" as="targetPoint"/>
<Array as="points"/>
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<mxPoint x="1120" y="520.0000000000003" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="1040" y="520.0000000000003" as="targetPoint"/>
<Array as="points">
<mxPoint x="480" y="520"/>
<mxCell id="101" value="Trigger" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];" parent="100" vertex="1" connectable="0">
<mxGeometry x="0.7255" y="-2" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="-53" y="-18" as="offset"/>
<mxCell id="103" value="RX EC" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fillColor=#f8cecc;strokeColor=#b85450;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="320" y="240" width="80" height="80" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="104" value="RX pipeline" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fillColor=#f8cecc;strokeColor=#b85450;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="480" y="240" width="80" height="80" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="105" style="edgeStyle=none;html=1;exitX=1;exitY=0.5;exitDx=0;exitDy=0;rounded=0;" parent="1" edge="1">
<mxGeometry relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="480" y="310" as="targetPoint"/>
<mxPoint x="400" y="310" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxCell id="107" value="32" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];" parent="105" vertex="1" connectable="0">
<mxGeometry x="-0.2448" y="-2" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="10" y="-12" as="offset"/>
<mxCell id="106" style="edgeStyle=none;html=1;exitX=1;exitY=0.5;exitDx=0;exitDy=0;rounded=0;" parent="1" edge="1">
<mxGeometry relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="480" y="250" as="targetPoint"/>
<mxPoint x="400" y="250" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxCell id="108" value="8 dchar" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];" parent="106" vertex="1" connectable="0">
<mxGeometry x="-0.5034" y="1" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="20" y="-9" as="offset"/>
<mxCell id="180" value="Streams&lt;br&gt;Crossbar" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fillColor=#f8cecc;strokeColor=#b85450;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="760" y="-480" width="80" height="320" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="181" value="ROI Engine" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;fillColor=#d5e8d4;strokeColor=#82b366;" parent="1" vertex="1">
<mxGeometry x="1560" y="-360" width="80" height="80" as="geometry"/>
<mxCell id="182" value="" style="edgeStyle=none;orthogonalLoop=1;jettySize=auto;html=1;" parent="1" edge="1">
<mxGeometry width="100" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="1480" y="-320.0000000000001" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="1560" y="-319.62" as="targetPoint"/>
<Array as="points"/>
<mxCell id="185" value="&lt;div style=&quot;&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;background-color: initial;&quot;&gt;- 32bit pixel data&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/div&gt;- frame valid (new frame)&lt;br&gt;- line break" style="text;html=1;align=left;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];autosize=1;strokeColor=none;fillColor=none;" parent="1" vertex="1">
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View File

@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
Non-realtime drivers for CXP.
# TODO: add api calls for CTRL packet similar i2c
# TODO: add timing critical trigger ack
from numpy import int32, int64, uint32
from artiq.language.core import syscall, kernel
from artiq.language.types import TInt32, TNone, TByteArray
from artiq.coredevice.rtio import rtio_output,rtio_input_timestamped_data
from artiq.coredevice.grabber import OutOfSyncException, GrabberTimeoutException
from artiq.experiment import *
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_read_chars(addr: TInt32, val: TByteArray) -> TInt32:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_readu32(addr: TInt32) -> TInt32:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_readu64(addr: TInt32) -> TInt64:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_writeu32(addr: TInt32, val: TInt32) -> TNone:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_writeu64(addr: TInt32, val: TInt64) -> TNone:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
@syscall(flags={"nounwind", "nowrite"})
def cxp_debug_frame_print() -> TNone:
raise NotImplementedError("syscall not simulated")
# Bootstrap register
_XML_VER = 0x0010
_XML_SCHEMA_VER = 0x0014
_XML_URL_ADDR = 0x0018
_WIDTH_ADDR = 0x3000
_HEIGHT_ADDR = 0x3004
class CoaXPress:
def __init__(self, channel_base, core_device="core"):
# __device_mgr is private
# self.core = dmgr.get(core_device)
# you can get the channel via `print(len(rtio_channels))` before calling
# `rtio_channels.append(rtio.Channel.from_phy(cxp_interface))`
self.channel_base = channel_base
# ch base + 0: trigger
# ch base + 1: roi config
# ch base + 2: gate data
# the first 8 bits is reserved for the rtlink.OInterface.addr not for channel no.
self.target_o = channel_base << 8
self.xml_addr = 0
self.width_addr = 0
self.height_addr = 0
self.acq_mode_addr = 0
self.acq_start_addr = 0
self.acq_stop_addr = 0
self.pixel_fmt_addr = 0
self.device_tap_geog_addr = 0
self.img_1_streamid_addr = 0
self.xml_url = bytearray(_MAX_BYTE_SIZE)
self.econ_roi = False
count_width = 31
# This value is inserted by the gateware to mark the start of a series of
# ROI engine outputs for one video frame.
self.sentinel = int32(int64(2**count_width))
def get_rtio_channels(channel, **kwargs):
return [(channel, None)]
def trigger(self, linktrig, trigdelay):
rtio_output(self.channel_base << 8, linktrig | trigdelay << 1)
def setup_roi(self, n, x0, y0, x1, y1):
if self.econ_roi:
assert x1-x0 >= 4
# c = int64(self.core.ref_multiplier)
c = int64(8)
rtio_output(((self.channel_base + 1) << 8) | (4*n+0), x0)
rtio_output(((self.channel_base + 1) << 8) | (4*n+1), y0)
rtio_output(((self.channel_base + 1) << 8) | (4*n+2), x1)
rtio_output(((self.channel_base + 1) << 8) | (4*n+3), y1)
def gate_roi(self, mask):
rtio_output((self.channel_base + 2) << 8, mask)
def input_mu(self, data, tt, timeout_mu=-1):
assert len(data) == len(tt)
channel = self.channel_base + 2
# TODO: add timeout error and sentinel error
timestamp, sentinel = rtio_input_timestamped_data(timeout_mu, channel)
if timestamp == -1:
raise GrabberTimeoutException("Timeout before Grabber frame available")
if sentinel != self.sentinel:
raise OutOfSyncException
for i in range(len(data)):
timestamp, roi_output = rtio_input_timestamped_data(timeout_mu, channel)
if roi_output == self.sentinel:
raise OutOfSyncException
if timestamp == -1:
raise GrabberTimeoutException(
"Timeout retrieving ROIs (attempting to read more ROIs than enabled?)")
data[i] = roi_output
tt[i] = timestamp
def init(self):
self.xml_addr = self.read_u32(_XML_URL_ADDR)
# self.width_addr = self.read_u32(_WIDTH_ADDR)
# self.height_addr = self.read_u32(_HEIGHT_ADDR)
self.acq_mode_addr = self.read_u32(_ACQUISITION_MODE_ADDR)
self.acq_start_addr = self.read_u32(_ACQUISITION_START_ADDR)
self.acq_stop_addr = self.read_u32(_ACQUISITION_STOP_ADDR)
self.pixel_fmt_addr = self.read_u32(_PIXEL_FORMAT_ADDR)
# self.device_tap_geog_addr = self.read_u32(_DEVICE_TAP_GEOG_ADDR)
self.img_1_streamid_addr = self.read_u32(_IMG_1_STREAMID_ADDR)
self.read_chars(self.xml_addr, self.xml_url)
def read_chars(self, addr: TInt32, val: TByteArray):
cxp_read_chars(addr, val)
def read_u32(self, addr: TInt32) -> TInt32:
return cxp_readu32(addr)
def read_u64(self, addr: TInt32) -> TInt64:
return cxp_readu64(addr)
def read_words(self, addr: TInt32, val: TList(TInt32)):
cxp_read_words(addr, val)
def write_u32(self, addr: TInt32, val: TInt32):
cxp_writeu32(addr, val)
def write_u64(self, addr: TInt32, val: TInt64):
cxp_writeu64(addr, val)
def write_wide(self, addr: TInt32, vals: TList(TInt32)):
for i in range(len(vals)):
cxp_writeu32(addr + i * 4, vals[i])
def print_xml_url(self):
url = self.xml_url.decode("ascii")
if "Local:" in url:
file_name, start_addr, size = url.split(";", 2)
f"file name: {file_name.replace("Local:", "")}, start addr: 0x{start_addr}, size: 0x{size.split("?", 1)[0]} bytes"
def get_xml_data(self, start_addr, data):
addr_offset = 0
for i in range(len(data) // _MAX_BYTE_SIZE):
buf = bytearray([0x00]*_MAX_BYTE_SIZE)
self.read_chars(start_addr + addr_offset, buf)
for j in range(len(buf)):
data[addr_offset + j] = buf[j]
addr_offset += _MAX_BYTE_SIZE
if len(data) % _MAX_BYTE_SIZE:
leftover = len(data) % _MAX_BYTE_SIZE
buf = bytearray([0x00]*leftover)
self.read_chars(start_addr + addr_offset, buf)
for j in range(len(buf)):
data[addr_offset + j] = buf[j]
def write_xml_file(self, data, file_path):
with open(file_path, "wb") as binary_file:
# From the camera XML files
_USER_SET_SELECTOR = 0x10000050
_REAL_ACQ_MODE = 0x10000bb4
_REAL_ACQ_START = 0x10000498
_REAL_ACQ_STOP = 0x100004a4
_REAL_ACQ_ABORT = 0x100004b0 #stop all acq immediately
_BSL_SENSOR_ON = 0x100004d4 # power on sensor
_BSL_SENSOR_STAND_BY = 0x100004c8 # put sensor in standby mode, certain parameter can only be change during standby
_BSL_SENSOR_OFF = 0x100004bc # power down sensor
_BSL_POWER_MODE = 0x100000b4
# strange d_470 -> d_469 (= 3) perhaps a obscure security trick? So I guess looking @ Index"3" is fine?
_TRIG_MODE_INDEX_3 = 0x10001424 # d_87
_TRIG_SRC_INDEX_3 = 0x100081ac # d_479
_TRIG_ACT_INDEX_3 = 0x1000293c # d_502
_TRIG_SOFTWARE_INDEX_3 = 0x10000c34 # d_525
# useful for testing out ROI
_TEST_PATTERN = 0x10003500 # d_1431
_PIXEL_FORMAT = 0x100078b4 #d_17
"MONO8": 17301505,
"MONO10": 17825795,
"MONO12": 17825797,
"OFF" : 0, # normal operation
"BLACK" : 1, # all pixels set to 0
"WHITE" : 2, # all pixels set to (2^N)-1
class IdleKernel(EnvExperiment):
def build(self):
# declare the class before using it in kernel
self.cxp = CoaXPress(0x0)
self.vals = bytearray(0x11ab3)
self.gate_mask = 0b11011
self.cnt = [0]*self.gate_mask.bit_count()
self.timestamp = [int64(0)]*self.gate_mask.bit_count()
def extract_camera_xml(self):
self.cxp.get_xml_data(0xc0000000, self.vals)
def camera_init(self):
def camera_trigger_setup(self, pixel_format, test_pattern):
# DEBUG: Try to setup trigger
# All address below is from the XML, what's the point of bootstrap anyway?
# NOTE: setting is persistent over ConnectionReset but NOT power cycle
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_MODE, 1) # single frame mode
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_START, 1) # single acq start
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_STOP, 1) # single acq end
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_ABORT, 1) # single acq ABORT
# boA2448-250cm is area scan camera:
# see to setup triggering properly
self.cxp.write_u32(_PIXEL_FORMAT, pixel_format)
# TEST parttern setup
self.cxp.write_u32(_TEST_PATTERN, test_pattern)
# TRIGGER: setup
# self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_SELECTOR, 3) # FrameStart by default, boA xml b_469 don't have an address for some reason
self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_MODE_INDEX_3, 1) # ON
self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_SRC_INDEX_3, 7) # CXPTrigger0
self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_SRC_INDEX_3, 0) # use software trigger
self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_ACT_INDEX_3, 2) # trig on anyedge
# cxp_debug_frame_print()
self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_MODE, 1) # single frame mode
self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_START, 1) # single acq start
# STOP acq
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_STOP, 1) # single acq end
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_ABORT, 1) # single acq ABORT
# self.cxp.write_u32(_BSL_SENSOR_STAND_BY, 1)
return self.cxp.read_u32(_BSL_POWER_MODE)
def camera_trigger(self):
# reset mu for rtio
self.cxp.setup_roi(0, 1, 1, 5, 5)
self.cxp.setup_roi(1, 1, 1, 4, 4)
self.cxp.setup_roi(2, 1, 1, 3, 3)
self.cxp.setup_roi(3, 1, 1, 4, 4)
self.cxp.setup_roi(4, 1, 1, 5, 5)
self.cxp.trigger(0 ,0x00)
self.cxp.write_u32(_TRIG_SOFTWARE_INDEX_3, 0) # software trigger via register write
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_STOP, 1) # single acq end
# self.cxp.write_u32(_REAL_ACQ_ABORT, 1) # single acq ABORT
# self.cxp.write_u32(_BSL_SENSOR_STAND_BY, 1)
# NOTE: This may not print when using CXP hardware TRIG
# As the write_u32 trigger a packet printout that delays the CPU enough that the frame arrive
# But using hw trigger, the print is not necessory i.e. not enough time delay for the zc706 to receive the frame
# cxp_debug_frame_print()
self.cxp.input_mu(self.cnt, self.timestamp, -1)
# for _ in range(4):
# cxp_debug_frame_print()
# reduce power draw & temperature
# overtemperature can cause unstable connection
self.cxp.write_u32(_BSL_SENSOR_OFF, 1)
return self.cxp.read_u32(_BSL_POWER_MODE)
def print_hex(self, arr: TList(TInt32)):
print("[{}]".format(", ".join(hex(uint32(x)) for x in arr)))
def run(self):
for fmt in FORMAT_DICT:
print(f"set pixel format to {fmt}")
print(f"power mode before trigger = {self.camera_trigger_setup(FORMAT_DICT[fmt], PATTERN_DICT[TESTPATTERN])}")
print(f"power mode after trigger = {self.camera_trigger()}")
print(f"count = {uint32(self.cnt)} | timestamp = {self.timestamp}")
# self.cxp.print_xml_url()
# self.extract_camera_xml()
# self.cxp.write_xml_file(self.vals, "")

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
## Finished
- Upconn - Low speed serial
[x] Low speed serial PHY
[x] 20.833Mbps & 41.666Mbps change
[x] 8b10b encoder
[x] TX Pipeline with priority transmission
[x] Trigger
[x] Trigger ack
[x] Test & Ctrl packet with DMA
[x] CTRL Packet serialize firmware
[x] follow DRTIO DMA
[x] check crc
- Downconn - GTX
[x] GTX serial PHY
[x] QPLL & GTX DRP to config linerate
[x] Comma checker & restart rx
[x] RX Pipeline with priority decoder
[x] Trigger ack
[x] CTRL packet DMA with extra buffer
[x] Connection test sequence checker
[x] CTRL Packet deserialize firmware
[x] follow DRTIO DMA
[x] check crc
[x] GTX Multilane setup
[x] add tx/rx mode for gtx
- Camera boostrap
[x] get the CXP version
[x] test connection
[x] discovery other extension (links)
[x] set bitrate
- Camera frame pipeline
[x] CXP frame packet routing (maybe no need to routing non zero streaming id (we have ROI buildin anyways)?)
[x] CXP CRC32 detection
[x] Region of interest engine (32 bits mode)
[x] pixel gearbox
[x] pixel parser (xy pos)
[x] Test out CXP trigger
[x] 8, 10, 12 bits in white test image mode
[] remove ALL debug tools
[] flake.nix mod
[] mod
### Gateware
[x] refactor error_cnt
[x] Heartbeat (is it useful?? lol)
[x] rename circular buffer to slots
[x] use `from import Endpoint` instead
[x] add for cxp??
[] Try to fix tight s/h time pins
[] remove self.source.ack in fsm
- seems to kill timing :V
[] multilane ROI
[] Region of interest engine (n*32 bits mode)
[] bus widener + fifo
[] remove pmod/debug_sma in fns args
[] rtio to getting the frame
- O: trigger
- I: frame
### Firmware (design with driver)
[x] API programming
[x] add tag handling for api calls
- support lane reset in kernel using syscall
[] double check cfg gating
[] add libboard_artiq/src/ cfg gating
[] Camera auto linkup/linkdown using threads
[] Camera linkdown detection
[] add mutex support for tx/rx camera programming (or block them when camera is not ready)
[] add xml url printout in uart (so user can just download the xml using api)
[] add heartbeat checking
[] add flashing LED (non-essential)
[] add PoCXP (non-essential)
### Coredevice Driver
[x] use camera test pattern black/white to verify roi
[x] test out 8/10/12 bit mode
[] support simple camera programming interface (Not real time)
- basic i2c-like interface with read/write u32
[] add grabber like fns & docs
### PR
1. push the gtx init fix
2. push the cxp core to misoc
3. push the cxp rtio core to artiq-zynq & artiq

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
device_db = {
"core": {
"type": "local",
"module": "artiq.coredevice.core",
"class": "Core",
"arguments": {
"host": "",
"ref_period": 1e-9,
"ref_multiplier": 8,
"target": "cortexa9"
"core_cache": {
"type": "local",
"module": "artiq.coredevice.cache",
"class": "CoreCache"
"core_dma": {
"type": "local",
"module": "artiq.coredevice.dma",
"class": "CoreDMA"
"led0": {
"type": "local",
"module": "artiq.coredevice.ttl",
"class": "TTLOut",
"arguments": {"channel": 0x000001},

flake.lock generated
View File

@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
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"ref": "refs/heads/master", "ref": "refs/heads/master",
"rev": "33c91d73bb768a06fa427c237b124916261c5ab9", "rev": "994f60edd5bb646ad4c29744c471a70b8fa6046e",
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"type": "git", "type": "git",
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@ -70,11 +70,11 @@
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@ -158,11 +158,11 @@
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@ -174,11 +174,11 @@
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"revCount": 2464, "revCount": 2483,
"submodules": true, "submodules": true,
"type": "git", "type": "git",
"url": "" "url": ""
@ -229,11 +229,11 @@
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"revCount": 666, "revCount": 680,
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"url": "" "url": ""
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View File

@ -134,14 +134,14 @@
nativeBuildInputs = [ nativeBuildInputs = [
pkgs.gnumake pkgs.gnumake
(pkgs.python3.withPackages(ps: [ ps.jsonschema artiqpkgs.migen migen-axi artiqpkgs.misoc artiqpkgs.artiq ])) (pkgs.python3.withPackages(ps: [ ps.jsonschema artiqpkgs.migen migen-axi artiqpkgs.misoc artiqpkgs.artiq ]))
zynqpkgs.cargo-xbuild pkgs.cargo-xbuild
pkgs.llvmPackages_13.llvm pkgs.llvmPackages_14.llvm
pkgs.llvmPackages_13.clang-unwrapped pkgs.llvmPackages_14.clang-unwrapped
]; ];
buildPhase = '' buildPhase = ''
export ZYNQ_REV=${zynqRev} export ZYNQ_REV=${zynqRev}
export XARGO_RUST_SRC="${rust}/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library" export XARGO_RUST_SRC="${rust}/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library"
export CLANG_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIR="${pkgs.llvmPackages_13.clang-unwrapped.lib}/lib/clang/13.0.1/include" export CLANG_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIR="${pkgs.llvmPackages_14.clang-unwrapped.lib}/lib/clang/14.0.6/include"
export CARGO_HOME=$(mktemp -d cargo-home.XXX) export CARGO_HOME=$(mktemp -d cargo-home.XXX)
export ZYNQ_RS=${zynq-rs} export ZYNQ_RS=${zynq-rs}
make TARGET=${target} GWARGS="${if json == null then "-V ${variant}" else json}" ${fwtype} make TARGET=${target} GWARGS="${if json == null then "-V ${variant}" else json}" ${fwtype}
@ -345,7 +345,6 @@
{ {
inherit fastnumbers artiq-netboot ramda migen-axi binutils-arm; inherit fastnumbers artiq-netboot ramda migen-axi binutils-arm;
} // } //
(board-package-set { target = "zc706"; variant = "cxp_grabber"; }) //
(board-package-set { target = "zc706"; variant = "nist_clock"; }) // (board-package-set { target = "zc706"; variant = "nist_clock"; }) //
(board-package-set { target = "zc706"; variant = "nist_clock_master"; }) // (board-package-set { target = "zc706"; variant = "nist_clock_master"; }) //
(board-package-set { target = "zc706"; variant = "nist_clock_master_100mhz"; }) // (board-package-set { target = "zc706"; variant = "nist_clock_master_100mhz"; }) //
@ -377,11 +376,11 @@
name = "artiq-zynq-dev-shell"; name = "artiq-zynq-dev-shell";
buildInputs = with pkgs; [ buildInputs = with pkgs; [
rust rust
llvmPackages_13.llvm llvmPackages_14.llvm
llvmPackages_13.clang-unwrapped llvmPackages_14.clang-unwrapped
gnumake gnumake
cacert cacert
zynqpkgs.cargo-xbuild pkgs.cargo-xbuild
zynqpkgs.mkbootimage zynqpkgs.mkbootimage
openocd openocd
openssh rsync openssh rsync
@ -393,7 +392,7 @@
]; ];
ZYNQ_REV="${zynqRev}"; ZYNQ_REV="${zynqRev}";
XARGO_RUST_SRC = "${rust}/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library"; XARGO_RUST_SRC = "${rust}/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library";
CLANG_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIR = "${pkgs.llvmPackages_13.clang-unwrapped.lib}/lib/clang/13.0.1/include"; CLANG_EXTRA_INCLUDE_DIR = "${pkgs.llvmPackages_14.clang-unwrapped.lib}/lib/clang/14.0.6/include";
ZYNQ_RS = "${zynq-rs}"; ZYNQ_RS = "${zynq-rs}";
OPENOCD_ZYNQ = "${zynq-rs}/openocd"; OPENOCD_ZYNQ = "${zynq-rs}/openocd";
SZL = "${zynqpkgs.szl}"; SZL = "${zynqpkgs.szl}";

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ fi
impure=0 impure=0
load_bitstream=1 load_bitstream=1
board_type="zc706" board_type="kasli_soc"
fw_type="runtime" fw_type="runtime"
while getopts "ilb:t:f:" opt; do while getopts "ilb:t:f:" opt; do
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ done
if [ -z "$board_host" ]; then if [ -z "$board_host" ]; then
case $board_type in case $board_type in
kasli_soc) board_host="";; kasli_soc) board_host="";;
zc706) board_host="";; zc706) board_host="";;
*) echo "Unknown board type"; exit 1;; *) echo "Unknown board type"; exit 1;;
esac esac
fi fi
@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ else
load_bitstream_cmd="-g $result_dir/top.bit" load_bitstream_cmd="-g $result_dir/top.bit"
fi fi
artiq_netboot $load_bitstream_cmd -f $result_dir/$fw_type.bin -b $board_host artiq_netboot $load_bitstream_cmd -f $result_dir/$fw_type.bin -b $board_host
fi fi

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
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<mxPoint x="280" y="200" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="440" y="200" as="targetPoint"/>
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<mxPoint x="280" y="239.81" as="sourcePoint"/>
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<mxPoint x="520" y="200" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="680" y="200" as="targetPoint"/>
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<mxPoint x="520" y="239.80999999999995" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="680" y="239.80999999999995" as="targetPoint"/>
<mxCell id="60" value="stb (valid)" style="edgeLabel;html=1;align=center;verticalAlign=middle;resizable=0;points=[];" vertex="1" connectable="0" parent="59">
<mxGeometry x="-0.8404" y="-1" relative="1" as="geometry">
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<mxPoint x="680" y="279.99999999999994" as="sourcePoint"/>
<mxPoint x="520" y="279.99999999999994" as="targetPoint"/>
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<mxGeometry x="-0.8404" y="-1" relative="1" as="geometry">
<mxPoint x="73" y="1" as="offset"/>
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<mxGeometry x="560" y="160" width="80" height="160" as="geometry"/>

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
from time import sleep
from pyftdi.ftdi import Ftdi
POR = 1 << 7
def main():
dev = Ftdi()
dev.set_bitmode(POR, Ftdi.BitMode.BITBANG)
if __name__ == "__main__":

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
if [ -z "$OPENOCD_ZYNQ" ]; then
echo "OPENOCD_ZYNQ environment variable must be set"
exit 1
if [ -z "$SZL" ]; then
echo "SZL environment variable must be set"
exit 1
while getopts "ilb:t:f:" opt; do
case "$opt" in
\?) exit 1
i) impure=1
l) load_bitstream=0
b) board_host=$OPTARG
t) board_type=$OPTARG
f) fw_type=$OPTARG
if [ -z "$board_host" ]; then
case $board_type in
kasli_soc) board_host="";;
zc706) board_host="";;
*) echo "Unknown board type"; exit 1;;
openocd -f $board_type.cfg -c "load_image $SZL/szl-$board_type.elf; resume 0; exit"
sleep 5
if [ $impure -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $load_bitstream -eq 1 ]; then
load_bitstream_cmd="-g $build_dir/gateware/top.bit"
artiq_netboot $load_bitstream_cmd -f $build_dir/$fw_type.bin -b $board_host
if [ $load_bitstream -eq 1 ]; then
load_bitstream_cmd="-g $result_dir/top.bit"
artiq_netboot $load_bitstream_cmd -f $result_dir/$fw_type.bin -b $board_host

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from functools import reduce
from itertools import combinations
from operator import or_, and_
class Voter(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.data_4x = Signal(32)
self.k_4x = Signal(4)
# Section (CXP-001-2021)
# decoder should immune to single bit errors when handling duplicated characters
self.char = Signal(8)
self.k = Signal()
# majority voting
char = [[self.data_4x[i*8:(i+1)*8], self.k_4x[i]] for i in range(4)]
voter = [Record([("data", 8), ("k", 1)]) for _ in range(4)]
# stage 1
for i, code in enumerate(combinations(char, 3)):
self.sync += [
voter[i].data.eq(reduce(and_, [c[0] for c in code])),
voter[i].k.eq(reduce(and_, [c[1] for c in code])),
# stage 2
self.sync += [
self.char.eq(reduce(or_, [ for v in voter])),
self.k.eq(reduce(or_, [v.k for v in voter])),
dut = Voter()
def check_case(data_4x, k_4x, char, k):
yield dut.data_4x.eq(data_4x)
yield dut.k_4x.eq(k_4x)
print(f"char = {yield dut.char:#X} k = {yield dut.k:#X}")
assert (yield dut.char) == char and (yield dut.k) == k
def testbench():
yield from check_case(0xFFFFFFFF, 0b1111, 0xFF, 1)
yield from check_case(0xFFFFFF00, 0b1110, 0xFF, 1)
yield from check_case(0xFFFFF00f, 0b0001, 0xFF, 0)
yield from check_case(0xFFFFFFFF, 0b1111, 0xFF, 1)
run_simulation(dut, testbench())

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from src.gateware.cxp_router import *
class DUT(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.submodules.gearbox = gearbox = Stream_Packet_Gearbox()
self.sink, self.source = gearbox.sink, gearbox.source
self.comb += self.source.ack.eq(1)
dut = DUT()
def packet_sim(packets=[]):
sink = dut.sink
source = dut.source
for i, p in enumerate(packets):
yield sink.k.eq(p["k"])
if "stb_break" in p:
yield sink.stb.eq(0)
yield sink.stb.eq(1)
if "eop" in p:
yield sink.eop.eq(1)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
for _ in range(10):
yield sink.k.eq(0)
yield sink.stb.eq(0)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
yield source.ack.eq(1)
assert True
def testbench():
paks = [
{"data": C(0x7C7C7C7C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # stream id
{"data": C(0x00000001, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x6AEFACF6, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # crc
{"data": C(0, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "stb_break":0}, # cyc break
{"data": C(0x02020202, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[23:16]
{"data": C(0x09090909, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[15:8]
{"data": C(0x90909090, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[7:0]
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x8EE1DAA1, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # crc
{"data": C(0, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "stb_break":0}, # cyc break
{"data": C(0x08080808, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x08080808, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[23:16]
{"data": C(0x02020202, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[15:8]
{"data": C(0x64646464, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[7:0]
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x51C243EA, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # crc
yield from packet_sim(paks)
run_simulation(dut, testbench(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from sim_generator import CXPCRC32Inserter
from src.gateware.cxp_frame_pipeline import *
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import *
class Frame_Pipeline(Module):
def __init__(self, n_downconn):
# to construct correct crc and ack/stb signal
self.submodules.arbiter = arbiter = Stream_Arbiter(n_downconn)
self.submodules.broadcaster = broadcaster = Stream_Broadcaster(1)
self.submodules.buffer = buffer = Buffer(word_layout_dchar)
self.sinks = []
for i in range(n_downconn):
# generating the packet
dchar_decoder = Duplicated_Char_Decoder()
eop_marker = EOP_Marker()
pipeline = [dchar_decoder, eop_marker]
self.submodules += pipeline
for s, d in zip(pipeline, pipeline[1:]):
self.comb += s.source.connect(d.sink)
self.comb += pipeline[-1].source.connect(arbiter.sinks[i])
# self.comb += arbiter.source.ack.eq(1)
self.comb += [
self.comb += buffer.source.ack.eq(1)
dut = Frame_Pipeline(CXP_CHANNELS)
def packet_sim(packets=[], active_ch=2):
assert active_ch <= CXP_CHANNELS
# yield dut.arbiter.active_channels.eq((2**active_ch) - 1)
yield dut.arbiter.active_channels.eq((2**active_ch) - 1)
sinks = dut.sinks
for p in packets:
for i in range(CXP_CHANNELS):
if p["sink_id"] == i:
yield sinks[p["sink_id"]].data.eq(p["data"])
yield sinks[p["sink_id"]].k.eq(p["k"])
yield sinks[p["sink_id"]].stb.eq(1)
if "eop" in p:
yield sinks[p["sink_id"]].eop.eq(1)
yield sinks[p["sink_id"]].eop.eq(0)
yield sinks[i].data.eq(0)
yield sinks[i].k.eq(0)
yield sinks[i].stb.eq(0)
yield sinks[i].eop.eq(0)
# extra clk cycles
for _ in range(100):
for i in range(CXP_CHANNELS):
yield sinks[i].data.eq(0)
yield sinks[i].k.eq(0)
yield sinks[i].stb.eq(0)
yield sinks[i].eop.eq(0)
assert True
def testbench(n_downconn, with_header=True, with_crc=True):
paks = []
stream_id = 0
pix_len = 10
for p in range(20):
n_conn = p % n_downconn
if with_header:
frame_pak_len = pix_len if with_crc else pix_len - 1
frame = [
"sink_id": n_conn,
"data": Replicate(C(stream_id, char_width), 4),
"k": Replicate(0, 4),
"sink_id": n_conn,
"data": Replicate(C(0, char_width), 4),
"k": Replicate(0, 4),
"sink_id": n_conn,
"data": Replicate(C(frame_pak_len, 2 * char_width)[8:], 4),
"k": Replicate(0, 4),
"sink_id": n_conn,
"data": Replicate(C(frame_pak_len, 2 * char_width)[:8], 4),
"k": Replicate(0, 4),
frame = []
for n_pix in range(pix_len):
if n_pix < pix_len - 1:
"sink_id": n_conn,
# "data": C((n_conn + 1) << 28 | p << 24 | n_pix, word_width),
"data": C( p << 24 | n_pix, word_width),
"k": Replicate(0, 4),
"sink_id": n_conn,
# "data": C((n_conn + 1) << 28 | p << 24 | n_pix, word_width),
"data": C( p << 24 | n_pix, word_width),
"k": Replicate(0, 4),
"sink_id": n_conn,
"data": Replicate(KCode["pak_end"], 4),
"k": Replicate(1, 4),
paks += frame
yield from packet_sim(paks)
run_simulation(dut, testbench(CXP_CHANNELS,with_crc=False), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from sim_generator import CXPCRC32Inserter
from src.gateware.cxp_frame_pipeline import *
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import *
class double_buffer_pipeline(Module):
def __init__(self):
fifo = stream.SyncFIFO(word_layout, 32)
dchar_decoder = Duplicated_Char_Decoder()
broadcaster = Stream_Broadcaster(1)
pipeline = [fifo, dchar_decoder, broadcaster]
self.submodules += pipeline
for s, d in zip(pipeline, pipeline[1:]):
self.comb += s.source.connect(d.sink)
self.sink = pipeline[0].sink
self.submodules.buffer = buffer = Buffer(word_layout_dchar)
self.comb += broadcaster.sources[0].connect(buffer.sink)
self.source = buffer.source
# for sim, no backpressure
self.comb += self.source.ack.eq(1)
dut = double_buffer_pipeline()
def packet_sim(packets=[]):
sink = dut.sink
cyc = len(packets)
pak = packets
for c in range(cyc):
yield sink.k.eq(pak[c]["k"])
yield sink.stb.eq(1)
if "eop" in pak[c]:
yield sink.eop.eq(1)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
# extra clk cycles
for _ in range(cyc, cyc + 20):
yield sink.k.eq(0)
yield sink.stb.eq(0)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
assert True
def testbench():
paks = [
{"data": Replicate(C(0, char_width), 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(C(0, char_width), 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(C(4, 2 * char_width)[8:], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(C(4, 2 * char_width)[:8], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)}, # CRC doesn't count
{"data": C(0x7C7C7C7C, word_width), "k": Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0xF6ACEF6A, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(C(0, char_width), 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(C(1, char_width), 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(C(8, 2 * char_width)[8:], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(C(8, 2 * char_width)[:8], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)}, # CRC doesn't count
{"data": C(0x19191919, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x09090909, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x90909090, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x985EFDB2, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
yield from packet_sim(paks)
run_simulation(dut, testbench(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
# from src.gateware.cxp_frame_pipeline import *
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import *
from types import SimpleNamespace
class DUT(Module):
def __init__(self):
phy = SimpleNamespace()
phy.sink = stream.Endpoint(word_layout)
phy.source = stream.Endpoint(word_layout)
self.sync += [
If(~(([:8] == 0xBC) & (phy.sink.k[0] == 1)),
# # #
dchar_decoder = Duplicated_Char_Decoder()
eop_marker = EOP_Marker()
pipeline = [phy, dchar_decoder, eop_marker]
self.submodules += pipeline[1:] #phy is not a submodules
for s, d in zip(pipeline, pipeline[1:]):
self.comb += s.source.connect(d.sink)
self.sink, self.source = pipeline[0].sink, pipeline[-1].source
dut = DUT()
def packet_sim(packets=[]):
sink = dut.sink
source = dut.source
for i, p in enumerate(packets):
yield sink.k.eq(p["k"])
yield sink.stb.eq(p["stb"])
yield source.ack.eq(1)
# if i % 2 == 0:
# yield source.ack.eq(1)
# else:
# yield source.ack.eq(0)
for _ in range(10):
yield sink.k.eq(0)
yield sink.stb.eq(0)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
yield source.ack.eq(1)
assert True
def testbench():
paks = []
for i in range(1, 10):
paks += [
{"data": C(i << 8 | 1, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "stb":1},
{"data": C(i << 8 | 2, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "stb":1},
{"data": C(i << 8 | 3, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "stb":1},
{"data": C(i << 8 | 4, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "stb":1},
{"data": C(0xB53C3CBC, word_width), "k" : C(0b0111, 4), "stb":0},
"data": Replicate(KCode["pak_end"], 4),
"k": Replicate(1, 4),
"stb": 1,
yield from packet_sim(paks)
run_simulation(dut, testbench(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
class Frame(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.a = Signal()
self.b = Signal()
self.comb += [
# self.b.eq(self.a),
dut = Frame()
def check_case():
yield dut.a.eq(1)
yield dut.a.eq(0)
for i in range(10):
def testbench():
yield from check_case()
run_simulation(dut, testbench(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from sim_pipeline import *
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import *
dut = StreamData_Generator()
def check_case(packet=[], ack=0):
for i, p in enumerate(packet):
yield dut.sink.k.eq(p["k"])
yield dut.sink.stb.eq(1)
if "eop" in p:
yield dut.sink.eop.eq(1)
sink = dut.sink
source = dut.source
crc = dut.crc_inserter.crc
# f"\n CYCLE#{i} : sink char = {yield} k = {yield sink.k:#X}"
f"\nCYCLE#{i} : source char = {yield} k = {yield source.k:#X}"
f" stb = {yield source.stb} eop = {yield source.eop} ack = {yield source.ack} "
f"\nCYCLE#{i} : crc error = {yield crc.error:#X} crc value = {yield crc.value:#X}"
f" crc data = {yield} engine next = {yield}"
f"\nCYCLE#{i} : crc ce = {yield crc.ce:#X} "
# extra clk cycles
cyc = i + 1
for i in range(cyc, cyc + 11):
# yield has memory for some reason
yield dut.sink.stb.eq(0)
yield dut.source.ack.eq(1)
# f"\n CYCLE#{i} : sink char = {yield} k = {yield sink.k:#X}"
f"\nCYCLE#{i} : source char = {yield} k = {yield source.k:#X}"
f" stb = {yield source.stb} eop = {yield source.eop} ack = {yield source.ack} "
f"\nCYCLE#{i} : crc error = {yield crc.error:#X} crc value = {yield crc.value:#X}"
f" crc data = {yield} engine next = {yield}"
f"\nCYCLE#{i} : crc ce = {yield crc.ce:#X} "
assert True
def testbench():
packet = [
{"data": 0x0000_0004, "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": 0x0000_0000, "k": Replicate(0, 4), "eop":1},
yield from check_case(packet)
run_simulation(dut, testbench())

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from src.gateware.cxp_frame_pipeline import *
class DUT(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.submodules.crc_checker = crc_checker = CXPCRC32_Checker()
self.sink, self.source = crc_checker.sink, crc_checker.source
self.comb += self.source.ack.eq(1)
dut = DUT()
def packet_sim(packets=[]):
sink = dut.sink
source = dut.source
for i, p in enumerate(packets):
yield sink.k.eq(p["k"])
if "stb_break" in p:
yield sink.stb.eq(0)
yield sink.stb.eq(1)
if "eop" in p:
yield sink.eop.eq(1)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
for _ in range(10):
yield sink.k.eq(0)
yield sink.stb.eq(0)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
yield source.ack.eq(1)
assert True
def testbench():
paks = [
{"data": C(0x7C7C7C7C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # stream id
{"data": C(0x00000001, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x6AEFACF6, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # crc
{"data": C(0, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "stb_break":0}, # cyc break
{"data": C(0x02020202, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[23:16]
{"data": C(0x09090909, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[15:8]
{"data": C(0x90909090, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[7:0]
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x8EE1DAA1, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # crc
{"data": C(0, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "stb_break":0}, # cyc break
{"data": C(0x08080808, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x08080808, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[23:16]
{"data": C(0x02020202, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[15:8]
{"data": C(0x64646464, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[7:0]
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x51C243EA, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # crc
yield from packet_sim(paks)
run_simulation(dut, testbench(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from sim_generator import CXPCRC32Inserter
from src.gateware.cxp_frame_pipeline import *
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import *
class double_buffer_pipeline(Module):
def __init__(self):
fifo = stream.SyncFIFO(word_layout_dchar, 32)
double_buffer = CXPCRC32_Checker(0x100)
dchar_dropper = DChar_Dropper()
pipeline = [double_buffer, dchar_dropper]
self.submodules += pipeline
for s, d in zip(pipeline, pipeline[1:]):
self.comb += s.source.connect(d.sink)
self.sink = pipeline[0].sink
self.source = pipeline[-1].source
# for sim, no backpressure
self.comb += self.source.ack.eq(1)
dut = double_buffer_pipeline()
def packet_sim(packets=[]):
sink = dut.sink
cyc = len(packets)
pak = packets
for c in range(cyc):
yield sink.k.eq(pak[c]["k"])
yield sink.stb.eq(1)
if "eop" in pak[c]:
yield sink.eop.eq(1)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
# extra clk cycles
for _ in range(cyc, cyc + 20):
yield sink.k.eq(0)
yield sink.stb.eq(0)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
assert True
def testbench():
paks = [
{"data": C(0x7C7C7C7C, word_width), "k": Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0xF6ACEF6B, word_dw), "k": Replicate(0, 4), "eop":1},
{"data": C(0x6AEFACF6, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4), "eop":1},
{"data": C(0x19191919, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x09090909, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x90909090, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0xB2FD5E98, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4), "eop":1},
yield from packet_sim(paks)
run_simulation(dut, testbench(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from sim_generator import CXPCRC32Inserter
from src.gateware.cxp_frame_pipeline import *
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import *
class EOP_Pipeline(Module):
def __init__(self):
dchar_decoder = Duplicated_Char_Decoder()
eop_inserter = EOP_Marker()
buffer = stream.SyncFIFO(word_layout_dchar, 32)
pipeline = [dchar_decoder, eop_inserter, buffer]
self.submodules += pipeline
for s, d in zip(pipeline, pipeline[1:]):
self.comb += s.source.connect(d.sink)
self.sink = pipeline[0].sink
self.source = pipeline[-1].source
# for sim, no backpressure
self.comb += self.source.ack.eq(1)
dut = EOP_Pipeline()
def packet_sim(packets=[]):
sink = dut.sink
cyc = len(packets)
pak = packets
for c in range(cyc):
yield sink.k.eq(pak[c]["k"])
yield sink.stb.eq(1)
# extra clk cycles
for _ in range(cyc, cyc + 10):
yield sink.k.eq(0)
yield sink.stb.eq(0)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
assert True
def testbench():
paks = [
{"data": Replicate(KCode["pak_start"], 4), "k": Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0x1111, word_width), "k": Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0x2222, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x3333, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x4444, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(KCode["pak_end"], 4), "k": Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(KCode["pak_start"], 4), "k": Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0xAAAA, word_width), "k": Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0xBBBB, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0xCCCC, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0xDDDD, word_width), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(KCode["pak_end"], 4), "k": Replicate(1, 4)},
yield from packet_sim(paks)
run_simulation(dut, testbench(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from sim_generator import CXPCRC32Inserter
from sim_frame_gen import get_frame_packet
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import *
from src.gateware.cxp_frame_pipeline import *
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
class Frame(Module):
def __init__(self):
# to construct correct crc and ack/stb signal
self.submodules.buffer = buffer = stream.SyncFIFO(word_layout, 32)
self.submodules.crc_inserter = crc_inserter = CXPCRC32Inserter()
self.submodules.dchar_decoder = dchar_decoder = Duplicated_Char_Decoder()
# NOTE: eop is needed for crc to work correctly and RX_Bootstrap need to be followed by a EOP marker anyway
self.submodules.eop_marker = eop_marker = EOP_Marker()
self.submodules.stream_pipe = stream_pipe = Pixel_Pipeline()
pipeline = [buffer, crc_inserter, dchar_decoder, eop_marker, stream_pipe]
for s, d in zip(pipeline, pipeline[1:]):
self.comb += s.source.connect(d.sink)
self.sink = pipeline[0].sink
self.source = pipeline[-1].source
# no backpressure for sim
self.sync += self.source.ack.eq(1)
dut = Frame()
def check_case(packet=[]):
sink = dut.sink
stream_pipe = dut.stream_pipe
for i, p in enumerate(packet):
yield sink.k.eq(p["k"])
yield sink.stb.eq(1)
if "eop" in p:
yield sink.eop.eq(1)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
# check cycle result
# source = dut.dchar_decoder.source
# source = dut.stream_pipe.frame_extractor.sink
source = dut.sink
# print(
# f"\nCYCLE#{i} : source char = {yield} k = {yield source.k:#X} stb = {yield source.stb} ack = {yield source.ack} eop = {yield source.eop}"
# )
# extra clk cycles
cyc = i + 1
img = []
line = -1
total_pixel = 1000
for i in range(cyc, cyc + total_pixel):
yield sink.k.eq(0)
yield sink.stb.eq(0)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
# print(
# f"\nCYCLE#{i} : source char = {yield} k = {yield source.k:#X} stb = {yield source.stb} ack = {yield source.ack} eop = {yield source.eop}"
# )
frame_extractoer = dut.stream_pipe.frame_extractor
new_line = yield frame_extractoer.new_line
if new_line:
line += 1
stb = yield frame_extractoer.source.stb
data = yield
if stb:
# CXP use MSB
img[line].append(np.uint16(data & 0xFFFF))
img[line].append(np.uint16(data >> 16))
# metadata = dut.stream_pipe.frame_extractor.metadata
# img_header_layout = [
# "stream_id",
# "source_tag",
# "x_size",
# "x_offset",
# "y_size",
# "y_offset",
# "l_size", # number of data words per image line
# "pixel_format",
# "tap_geo",
# "flag",
# ]
# for name in img_header_layout:
# print(f"{name} = {yield getattr(metadata, name):#04X} ", end="")
# print()
Image.fromarray(np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8)).show()
assert True
def testbench():
stream_id = 0x69
packet_tag = 0
frame_packet = get_frame_packet(stream_id)
packet = [
{"data": Replicate(C(stream_id, char_width), 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(C(packet_tag, char_width), 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
"data": Replicate(C(len(frame_packet), 2*char_width)[8:], 4),
"k": Replicate(0, 4),
"data": Replicate(C(len(frame_packet), 2*char_width)[:8], 4),
"k": Replicate(0, 4),
packet += frame_packet
# NOTE: for crc inserter!!!!
packet[-1]["eop"] = 0
yield from check_case(packet)
run_simulation(dut, testbench(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import *
from src.gateware.cxp_frame_pipeline import *
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
def get_image_header(
stream_id, source_tag, xsize, xoffset, ysize, yoffset, dsize, pixelF, tag_geo, flag
stream_id = C(stream_id, char_width)
source_tag = C(source_tag, 2 * char_width)
xsize = C(xsize, 3 * char_width)
xoffset = C(xoffset, 3 * char_width)
ysize = C(ysize, 3 * char_width)
yoffset = C(yoffset, 3 * char_width)
dsize = C(dsize, 3 * char_width)
pixelF = C(pixelF, 2 * char_width)
tag_geo = C(tag_geo, 2 * char_width)
flag = C(flag, char_width)
assert len(stream_id) == len(flag) == char_width
assert len(source_tag) == len(pixelF) == len(tag_geo) == 2 * char_width
assert len(xsize) == len(xoffset) == len(ysize) == len(yoffset) == 3 * char_width
return [
{"data": Replicate(KCode["stream_marker"], 4), "k": Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(C(0x01, char_width), 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(stream_id, 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(source_tag[8:], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(source_tag[:8], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(xsize[16:], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(xsize[8:16], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(xsize[:8], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(xoffset[16:], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(xoffset[8:16], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(xoffset[:8], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(ysize[16:], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(ysize[8:16], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(ysize[:8], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(yoffset[16:], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(yoffset[8:16], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(yoffset[:8], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(dsize[16:], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(dsize[8:16], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(dsize[:8], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(pixelF[8:], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(pixelF[:8], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(tag_geo[8:], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(tag_geo[:8], 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(flag, 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
def get_line_marker():
return [
{"data": Replicate(KCode["stream_marker"], 4), "k": Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(C(0x02, char_width), 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
def get_frame_packet(stream_id, pixel_format="mono16"):
assert pixel_format in ["mono16"]
arr = [
[204, 200, 203, 205, 190, 187, 189, 205, 214, 197, 188, 185, 181, 178, 193, 209, 211, 207, 211, 192, 168, 168, 171, 199, 210, 212, 203, 196],
[218, 205, 199, 190, 192, 197, 196, 195, 184, 178, 182, 173, 166, 132, 122, 114, 154, 184, 187, 188, 171, 168, 170, 180, 192, 196, 202, 198],
[223, 222, 222, 224, 216, 199, 199, 207, 205, 189, 183, 182, 144, 66, 61, 66, 80, 148, 181, 175, 169, 170, 174, 177, 196, 206, 223, 218],
[221, 226, 225, 222, 211, 200, 202, 208, 215, 201, 187, 180, 133, 116, 113, 118, 96, 111, 206, 193, 170, 169, 186, 211, 218, 224, 231, 223],
[219, 216, 206, 197, 210, 201, 206, 203, 191, 190, 185, 145, 134, 140, 159, 170, 150, 116, 180, 173, 179, 170, 172, 185, 201, 218, 227, 227],
[203, 198, 194, 208, 227, 201, 201, 201, 215, 221, 209, 170, 136, 113, 141, 139, 141, 145, 188, 170, 180, 169, 184, 173, 174, 192, 215, 230],
[206, 224, 213, 213, 233, 207, 204, 226, 233, 227, 214, 166, 145, 123, 145, 155, 147, 186, 213, 187, 171, 169, 193, 193, 171, 178, 186, 207],
[212, 228, 216, 205, 214, 205, 204, 230, 235, 225, 219, 187, 143, 122, 146, 163, 158, 195, 209, 203, 174, 168, 190, 185, 187, 202, 180, 174],
[197, 206, 201, 223, 213, 201, 203, 231, 234, 225, 218, 206, 147, 125, 149, 155, 190, 208, 206, 203, 175, 168, 171, 179, 184, 206, 189, 176],
[213, 202, 209, 235, 223, 200, 202, 202, 227, 227, 202, 176, 138, 122, 144, 153, 190, 209, 207, 191, 172, 167, 179, 204, 190, 191, 180, 193],
[225, 225, 207, 231, 219, 197, 215, 200, 194, 199, 181, 172, 131, 129, 147, 159, 113, 175, 196, 179, 184, 169, 181, 210, 202, 204, 200, 177],
[208, 222, 204, 223, 210, 191, 195, 198, 203, 167, 171, 168, 135, 129, 149, 175, 66, 57, 90, 121, 147, 165, 181, 205, 195, 217, 209, 173],
[188, 216, 201, 206, 199, 180, 185, 180, 129, 75, 139, 166, 124, 146, 189, 135, 51, 41, 38, 40, 45, 63, 131, 201, 189, 215, 193, 170],
[188, 194, 195, 192, 182, 180, 134, 68, 45, 41, 96, 130, 116, 156, 163, 64, 46, 41, 43, 41, 42, 42, 74, 181, 177, 198, 175, 193],
[179, 179, 209, 224, 198, 182, 99, 42, 44, 41, 44, 100, 116, 125, 100, 46, 45, 42, 42, 37, 44, 43, 49, 150, 183, 170, 172, 198],
[175, 177, 208, 223, 197, 180, 94, 40, 42, 40, 41, 99, 134, 117, 80, 43, 46, 43, 37, 37, 44, 42, 35, 129, 195, 170, 170, 180],
[179, 181, 187, 217, 193, 175, 91, 38, 41, 41, 42, 106, 151, 107, 62, 43, 45, 41, 33, 38, 42, 34, 33, 77, 188, 175, 173, 208],
[190, 191, 180, 213, 194, 175, 78, 38, 40, 40, 40, 98, 134, 97, 51, 44, 59, 50, 37, 40, 36, 26, 36, 44, 100, 178, 192, 206],
[199, 191, 184, 204, 196, 176, 78, 33, 38, 38, 39, 80, 102, 83, 43, 44, 112, 130, 122, 63, 33, 24, 29, 34, 33, 74, 162, 195],
[191, 170, 196, 193, 186, 177, 88, 27, 34, 37, 36, 74, 101, 70, 36, 37, 81, 127, 137, 113, 40, 28, 30, 32, 36, 29, 69, 173],
[164, 189, 190, 180, 176, 172, 83, 26, 28, 33, 32, 68, 97, 62, 32, 30, 44, 97, 123, 136, 58, 42, 44, 43, 43, 40, 58, 162],
[177, 202, 205, 181, 174, 163, 78, 38, 35, 47, 54, 67, 92, 51, 28, 29, 26, 21, 39, 85, 47, 46, 52, 47, 46, 45, 48, 141],
[181, 193, 199, 192, 171, 163, 91, 67, 121, 123, 91, 63, 89, 45, 25, 25, 23, 20, 15, 13, 20, 48, 54, 35, 34, 34, 68, 146],
[175, 192, 195, 179, 165, 163, 100, 64, 99, 94, 82, 58, 83, 37, 23, 22, 22, 27, 21, 15, 14, 44, 98, 83, 94, 118, 164, 157],
[153, 184, 171, 163, 161, 157, 140, 70, 58, 89, 61, 53, 76, 30, 20, 20, 20, 31, 24, 19, 16, 47, 159, 163, 160, 171, 160, 142],
[142, 150, 161, 168, 154, 154, 164, 138, 76, 55, 26, 37, 62, 24, 19, 19, 20, 21, 23, 27, 31, 46, 142, 156, 151, 153, 147, 145],
[153, 147, 174, 171, 151, 150, 169, 158, 142, 92, 28, 60, 59, 20, 20, 18, 20, 26, 27, 29, 33, 38, 125, 153, 150, 147, 147, 148],
[138, 141, 166, 164, 146, 144, 164, 149, 132, 72, 34, 88, 72, 24, 19, 18, 18, 23, 25, 28, 31, 30, 98, 150, 146, 144, 146, 144]
source_tag = 0
xsize, ysize = len(arr[0]), len(arr)
xoffset, yoffset = 0, 0
if pixel_format == "mono16":
dsize = xsize // 2
pixelF = 0x0105
tag_geo = 0
flag = 0
packet = []
# Image header
packet += get_image_header(
for line in arr:
packet += get_line_marker()
if pixel_format == "mono16":
for i in range(len(line)):
if (i % 2) == 0:
if i == len(line) - 1:
# print(C(line[i]))
packet += [
"data": C(line[i], 4 * char_width),
"k": Replicate(0, 4),
# print(C(line[i], 2 * char_width), C(line[i + 1]))
# CXP use MSB
packet += [
"data": Cat(
C(line[i], 2 * char_width),
C(line[i + 1], 2 * char_width),
"k": Replicate(0, 4),
return packet

View File

@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from src.gateware.cxp_frame_pipeline import CXPCRC32
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import *
class CXPCRC32Inserter(Module):
def __init__(self, insert_eop=True):
self.sink = stream.Endpoint(word_layout)
self.source = stream.Endpoint(word_layout)
# # #
self.submodules.crc = crc = CXPCRC32(word_width)
self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
# WARNING: this will eat data if the source don't care about ack
# NOTE: need one cycle to turn itself on
crc.ce.eq(self.sink.stb & self.source.ack),,
self.sink.stb & self.sink.eop & self.source.ack,
self.source.eop.eq(1) if insert_eop else self.source.eop.eq(0),,
If(self.source.ack, NextState("IDLE")),
class StreamPacket_Wrapper(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.sink = stream.Endpoint(word_layout)
self.source = stream.Endpoint(word_layout)
# # #
self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
self.source.stb.eq(1),["pak_start"], 4)),
self.source.k.eq(Replicate(1, 4)),
If(self.source.ack, NextState("INSERT_HEADER_1")),
self.source.stb.eq(1),, char_width), 4)),
self.source.k.eq(Replicate(0, 4)),
If(self.source.ack, NextState("COPY")),
self.sink.stb & self.sink.eop & self.source.ack,
self.source.stb.eq(1),["pak_end"], 4)),
self.source.k.eq(Replicate(1, 4)),
# Simulate RX don't have eop tagged
# self.source.eop.eq(1),
If(self.source.ack, NextState("IDLE")),
# With KCode & 0x01*4
class StreamData_Generator(Module):
def __init__(self):
# should be big enough for all test
self.submodules.buffer = buffer = stream.SyncFIFO(word_layout, 32)
self.submodules.crc_inserter = crc_inserter = CXPCRC32Inserter()
self.submodules.wrapper = wrapper = StreamPacket_Wrapper()
# # #
pipeline = [buffer, crc_inserter, wrapper]
for s, d in zip(pipeline, pipeline[1:]):
self.comb += s.source.connect(d.sink)
self.sink = pipeline[0].sink
self.source = pipeline[-1].source

View File

@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import Packet_Wrapper
char_width = 8
word_dw = 32
word_layout = [("data", word_dw), ("k", word_dw//8)]
def K(x, y):
return ((y << 5) | x)
KCode = {
"pak_start" : C(K(27, 7), char_width),
"io_ack" : C(K(28, 6), char_width),
"trig_indic_28_2" : C(K(28, 2), char_width),
"stream_marker" : C(K(28, 3), char_width),
"trig_indic_28_4" : C(K(28, 4), char_width),
"pak_end" : C(K(29, 7), char_width),
"idle_comma" : C(K(28, 5), char_width),
"idle_alignment" : C(K(28, 1), char_width),
class TX_Bootstrap(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.tx_testseq = Signal()
# # #
self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
self.source = stream.Endpoint(word_layout)
self.cnt = Signal(max=0xFFF)
NextValue(self.cnt, self.cnt.reset),
self.source.stb.eq(1),, char_width), 4)),
self.source.k.eq(Replicate(0, 4)),
# testword = Signal(word_dw)
# self.comb += [
# testword[:8].eq(self.cnt[:8]),
# testword[8:16].eq(self.cnt[:8]+1),
# testword[16:24].eq(self.cnt[:8]+2),
# testword[24:].eq(self.cnt[:8]+3),
# ]
self.source.k.eq(Cat(0, 0, 0, 0)),
If(self.cnt == 0x0FF-3,
NextValue(self.cnt, self.cnt + 4),
class Idle_Word_Inserter(Module):
def __init__(self):
# Section 9.2.5 (CXP-001-2021)
# Send K28.5, K28.1, K28.1, D21.5 as idle word
self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="WRITE_IDLE")
self.sink = stream.Endpoint(word_layout)
self.source = stream.Endpoint(word_layout)
cnt = Signal(max=0x10, reset=0xF)
self.source.stb.eq(1),["idle_comma"], KCode["idle_alignment"], KCode["idle_alignment"], C(0xB5, char_width))),
self.source.k.eq(Cat(1, 1, 1, 0)),
NextValue(cnt, cnt.reset),
# increment when upstream has data and got ack
If(self.sink.stb & self.source.ack, NextValue(cnt, cnt - 1)),
If((((~self.sink.stb) | (self.sink.eop) | (cnt == 0) ) & self.source.ack), NextState("WRITE_IDLE"))
class Pipeline(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.submodules.bootstrap = boostrap = TX_Bootstrap()
self.submodules.wrapper = wrapper = Packet_Wrapper()
# self.submodules.buffer = buffer = stream.SyncFIFO(word_layout, 32)
self.submodules.idle_inserter = idle_inserter = Idle_Word_Inserter()
# # #
pipeline = [boostrap, wrapper, idle_inserter]
for s, d in zip(pipeline, pipeline[1:]):
self.comb += s.source.connect(d.sink)
# self.sink = pipeline[0].sink
self.source = pipeline[-1].source
# no backpressure
# self.comb += self.source.ack.eq(1)
dut = Pipeline()
def check_case():
source = dut.source
# sink = dut.sink
# for i in range(1, 30):
# yield
# yield sink.stb.eq(1)
# yield
yield dut.bootstrap.tx_testseq.eq(1)
yield dut.bootstrap.tx_testseq.eq(0)
for i in range(10):
for _ in range(100):
yield source.ack.eq(1)
def testbench():
yield from check_case()
run_simulation(dut, testbench(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from src.gateware.cxp_frame_pipeline import *
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import *
from math import ceil
class ROI(Module):
def __init__(self):
fifo = stream.SyncFIFO(word_layout, 32) # to avoid data getting eaten and act as delay between eop
dchar_decoder = Duplicated_Char_Decoder()
# self.crc = CXPCRC32_Checker()
self.pipeline = Pixel_Pipeline(24, 32)
pipeline = [fifo, dchar_decoder, self.pipeline]
self.submodules += pipeline
for s, d in zip(pipeline, pipeline[1:]):
self.comb += s.source.connect(d.sink)
self.sink = pipeline[0].sink
# self.source = pipeline[-1].source
# DEBUG: test roi
cfg = self.pipeline.roi.cfg
self.comb += [
dut = ROI()
def packet_sim(packets=[]):
sink = dut.sink
cyc = len(packets)
pak = packets
for c in range(cyc):
yield sink.k.eq(pak[c]["k"])
yield sink.stb.eq(1)
if "eop" in pak[c]:
yield sink.eop.eq(1)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
# extra clk cycles
for _ in range(cyc, cyc + 20):
yield sink.k.eq(0)
yield sink.stb.eq(0)
yield sink.eop.eq(0)
metadata = dut.pipeline.header_decoder.metadata
img_header_layout = [
"source_tag", # image index since powering on
"l_size", # number of data words per image line
for name in img_header_layout:
print(f"{name} = {yield getattr(metadata, name):#04X} ", end="")
roi = dut.pipeline.roi
print(f"x0 = {yield roi.cfg.x0} y0 = {yield roi.cfg.y0} | x1 = {yield roi.cfg.x1} y1 = {yield roi.cfg.y1}")
print(f"out count = {yield roi.out.count}")
assert True
def testbench():
paks = [
{"data": C(0x7C7C7C7C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # stream id
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x6AEFACF6, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # crc
{"data": C(0x02020202, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[23:16]
{"data": C(0x09090909, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[15:8]
{"data": C(0x90909090, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[7:0]
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x8EE1DAA1, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # crc
{"data": C(0x08080808, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x08080808, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[23:16]
{"data": C(0x02020202, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[15:8]
{"data": C(0x64646464, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[7:0]
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x51C243EA, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # crc
# the new line + pixel data
{"data": C(0x7C7C7C7C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0x02020202, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0D0D0C0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0C0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0C0B0D, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0D0B0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0C0C0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0B0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0B0B0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0B0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0A0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0C0B0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0C0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0C0B0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0C0B0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0B0B0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0C0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0B0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0C0C0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0C0B0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0B0B0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0B0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0D0A, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0C0C0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0B0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0C0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0C0C0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0C0C0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0A0B0D, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0C0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0C0B0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0D0C0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0A0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0D0D0B0A, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0C0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0C0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0C0B0B0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0C0C0B, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0B0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x0B0B0B0C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0xCB5DCDD6, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop": 0}, # crc
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0D0B0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0D0B0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0B0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0D0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0C0A, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0D0C0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0D0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0C0D, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0A0C0C0D, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0B0B0A, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0D0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0B0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0B0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0D0B0D0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0B0D0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0B0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0B0B0A, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0A0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0D0C0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0D0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0D0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0D0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0D0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0B0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0D0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0D0C0D0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0D0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0D0C0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0D0D0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0D0B0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0B0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0B0C0B, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0B0C0C0D, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0D0C0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0B0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0C0C0C0C, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
# {"data": C(0x0BADF020, word_dw), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # crc
yield from packet_sim(paks)
def testbench_fake_data():
# config
pix_size = 8
# x_size = 2448
x_size = 10
y_size = 2
l_size = ceil(x_size*pix_size/32)
pix_fmt = {
8: 0x0101,
10: 0x0102,
12: 0x0103,
14: 0x0104,
16: 0x0105,
# frame header
paks = [
{"data": C(0x7C7C7C7C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0x01010101, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # stream id
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x6AEFACF6, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # fake crc
{"data": C(0x02020202, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[23:16]
{"data": Replicate(C(x_size >> 8, char_width), 4), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[15:8]
{"data": Replicate(C(x_size & 0xFF, char_width), 4), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Xsize[7:0]
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Ysize[23:16]
{"data": C(0x8EE1DAA1, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # fake crc
{"data": Replicate(C(y_size >> 8, char_width), 4), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Ysize[15:8]
{"data": Replicate(C(y_size & 0xFF, char_width), 4), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # Ysize[7:0]
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x08080808, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[23:16]
{"data": Replicate(C(l_size >> 8, char_width), 4), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[15:8]
{"data": Replicate(C(l_size & 0xFF, char_width), 4), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # DsizeL[7:0]
{"data": Replicate(C(pix_fmt[pix_size] >> 8, char_width), 4), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # PixelF[15:8]
{"data": Replicate(C(pix_fmt[pix_size] & 0xFF, char_width), 4), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)}, # PixelF[7:0]
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x00000000, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": C(0x51C243EA, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop":0}, # fake crc
# pixel data
base = 0
for _ in range(y_size):
pix = []
for _ in range(x_size):
base += 1
packed = 0
for i, p in enumerate(pix):
packed += p << i*pix_size
# print(f"{packed:08X}")
# new line indicator
paks += [
{"data": C(0x7C7C7C7C, word_width), "k" : Replicate(1, 4)},
{"data": C(0x02020202, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)},
for i in range(l_size):
serialized = (packed & (0xFFFF_FFFF << i*word_width)) >> i*word_width
paks.append({"data": C(serialized, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4)})
paks.append({"data": C(0xCB5DCDD6, word_width), "k" : Replicate(0, 4), "eop": 0}) # fake crc
yield from packet_sim(paks)
run_simulation(dut, testbench_fake_data(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
from sim_pipeline import *
from sim_generator import StreamData_Generator
from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import *
class CXP_Links(Module):
def __init__(self):
# TODO: select the correct buffer to read from
# NOTE: although there are double buffer in each connect, the reading must be faster than writing to avoid data loss
self.downconn_sources = []
self.stream_sinks = []
for i in range(2):
downconn = Pipeline()
setattr(self.submodules, "cxp_conn"+str(i), downconn)
stream_pipeline = Stream_Pipeline()
setattr(self.submodules, "stream_pipeline"+str(i), stream_pipeline)
self.submodules.crossbar = Streams_Crossbar(self.downconn_sources, self.stream_sinks)
class Pipeline(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.submodules.generator = generator = StreamData_Generator()
self.submodules.dchar_decoder = dchar_decoder = Duplicated_Char_Decoder()
self.submodules.data_decoder = data_decoder = Control_Packet_Reader()
self.submodules.eop_marker = eop_marker = EOP_Marker()
# # #
pipeline = [generator, dchar_decoder, data_decoder, eop_marker]
for s, d in zip(pipeline, pipeline[1:]):
self.comb += s.source.connect(d.sink)
self.sink = pipeline[0].sink
self.source = pipeline[-1].source
# self.comb += self.source.ack.eq(1)
dut = CXP_Links()
def check_case(packet=[]):
downconns = dut.downconn_sources
stream_buffers = dut.stream_sinks
ch = 0
for i, p in enumerate(packet):
for x in range(len(downconns)):
if x == ch:
yield downconns[x]["data"])
yield downconns[x].sink.k.eq(p["k"])
yield downconns[x].sink.stb.eq(1)
yield downconns[x]
yield downconns[x].sink.k.eq(0)
yield downconns[x].sink.stb.eq(0)
yield downconns[x].sink.eop.eq(0)
if "eop" in p:
yield downconns[ch].sink.eop.eq(1)
# compensate for delay
# yield
# yield downconns[ch]
# yield downconns[ch].sink.k.eq(0)
# yield downconns[ch].sink.stb.eq(0)
# yield downconns[ch].sink.eop.eq(0)
# yield
# yield
# yield
ch = (ch + 1) % len(downconns)
yield downconns[ch].sink.eop.eq(0)
# check cycle result
# source = dut.stream_pipeline_sinks[0].source
source = dut.stream_sinks[0].double_buffer.source
f"\nCYCLE#{i} : source char = {yield} k = {yield source.k:#X} stb = {yield source.stb} ack = {yield source.ack} eop = {yield source.eop}"
# f" source dchar = {yield source.dchar:#X} dchar_k = {yield source.dchar_k:#X}"
f"\nCYCLE#{i} : read mask = {yield dut.crossbar.mux.sel}"
# f"\nCYCLE#{i} : stream id = {yield decoder.stream_id:#X} pak_tag = {yield decoder.pak_tag:#X}"
# f" stream_pak_size = {yield decoder.stream_pak_size:#X}"
# crc = downconns[1].generator.crc_inserter.crc
# crc = dut.double_buffer.crc
# print(
# f"CYCLE#{i} : crc error = {yield crc.error:#X} crc value = {yield crc.value:#X}"
# f" crc data = {yield} engine next = {yield} ce = {yield crc.ce}"
# )
# extra clk cycles
cyc = i + 1
for i in range(cyc, cyc + 30):
for x in range(len(downconns)):
# yield won't reset every cycle
yield downconns[x]
yield downconns[x].sink.k.eq(0)
yield downconns[x].sink.stb.eq(0)
yield downconns[x].sink.eop.eq(0)
f"\nCYCLE#{i} : source char = {yield} k = {yield source.k:#X} stb = {yield source.stb} ack = {yield source.ack} eop = {yield source.eop}"
# f" source dchar = {yield source.dchar:#X} dchar_k = {yield source.dchar_k:#X}"
f"\nCYCLE#{i} : read mask = {yield dut.crossbar .mux.sel}"
# f"\nCYCLE#{i} : stream id = {yield decoder.stream_id:#X} pak_tag = {yield decoder.pak_tag:#X}"
# f" stream_pak_size = {yield decoder.stream_pak_size:#X}"
assert True
def testbench():
# stream_id = 0x01
streams = [
{"data": 0x11111111, "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": 0xB105F00D, "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": 0x22222222, "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": 0xC001BEA0, "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": 0x33333333, "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": 0xC0A79AE5, "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
packet = []
for i, s in enumerate(streams):
s[-1]["eop"] = 0
packet += [
{"data": Replicate(C(i % 2, char_width), 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
{"data": Replicate(C(i, char_width), 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
"data": Replicate(C(len(s) >> 8 & 0xFF, char_width), 4),
"k": Replicate(0, 4),
{"data": Replicate(C(len(s) & 0xFF, char_width), 4), "k": Replicate(0, 4)},
yield from check_case(packet)
run_simulation(dut, testbench(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.interconnect import stream
class test(Module):
def __init__(self):
self.test_cnt = Signal(32, reset=0x03020100)
self.sync += [
self.test_cnt[:8].eq(self.test_cnt[:8] + 4),
self.test_cnt[8:16].eq(self.test_cnt[8:16] + 4),
self.test_cnt[16:24].eq(self.test_cnt[16:24] + 4),
self.test_cnt[24:].eq(self.test_cnt[24:] + 4),
dut = test()
def packet_sim(packets=[]):
for _ in range(0x100):
assert True
def testbench():
yield from packet_sim()
run_simulation(dut, testbench(), vcd_name="sim-cxp.vcd")

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
[target.armv7-none-eabihf] [target.armv7-none-eabihf]
rustflags = [ rustflags = [
"-C", "link-arg=-Tlink.x", "-C", "link-arg=-Tlink.x",
"-C", "target-feature=a9,armv7-a,neon",
"-C", "target-cpu=cortex-a9", "-C", "target-cpu=cortex-a9",
] ]

src/Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ checksum = "baf1de4339761588bc0619e3cbc0120ee582ebb74b53b4efbf79117bd2da40fd"
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "compiler_builtins" name = "compiler_builtins"
version = "0.1.49" version = "0.1.70"
source = "registry+" source = "registry+"
checksum = "20b1438ef42c655665a8ab2c1c6d605a305f031d38d9be689ddfef41a20f3aa2" checksum = "80873f979f0a344a4ade87c2f70d9ccf5720b83b10c97ec7cd745895d021e85a"
[[package]] [[package]]
name = "core_io" name = "core_io"
@ -273,7 +273,6 @@ name = "libboard_artiq"
version = "0.0.0" version = "0.0.0"
dependencies = [ dependencies = [
"build_zynq", "build_zynq",
"core_io", "core_io",
"crc", "crc",
"embedded-hal", "embedded-hal",
@ -547,7 +546,9 @@ name = "satman"
version = "0.0.0" version = "0.0.0"
dependencies = [ dependencies = [
"build_zynq", "build_zynq",
"core_io", "core_io",
"cslice", "cslice",
"embedded-hal", "embedded-hal",
"io", "io",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"emit-debug-gdb-scripts": false, "emit-debug-gdb-scripts": false,
"env": "", "env": "",
"executables": true, "executables": true,
"features": "+v7,+vfp3,-d32,+thumb2,-neon", "features": "+v7,+vfp3,-d32,+thumb2,+neon,+a9,+armv7-a",
"is-builtin": false, "is-builtin": false,
"linker": "rust-lld", "linker": "rust-lld",
"linker-flavor": "ld.lld", "linker-flavor": "ld.lld",

View File

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from migen.genlib.cdc import MultiReg, PulseSynchronizer
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.cores.coaxpress.common import word_width
from misoc.cores.coaxpress.core import HostTXCore, HostRXCore
from misoc.cores.coaxpress.phy.high_speed_gtx import HostRXPHYs
from misoc.cores.coaxpress.phy.low_speed_serdes import HostTXPHYs
from artiq.gateware.rtio import rtlink
from artiq.gateware.rtio.phy.grabber import Serializer
from cxp_frame_pipeline import Stream_Decoder, ROI
class CXP_Core(Module, AutoCSR):
def __init__(self, tx_phy, rx_phy, command_buffer_depth=32, nrxslot=4):
# control buffer is only 32 words (128 bytes) for compatibility with version1.x compliant Devices
# Section 12.1.6 (CXP-001-2021)
self.buffer_depth, self.nslots = command_buffer_depth, nrxslot
self.submodules.tx = HostTXCore(tx_phy, command_buffer_depth, False)
self.submodules.rx = HostRXCore(rx_phy, command_buffer_depth, nrxslot, False)
def get_tx_port(self):
return self.tx.writer.mem.get_port(write_capable=True)
def get_rx_port(self):
return self.rx.command_reader.mem.get_port(write_capable=False)
def get_mem_size(self):
return word_width * self.buffer_depth * self.nslots // 8
class CXP_Grabber(Module, AutoCSR):
def __init__(
assert count_width <= 31
# Trigger rtio
nbit_trigdelay = 8
nbit_linktrig = 1
self.trigger = rtlink.Interface(rtlink.OInterface(nbit_trigdelay + nbit_linktrig))
# ROI rtio
# 4 configs (x0, y0, x1, y1) per roi_engine
self.config = rtlink.Interface(rtlink.OInterface(res_width, bits_for(4*roi_engine_count-1)))
# select which roi engine can output rtio_input signal
self.gate_data = rtlink.Interface(
# the extra MSB bits is for sentinel
rtlink.IInterface(count_width+1, timestamped=False),
# # #
self.submodules.phy_tx = tx = HostTXPHYs(tx_pads, sys_clk_freq)
self.submodules.phy_rx = rx = HostRXPHYs(refclk, rx_pads, sys_clk_freq)
self.submodules.core = core = CXP_Core(tx.phys[0], rx.phys[0]) += [
self.submodules.stream_decoder = stream_decoder = Stream_Decoder(res_width)
self.comb += core.rx.source.connect(stream_decoder.sink)
# ROI engines configuration and count gating
cdr = ClockDomainsRenamer("cxp_gt_rx")
roi_engines = [
cdr(ROI(stream_decoder.source_pixel4x, count_width))
for _ in range(roi_engine_count)
self.submodules += roi_engines
for n, roi in enumerate(roi_engines):
cfg = roi.cfg
for offset, target in enumerate([cfg.x0, cfg.y0, cfg.x1, cfg.y1]):
roi_boundary = += If(self.config.o.stb & (self.config.o.address == 4*n+offset),
self.specials += MultiReg(roi_boundary, target, "cxp_gt_rx")
self.submodules.synchronizer = synchronizer = CXP_Synchronizer(roi_engines)
self.submodules.serializer = serializer = Serializer(synchronizer.update, synchronizer.counts, self.gate_data.i) += If(self.gate_data.o.stb, serializer.gate.eq(
class CXP_Synchronizer(Module):
def __init__(self, roi_engines):
counts_in = [roi_engine.out.count for roi_engine in roi_engines]
# This assumes all ROI engines update at the same time.
self.update = Signal()
# stays valid until the next frame after self.update is pulsed.
self.counts = [ for count in counts_in]
# # #
for i, o in zip(counts_in, self.counts):
self.specials += MultiReg(i, o) = ps = PulseSynchronizer("cxp_gt_rx", "sys")
self.sync.cxp_gt_rx += ps.i.eq(roi_engines[0].out.update)
self.sync += self.update.eq(ps.o)

View File

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
from import *
fmc_adapter_io = [
# CoaXPress high speed link
("CXP_HS", 0,
Subsignal("txp", Pins("HPC:DP0_C2M_P")),
Subsignal("txn", Pins("HPC:DP0_C2M_N")),
Subsignal("rxp", Pins("HPC:DP0_M2C_P")),
Subsignal("rxn", Pins("HPC:DP0_M2C_N")),
("CXP_HS", 1,
Subsignal("txp", Pins("HPC:DP1_C2M_P")),
Subsignal("txn", Pins("HPC:DP1_C2M_N")),
Subsignal("rxp", Pins("HPC:DP1_M2C_P")),
Subsignal("rxn", Pins("HPC:DP1_M2C_N")),
("CXP_HS", 2,
Subsignal("txp", Pins("HPC:DP2_C2M_P")),
Subsignal("txn", Pins("HPC:DP2_C2M_N")),
Subsignal("rxp", Pins("HPC:DP2_M2C_P")),
Subsignal("rxn", Pins("HPC:DP2_M2C_N")),
("CXP_HS", 3,
Subsignal("txp", Pins("HPC:DP3_C2M_P")),
Subsignal("txn", Pins("HPC:DP3_C2M_N")),
Subsignal("rxp", Pins("HPC:DP3_M2C_P")),
Subsignal("rxn", Pins("HPC:DP3_M2C_N")),
# CoaXPress low speed link
("CXP_LS", 0, Pins("HPC:LA00_CC_P"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("CXP_LS", 1, Pins("HPC:LA01_CC_N"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("CXP_LS", 2, Pins("HPC:LA01_CC_P"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("CXP_LS", 3, Pins("HPC:LA02_N"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
# CoaXPress green and red LED
("CXP_LED", 0,
Subsignal("green", Pins("HPC:LA11_P"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
Subsignal("red", Pins("HPC:LA11_N"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("CXP_LED", 1,
Subsignal("green", Pins("HPC:LA12_P"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
Subsignal("red", Pins("HPC:LA12_N"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("CXP_LED", 2,
Subsignal("green", Pins("HPC:LA13_P"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
Subsignal("red", Pins("HPC:LA13_N"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("CXP_LED", 3,
Subsignal("green", Pins("HPC:LA14_P"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
Subsignal("red", Pins("HPC:LA14_N"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
# Power over CoaXPress
("PoCXP", 0,
Subsignal("enable", Pins("HPC:LA21_N"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
Subsignal("alert", Pins("HPC:LA18_CC_P"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("PoCXP", 1,
Subsignal("enable", Pins("HPC:LA21_P"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
Subsignal("alert", Pins("HPC:LA19_N"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("PoCXP", 2,
Subsignal("enable", Pins("HPC:LA22_N"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
Subsignal("alert", Pins("HPC:LA19_P"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("PoCXP", 3,
Subsignal("enable", Pins("HPC:LA22_P"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
Subsignal("alert", Pins("HPC:LA20_N"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("i2c", 0,
Subsignal("scl", Pins("HPC:IIC_SCL")),
Subsignal("sda", Pins("HPC:IIC_SDA")),
# On board 125MHz reference
("clk125", 0,
Subsignal("p", Pins("HPC:GBTCLK0_M2C_P")),
Subsignal("n", Pins("HPC:GBTCLK0_M2C_N")),

View File

@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from migen.genlib.cdc import MultiReg, PulseSynchronizer
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from import Buffer, SyncFIFO
from misoc.cores.coaxpress.common import char_width, word_layout_dchar
from operator import or_, add
from stream import (
class ROI(Module):
ROI Engine. For each frame, accumulates pixels values within a
rectangular region of interest, and reports the total.
def __init__(self, pixel_4x, count_width):
assert len(pixel_4x) == 4
self.cfg = Record([
("x0", len(pixel_4x[0].x)),
("y0", len(pixel_4x[0].y)),
("x1", len(pixel_4x[0].x)),
("y1", len(pixel_4x[0].y)),
self.out = Record([
("update", 1),
# registered output - can be used as CDC input
("count", count_width),
# # #
roi_4x = [
("x_good", 1),
("y_good", 1),
("gray", len(pixel_4x[0].gray)),
("stb", 1),
("count", count_width),
]) for _ in range(4)
for pix, roi in zip(pixel_4x, roi_4x):
self.sync += [
# stage 1 - generate "good" (in-ROI) signals
If((self.cfg.x0 <= pix.x) & (pix.x < self.cfg.x1),
# the 4 pixels are on the same y level, no need for extra calculation
If(pix.y == self.cfg.y0,
If(pix.y == self.cfg.y1,
# stage 2 - accumulate
If((roi.stb & roi.x_good & roi.y_good),
roi.count.eq(roi.count + roi.gray)
eof = Signal()
eof_buf = Signal()
count_buf = [Signal(count_width), Signal(count_width)]
# stage 3 - update
self.sync += [
eof.eq(reduce(or_, [pix.eof for pix in pixel_4x])),
count_buf[0].eq(roi_4x[0].count + roi_4x[1].count),
count_buf[1].eq(roi_4x[2].count + roi_4x[3].count),
[roi.count.eq(0) for roi in roi_4x],
self.out.count.eq(reduce(add, count_buf))
class Stream_Decoder(Module, AutoCSR):
Convert the raw frame data into pixel data
Currently only support:
- Pixel format: mono8, mono10, mono12, mono14, mono16
- Tap geometry: 1X-1Y
- Scaning mode: area scanning
def __init__(self, res_width):
self.crc_error = CSR()
self.stream_type_error = CSR()
self.new_frame = CSR()
self.x_size = CSRStatus(3*char_width)
self.y_size = CSRStatus(3*char_width)
self.pixel_format = CSRStatus(2*char_width)
# # #
cdr = ClockDomainsRenamer("cxp_gt_rx")
# 32+8(dchar) 32
# sink ────/────> stream ────> buffer ────> crc checker ─────> frame header ───/───> end of line ─────> skid buffer ─────> pixel parser ─────> 4x pixel with
# arbiter reader marker xy coordinate
# Drops the packet header & K29.7 and mark eop on the crc word
self.submodules.arbiter = arbiter = cdr(Stream_Arbiter())
# Buffer to improve timing
self.submodules.buffer = buffer = cdr(Buffer(word_layout_dchar))
self.submodules.crc_checker = crc_checker = cdr(CXPCRC32_Checker())
self.submodules.crc_error_ps = crc_error_ps = PulseSynchronizer("cxp_gt_rx", "sys")
self.sync.cxp_gt_rx += crc_error_ps.i.eq(crc_checker.error)
self.sync += [
# Frame header extraction
self.submodules.header_reader = header_reader = cdr(Frame_Header_Reader())
# New frame and stream type error notification
self.submodules.new_frame_ps = new_frame_ps = PulseSynchronizer("cxp_gt_rx", "sys")
self.submodules.stream_type_err_ps = stream_type_err_ps = PulseSynchronizer("cxp_gt_rx", "sys")
self.sync.cxp_gt_rx += [
self.sync += [
frame_header = header_reader.header
self.specials += [
MultiReg(frame_header.x_size, self.x_size.status),
MultiReg(frame_header.y_size, self.y_size.status),
MultiReg(frame_header.pixel_format, self.pixel_format.status),
# Mark end of line for pixel parser
self.submodules.eol_marker = eol_marker = cdr(End_of_line_Marker())
self.sync.cxp_gt_rx += eol_marker.l_size.eq(header_reader.header.l_size)
# Skid buffer to prevent pipeline stalling
# At each linebreak, `Pixel_Parser.sink.ack` will fall for 1-2 cycle.
# Without the skid buffer , the whole pipleline will stall during that 1-2 cycle.
# Due to the backpressure, 2 words line marker (4x K28.3 + 4x 0x02) will arrive as the linebreak indicator and will be consumed by `frame_header_reader`
# Thus, the buffer won't experience any data buildup.
self.submodules.skid_buf = skid_buf = cdr(SyncFIFO(pixelword_layout, 2))
self.submodules.parser = parser = cdr(Pixel_Parser(res_width))
self.sync.cxp_gt_rx += [
# Connecting the pipeline
self.sink = arbiter.sink
self.comb += arbiter.sources[0].connect(buffer.sink)
self.pipeline = [buffer, crc_checker, header_reader, eol_marker, skid_buf, parser]
for s, d in zip(self.pipeline, self.pipeline[1:]):
self.comb += s.source.connect(d.sink)
# For downstream ROI engine
self.source_pixel4x = parser.source_pixel4x

View File

@ -1,297 +0,0 @@
from migen import *
from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from import Endpoint
from cxp_pipeline import *
# from src.gateware.cxp_pipeline import * # for sim only
from types import SimpleNamespace
from math import lcm
from operator import or_, add
word_layout_dchar_4x = [
("data", 4*word_width),
("k", 4*word_width//8),
("dchar", 4*char_width),
("dchar_k", 4*char_width//8),
("valid", 4),
class Stream_Router(Module):
Match the id and route stream packet to the correct downstream and strip the packet header
def __init__(self, routing_ids=[0]):
n_id = len(routing_ids)
assert n_id > 0
self.sources = [stream.Endpoint(word_layout_dchar) for _ in range(n_id)]
self.sink = stream.Endpoint(word_layout_dchar)
# # #
stream_id = Signal(char_width)
pak_tag = Signal(char_width)
stream_pak_size = Signal(char_width * 2)
self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="WAIT_HEADER")
NextValue(stream_id, self.sink.dchar),
NextValue(pak_tag, self.sink.dchar),
NextValue(stream_pak_size[8:], self.sink.dchar),
routing_case = {"default": NextState("DISCARD")}
for id in (routing_ids):
routing_case[id] = [NextState(f"COPY_TO_BUFFER_{id}")]
NextValue(stream_pak_size[:8], self.sink.dchar),
Case(stream_id, routing_case),
for key in routing_case:
if key == "default":
NextValue(stream_pak_size, stream_pak_size - 1),
If(stream_pak_size == 0,
NextValue(stream_id, stream_id.reset),
NextValue(pak_tag, pak_tag.reset),
NextValue(stream_pak_size, stream_pak_size.reset),
# assume downstream is not blocked
NextValue(stream_pak_size, stream_pak_size - 1),
If(stream_pak_size == 0,
NextValue(stream_id, stream_id.reset),
NextValue(pak_tag, pak_tag.reset),
NextValue(stream_pak_size, stream_pak_size.reset),
class Stream_Packet_Gearbox(Module):
1:4 gearbox
def __init__(self):
self.sink = Endpoint(word_layout_dchar)
self.source = Endpoint(word_layout_dchar_4x)
# # #
# TODO: take into account of stbs
sink_bits = len(self.sink.payload.raw_bits())
source_bits = len(self.source.payload.raw_bits()) - 4 # 4 extra "valid" bits
print(sink_bits, source_bits)
assert source_bits/sink_bits == 4
self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="0")
ring_buf_size = lcm(sink_bits, source_bits)
# ensure the shift register is at least twice the size of sink/source dw
if (ring_buf_size//sink_bits) < 2:
ring_buf_size = ring_buf_size * 2
if (ring_buf_size//source_bits) < 2:
ring_buf_size = ring_buf_size * 2
ring_buffer_layout = []
for name, width in word_layout_dchar:
(name, width*ring_buf_size)
ring_buffer = Record(ring_buffer_layout)
# Control interface
reset_reg = Signal()
we = Signal()
re = Signal()
level = Signal(max=ring_buf_size)
w_cnt = Signal(max=ring_buf_size//sink_bits)
r_cnt = Signal(max=ring_buf_size//source_bits)
self.sync += [
If(we & ~re, level.eq(level + sink_bits)),
If(~we & re, level.eq(level - source_bits)),
If(we & re, level.eq(level + sink_bits - source_bits)),
If(w_cnt == ((ring_buf_size//sink_bits) - 1),
w_cnt.eq(w_cnt + 1),
If(r_cnt == ((ring_buf_size//source_bits) - 1),
r_cnt.eq(r_cnt + 1),
# IO
sink_cases = {}
for i in range(ring_buf_size//sink_bits):
sink_cases[i] = []
for name, width in word_layout_dchar:
src = getattr(self.sink, name)
dst = getattr(ring_buffer, name)[width*i: width*(i+1)]
self.sync += If(self.sink.stb, Case(w_cnt, sink_cases))
source_cases = {}
for i in range(ring_buf_size//source_dw):
source_cases[i] = []
for name, width in word_layout_dchar_4x:
src = getattr(ring_buffer, name)[width*i: width*(i+1)]
dst = getattr(self.source, name)
class CXPCRC32_Checker(Module):
Verify crc in stream data packet and stream crc less output
def __init__(self):
self.error = Signal()
# TODO: change to fifo style like in LiteEthMACCRCChecker to improve timinig?
self.sink = stream.Endpoint(word_layout_dchar)
self.submodules.buf = buf = Buffer(word_layout_dchar)
self.source = buf.source
# # #
self.submodules.crc = crc = CXPCRC32(word_width)
self.comb +=,
self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="INIT")
If(self.sink.stb & self.sink.eop,
# discard the crc
# 4x word pipeline
class Stream_Merger(Module):
Merge n channels stream packet into one sequentially
def __init__(self, layout, n_channels):
assert n_channels > 1 # don't need a arbiter if there is only one channel
self.active_channels = Signal(n_channels)
self.sinks = [stream.Endpoint(layout) for _ in range(n_channels)]
self.source = stream.Endpoint(layout)
# # #
self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="0")
# Section 9.5.5 (CXP-001-2021)
# When Multiple connections are active, stream packets are transmitted in
# ascending order of Connection ID
# Support ch0->1->2->4 topology only
for n, sink in enumerate(self.sinks):
if n < n_channels - 1:
If(sink.stb & sink.eop & self.source.ack,
). Else(
If(sink.stb & sink.eop & self.source.ack,

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from misoc.interconnect.csr import *
from misoc.cores import gpio from misoc.cores import gpio
from artiq.gateware import rtio, nist_clock, nist_qc2 from artiq.gateware import rtio, nist_clock, nist_qc2
from artiq.gateware.rtio.phy import ttl_simple, ttl_serdes_7series, dds, spi2, edge_counter, cxp_grabber from artiq.gateware.rtio.phy import ttl_simple, ttl_serdes_7series, dds, spi2, edge_counter
from artiq.gateware.rtio.xilinx_clocking import fix_serdes_timing_path from artiq.gateware.rtio.xilinx_clocking import fix_serdes_timing_path
from artiq.gateware.drtio.transceiver import gtx_7series from artiq.gateware.drtio.transceiver import gtx_7series
from artiq.gateware.drtio.siphaser import SiPhaser7Series from artiq.gateware.drtio.siphaser import SiPhaser7Series
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ import analyzer
import acpki import acpki
import drtio_aux_controller import drtio_aux_controller
import zynq_clocking import zynq_clocking
import cxp_4r_fmc
from config import generate_ident, write_csr_file, write_mem_file, write_rustc_cfg_file from config import generate_ident, write_csr_file, write_mem_file, write_rustc_cfg_file
class SMAClkinForward(Module): class SMAClkinForward(Module):
@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ class ZC706(SoCCore):
platform.add_extension(si5324_fmc33) platform.add_extension(si5324_fmc33)
self.comb += platform.request("si5324_33").rst_n.eq(1) self.comb += platform.request("si5324_33").rst_n.eq(1)
self.cdr_clk = Signal() cdr_clk = Signal()
cdr_clk_buf = Signal() cdr_clk_buf = Signal()
si5324_out = platform.request("si5324_clkout") si5324_out = platform.request("si5324_clkout")
platform.add_period_constraint(si5324_out.p, 8.0) platform.add_period_constraint(si5324_out.p, 8.0)
@ -147,11 +146,11 @@ class ZC706(SoCCore):
Instance("IBUFDS_GTE2", Instance("IBUFDS_GTE2",
i_CEB=0, i_CEB=0,
i_I=si5324_out.p, i_IB=si5324_out.n, i_I=si5324_out.p, i_IB=si5324_out.n,
o_O=self.cdr_clk, o_O=cdr_clk,
Instance("BUFG", i_I=self.cdr_clk, o_O=cdr_clk_buf) Instance("BUFG", i_I=cdr_clk, o_O=cdr_clk_buf)
] ]
self.config["HAS_SI5324"] = None self.config["HAS_SI5324"] = None
self.config["SI5324_AS_SYNTHESIZER"] = None self.config["SI5324_AS_SYNTHESIZER"] = None
@ -653,85 +652,6 @@ class _NIST_QC2_RTIO:
self.add_rtio(rtio_channels) self.add_rtio(rtio_channels)
class _CXP_FMC():
CoaXpress FMC with 4 CXP channel and 1 SMA trigger
def __init__(self):
platform = self.platform
debug_sma = [
("user_sma_clock_33", 0,
Subsignal("p_tx", Pins("AD18"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
Subsignal("n_rx", Pins("AD19"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
pmod1_33 = [
("pmod1_33", 0, Pins("AJ21"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("pmod1_33", 1, Pins("AK21"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("pmod1_33", 2, Pins("AB21"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("pmod1_33", 3, Pins("AB16"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("pmod1_33", 4, Pins("Y20"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("pmod1_33", 5, Pins("AA20"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("pmod1_33", 6, Pins("AC18"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
("pmod1_33", 7, Pins("AC19"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),
debug_sma_pad = platform.request("user_sma_clock_33")
pmod_pads = [platform.request("pmod1_33", i) for i in range(8)]
clk_freq = 125e6
links = 1
cxp_rx_pads = [platform.request("CXP_HS", i) for i in range(links)]
cxp_tx_pads = [platform.request("CXP_LS", i) for i in range(links)]
rtio_channels = []
self.submodules.cxp_grabber = cxp_grabber.CXP_Grabber(
mem_size = self.cxp_grabber.core.get_mem_size()
# upper half is tx while lower half is rx
memory_address = self.axi2csr.register_port(self.cxp_grabber.core.get_tx_port(), mem_size)
self.axi2csr.register_port(self.cxp_grabber.core.get_rx_port(), mem_size)
self.add_memory_region("cxp_mem", self.mem_map["csr"] + memory_address, mem_size * 2)
print("CoaXPress at RTIO channel 0x{:06x}".format(len(rtio_channels)))
rtio_channels += [
# max freq of cxp_gt_rx = linerate/internal_datawidth = 12.5Gbps/40 = 312.5MHz
# zc706 use speed grade 2 which only support up to 10.3125Gbps (~4ns)
# pushing to 12.5Gbps (3.2ns) will result in Pulse width violation but setup/hold times will still meet
rx = self.cxp_grabber.phy_rx.phys[0]
platform.add_period_constraint(rx.gtx.cd_cxp_gt_rx.clk, 3.2)
# constraint the clk path
platform.add_false_path_constraints(self.sys_crg.cd_sys.clk, rx.gtx.cd_cxp_gt_rx.clk)
# FIXME remove this placeholder RTIO channel
# There are too few RTIO channels and cannot be compiled (adr width issue of the lane distributor)
# see for similar issue
print("USER LED at RTIO channel 0x{:06x}".format(len(rtio_channels)))
phy = ttl_simple.Output(self.platform.request("user_led_33", 0))
self.submodules += phy
self.config["HAS_RTIO_LOG"] = None
self.config["RTIO_LOG_CHANNEL"] = len(rtio_channels)
def __init__(self, acpki, drtio100mhz): def __init__(self, acpki, drtio100mhz):
ZC706.__init__(self, acpki) ZC706.__init__(self, acpki)
@ -764,13 +684,8 @@ class NIST_QC2_Satellite(_SatelliteBase, _NIST_QC2_RTIO):
_SatelliteBase.__init__(self, acpki, drtio100mhz) _SatelliteBase.__init__(self, acpki, drtio100mhz)
_NIST_QC2_RTIO.__init__(self) _NIST_QC2_RTIO.__init__(self)
class CXP_Grabber(ZC706, _CXP_FMC):
def __init__(self, acpki, drtio100mhz):
ZC706.__init__(self, acpki)
VARIANTS = {cls.__name__.lower(): cls for cls in [NIST_CLOCK, NIST_CLOCK_Master, NIST_CLOCK_Satellite, VARIANTS = {cls.__name__.lower(): cls for cls in [NIST_CLOCK, NIST_CLOCK_Master, NIST_CLOCK_Satellite,
NIST_QC2, NIST_QC2_Master, NIST_QC2_Satellite, CXP_Grabber]} NIST_QC2, NIST_QC2_Master, NIST_QC2_Satellite]}
def main(): def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

View File

@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ core_io = { git = "", rev = "e9d3edf0
embedded-hal = "0.2" embedded-hal = "0.2"
nb = "1.0" nb = "1.0"
void = { version = "1", default-features = false } void = { version = "1", default-features = false }
byteorder = { version = "1.3", default-features = false }
io = { path = "../libio", features = ["byteorder"] } io = { path = "../libio", features = ["byteorder"] }
libboard_zynq = { path = "@@ZYNQ_RS@@/libboard_zynq" } libboard_zynq = { path = "@@ZYNQ_RS@@/libboard_zynq" }

View File

@ -1,387 +0,0 @@
use core::{fmt, result::Result};
use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs;
use libboard_zynq::{time::Milliseconds, timer::GlobalTimer};
use libcortex_a9::mutex::Mutex;
use log::{error, info};
use crate::{cxp_ctrl::{read_u32, read_u64, reset_tag, send_test_packet, write_bytes_no_ack, write_u32, write_u64},
cxp_phys::{rx, tx, CXP_SPEED},
cxp_proto::Error as ProtoError,
// Bootstrap registers address
const REVISION: u32 = 0x0004;
const CONNECTION_RESET: u32 = 0x4000;
const DEVICE_CONNECTION_ID: u32 = 0x4004;
const MASTER_HOST_CONNECTION_ID: u32 = 0x4008;
const STREAM_PACKET_SIZE_MAX: u32 = 0x4010;
const CONNECTION_CFG: u32 = 0x4014;
const CONNECTION_CFG_DEFAULT: u32 = 0x4018;
const TESTMODE: u32 = 0x401C;
const TEST_ERROR_COUNT_SELECTOR: u32 = 0x4020;
const TEST_ERROR_COUNT: u32 = 0x4024;
const TEST_PACKET_COUNT_TX: u32 = 0x4028;
const TEST_PACKET_COUNT_RX: u32 = 0x4030;
const VERSION_SUPPORTED: u32 = 0x4044;
const VERSION_USED: u32 = 0x4048;
// Setup const
const CHANNEL_LEN: u8 = 1;
const HOST_CONNECTION_ID: u32 = 0xC001C0DE; // TODO: rename this to CXP grabber sinara number
// The MAX_STREAM_PAK_SIZE should be set as large as possible - Section 9.5.2 (CXP-001-2021)
// Since the ROI pipeline just consume all pixel data without buffering, any big number will do.
const MAX_STREAM_PAK_SIZE: u32 = 16384; // 16 KiB
const TX_TEST_CNT: u8 = 10;
// From DS191 (v1.18.1), max CDR time lock is 37*10^6 UI,
// 37*10^6 UI at lowest CXP linerate of 1.25Gbps = 29.6 ms, double it to account for overhead
const MONITOR_TIMEOUT_MS: u64 = 60;
pub enum Error {
impl From<ProtoError> for Error {
fn from(value: ProtoError) -> Error {
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
&Error::CameraNotDetected => write!(f, "CameraNotDetected"),
&Error::ConnectionLost => write!(f, "ConnectionLost channel #0 cannot be detected"),
&Error::UnstableRX => write!(f, "UnstableRX RX connection test failed"),
&Error::UnstableTX => write!(f, "UnstableTX TX connection test failed"),
&Error::UnsupportedSpeed(linerate_code) => write!(
"UnsupportedSpeed {:#X} linerate code is not supported",
&Error::UnsupportedTopology => {
"UnsupportedTopology channel #0 should be connected to the master channel"
&Error::UnsupportedVersion => write!(
"UnsupportedVersion cannot find a compatible protocol version between the cxp grabber & camera"
&Error::Protocol(ref err) => write!(f, "ProtocolError {}", err),
fn master_channel_ready() -> bool {
unsafe { csr::cxp_grabber::core_rx_ready_read() == 1 }
fn monitor_channel_status_timeout(timer: GlobalTimer) -> Result<(), Error> {
let limit = timer.get_time() + Milliseconds(MONITOR_TIMEOUT_MS);
while timer.get_time() < limit {
if master_channel_ready() {
return Ok(());
fn discover_camera(mut timer: GlobalTimer) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Section 7.6 (CXP-001-2021)
// 1.25Gbps (CXP_1) and 3.125Gbps (CXP_3) are the discovery rate
// both linerate need to be checked as camera only support ONE of discovery rates
for speed in [CXP_SPEED::CXP_1, CXP_SPEED::CXP_3].iter() {
// Section 12.1.2 (CXP-001-2021)
// set tx linerate -> send ConnectionReset -> wait 200ms -> set rx linerate -> monitor connection status with a timeout
write_bytes_no_ack(CONNECTION_RESET, &1_u32.to_be_bytes(), false)?;
if monitor_channel_status_timeout(timer).is_ok() {
info!("camera detected at linerate {:}", speed);
return Ok(());
fn check_master_channel() -> Result<(), Error> {
if read_u32(DEVICE_CONNECTION_ID, false)? == 0 {
} else {
fn disable_excess_channels(timer: GlobalTimer) -> Result<(), Error> {
let current_cfg = read_u32(CONNECTION_CFG, false)?;
let active_camera_chs = current_cfg >> 16;
// After camera receive ConnectionReset, only the master connection should be active while
// the extension connections shall not be active - Section 12.3.33 (CXP-001-2021)
// In case some camera didn't follow the spec properly (e.g. Basler boA2448-250cm),
// the grabber need to manually disable the excess channels
if active_camera_chs > CHANNEL_LEN as u32 {
"only {} channel(s) is avaiable on cxp grabber, disabling excess channels on camera",
// disable excess channels and preserve the discovery linerate
write_u32(CONNECTION_CFG, current_cfg & 0xFFFF | (CHANNEL_LEN as u32) << 16, false)?;
// check if the master channel is down after the cfg change
} else {
fn set_host_connection_id() -> Result<(), Error> {
info!("set host connection id to = {:#X}", HOST_CONNECTION_ID);
fn negotiate_cxp_version() -> Result<bool, Error> {
let rev = read_u32(REVISION, false)?;
let mut major_rev: u32 = rev >> 16;
let mut minor_rev: u32 = rev & 0xFF;
info!("camera's CoaXPress revision is {}.{}", major_rev, minor_rev);
// Section 12.1.4 (CXP-001-2021)
// For CXP 2.0 and onward, Host need to check the VersionSupported register to determine
// the highest common version that supported by both device & host
if major_rev >= 2 {
let reg = read_u32(VERSION_SUPPORTED, false)?;
// grabber support CXP 2.1, 2.0 and 1.1 only
if ((reg >> 3) & 1) == 1 {
major_rev = 2;
minor_rev = 1;
} else if ((reg >> 2) & 1) == 1 {
major_rev = 2;
minor_rev = 0;
} else if ((reg >> 1) & 1) == 1 {
major_rev = 1;
minor_rev = 1;
} else {
return Err(Error::UnsupportedVersion);
write_u32(VERSION_USED, major_rev << 16 | minor_rev, false)?;
"both camera and cxp grabber support CoaXPress {}.{}, switch to CoaXPress {}.{} protcol now",
major_rev, minor_rev, major_rev, minor_rev
Ok(major_rev >= 2)
fn negotiate_pak_max_size(with_tag: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn decode_cxp_speed(linerate_code: u32) -> Option<CXP_SPEED> {
match linerate_code {
0x28 => Some(CXP_SPEED::CXP_1),
0x30 => Some(CXP_SPEED::CXP_2),
0x38 => Some(CXP_SPEED::CXP_3),
0x40 => Some(CXP_SPEED::CXP_5),
0x48 => Some(CXP_SPEED::CXP_6),
0x50 => Some(CXP_SPEED::CXP_10),
0x58 => Some(CXP_SPEED::CXP_12),
_ => None,
fn set_operation_linerate(with_tag: bool, timer: GlobalTimer) -> Result<(), Error> {
let recommended_linerate_code = read_u32(CONNECTION_CFG_DEFAULT, with_tag)? & 0xFFFF;
if let Some(speed) = decode_cxp_speed(recommended_linerate_code) {
info!("changing linerate to {}", speed);
// preserve the number of active channels
let current_cfg = read_u32(CONNECTION_CFG, with_tag)?;
current_cfg & 0xFFFF0000 | recommended_linerate_code,
} else {
fn test_counter_reset(with_tag: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
unsafe { csr::cxp_grabber::core_rx_test_counts_reset_write(1) };
write_u32(TEST_ERROR_COUNT_SELECTOR, 0, with_tag)?;
write_u32(TEST_ERROR_COUNT, 0, with_tag)?;
write_u64(TEST_PACKET_COUNT_TX, 0, with_tag)?;
write_u64(TEST_PACKET_COUNT_RX, 0, with_tag)?;
fn verify_test_result(with_tag: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
write_u32(TEST_ERROR_COUNT_SELECTOR, 0, with_tag)?;
// Section 9.9.3 (CXP-001-2021)
// verify grabber -> camera connection test result
if read_u64(TEST_PACKET_COUNT_RX, with_tag)? != TX_TEST_CNT as u64 {
return Err(Error::UnstableTX);
if read_u32(TEST_ERROR_COUNT, with_tag)? > 0 {
return Err(Error::UnstableTX);
// Section 9.9.4 (CXP-001-2021)
// verify camera -> grabber connection test result
let camera_test_pak_cnt = read_u64(TEST_PACKET_COUNT_TX, true)?;
unsafe {
if csr::cxp_grabber::core_rx_test_packet_counter_read() != camera_test_pak_cnt as u16 {
return Err(Error::UnstableRX);
if csr::cxp_grabber::core_rx_test_error_counter_read() > 0 {
return Err(Error::UnstableRX);
info!("channel #0 passed connection test");
fn test_channel_stability(with_tag: bool, mut timer: GlobalTimer) -> Result<(), Error> {
// cxp grabber -> camera connection test
for _ in 0..TX_TEST_CNT {
// sending the whole test sequence @ 20.833Mbps will take a minimum of 1.972ms
// and leave some room to send IDLE word
// camera -> grabber connection test
// enabling the TESTMODE on master channel will send test packets on all channels
// and ctrl packet write overhead is used as a delay
write_u32(TESTMODE, 1, with_tag)?;
write_u32(TESTMODE, 0, with_tag)?;
fn camera_setup(timer: GlobalTimer) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let with_tag = negotiate_cxp_version()?;
set_operation_linerate(with_tag, timer)?;
test_channel_stability(with_tag, timer)?;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
enum State {
static mut STATE: Mutex<State> = Mutex::new(State::Disconnected);
static mut WITH_TAG: Mutex<bool> = Mutex::new(false);
// access by core1
pub fn camera_connected() -> bool {
unsafe { *STATE.lock() == State::Connected }
pub fn with_tag() -> bool {
unsafe { *WITH_TAG.lock() }
pub fn tick(timer: GlobalTimer) {
let mut state_guard = unsafe { STATE.lock() };
let mut with_tag_guard = unsafe { WITH_TAG.lock() };
*state_guard = match *state_guard {
State::Disconnected => match discover_camera(timer) {
Ok(_) => State::Detected,
Err(_) => State::Disconnected,
State::Detected => match camera_setup(timer) {
Ok(with_tag) => {
*with_tag_guard = with_tag;
Err(e) => {
error!("camera setup failure: {}", e);
*with_tag_guard = false;
State::Connected => {
if master_channel_ready() {
unsafe {
if csr::cxp_grabber::stream_decoder_crc_error_read() == 1 {
error!("frame packet has CRC error");
if csr::cxp_grabber::stream_decoder_stream_type_error_read() == 1 {
error!("Non CoaXPress stream type detected, the CXP grabber doesn't support GenDC stream type");
if csr::cxp_grabber::core_rx_trigger_ack_read() == 1 {
info!("received trigger ack");
if csr::cxp_grabber::stream_decoder_new_frame_read() == 1 {
let width = csr::cxp_grabber::stream_decoder_x_size_read();
let height = csr::cxp_grabber::stream_decoder_y_size_read();
match csr::cxp_grabber::stream_decoder_pixel_format_code_read() {
0x0101 => info!("received frame: {}x{} with MONO8 format", width, height),
0x0102 => info!("received frame: {}x{} with MONO10 format", width, height),
0x0103 => info!("received frame: {}x{} with MONO12 format", width, height),
0x0104 => info!("received frame: {}x{} with MONO14 format", width, height),
0x0105 => info!("received frame: {}x{} with MONO16 format", width, height),
_ => info!("received frame: {}x{} with Unsupported pixel format", width, height),
} else {
*with_tag_guard = false;
info!("camera disconnected");

View File

@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
use core::slice;
use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NetworkEndian};
use io::Cursor;
use libboard_zynq::{time::Milliseconds, timer::GlobalTimer};
use crate::{cxp_proto::{Error, RXPacket, TXPacket, CTRL_PACKET_MAXSIZE, DATA_MAXSIZE},
const TRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT: u64 = 200;
fn receive() -> Result<Option<RXPacket>, Error> {
if unsafe { csr::cxp_grabber::core_rx_pending_packet_read() == 1 } {
unsafe {
let read_buffer_ptr = csr::cxp_grabber::core_rx_read_ptr_read() as usize;
let ptr = (mem::CXP_MEM_BASE + mem::CXP_MEM_SIZE / 2 + read_buffer_ptr * CTRL_PACKET_MAXSIZE) as *mut u32;
let mut reader = Cursor::new(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr as *mut u8, CTRL_PACKET_MAXSIZE));
let packet = RXPacket::read_from(&mut reader);
} else {
fn receive_timeout(timeout_ms: u64) -> Result<RXPacket, Error> {
// assume timer was initialized successfully
let timer = unsafe { GlobalTimer::get() };
let limit = timer.get_time() + Milliseconds(timeout_ms);
while timer.get_time() < limit {
match receive()? {
None => (),
Some(packet) => return Ok(packet),
fn send_data_packet(packet: &TXPacket) -> Result<(), Error> {
// assume tx is enabled
unsafe {
while csr::cxp_grabber::core_tx_writer_busy_read() == 1 {}
let ptr = mem::CXP_MEM_BASE as *mut u32;
let mut writer = Cursor::new(slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr as *mut u8, CTRL_PACKET_MAXSIZE));
packet.write_to(&mut writer)?;
csr::cxp_grabber::core_tx_writer_word_len_write((writer.position() / 4) as u8);
pub fn send_test_packet() -> Result<(), Error> {
// assume tx is enabled
unsafe {
while csr::cxp_grabber::core_tx_writer_busy_read() == 1 {}
// Section (CXP-001-2021)
// CTRL packet need to be tagged for CXP 2.0 or greater
static mut TAG: u8 = 0;
pub fn reset_tag() {
unsafe { TAG = 0 }
fn increment_tag() {
unsafe { TAG = TAG.wrapping_add(1) };
fn check_tag(tag: Option<u8>) -> Result<(), Error> {
unsafe {
if tag.is_some() && tag != Some(TAG) {
} else {
fn check_length(length: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
if length > DATA_MAXSIZE as u32 || length == 0 {
} else {
fn process_ack_packet(timeout: u64) -> Result<(), Error> {
match receive_timeout(timeout) {
Ok(RXPacket::CtrlAck { tag }) => {
Ok(RXPacket::CtrlDelay { tag, time }) => {
// info!("delaying by {} ms ....", time);
process_ack_packet(time as u64)
Ok(_) => Err(Error::UnexpectedReply),
Err(e) => Err(e),
fn process_reply_packet(timeout: u64, expected_length: u32) -> Result<[u8; DATA_MAXSIZE], Error> {
match receive_timeout(timeout) {
Ok(RXPacket::CtrlReply { tag, length, data }) => {
if length != expected_length {
return Err(Error::UnexpectedReply);
Ok(RXPacket::CtrlDelay { tag, time }) => {
// info!("delaying by {} ms ....", time);
process_reply_packet(time as u64, expected_length)
Ok(_) => Err(Error::UnexpectedReply),
Err(e) => Err(e),
pub fn write_bytes_no_ack(addr: u32, val: &[u8], with_tag: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let length = val.len() as u32;
let mut data: [u8; DATA_MAXSIZE] = [0; DATA_MAXSIZE];
data[..length as usize].clone_from_slice(val);
let tag: Option<u8> = if with_tag { Some(unsafe { TAG }) } else { None };
send_data_packet(&TXPacket::CtrlWrite {
pub fn write_bytes(addr: u32, val: &[u8], with_tag: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
write_bytes_no_ack(addr, val, with_tag)?;
if with_tag {
pub fn write_u32(addr: u32, val: u32, with_tag: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
write_bytes(addr, &val.to_be_bytes(), with_tag)
pub fn write_u64(addr: u32, val: u64, with_tag: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
write_bytes(addr, &val.to_be_bytes(), with_tag)
fn read(addr: u32, length: u32, with_tag: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let tag: Option<u8> = if with_tag { Some(unsafe { TAG }) } else { None };
send_data_packet(&TXPacket::CtrlRead { tag, addr, length })
pub fn read_bytes(addr: u32, bytes: &mut [u8], with_tag: bool) -> Result<(), Error> {
let length = bytes.len() as u32;
read(addr, length, with_tag)?;
let data = process_reply_packet(TRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT, length)?;
bytes.clone_from_slice(&data[..length as usize]);
if with_tag {
pub fn read_u32(addr: u32, with_tag: bool) -> Result<u32, Error> {
let mut bytes: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
read_bytes(addr, &mut bytes, with_tag)?;
let val = NetworkEndian::read_u32(&bytes);
pub fn read_u64(addr: u32, with_tag: bool) -> Result<u64, Error> {
let mut bytes: [u8; 8] = [0; 8];
read_bytes(addr, &mut bytes, with_tag)?;
let val = NetworkEndian::read_u64(&bytes);

View File

@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
use core::fmt;
use log::info;
use crate::pl::csr;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum CXP_SPEED {
impl fmt::Display for CXP_SPEED {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
&CXP_SPEED::CXP_1 => write!(f, "1.25 Gbps"),
&CXP_SPEED::CXP_2 => write!(f, "2.5 Gbps"),
&CXP_SPEED::CXP_3 => write!(f, "3.125 Gbps"),
&CXP_SPEED::CXP_5 => write!(f, "5 Gbps"),
&CXP_SPEED::CXP_6 => write!(f, "6.25 Gbps"),
&CXP_SPEED::CXP_10 => write!(f, "10 Gbps"),
&CXP_SPEED::CXP_12 => write!(f, "12.5 Gbps"),
pub fn setup() {
let init_speed = CXP_SPEED::CXP_1;
info!("Setting up CXP phy and set linerate to {}", init_speed);
pub mod tx {
use super::*;
pub fn setup() {
unsafe {
pub fn change_linerate(speed: CXP_SPEED) {
unsafe {
match speed {
pub mod rx {
use super::*;
pub fn setup() {
unsafe {
pub fn change_linerate(speed: CXP_SPEED) {
unsafe {
while csr::cxp_grabber::phy_rx_qpll_locked_read() != 1 {}
// Changing RXOUT_DIV via DRP requires a manual reset
fn change_qpll_fb_divider(speed: CXP_SPEED) {
let qpll_div_reg = match speed {
CXP_SPEED::CXP_1 | CXP_SPEED::CXP_2 | CXP_SPEED::CXP_5 | CXP_SPEED::CXP_10 => 0x0120, // FB_Divider = 80, QPLL VCO @ 10GHz
CXP_SPEED::CXP_3 | CXP_SPEED::CXP_6 | CXP_SPEED::CXP_12 => 0x0170, // FB_Divider = 100, QPLL VCO @ 12.5GHz
// println!("QPLL DRP:");
// println!("0x36 = {:#06x}", qpll_read(0x36));
qpll_write(0x36, qpll_div_reg);
// println!("0x36 = {:#06x}", qpll_read(0x36));
fn change_gtx_divider(speed: CXP_SPEED) {
let div_reg = match speed {
CXP_SPEED::CXP_1 => 0x33, // RXOUT_DIV = 8
CXP_SPEED::CXP_2 | CXP_SPEED::CXP_3 => 0x22, // RXOUT_DIV = 4
CXP_SPEED::CXP_5 | CXP_SPEED::CXP_6 => 0x11, // RXOUT_DIV = 2
CXP_SPEED::CXP_10 | CXP_SPEED::CXP_12 => 0x00, // RXOUT_DIV = 1
// println!("RX GTX DRP:");
// println!("channel {}, 0x88 = {:#06x}", channel, gtx_read(channel, 0x88));
gtx_write(0x88, div_reg);
// println!("channel {}, 0x88 = {:#06x}", channel, gtx_read(channel, 0x88));
fn change_cdr_cfg(speed: CXP_SPEED) {
struct CdrConfig {
pub cfg_reg0: u16, // addr = 0xA8
pub cfg_reg1: u16, // addr = 0xA9
pub cfg_reg2: u16, // addr = 0xAA
pub cfg_reg3: u16, // addr = 0xAB
pub cfg_reg4: u16, // addr = 0xAC
let cdr_cfg = match speed {
// when RXOUT_DIV = 8
CXP_SPEED::CXP_1 => CdrConfig {
cfg_reg0: 0x0020,
cfg_reg1: 0x1008,
cfg_reg2: 0x23FF,
cfg_reg3: 0x0000,
cfg_reg4: 0x0003,
// when RXOUT_DIV = 4
CXP_SPEED::CXP_2 | CXP_SPEED::CXP_5 => CdrConfig {
cfg_reg0: 0x0020,
cfg_reg1: 0x1010,
cfg_reg2: 0x23FF,
cfg_reg3: 0x0000,
cfg_reg4: 0x0003,
// when RXOUT_DIV= 2
CXP_SPEED::CXP_3 | CXP_SPEED::CXP_6 => CdrConfig {
cfg_reg0: 0x0020,
cfg_reg1: 0x1020,
cfg_reg2: 0x23FF,
cfg_reg3: 0x0000,
cfg_reg4: 0x0003,
// when RXOUT_DIV= 1
CXP_SPEED::CXP_10 | CXP_SPEED::CXP_12 => CdrConfig {
cfg_reg0: 0x0020,
cfg_reg1: 0x1040,
cfg_reg2: 0x23FF,
cfg_reg3: 0x0000,
cfg_reg4: 0x000B,
gtx_write(0x0A8, cdr_cfg.cfg_reg0);
gtx_write(0x0A9, cdr_cfg.cfg_reg1);
gtx_write(0x0AA, cdr_cfg.cfg_reg2);
gtx_write(0x0AB, cdr_cfg.cfg_reg3);
gtx_write(0x0AC, cdr_cfg.cfg_reg4);
fn gtx_read(address: u16) -> u16 {
unsafe {
while csr::cxp_grabber::phy_rx_gtx_dready_read() != 1 {}
fn gtx_write(address: u16, value: u16) {
unsafe {
while csr::cxp_grabber::phy_rx_gtx_dready_read() != 1 {}
fn qpll_read(address: u8) -> u16 {
unsafe {
while csr::cxp_grabber::phy_rx_qpll_dready_read() != 1 {}
fn qpll_write(address: u8, value: u16) {
unsafe {
while csr::cxp_grabber::phy_rx_qpll_dready_read() != 1 {}

View File

@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
use core::fmt;
use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NetworkEndian};
use core_io::{Error as IoError, Read, Write};
use crc::crc32::checksum_ieee;
use io::Cursor;
pub const CTRL_PACKET_MAXSIZE: usize = 128; // for compatibility with version1.x compliant Devices - Section 12.1.6 (CXP-001-2021)
pub const DATA_MAXSIZE: usize =
CTRL_PACKET_MAXSIZE - /*packet start KCodes, data packet types, CMD, Tag, Addr, CRC, packet end KCode*/4*7;
pub enum Error {
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
&Error::CorruptedPacket => write!(f, "CorruptedPacket Received packet fail CRC test"),
&Error::CtrlAckError(ref ack_code) => match ack_code {
0x40 => write!(f, "CtrlAckError Invalid Address"),
0x41 => write!(f, "CtrlAckError Invalid data for the address"),
0x42 => write!(f, "CtrlAckError Invalid operation code"),
0x43 => write!(f, "CtrlAckError Write attempted to a read-only address"),
0x44 => write!(f, "CtrlAckError Read attempted from a write-only address"),
0x45 => write!(f, "CtrlAckError Size field too large, exceed packet size limit"),
0x46 => write!(f, "CtrlAckError Message size is inconsistent with size field"),
0x47 => write!(f, "CtrlAckError Malformed packet"),
0x80 => write!(f, "CtrlAckError Failed CRC test in last received command"),
_ => write!(f, "CtrlAckError Unknown ack code {:#X}", ack_code),
&Error::Io(ref err) => write!(f, "IoError {:?}", err),
&Error::LengthOutOfRange => write!(f, "LengthOutOfRange Message Length is too long"),
&Error::TagMismatch => write!(f, "TagMismatch Received tag is different from the transmitted tag"),
&Error::TimedOut => write!(f, "MessageTimedOut"),
&Error::UnexpectedReply => write!(f, "UnexpectedReply"),
&Error::UnknownPacket(packet_type) => write!(f, "UnknownPacket with type id {:#X} ", packet_type),
impl From<IoError> for Error {
fn from(value: IoError) -> Error {
fn get_cxp_crc(bytes: &[u8]) -> u32 {
// Section (CXP-001-2021)
// Only Control packet need CRC32 appended in the end of the packet
// CoaXpress use the polynomial of IEEE-802.3 (Ethernet) CRC but the checksum calculation is different
trait CxpRead {
fn read_u8(&mut self) -> Result<u8, Error>;
fn read_u16(&mut self) -> Result<u16, Error>;
fn read_u32(&mut self) -> Result<u32, Error>;
fn read_u64(&mut self) -> Result<u64, Error>;
fn read_exact_4x(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn read_4x_u8(&mut self) -> Result<u8, Error>;
fn read_4x_u16(&mut self) -> Result<u16, Error>;
fn read_4x_u32(&mut self) -> Result<u32, Error>;
impl<Cursor: Read> CxpRead for Cursor {
fn read_u8(&mut self) -> Result<u8, Error> {
let mut bytes = [0; 1];
self.read_exact(&mut bytes)?;
fn read_u16(&mut self) -> Result<u16, Error> {
let mut bytes = [0; 2];
self.read_exact(&mut bytes)?;
fn read_u32(&mut self) -> Result<u32, Error> {
let mut bytes = [0; 4];
self.read_exact(&mut bytes)?;
fn read_u64(&mut self) -> Result<u64, Error> {
let mut bytes = [0; 8];
self.read_exact(&mut bytes)?;
fn read_exact_4x(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
for byte in buf {
// Section (CXP-001-2021)
// decoder should immune to single bit errors when handling 4x duplicated characters
let a = self.read_u8()?;
let b = self.read_u8()?;
let c = self.read_u8()?;
let d = self.read_u8()?;
// vote and return majority
*byte = a & b & c | a & b & d | a & c & d | b & c & d;
fn read_4x_u8(&mut self) -> Result<u8, Error> {
let mut bytes = [0; 1];
self.read_exact_4x(&mut bytes)?;
fn read_4x_u16(&mut self) -> Result<u16, Error> {
let mut bytes = [0; 2];
self.read_exact_4x(&mut bytes)?;
fn read_4x_u32(&mut self) -> Result<u32, Error> {
let mut bytes = [0; 4];
self.read_exact_4x(&mut bytes)?;
pub enum NameSpace {
pub enum RXPacket {
CtrlReply {
tag: Option<u8>,
length: u32,
data: [u8; DATA_MAXSIZE],
CtrlDelay {
tag: Option<u8>,
time: u32,
CtrlAck {
tag: Option<u8>,
impl RXPacket {
pub fn read_from(reader: &mut Cursor<&mut [u8]>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
match reader.read_4x_u8()? {
0x03 => RXPacket::get_ctrl_packet(reader, false),
0x06 => RXPacket::get_ctrl_packet(reader, true),
ty => Err(Error::UnknownPacket(ty)),
fn get_ctrl_packet(reader: &mut Cursor<&mut [u8]>, with_tag: bool) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let mut tag: Option<u8> = None;
if with_tag {
tag = Some(reader.read_4x_u8()?);
let ackcode = reader.read_4x_u8()?;
match ackcode {
0x00 | 0x04 => {
let length = reader.read_u32()?;
let mut data: [u8; DATA_MAXSIZE] = [0; DATA_MAXSIZE]; data[0..length as usize])?;
// Section 9.6.3 (CXP-001-2021)
// when length is not multiple of 4, dummy bits are padded to align to the word boundary
// set position to next word boundary for CRC calculation
let padding = (4 - (reader.position() % 4)) % 4;
reader.set_position(reader.position() + padding);
// Section 9.6.3 (CXP-001-2021)
// only bytes after the first 4 are used in calculating the checksum
let checksum = get_cxp_crc(&reader.get_ref()[4..reader.position()]);
if reader.read_u32()? != checksum {
return Err(Error::CorruptedPacket);
if ackcode == 0x00 {
return Ok(RXPacket::CtrlReply { tag, length, data });
} else {
return Ok(RXPacket::CtrlDelay {
time: NetworkEndian::read_u32(&data[..4]),
0x01 => return Ok(RXPacket::CtrlAck { tag }),
_ => return Err(Error::CtrlAckError(ackcode)),
trait CxpWrite {
fn write_u8(&mut self, value: u8) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn write_u32(&mut self, value: u32) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn write_all_4x(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn write_4x_u8(&mut self, value: u8) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn write_4x_u16(&mut self, value: u16) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn write_4x_u32(&mut self, value: u32) -> Result<(), Error>;
impl<Cursor: Write> CxpWrite for Cursor {
fn write_u8(&mut self, value: u8) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn write_u32(&mut self, value: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut bytes = [0; 4];
NetworkEndian::write_u32(&mut bytes, value);
fn write_all_4x(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
for byte in buf {
self.write_all(&[*byte; 4])?;
fn write_4x_u8(&mut self, value: u8) -> Result<(), Error> {
fn write_4x_u16(&mut self, value: u16) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut bytes = [0; 2];
NetworkEndian::write_u16(&mut bytes, value);
fn write_4x_u32(&mut self, value: u32) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut bytes = [0; 4];
NetworkEndian::write_u32(&mut bytes, value);
pub enum TXPacket {
CtrlRead {
tag: Option<u8>,
addr: u32,
length: u32,
CtrlWrite {
tag: Option<u8>,
addr: u32,
length: u32,
data: [u8; DATA_MAXSIZE],
EventAck {
packet_tag: u8,
impl TXPacket {
pub fn write_to(&self, writer: &mut Cursor<&mut [u8]>) -> Result<(), Error> {
match *self {
TXPacket::CtrlRead { tag, addr, length } => {
match tag {
Some(t) => {
None => {
let mut bytes = [0; 3];
NetworkEndian::write_u24(&mut bytes, length);
writer.write_all(&[0x00, bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2]])?;
// Section 9.6.2 (CXP-001-2021)
// only bytes after the first 4 are used in calculating the checksum
let checksum = get_cxp_crc(&writer.get_ref()[4..writer.position()]);
TXPacket::CtrlWrite {
} => {
match tag {
Some(t) => {
None => {
let mut bytes = [0; 3];
NetworkEndian::write_u24(&mut bytes, length);
writer.write_all(&[0x01, bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2]])?;
writer.write_all(&data[0..length as usize])?;
// Section 9.6.2 (CXP-001-2021)
// when length is not multiple of 4, dummy bites are padded to align to the word boundary
let padding = (4 - (writer.position() % 4)) % 4;
for _ in 0..padding {
// Section 9.6.2 (CXP-001-2021)
// only bytes after the first 4 are used in calculating the checksum
let checksum = get_cxp_crc(&writer.get_ref()[4..writer.position()]);
TXPacket::EventAck { packet_tag } => {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use core::slice; use core::{arch::asm, slice};
use core_io::{Error as IoError, ErrorKind as IoErrorKind}; use core_io::{Error as IoError, ErrorKind as IoErrorKind};
use crc; use crc;
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ pub fn copy_work_buffer(src: *mut u32, dst: *mut u32, len: isize) {
// fix for artiq-zynq#344 // fix for artiq-zynq#344
unsafe { unsafe {
for i in 0..(len / 4) { for i in 0..(len / 4) {
asm!("", options(preserves_flags, nostack, readonly));
*dst.offset(i) = *src.offset(i); *dst.offset(i) = *src.offset(i);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
use core::arch::asm;
use libboard_zynq::{println, stdio}; use libboard_zynq::{println, stdio};
use libcortex_a9::{interrupt_handler, regs::MPIDR}; use libcortex_a9::{interrupt_handler, regs::MPIDR};
use libregister::RegisterR; use libregister::RegisterR;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
#![no_std] #![no_std]
#![feature(never_type)] #![feature(never_type)]
#![feature(naked_functions)] #![feature(naked_functions)]
extern crate byteorder;
extern crate core_io; extern crate core_io;
extern crate crc; extern crate crc;
extern crate embedded_hal; extern crate embedded_hal;
@ -26,7 +24,7 @@ pub mod fiq;
#[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")] #[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")]
pub mod io_expander; pub mod io_expander;
pub mod logger; pub mod logger;
#[cfg(any(has_drtio, has_cxp_grabber))] #[cfg(has_drtio)]
#[rustfmt::skip] #[rustfmt::skip]
#[path = "../../../build/"] #[path = "../../../build/"]
pub mod mem; pub mod mem;
@ -43,15 +41,6 @@ pub mod si5324;
pub mod si549; pub mod si549;
use core::{cmp, str}; use core::{cmp, str};
pub mod cxp;
pub mod cxp_ctrl;
pub mod cxp_phys;
pub mod cxp_proto;
pub fn identifier_read(buf: &mut [u8]) -> &str { pub fn identifier_read(buf: &mut [u8]) -> &str {
unsafe { unsafe {
pl::csr::identifier::address_write(0); pl::csr::identifier::address_write(0);

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ unsafe fn get_ttype_entry(
encoding | DW_EH_PE_pcrel, encoding | DW_EH_PE_pcrel,
ttype_base, ttype_base,
) )
.map(|v| (v != ttype_base).then(|| v as *const u8)) .map(|v| (v != 0).then(|| v as *const u8))
} }
pub unsafe fn find_eh_action( pub unsafe fn find_eh_action(
@ -275,6 +275,11 @@ unsafe fn read_encoded_pointer_with_base(reader: &mut DwarfReader, encoding: u8,
_ => return Err(()), _ => return Err(()),
}; };
if result == 0 {
// null is just encoded as 0, even if a relative encoding is used for the table.
return Ok(0);
result += if (encoding & 0x70) == DW_EH_PE_pcrel { result += if (encoding & 0x70) == DW_EH_PE_pcrel {
original_ptr as usize original_ptr as usize
} else { } else {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
#![no_std] #![no_std]
#![feature(never_type)] #![feature(never_type)]
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")] #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
extern crate alloc; extern crate alloc;

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
use cslice::CMutSlice;
use libboard_artiq::{cxp::{camera_connected, with_tag},
use libc::c_char;
use log::error;
use crate::artiq_raise;
// for downloading the XML files
pub extern "C" fn cxp_read_chars(addr: i32, mut val: CMutSlice<c_char>) {
if camera_connected() {
let mut bytes: [u8; DATA_MAXSIZE] = [0; DATA_MAXSIZE];
match cxp_ctrl::read_bytes(addr as u32, &mut bytes[..val.len()], with_tag()) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
// TODO: add cxp error?
artiq_raise!("UnwrapNoneError", "CXP error");
for i in 0..val.len() {
val.as_mut_slice()[i] = bytes[i] as c_char;
} else {
artiq_raise!("UnwrapNoneError", "Camera is not connected");
pub extern "C" fn cxp_readu32(addr: i32) -> i32 {
// TODO: add cxp error?
if camera_connected() {
match cxp_ctrl::read_u32(addr as u32, with_tag()) {
Ok(result) => result as i32,
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
artiq_raise!("UnwrapNoneError", "CXP error");
} else {
artiq_raise!("UnwrapNoneError", "Camera is not connected");
pub extern "C" fn cxp_readu64(addr: i32) -> i64 {
// TODO: add cxp error?
if camera_connected() {
match cxp_ctrl::read_u64(addr as u32, with_tag()) {
Ok(result) => result as i64,
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
artiq_raise!("UnwrapNoneError", "CXP error");
} else {
artiq_raise!("UnwrapNoneError", "Camera is not connected");
pub extern "C" fn cxp_writeu32(addr: i32, val: i32) {
// TODO: add cxp error?
if camera_connected() {
match cxp_ctrl::write_u32(addr as u32, val as u32, with_tag()) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
artiq_raise!("UnwrapNoneError", "CXP error");
} else {
artiq_raise!("UnwrapNoneError", "Camera is not connected");
pub extern "C" fn cxp_writeu64(addr: i32, val: i64) {
// TODO: add cxp error?
if camera_connected() {
match cxp_ctrl::write_u64(addr as u32, val as u64, with_tag()) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
error!("{}", e);
artiq_raise!("UnwrapNoneError", "CXP error");
} else {
artiq_raise!("UnwrapNoneError", "Camera is not connected");
pub extern "C" fn cxp_debug_frame_print() {
use libboard_zynq::println;
use crate::pl::csr;
unsafe {
// use crate::pl::csr::cxp_frame_pipeline;
if csr::cxp_grabber::stream_decoder_crc_error_read() == 1 {
println!("CRC error and clear");
} else {
println!("NO CRC error");
"grabber frame pixel format = {} | x_size = {} | y_size = {}",
if csr::cxp_grabber::core_rx_heartbeat_read() == 1 {
"host id = {:#X} | heartbeat = {:#X}",
if csr::cxp_grabber::core_rx_trigger_ack_read() == 1 {
println!("Trigger ack recv and clear");
} else {
println!("NO Trigger ack");
"CH#0 Decode error = {}",

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use core::{arch::asm,
sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}};
use libboard_zynq::{gic, mpcore, println, stdio}; use libboard_zynq::{gic, mpcore, println, stdio};
use libcortex_a9::{asm, interrupt_handler, notify_spin_lock, regs::MPIDR, spin_lock_yield}; use libcortex_a9::{asm, interrupt_handler, notify_spin_lock, regs::MPIDR, spin_lock_yield};

View File

@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ use super::{cache,
core1::rtio_get_destination_status, core1::rtio_get_destination_status,
dma, linalg, dma, linalg,
rpc::{rpc_recv, rpc_send, rpc_send_async}}; rpc::{rpc_recv, rpc_send, rpc_send_async}};
use crate::cxp;
use crate::{eh_artiq, i2c, rtio}; use crate::{eh_artiq, i2c, rtio};
extern "C" { extern "C" {
@ -128,20 +126,6 @@ pub fn resolve(required: &[u8]) -> Option<u32> {
#[cfg(has_drtio)] #[cfg(has_drtio)]
api!(subkernel_await_message = subkernel::await_message), api!(subkernel_await_message = subkernel::await_message),
// CoaXPress
api!(cxp_read_chars = cxp::cxp_read_chars),
api!(cxp_readu32 = cxp::cxp_readu32),
api!(cxp_readu64 = cxp::cxp_readu64),
api!(cxp_writeu32 = cxp::cxp_writeu32),
api!(cxp_writeu64 = cxp::cxp_writeu64),
api!(cxp_debug_frame_print = cxp::cxp_debug_frame_print),
// Double-precision floating-point arithmetic helper functions // Double-precision floating-point arithmetic helper functions
// RTABI chapter 4.1.2, Table 2 // RTABI chapter 4.1.2, Table 2
api!(__aeabi_dadd), api!(__aeabi_dadd),

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use dyld::{self, elf::EXIDX_Entry, Library};
use libboard_zynq::{gic, mpcore}; use libboard_zynq::{gic, mpcore};
use libcortex_a9::{asm::{dsb, isb}, use libcortex_a9::{asm::{dsb, isb},
cache::{bpiall, dcci_slice, iciallu}, cache::{bpiall, dcci_slice, iciallu},
enable_fpu, sync_channel}; sync_channel};
use libsupport_zynq::ram; use libsupport_zynq::ram;
use log::{debug, error, info}; use log::{debug, error, info};
@ -25,12 +25,14 @@ extern "C" {
} }
unsafe fn attribute_writeback(typeinfo: *const ()) { unsafe fn attribute_writeback(typeinfo: *const ()) {
struct Attr { struct Attr {
offset: usize, offset: usize,
tag: CSlice<'static, u8>, tag: CSlice<'static, u8>,
name: CSlice<'static, u8>, name: CSlice<'static, u8>,
} }
struct Type { struct Type {
attributes: *const *const Attr, attributes: *const *const Attr,
objects: *const *const (), objects: *const *const (),
@ -126,7 +128,6 @@ impl KernelImage {
#[no_mangle] #[no_mangle]
pub extern "C" fn main_core1() { pub extern "C" fn main_core1() {
debug!("Core1 started"); debug!("Core1 started");
ram::init_alloc_core1(); ram::init_alloc_core1();

View File

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
#![no_std] #![no_std]
#![feature(c_variadic)] #![feature(c_variadic)]
#![feature(const_btree_new)] #![feature(const_btree_new)]
#![feature(inline_const)] #![feature(inline_const)]
#![feature(naked_functions)] #![feature(naked_functions)]
#[macro_use] #[macro_use]
extern crate alloc; extern crate alloc;
@ -36,8 +34,6 @@ pub mod rtio;
#[path = "../../../build/"] #[path = "../../../build/"]
pub mod pl; pub mod pl;
pub mod cxp;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)] #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct RPCException { pub struct RPCException {

View File

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ mod llvm_libunwind {
cfg.flag("--target=armv7-none-eabihf"); cfg.flag("--target=armv7-none-eabihf");
cfg.flag("-O2"); cfg.flag("-O2");
cfg.flag("-flto"); cfg.flag("-flto");
cfg.flag("-std=c99"); cfg.flag("-std=c99");
cfg.flag("-fstrict-aliasing"); cfg.flag("-fstrict-aliasing");

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#![feature(alloc_error_handler)] #![feature(alloc_error_handler)]
#![feature(const_btree_new)] #![feature(const_btree_new)]
#![feature(panic_info_message)] #![feature(panic_info_message)]
#[macro_use] #[macro_use]
extern crate alloc; extern crate alloc;
@ -13,8 +14,6 @@ use core::cell::RefCell;
use ksupport; use ksupport;
use libasync::task; use libasync::task;
use libboard_artiq::cxp_phys;
#[cfg(has_drtio_eem)] #[cfg(has_drtio_eem)]
use libboard_artiq::drtio_eem; use libboard_artiq::drtio_eem;
#[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")] #[cfg(feature = "target_kasli_soc")]
@ -80,23 +79,6 @@ mod grabber {
} }
} }
mod cxp {
use libasync::delay;
use libboard_artiq::cxp;
use libboard_zynq::time::Milliseconds;
use crate::GlobalTimer;
pub async fn grabber_thread(timer: GlobalTimer) {
let mut countdown = timer.countdown();
loop {
delay(&mut countdown, Milliseconds(200)).await;
static mut LOG_BUFFER: [u8; 1 << 17] = [0; 1 << 17]; static mut LOG_BUFFER: [u8; 1 << 17] = [0; 1 << 17];
#[no_mangle] #[no_mangle]
@ -169,11 +151,5 @@ pub fn main_core0() {
task::spawn(ksupport::report_async_rtio_errors()); task::spawn(ksupport::report_async_rtio_errors());
comms::main(timer, cfg); comms::main(timer, cfg);
} }

View File

@ -71,3 +71,7 @@ fn soft_panic(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
}; };
soft_panic_main(timer, cfg); soft_panic_main(timer, cfg);
} }
#[lang = "eh_personality"]
pub extern "C" fn rust_eh_personality() {}

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ fn_single_line = false
where_single_line = true where_single_line = true
imports_indent = "Visual" imports_indent = "Visual"
imports_layout = "Mixed" imports_layout = "Mixed"
merge_imports = true imports_granularity = "Crate"
group_imports = "StdExternalCrate" group_imports = "StdExternalCrate"
reorder_imports = true reorder_imports = true
reorder_modules = true reorder_modules = true
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ use_field_init_shorthand = false
force_explicit_abi = true force_explicit_abi = true
condense_wildcard_suffixes = false condense_wildcard_suffixes = false
color = "Auto" color = "Auto"
required_version = "1.4.37" required_version = "1.4.38"
unstable_features = false unstable_features = false
disable_all_formatting = false disable_all_formatting = false
skip_children = false skip_children = false

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#![no_std] #![no_std]
#![no_main] #![no_main]
#![feature(alloc_error_handler, never_type, panic_info_message)] #![feature(alloc_error_handler, never_type, panic_info_message)]
#[macro_use] #[macro_use]
extern crate log; extern crate log;
@ -1810,3 +1811,7 @@ pub fn panic_fmt(info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
loop {} loop {}
} }
#[lang = "eh_personality"]
pub extern "C" fn rust_eh_personality() {}

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
from math import lcm
word_dw = 32
size = 8
sink_dw, source_dw = word_dw, size * 4
shift_reg_size = lcm(sink_dw, source_dw)
if (shift_reg_size // sink_dw) < 2:
shift_reg_size = shift_reg_size * 2
if (shift_reg_size // source_dw) < 2:
shift_reg_size = shift_reg_size * 2
sink_aligned_bound = sink_dw
result = []
for i in range(4, shift_reg_size // size):
if i % 4 == 0:
while not (sink_aligned_bound + sink_dw >= i * size >= sink_aligned_bound):
sink_aligned_bound += word_dw
if sink_aligned_bound + sink_dw >= i * size >= sink_aligned_bound:
# print(i * size, sink_aligned_bound, sink_aligned_bound + sink_dw)
print(source_dw % sink_dw)