  • Joined on 2022-03-23
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ljstephenson opened issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#188

ZC706/QC2 AD9914 DDS initialization causes hang/crash

2022-04-27 06:01:46 +08:00

ljstephenson commented on issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#185

zc706 nist_qc2: SPI3 MOSI not working

Ah: I think `P28` should be `R28` here: https://github.com/m-labs/migen/blob/7507a2bb16dd2cac63535175ce67fb30dfdae1c0/migen/build/platforms/zc706.py#L133 See Page 69, Col.…

2022-04-16 06:37:17 +08:00

ljstephenson opened issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#185

zc706 nist_qc2: SPI3 MOSI not working

2022-04-16 06:20:20 +08:00

ljstephenson commented on issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#179

zc706 satellite can't have boot file reloaded to SD

Oh I see - I was under the impression that the coredevice would try to fetch its bitstream from a server, rather than providing a server that waits until a client supplies the bitstream. Makes sense!

2022-04-15 23:38:49 +08:00

ljstephenson commented on issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#179

zc706 satellite can't have boot file reloaded to SD

Is setting up a netboot server reasonably simple? How does this differentiate if you have e.g. both a master and satellite using netboot? Agreed that being able to do it via DRTIO seems very nice…

2022-04-14 09:25:47 +08:00

ljstephenson commented on issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#179

zc706 satellite can't have boot file reloaded to SD

Reiterating that this very low on the priority list, but to summarise my thoughts and how I understand things (which may well be wrong): * Rewriting Kasli gateware remotely is easy via JTAG over…

2022-04-14 05:34:23 +08:00

ljstephenson commented on issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#181

zc706 networking never comes up if RTIO PLL lock fails

There were a couple of unrelated issues - I stumbled into this using the DRTIO master zc706 gateware that would not lock to any clock, even when using a known good clock input. It also turned out…

2022-04-14 04:50:03 +08:00

ljstephenson opened issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#181

zc706 networking never comes up if RTIO PLL lock fails

2022-04-07 02:16:18 +08:00

ljstephenson opened issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#180

Regression: RTIO PLL fails to lock on with external clock on zc706 drtio master

2022-04-07 02:06:41 +08:00

ljstephenson opened issue M-Labs/artiq-zynq#179

zc706 satellite can't have boot file reloaded to SD

2022-04-02 07:29:49 +08:00