forked from sinara-hw/kirdy
- The following files can be generated from the script. 1. Zipped(Gerber, Drill, Drill Map) 2. Bom, 3. Component Placement 4. Schematics PDF 5. Step Files
109 lines
5.3 KiB
109 lines
5.3 KiB
import os
import argparse
__cmd_get_kicad_bin_path = "which kicad | xargs readlink | sed 's/$/-cli/' | xargs readlink"
def setup_env(prefix, sch, out_dir, dir_kicad_plugins, dir_3d_models):
# Get the path to "" script in NixOs
if dir_kicad_plugins is None:
dir_kicad_plugins = os.path.join(os.popen(__cmd_get_kicad_bin_path).read().replace("\n", ""),
# Setup the PYTHONPATH for "" to import "kicad_netlist_reader"
pythonpath = os.environ['PYTHONPATH']
except KeyError:
pythonpath = ''
pathlist = [dir_kicad_plugins]
if pythonpath:
os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(pathlist)
# NIXOS installs KiCAD Built-in 3D models in a separated folder
if dir_3d_models is None:
model_3d_path = os.path.join("/nix/store", os.popen("ls /nix/store | grep kicad-packages3d | head -1").read().replace("\n", ""), "share/kicad/3dmodels")
# Setup the KICAD7_3DMODEL_DIR for step file to be generated with kicad-cli"
os.environ['KICAD7_3DMODEL_DIR'] = model_3d_path
# Generate the prefix from the title and revision fields in title block of the schematics top
if prefix is None:
with open (sch, "r") as f:
data =
title_line = data[7][1:-1].split()
revision_line = data[9][1:-1].split()
if title_line[0].find("title") and revision_line[0].find("rev"):
ret_prefix = f"{title_line[1][1:-1]}_{revision_line[1][1:-1]}"
raise ValueError("Prefix cannot be generated from schematic file.")
ret_prefix = prefix
gerber_drill_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, f"{ret_prefix}_gerber_drill")
if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
if not os.path.exists(gerber_drill_dir):
return ret_prefix
def generate_production_files(prefix, sch, pcb, out_dir):
out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, prefix)
bom_ret_code = os.system(f"kicad-cli sch export python-bom {sch} -o {out_path}_bom.xml")
bom_ret_code |= os.system(f"python -m scripts.generate_bom_from_xml {out_path}_bom.xml {out_path}_bom.csv")
os.system(f"rm {out_path}_bom.xml")
pdf_ret_code = os.system(f"kicad-cli sch export pdf {sch} -o {out_path}.pdf")
pos_ret_code = os.system(f"kicad-cli pcb export pos {pcb} --format csv --units mm -o {out_path}_pos.csv")
step_ret_code = os.system(f"kicad-cli pcb export step {pcb} --subst-models --force -o {out_path}.step")
out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f"{prefix}_gerber_drill")
gerber_ret_code = os.system(f"kicad-cli pcb export gerbers {pcb} -l 'F.Cu,In1.Cu,In2.Cu,B.Cu,F.Paste,B.Paste,F.Silkscreen,B.Silkscreen,F.Mask,B.Mask,Edge.Cuts' --no-x2 --subtract-soldermask -o {out_path}")
# The additional trailing slash is due to a bug in the kicad-cli tool.
drill_ret_code = os.system(f"kicad-cli pcb export drill {pcb} -u mm --generate-map --map-format gerberx2 -o {out_path}/")
zip_ret_code = os.system(f"zip -r -j {out_path} {out_path}")
os.system(f"rm -r {out_path}")
print("=== File Generation Status === ")
print("Gerber: {}".format("Success" if gerber_ret_code == 0 else "Failed"))
print("Drill: {}".format("Success" if drill_ret_code == 0 else "Failed"))
print("Zip_Gerber_Drill: {}".format("Success" if zip_ret_code == 0 else "Failed"))
print("Bom: {}".format("Success" if bom_ret_code == 0 else "Failed"))
print("Pdf: {}".format("Success" if pdf_ret_code == 0 else "Failed"))
print("Pos: {}".format("Success" if pos_ret_code == 0 else "Failed"))
print("Step: {}".format("Success" if step_ret_code == 0 else "Failed"))
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Python Script to Generate Production Files(Gerber, Drill, Drill Map, Bom, Component Placement, Schematics PDF, Step Files)")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--sch",
help="schematics top file. defaults to 'kirdy.kicad_sch' if omitted")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--pcb",
help="pcb file. defaults to 'kirdy.kicad_pcb' if omitted")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--output",
help="output folder, defaults to './production' if omitted")
parser.add_argument("-pre", "--prefix",
help="output filename prefix, attempts to generated from schematics top file if omitted")
parser.add_argument("-dir_plugins", "--dir_kicad_plugins",
help="path to, attempts to find the required path in the system if omitted")
parser.add_argument("-dir_3d", "--dir_3d_models",
help="path to kicad 3d models folder, attempts to find the required path in the system if omitted")
args = parser.parse_args()
prefix = setup_env(args.prefix, args.sch, args.output, args.dir_kicad_plugins, args.dir_3d_models)
generate_production_files(prefix, args.sch, args.pcb, args.output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main() |