use core::{fmt::Debug, marker::PhantomData}; use miniconf::{JsonCoreSlash, Tree}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use uom::si::{ electric_current::{ampere, microampere, milliampere, ElectricCurrent}, electric_potential::{volt, ElectricPotential}, electrical_resistance::{ohm, ElectricalResistance}, power::{milliwatt, Power}, thermodynamic_temperature::{degree_celsius, ThermodynamicTemperature} }; use crate::{laser_diode::{laser_diode::{ LdDrive, LdSettingsSummary, StatusReport as LdStatusReport}, pd_responsitivity::ResponsitivityUnit }, net::net, thermostat::{ad7172::{FilterType, PostFilter, SingleChODR}, thermostat::StatusReport as TecStatusReport} }; use crate::thermostat::thermostat::{Thermostat, ThermostatSettingsSummary}; use crate::thermostat::pid_state::PidSettings::*; use crate::device::{dfu, sys_timer}; use log::info; use crate::DeviceSettings; #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Default, Debug)] enum DeviceCmd { #[default] Reserved, SetActiveReportMode, GetStatusReport, GetSettingsSummary, Dfu, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Default, Debug)] enum LdCmdEnum { #[default] Reserved, // LD Drive Related PowerUp, PowerDown, LdTermsShort, LdTermsOpen, SetI, SetISoftLimit, // PD Mon Related SetPdResponsitivity, SetPdDarkCurrent, SetLdPwrLimit, ClearAlarm, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Default, Debug)] enum ThermostatCmdEnum { #[default] Reserved, PowerUp, PowerDown, // TEC SetTecMaxV, SetTecMaxIPos, SetTecMaxINeg, SetTecIOut, // Constant Current Mode SetTemperatureSetpoint, // PID SetPidEngage, SetPidDisEngage, SetPidKp, SetPidKi, SetPidKd, SetPidOutMin, SetPidOutMax, SetPidUpdateInterval, // Update Interval is set based on the sampling rate of ADC // Temperature ADC ConfigTempAdcFilter, // TempMon SetTempMonUpperLimit, SetTempMonLowerLimit, ClearAlarm, // Steinhart-Hart Equation SetShT0, SetShR0, SetShBeta, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Tree)] pub struct CmdJsonObj{ laser_diode_cmd: Option, thermostat_cmd: Option, device_cmd: Option, data_bool: Option, data_f32: Option, data_f64: Option, temp_adc_filter: Option, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Tree)] pub struct Cmd { json: CmdJsonObj } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Default, Tree)] pub struct TempAdcFilter{ filter_type: FilterType, sinc5sinc1odr: Option, sinc3odr: Option, sinc5sinc1postfilter: Option, sinc3fineodr: Option } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Tree)] pub struct StatusReport { ts: u32, laser: LdStatusReport, tec: TecStatusReport, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Tree)] pub struct StatusReportObj { json: StatusReport } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Tree)] pub struct SettingsSummary { laser: LdSettingsSummary, thermostat: ThermostatSettingsSummary, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Copy, Clone, Debug, Tree)] pub struct SettingsSummaryObj { json: SettingsSummary } pub fn send_settings_summary(buffer: &mut [u8], laser: &mut LdDrive, tec: &mut Thermostat){ let settings_summary = SettingsSummaryObj { json: SettingsSummary { laser: laser.get_settings_summary(), thermostat: tec.get_settings_summary(), } }; let num_bytes = settings_summary.get_json("/json", buffer).unwrap(); net::eth_send(buffer, num_bytes); } pub fn send_status_report(buffer: &mut [u8], laser: &mut LdDrive, tec: &mut Thermostat){ let status_report = StatusReportObj { json: StatusReport { ts: sys_timer::now(), laser: laser.get_status_report(), tec: tec.get_status_report(), } }; let num_bytes = status_report.get_json("/json", buffer).unwrap(); net::eth_send(buffer, num_bytes); } pub fn execute_cmd(buffer: &mut [u8], buffer_size: usize, mut laser: LdDrive, mut tec: Thermostat, mut device_settings: DeviceSettings)->(LdDrive, Thermostat, bool, DeviceSettings){ let mut should_reset = false; let mut cmd = Cmd { json: CmdJsonObj::default() }; match cmd.set_json("/json", &buffer[0..buffer_size]){ Ok(_) => { info!("############ Laser Diode Command Received {:?}", cmd.json.laser_diode_cmd); info!("############ Thermostat Command Received {:?}", cmd.json.thermostat_cmd); info!("############ Device Command Received {:?}", cmd.json.device_cmd); match cmd.json.device_cmd { Some(DeviceCmd::Dfu) => { unsafe { dfu::set_dfu_trigger(); } should_reset = true; } Some(DeviceCmd::SetActiveReportMode) => { match cmd.json.data_bool{ Some(val) => { device_settings.report_readings = val; } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(DeviceCmd::GetStatusReport) => { send_status_report(buffer, &mut laser, &mut tec); } Some(DeviceCmd::GetSettingsSummary) => { send_settings_summary(buffer, &mut laser, &mut tec); } None => { /* Do Nothing */} _ => { info!("Unimplemented Command") } } match cmd.json.laser_diode_cmd { Some(LdCmdEnum::PowerUp) => { laser.power_up() } Some(LdCmdEnum::PowerDown) => { laser.power_down() } Some(LdCmdEnum::LdTermsShort) => { laser.ld_short(); } Some(LdCmdEnum::LdTermsOpen) => { laser.ld_open(); } Some(LdCmdEnum::SetI) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { laser.ld_set_i(ElectricCurrent::new::(val)); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(LdCmdEnum::SetISoftLimit) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { laser.set_ld_drive_current_limit(ElectricCurrent::new::(val)) } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(LdCmdEnum::SetPdResponsitivity) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { laser.set_pd_responsitivity(ResponsitivityUnit {dimension: PhantomData, units: PhantomData, value: val}) } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(LdCmdEnum::SetPdDarkCurrent) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { laser.set_pd_dark_current(ElectricCurrent::new::(val)) } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(LdCmdEnum::SetLdPwrLimit) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { laser.set_ld_power_limit(Power::new::(val)) } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(LdCmdEnum::ClearAlarm) => { laser.pd_mon_clear_alarm() } None => { /* Do Nothing*/ } _ => { info!("Unimplemented Command") } } match cmd.json.thermostat_cmd { Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::PowerUp) => { tec.power_up() } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::PowerDown) => { tec.power_down() } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetTecMaxV) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_max_v(ElectricPotential::new::(val)); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetTecMaxIPos) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_max_i_pos(ElectricCurrent::new::(val)); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetTecMaxINeg) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_max_i_pos(ElectricCurrent::new::(val)); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetTecIOut) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_i(ElectricCurrent::new::(val)); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetTemperatureSetpoint) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_temperature_setpoint(ThermodynamicTemperature::new::(val)); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetPidEngage) => { tec.set_pid_engaged(true); } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetPidDisEngage) => { tec.set_pid_engaged(false); } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetPidKp) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_pid(Kp, val); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetPidKi) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_pid(Ki, val); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetPidKd) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_pid(Kd, val); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetPidOutMin) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_pid(Min, val); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetPidOutMax) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_pid(Max, val); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetPidUpdateInterval) => { info!("Not supported Yet") } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::ConfigTempAdcFilter) => { match cmd.json.temp_adc_filter { Some(val) => { match val.filter_type { FilterType::Sinc5Sinc1With50hz60HzRejection => { match val.sinc5sinc1postfilter { Some(val2) => { tec.set_temp_adc_sinc5_sinc1_with_postfilter(0, val2); } None => { info!("sinc5sinc1postfilter field needs to be set for configuration"); } } } FilterType::Sinc5Sinc1 => { match val.sinc5sinc1odr { Some(val2) => { tec.set_temp_adc_sinc5_sinc1_filter(0, val2); } None => { info!("sinc5sinc1odr field needs to be set for configuration"); } } } FilterType::Sinc3WithFineODR => { match val.sinc3fineodr { Some(val2) => { tec.set_temp_adc_sinc3_fine_filter(0, val2); } None => { info!("data_f64 field needs to be set for configuration"); } } } FilterType::Sinc3 => { match val.sinc3odr { Some(val2) => { tec.set_temp_adc_sinc3_filter(0, val2); } None => { info!("sinc3_filter field needs to be set for configuration"); } } } } } None => { info!("temp_adc_filter needs to be set for configuration") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetTempMonUpperLimit) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_temp_mon_upper_limit(ThermodynamicTemperature::new::(val)); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetTempMonLowerLimit) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_temp_mon_lower_limit(ThermodynamicTemperature::new::(val)); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::ClearAlarm) => { tec.clear_temp_mon_alarm(); } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetShT0) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_sh_t0(ThermodynamicTemperature::new::(val)); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetShR0) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_sh_r0(ElectricalResistance::new::(val)); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } Some(ThermostatCmdEnum::SetShBeta) => { match cmd.json.data_f64 { Some(val) => { tec.set_sh_beta(val); } None => { info!("Wrong Data type is received") } } } None => { /* Do Nothing*/ } _ => { info!("Unimplemented Command") } } } Err(err) => { info!("Invalid Command: {:?}", err); } } (laser, tec, should_reset, device_settings) }