- This repo is for testing only. Not intended for production use.
## Building
### Reproducible build with Nix
kirdy firmware is packaged using the [Nix](https://nixos.org) Flakes system. Install Nix 2.4+ and enable flakes by adding ``experimental-features = nix-command flakes`` to ``nix.conf`` (e.g. ``~/.config/nix/nix.conf``).
Once you have Flakes enabled, you can use ``nix build`` to build the firmware.
### Development environment
Clone this repository and with Nix Flakes enabled, use the following commands:
nix develop
cargo build
The resulting ELF file will be located under `target/thumbv7em-none-eabihf/release/kirdy`.
Alternatively, you can install the Rust toolchain without Nix using rustup; see the Rust manifest file pulled in `flake.nix` to determine which Rust version to use.
* Connect to the USB Type C cable to kirdy next to the RJ45 Jack. After that, add BOOT0 jumper to kirdy near programming headers and then cycle board power to put it in DFU mode. OR
* Plug in RJ45 cable, which connect to a network that is accessible by your computer and send the corresponding dfu json command via TCP Socket to kirdy. Please see the python test script for the command.
On a Windows machine install [st.com](https://st.com) DfuSe USB device firmware upgrade (DFU) software. [link](https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-stm32080.html).
- add jumper to kirdy across 2-pin jumper adjacent to JTAG connector