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Run-Time Settings default /networking/run-time-settings Networking

Settings Configuration

Stabilizer allows for run-time settings configurations using the miniconf.py utility script. This script is in the root of the Stabilizer github repository.


In order to use miniconf.py, run the following command:

python -m pip install gmqtt


The miniconf.py script utilizes a unique "device prefix". The device prefix is always of the form dt/sinara/<app>/<mac-address>, where <app> is the name of the application and <mac-address> is the MAC address of the device, formatted with delimiting dashes.

Settings have a path and a value being configured. The value parameter is JSON-encoded data and the path value is a path-like string.

As an example, for configuring dual-iir's stream_target, the following information would be used:

  • path = stream_target
  • value = {"ip": [192, 168, 0, 1], "port": 4000}
python miniconf.py --broker localhost dt/sinara/dual-iir/00-11-22-33-44-55 stream_target='{"ip": [192, 168, 0, 1], "port": 4000}'

The prefix can be found for a specific device by looking at the topic on which telemetry that is being published.

Refer to the application documentation for the exact settings and values exposed for each application.

The rules for constructing path values are documented in miniconf's documentation

Refer to the documentation for Miniconf for a description of the possible error codes that miniconf.py may return if the settings update was unsuccessful.