
177 lines
5.1 KiB

use crate::hardware::{dac::DacCode, design_parameters::ADC_SAMPLE_TICKS};
use core::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use miniconf::Miniconf;
use serde::Deserialize;
/// Types of signals that can be generated.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Miniconf)]
pub enum Signal {
/// Basic configuration for a generated signal.
/// # Miniconf
/// `{"signal": <signal>, "frequency", 1000.0, "symmetry": 0.5, "amplitude": 1.0}`
/// Where `<signal>` may be any of [Signal] variants, `frequency` specifies the signal frequency
/// in Hertz, `symmetry` specifies the normalized signal symmetry which ranges from 0 - 1.0, and
/// `amplitude` specifies the signal amplitude in Volts.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Miniconf, Deserialize)]
pub struct BasicConfig {
/// The signal type that should be generated. See [Signal] variants.
pub signal: Signal,
/// The frequency of the generated signal in Hertz.
pub frequency: f32,
/// The normalized symmetry of the signal. At 0% symmetry, the first half phase does not exist.
/// At 25% symmetry, the first half-phase lasts for 25% of the signal period.
pub symmetry: f32,
/// The amplitude of the output signal in volts.
pub amplitude: f32,
impl Default for BasicConfig {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
frequency: 1.0e3,
symmetry: 0.5,
signal: Signal::Cosine,
amplitude: 0.0,
/// Represents the errors that can occur when attempting to configure the signal generator.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
/// The provided amplitude is out-of-range.
impl TryFrom<BasicConfig> for Config {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(config: BasicConfig) -> Result<Config, Error> {
// Calculate the frequency tuning words
let frequency_tuning_word: [u32; 2] = {
let conversion_factor =
ADC_SAMPLE_TICKS as f32 / 100.0e6 * (1u64 << 32) as f32;
if config.symmetry <= 0.0 {
i32::MAX as u32,
(config.frequency * conversion_factor) as u32,
} else if config.symmetry >= 1.0 {
(config.frequency * conversion_factor) as u32,
i32::MAX as u32,
} else {
(config.frequency * conversion_factor / config.symmetry)
as u32,
(config.frequency * conversion_factor
/ (1.0 - config.symmetry)) as u32,
Ok(Config {
amplitude: DacCode::try_from(config.amplitude)
signal: config.signal,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Config {
/// The type of signal being generated
pub signal: Signal,
/// The full-scale output code of the signal
pub amplitude: i16,
/// The frequency tuning word of the signal. Phase is incremented by this amount
pub frequency_tuning_word: [u32; 2],
pub struct SignalGenerator {
phase_accumulator: u32,
config: Config,
impl Default for SignalGenerator {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
config: BasicConfig::default().try_into().unwrap(),
phase_accumulator: 0,
impl SignalGenerator {
/// Construct a new signal generator with some specific config.
/// # Args
/// * `config` - The config to use for generating signals.
/// # Returns
/// The generator
pub fn new(config: Config) -> Self {
Self {
phase_accumulator: 0,
/// Update waveform generation settings.
pub fn update_waveform(&mut self, new_config: Config) {
self.config = new_config;
impl core::iter::Iterator for SignalGenerator {
type Item = i16;
/// Get the next value in the generator sequence.
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<i16> {
self.phase_accumulator = self.phase_accumulator.wrapping_add(
if (self.phase_accumulator as i32).is_negative() {
} else {
let phase = self.phase_accumulator as i32;
let amplitude: i16 = match self.config.signal {
Signal::Cosine => (dsp::cossin(phase).0 >> 16) as i16,
Signal::Square => {
if phase.is_negative() {
} else {
Signal::Triangle => i16::MAX - (phase.abs() >> 15) as i16,
// Calculate the final output result as an i16.
let result = amplitude as i32 * self.config.amplitude as i32;
// Note: We downshift by 15-bits to preserve only one of the sign bits.
Some((result >> 15) as i16)