
146 lines
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use stm32h7::stm32h743 as pac;
// Adapted from stm32h7xx embedded-hal
// I2C error
pub enum Error {
// Bus error
// Arbitration loss
// Address not ACKd within a reasonable time (no device present?)
// Unexpected NACK during transfer
// Maximum number of times to retry NACKed address phase before timing out
// Note that many devices indicate a busy condition by NACKing (e.g. 24xx
// EEPROMs during write)
const N_RETRY: usize = 100; // ~ 10ms @ 100 kHz bus clock
pub fn setup(i2c: &pac::I2C2) {
// Disable the peripheral before setting timings
i2c.cr1.modify(|_, w| w.pe().clear_bit());
// Values from STM32MXCube for 100 kHz I2C clock with 100 MHz peripheral clock
i2c.timingr.modify(|_, w| {
// Enable the peripheral
i2c.cr1.write(|w| w.pe().set_bit());
// Busy-wait for a flag to be asserted, erroring out on unrecoverable problems
macro_rules! busy_wait_errors {
($i2c:expr, $flag:ident) => {
loop {
let isr = $i2c.isr.read();
if isr.berr().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::Bus);
} else if isr.arlo().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::Arbitration);
} else if isr.nackf().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::NAck);
} else if isr.$flag().bit_is_set() {
fn poll_for_start_ack(
i2c: &pac::I2C2,
addr: u8,
r_wn: bool,
data_len: usize,
autoend: bool,
start: bool,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
for _i in 0..N_RETRY {
// START and prepare to send `data_len`
i2c.cr2.write(|w| {
.bits(addr as u16)
.bits(data_len as u8)
loop {
let isr = i2c.isr.read();
if isr.berr().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::Bus);
} else if isr.arlo().bit_is_set() {
return Err(Error::Arbitration);
} else if isr.nackf().bit_is_set() {
i2c.icr.write(|w| w.nackcf().set_bit());
// Wait to finish handling NACK-STOP
loop {
if i2c.isr.read().busy().bit_is_clear() {
} else if isr.txis().bit_is_set() || isr.rxne().bit_is_set() {
return Ok(());
pub fn write_read(
i2c: &pac::I2C2,
addr: u8,
bytes: &[u8],
buffer: &mut [u8],
) -> Result<(), Error> {
assert!(bytes.len() < 256 && !bytes.is_empty());
assert!(buffer.len() < 256 && !buffer.is_empty());
poll_for_start_ack(i2c, addr, false, bytes.len(), false, true)?;
for byte in bytes {
// Wait until we are allowed to send data (START has been ACKed or last
// byte when through)
busy_wait_errors!(i2c, txis);
i2c.txdr.write(|w| w.txdata().bits(*byte));
// Wait until the last transmission is finished
busy_wait_errors!(i2c, tc);
poll_for_start_ack(i2c, addr | 1, true, buffer.len(), true, true)?;
for byte in buffer {
// Wait until we have received something
busy_wait_errors!(i2c, rxne);
*byte = i2c.rxdr.read().rxdata().bits();
// automatic STOP