Robert Jördens 3165c680d6 dma: don't swap buffers
* This uses a new closure-based method to the DMA HAL implementation which
  gives access to the inactive buffer directly.
* It removes changing addresses, the third buffer for DBM, the inactive
  address poisoning, and allows the cancellation of the redundant repeat
  memory barriers and compiler fences.
* This is now around 20 instructions per buffer down from about 100 cycles
* Also introduces a new `SampleBuffer` type alias.
* The required unpacking of the resources structure is a bit annoying
  but could probably abstraced away.


* Test
* Adapt `lockin`
2021-05-24 20:56:11 +02:00

272 lines
9.8 KiB

use core::sync::atomic::{fence, Ordering};
use stabilizer::{hardware, net};
use miniconf::Miniconf;
use serde::Deserialize;
use dsp::iir;
use hardware::{
Adc0Input, Adc1Input, AdcCode, AfeGain, Dac0Output, Dac1Output, DacCode,
DigitalInput0, DigitalInput1, InputPin, SystemTimer, AFE0, AFE1,
use net::{NetworkUsers, Telemetry, TelemetryBuffer, UpdateState};
const SCALE: f32 = i16::MAX as _;
// The number of cascaded IIR biquads per channel. Select 1 or 2!
const IIR_CASCADE_LENGTH: usize = 1;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, Miniconf)]
pub struct Settings {
afe: [AfeGain; 2],
iir_ch: [[iir::IIR; IIR_CASCADE_LENGTH]; 2],
allow_hold: bool,
force_hold: bool,
telemetry_period: u16,
impl Default for Settings {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
// Analog frontend programmable gain amplifier gains (G1, G2, G5, G10)
afe: [AfeGain::G1, AfeGain::G1],
// IIR filter tap gains are an array `[b0, b1, b2, a1, a2]` such that the
// new output is computed as `y0 = a1*y1 + a2*y2 + b0*x0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2`.
// The array is `iir_state[channel-index][cascade-index][coeff-index]`.
// The IIR coefficients can be mapped to other transfer function
// representations, for example as described in https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.06319
iir_ch: [[iir::IIR::new(1., -SCALE, SCALE); IIR_CASCADE_LENGTH]; 2],
// Permit the DI1 digital input to suppress filter output updates.
allow_hold: false,
// Force suppress filter output updates.
force_hold: false,
// The default telemetry period in seconds.
telemetry_period: 10,
#[rtic::app(device = stm32h7xx_hal::stm32, peripherals = true, monotonic = stabilizer::hardware::SystemTimer)]
const APP: () = {
struct Resources {
afes: (AFE0, AFE1),
digital_inputs: (DigitalInput0, DigitalInput1),
adcs: (Adc0Input, Adc1Input),
dacs: (Dac0Output, Dac1Output),
network: NetworkUsers<Settings, Telemetry>,
settings: Settings,
telemetry: TelemetryBuffer,
#[init([[[0.; 5]; IIR_CASCADE_LENGTH]; 2])]
iir_state: [[iir::Vec5; IIR_CASCADE_LENGTH]; 2],
#[init(spawn=[telemetry, settings_update])]
fn init(c: init::Context) -> init::LateResources {
// Configure the microcontroller
let (mut stabilizer, _pounder) = hardware::setup(c.core, c.device);
let network = NetworkUsers::new(
// Spawn a settings update for default settings.
// Enable ADC/DAC events
// Start sampling ADCs.
init::LateResources {
afes: stabilizer.afes,
adcs: stabilizer.adcs,
dacs: stabilizer.dacs,
digital_inputs: stabilizer.digital_inputs,
telemetry: net::TelemetryBuffer::default(),
settings: Settings::default(),
/// Main DSP processing routine for Stabilizer.
/// # Note
/// Processing time for the DSP application code is bounded by the following constraints:
/// DSP application code starts after the ADC has generated a batch of samples and must be
/// completed by the time the next batch of ADC samples has been acquired (plus the FIFO buffer
/// time). If this constraint is not met, firmware will panic due to an ADC input overrun.
/// The DSP application code must also fill out the next DAC output buffer in time such that the
/// DAC can switch to it when it has completed the current buffer. If this constraint is not met
/// it's possible that old DAC codes will be generated on the output and the output samples will
/// be delayed by 1 batch.
/// Because the ADC and DAC operate at the same rate, these two constraints actually implement
/// the same time bounds, meeting one also means the other is also met.
#[task(binds=DMA1_STR4, resources=[adcs, digital_inputs, dacs, iir_state, settings, telemetry], priority=2)]
fn process(mut c: process::Context) {
let adc0 = &mut c.resources.adcs.0;
let adc1 = &mut c.resources.adcs.1;
let dac0 = &mut c.resources.dacs.0;
let dac1 = &mut c.resources.dacs.1;
let di = &c.resources.digital_inputs;
let settings = &c.resources.settings;
let iir_state = &mut c.resources.iir_state;
let telemetry = &mut c.resources.telemetry;
adc0.with_buffer(|a0| {
adc1.with_buffer(|a1| {
dac0.with_buffer(|d0| {
dac1.with_buffer(|d1| {
let adc_samples = [a0, a1];
let dac_samples = [d0, d1];
let digital_inputs =
[di.0.is_high().unwrap(), di.1.is_high().unwrap()];
let hold = settings.force_hold
|| (digital_inputs[1] && settings.allow_hold);
// Preserve instruction and data ordering w.r.t. DMA flag access.
for channel in 0..adc_samples.len() {
.map(|(ai, di)| {
let x = f32::from(*ai as i16);
let y = settings.iir_ch[channel]
.fold(x, |yi, (ch, state)| {
ch.update(state, yi, hold)
// Note(unsafe): The filter limits must ensure that
// the value is in range.
// The truncation introduces 1/2 LSB distortion.
let y: i16 =
unsafe { y.to_int_unchecked() };
// Convert to DAC code
*di = DacCode::from(y).0;
// Update telemetry measurements.
telemetry.adcs = [
telemetry.dacs = [
telemetry.digital_inputs = digital_inputs;
// Preserve instruction and data ordering w.r.t. DMA flag access.
#[idle(resources=[network], spawn=[settings_update])]
fn idle(mut c: idle::Context) -> ! {
loop {
match c.resources.network.lock(|net| net.update()) {
UpdateState::Updated => c.spawn.settings_update().unwrap(),
UpdateState::NoChange => cortex_m::asm::wfi(),
#[task(priority = 1, resources=[network, afes, settings])]
fn settings_update(mut c: settings_update::Context) {
// Update the IIR channels.
let settings = c.resources.network.miniconf.settings();
c.resources.settings.lock(|current| *current = *settings);
// Update AFEs
#[task(priority = 1, resources=[network, settings, telemetry], schedule=[telemetry])]
fn telemetry(mut c: telemetry::Context) {
let telemetry: TelemetryBuffer =
c.resources.telemetry.lock(|telemetry| *telemetry);
let (gains, telemetry_period) = c
.lock(|settings| (settings.afe, settings.telemetry_period));
.publish(&telemetry.finalize(gains[0], gains[1]));
// Schedule the telemetry task in the future.
+ SystemTimer::ticks_from_secs(telemetry_period as u32),
#[task(binds = ETH, priority = 1)]
fn eth(_: eth::Context) {
unsafe { stm32h7xx_hal::ethernet::interrupt_handler() }
#[task(binds = SPI2, priority = 3)]
fn spi2(_: spi2::Context) {
panic!("ADC0 input overrun");
#[task(binds = SPI3, priority = 3)]
fn spi3(_: spi3::Context) {
panic!("ADC1 input overrun");
#[task(binds = SPI4, priority = 3)]
fn spi4(_: spi4::Context) {
panic!("DAC0 output error");
#[task(binds = SPI5, priority = 3)]
fn spi5(_: spi5::Context) {
panic!("DAC1 output error");
extern "C" {
// hw interrupt handlers for RTIC to use for scheduling tasks
// one per priority
fn DCMI();
fn JPEG();
fn SDMMC();