use super::NetworkStack; use minimq::{QoS, Error, Property, MqttClient}; pub enum Action { Continue, Sleep, CommitSettings, } struct MqttInterface { client: MqttClient, subscribed: bool, settings: T, } impl MqttInterface where T: miniconf::StringSet { pub fn new(stack: NetworkStack, settings: T) -> Self { let client: MqttClient = MqttClient::new( IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(10, 0, 0, 1)), "stabilizer", stack).unwrap(); Self { client, subscribed: false, settings, } } pub fn current_settings(&self) -> &T { &self.settings } pub fn update(&mut self, time: u32) -> Result { let sleep = self.client.network_stack.update(smoltcp::time::Instant::from_millis(time as i64)); if !self.subscribed && self.client.is_connected().unwrap() { self.client.subscribe("stabilizer/settings/#", &[]); self.client.subscribe("stabilizer/commit", &[]); } let mut commit = false; match self.client.poll(|client, topic, message, properties| { let split = topic.split('/').iter(); // TODO: Verify topic ID against our ID. let id =; // Process the command let command =; let response: String = match command { "settings" => { // Handle settings failures let mut response: String = String::new(); match self.settings.string_set(split.peekable(), message) { Ok(_) => write!(&mut response, "{} written", topic).unwrap(), Err(error) => { write!(&mut response, "Settings failure: {}", error).unwrap(); } }; response }, "commit" => { commit = true; String::from("Committing pending settings"); } }; // Publish the response to the request over MQTT using the ResponseTopic property if // possible. Otherwise, default to a logging topic. if let Property::ResponseTopic(topic) = properties.iter().find(|&prop| { if let Property::ResponseTopic(_) = *prop { true } else { false } }).or(Some(&Property::ResponseTopic("stabilizer/log"))).unwrap() { self.client.publish(topic, &response.into_bytes(), QoS::AtMostOnce, &[]).unwrap(); } }) { Ok(_) => {}, Err(Error::Disconnected) => self.subscribed = false, Err(err) => error!("Unexpected error: {:?}", err) }; let action = if commit { Action::Commit } else if sleep { Action::Sleep } else { Action::Continue }; Ok(action) } }