#![deny(warnings)] #![no_std] #![no_main] use generic_array::typenum::U4; use miniconf::{minimq, Miniconf, MqttInterface}; use serde::Deserialize; use dsp::{Accu, Complex, ComplexExt, Lockin, RPLL}; use stabilizer::hardware::{ design_parameters, setup, Adc0Input, Adc1Input, AfeGain, CycleCounter, Dac0Output, Dac1Output, InputStamper, NetworkStack, AFE0, AFE1, }; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Miniconf)] enum Conf { PowerPhase, FrequencyDiscriminator, Quadrature, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Miniconf)] pub struct Settings { afe: [AfeGain; 2], pll_tc: [u8; 2], lockin_tc: u8, lockin_harmonic: i32, lockin_phase: i32, output_conf: [Conf; 2], } impl Default for Settings { fn default() -> Self { Self { afe: [AfeGain::G1; 2], pll_tc: [21, 21], // frequency and phase settling time (log2 counter cycles) lockin_tc: 6, // lockin lowpass time constant lockin_harmonic: -1, // Harmonic index of the LO: -1 to _de_modulate the fundamental (complex conjugate) lockin_phase: 0, // Demodulation LO phase offset output_conf: [Conf::Quadrature; 2], } } } #[rtic::app(device = stm32h7xx_hal::stm32, peripherals = true, monotonic = rtic::cyccnt::CYCCNT)] const APP: () = { struct Resources { afes: (AFE0, AFE1), adcs: (Adc0Input, Adc1Input), dacs: (Dac0Output, Dac1Output), clock: CycleCounter, mqtt_interface: MqttInterface, settings: Settings, timestamper: InputStamper, pll: RPLL, lockin: Lockin, } #[init(spawn=[settings_update])] fn init(c: init::Context) -> init::LateResources { // Configure the microcontroller let (mut stabilizer, _pounder) = setup(c.core, c.device); let mqtt_interface = { let mqtt_client = minimq::MqttClient::new( design_parameters::MQTT_BROKER.into(), "", stabilizer.net.stack, ) .unwrap(); MqttInterface::new( mqtt_client, "dt/sinara/lockin", Settings::default(), ) .unwrap() }; let settings = Settings::default(); let pll = RPLL::new( design_parameters::ADC_SAMPLE_TICKS_LOG2 + design_parameters::SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE_LOG2, ); // Spawn a settings update for default settings. c.spawn.settings_update().unwrap(); // Enable ADC/DAC events stabilizer.adcs.0.start(); stabilizer.adcs.1.start(); stabilizer.dacs.0.start(); stabilizer.dacs.1.start(); // Start recording digital input timestamps. stabilizer.timestamp_timer.start(); // Start sampling ADCs. stabilizer.adc_dac_timer.start(); // Enable the timestamper. stabilizer.timestamper.start(); init::LateResources { afes: stabilizer.afes, adcs: stabilizer.adcs, dacs: stabilizer.dacs, timestamper: stabilizer.timestamper, clock: stabilizer.cycle_counter, mqtt_interface, settings, pll, lockin: Lockin::default(), } } /// Main DSP processing routine. /// /// See `dual-iir` for general notes on processing time and timing. /// /// This is an implementation of a externally (DI0) referenced PLL lockin on the ADC0 signal. /// It outputs either I/Q or power/phase on DAC0/DAC1. Data is normalized to full scale. /// PLL bandwidth, filter bandwidth, slope, and x/y or power/phase post-filters are available. #[task(binds=DMA1_STR4, resources=[adcs, dacs, lockin, timestamper, pll, settings], priority=2)] fn process(c: process::Context) { let adc_samples = [ c.resources.adcs.0.acquire_buffer(), c.resources.adcs.1.acquire_buffer(), ]; let dac_samples = [ c.resources.dacs.0.acquire_buffer(), c.resources.dacs.1.acquire_buffer(), ]; let lockin = c.resources.lockin; let settings = c.resources.settings; let timestamp = c.resources.timestamper.latest_timestamp().unwrap_or(None); // Ignore data from timer capture overflows. let (pll_phase, pll_frequency) = c.resources.pll.update( timestamp.map(|t| t as i32), settings.pll_tc[0], settings.pll_tc[1], ); let sample_frequency = ((pll_frequency >> design_parameters::SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE_LOG2) as i32) .wrapping_mul(settings.lockin_harmonic); let sample_phase = settings .lockin_phase .wrapping_add(pll_phase.wrapping_mul(settings.lockin_harmonic)); let output: Complex = adc_samples[0] .iter() // Zip in the LO phase. .zip(Accu::new(sample_phase, sample_frequency)) // Convert to signed, MSB align the ADC sample, update the Lockin (demodulate, filter) .map(|(&sample, phase)| { let s = (sample as i16 as i32) << 16; lockin.update(s, phase, settings.lockin_tc) }) // Decimate .last() .unwrap() * 2; // Full scale assuming the 2f component is gone. let output = [ match settings.output_conf[0] { Conf::PowerPhase => output.abs_sqr() as _, Conf::FrequencyDiscriminator => (output.log2() << 24) as _, Conf::Quadrature => output.re, }, match settings.output_conf[1] { Conf::PowerPhase => output.arg(), Conf::FrequencyDiscriminator => pll_frequency as _, Conf::Quadrature => output.im, }, ]; // Convert to DAC data. for i in 0..dac_samples[0].len() { dac_samples[0][i] = (output[0] >> 16) as u16 ^ 0x8000; dac_samples[1][i] = (output[1] >> 16) as u16 ^ 0x8000; } } #[idle(resources=[mqtt_interface, clock], spawn=[settings_update])] fn idle(mut c: idle::Context) -> ! { let clock = c.resources.clock; loop { let sleep = c.resources.mqtt_interface.lock(|interface| { match interface.network_stack().poll(clock.current_ms()) { Ok(updated) => !updated, Err(err) => { log::info!("Network error: {:?}", err); true } } }); match c .resources .mqtt_interface .lock(|interface| interface.update()) { Ok(update) => { if update { c.spawn.settings_update().unwrap(); } else if sleep { cortex_m::asm::wfi(); } } Err(miniconf::MqttError::Network( smoltcp_nal::NetworkError::NoIpAddress, )) => {} Err(error) => log::info!("Unexpected error: {:?}", error), } } } #[task(priority = 1, resources=[mqtt_interface, settings, afes])] fn settings_update(mut c: settings_update::Context) { let settings = &c.resources.mqtt_interface.settings; c.resources.afes.0.set_gain(settings.afe[0]); c.resources.afes.1.set_gain(settings.afe[1]); c.resources.settings.lock(|current| *current = *settings); } #[task(binds = ETH, priority = 1)] fn eth(_: eth::Context) { unsafe { stm32h7xx_hal::ethernet::interrupt_handler() } } #[task(binds = SPI2, priority = 3)] fn spi2(_: spi2::Context) { panic!("ADC0 input overrun"); } #[task(binds = SPI3, priority = 3)] fn spi3(_: spi3::Context) { panic!("ADC1 input overrun"); } #[task(binds = SPI4, priority = 3)] fn spi4(_: spi4::Context) { panic!("DAC0 output error"); } #[task(binds = SPI5, priority = 3)] fn spi5(_: spi5::Context) { panic!("DAC1 output error"); } extern "C" { // hw interrupt handlers for RTIC to use for scheduling tasks // one per priority fn DCMI(); fn JPEG(); fn SDMMC(); } };