--- title: Run-Time Settings layout: default permalink: /networking/run-time-settings parent: Networking --- # Settings Configuration Stabilizer allows for run-time settings configurations using the `miniconf.py` utility script. This script is in the root of the Stabilizer github repository. ## Setup In order to use `miniconf.py`, run the following command: ``` python -m pip install gmqtt ``` ## Usage The `miniconf.py` script utilizes a unique "device prefix". The device prefix is always of the form `dt/sinara//`, where `` is the name of the application and `` is the MAC address of the device, formatted with delimiting dashes. Settings have a `path` and a `value` being configured. The `value` parameter is JSON-encoded data and the `path` value is a path-like string. As an example, for configuring `dual-iir`'s `stream_target`, the following information would be used: * `path` = `stream_target` * `value` = `{"ip": [192, 168, 0, 1], "port": 4000}` ``` python miniconf.py --broker localhost dt/sinara/dual-iir/00-11-22-33-44-55 stream_target='{"ip": [192, 168, 0, 1], "port": 4000}' ``` The prefix can be found for a specific device by looking at the topic on which telemetry that is being published. Refer to the [application documentation]({{site.baseurl}}/#applications) for the exact settings and values exposed for each application. The rules for constructing `path` values are documented in [`miniconf`'s documentation](https://github.com/quartiq/miniconf#settings-paths) Refer to the documentation for [Miniconf]({{site.baseurl}}/firmware/miniconf/enum.Error.html) for a description of the possible error codes that `miniconf.py` may return if the settings update was unsuccessful.