#!/usr/bin/python3 """ Author: Vertigo Designs, Ryan Summers Description: Implements HITL testing of Stabilizer data livestream capabilities. """ import asyncio import sys import argparse import logging import socket import time from miniconf import Miniconf from stabilizer.stream import StabilizerStream # The duration to receive frames for. STREAM_TEST_DURATION_SECS = 5.0 # The minimum efficiency of the stream in frame transfer to pass testing. Represented as # (received_frames / transmitted_frames). MIN_STREAM_EFFICIENCY = 0.95 def _get_ip(broker): """ Get the IP of the local device. Args: broker: The broker IP of the test. Used to select an interface to get the IP of. Returns: The IP as an array of integers. """ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: sock.connect((broker, 1883)) address = sock.getsockname()[0] finally: sock.close() return list(map(int, address.split('.'))) def sequence_delta(previous_sequence, next_sequence): """ Check the number of items between two sequence numbers. """ if previous_sequence is None: return 0 delta = next_sequence - (previous_sequence + 1) return delta & 0xFFFFFFFF def main(): """ Main program entry point. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Loopback tests for Stabilizer HITL testing',) parser.add_argument('prefix', type=str, help='The MQTT topic prefix of the target') parser.add_argument('--broker', '-b', default='mqtt', type=str, help='The MQTT broker address') parser.add_argument('--port', '-p', default=2000, type=int, help='The UDP port to use for streaming') args = parser.parse_args() async def test(): """ The actual testing being completed. """ local_ip = _get_ip(args.broker) interface = await Miniconf.create(args.prefix, args.broker) stream = StabilizerStream(args.port, timeout=0.5) # Configure the stream print(f'Configuring stream to target {".".join(map(str, local_ip))}:{args.port}') print('') await interface.command('stream_target', {'ip': local_ip, 'port': args.port}, retain=False) await interface.command('telemetry_period', 10, retain=False) # Verify frame reception print('Testing stream reception') print('') last_sequence = None # Sample frames over a set time period and verify that no drops are encountered. stop = time.time() + STREAM_TEST_DURATION_SECS dropped_frames = 0 total_frames = 0 while time.time() < stop: for (seqnum, _data) in stream.read_frame(): num_dropped = sequence_delta(last_sequence, seqnum) total_frames += 1 + num_dropped if num_dropped: dropped_frames += num_dropped logging.warning('Frame drop detected: 0x%08X -> 0x%08X (%d frames)', last_sequence, seqnum, num_dropped) last_sequence = seqnum assert total_frames, 'Stream did not receive any frames' stream_efficiency = 1.0 - (dropped_frames / total_frames) print(f'Stream Reception Rate: {stream_efficiency * 100:.2f} %') print(f'Received {total_frames} frames') print(f'Lost {dropped_frames} frames') assert stream_efficiency > MIN_STREAM_EFFICIENCY, \ f'Stream dropped too many packets. Reception rate: {stream_efficiency * 100:.2f} %' # Disable the stream. print('Closing stream') print('') await interface.command('stream_target', {'ip': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'port': 0}, retain=False) stream.clear() print('Verifying no further data is received') try: for _ in stream.read_frame(): raise Exception('Unexpected data encountered on stream') except socket.timeout: pass print('PASS') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() sys.exit(loop.run_until_complete(test())) if __name__ == '__main__': main()