#!/usr/bin/python """ Author: Vertigo Designs, Ryan Summers Description: Provides an API for controlling Stabilizer over Miniconf (MQTT). """ import argparse import asyncio import json from gmqtt import Client as MqttClient def parse_value(value): """ Parse a command-line value into the most appropriate associated python datatype. """ # If the value is an array, construct it as such and recurse for individual elements. if value.startswith('[') and value.endswith(']'): all_values = [] for data in value[1:][:-1].split(','): all_values.append(parse_value(data)) return all_values if value.isnumeric(): return int(value) try: return float(value) except ValueError: return value class MiniconfApi: """ An asynchronous API for controlling Miniconf devices using the MQTT control interface. """ @classmethod async def create(cls, identifier, broker): """ Create a connection to MQTT for communication with the device. """ client = MqttClient(client_id='') await client.connect(broker) return cls(client, identifier) def __init__(self, client, identifier): """ Consructor. Args: client: A connected MQTT5 client. identifier: The ID of the device to control. """ self.response_topic = f'{identifier}/feedback' self.client = client self.identifier = identifier self.command_complete = asyncio.Event() self.client.on_message = self._handle_response self.response = None self.client.subscribe(self.response_topic) def _handle_response(self, client, topic, payload, *_args, **_kwargs): """ Callback function for when messages are received over MQTT. Args: client: The MQTT client. topic: The topic that the message was received on. payload: The payload of the message. """ if topic != self.response_topic: raise Exception(f'Unknown topic: {topic}') # Indicate a response was received. self.response = payload.decode('ascii') self.command_complete.set() async def _command(self, topic, message): """ Send a command to a topic. Args: topic: The topic to send the message to. message: The message to send to the provided topic. Returns: The received response to the command. """ self.command_complete.clear() self.client.publish(topic, payload=message, qos=0, retain=False, response_topic=self.response_topic) await self.command_complete.wait() response = self.response self.response = None return response async def set_setting(self, setting, message): """ Change the provided setting with the provided data. """ return await self._command(f'{self.identifier}/settings/{setting}', message) async def commit(self): """ Commit staged settings to become active. """ return await self._command(f'{self.identifier}/commit', 'commit') async def configure_settings(args): """ Configure an RF channel. """ # Establish a communication interface with stabilizer. interface = await MiniconfApi.create(args.stabilizer, args.broker) request = None # In the exceptional case that this is a terminal value, there is no key available and only a # single value. if len(args.values) == 1 and '=' not in args.values[0]: request = parse_value(args.values[0]) else: # Convert all of the values into a key-value list. request = dict() for pair in args.values: key, value = pair.split('=') request[str(key)] = parse_value(value) response = await interface.set_setting(args.setting, json.dumps(request)) print(f'+ {response}') if args.commit: response = await interface.commit() print(f'+ {response}') def main(): """ Main program entry point. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Stabilizer settings modification utility') parser.add_argument('--stabilizer', type=str, default='stabilizer', help='The identifier of the stabilizer to configure') parser.add_argument('--setting', required=True, type=str, help='The setting path to configure') parser.add_argument('--broker', default='', type=str, help='The MQTT broker address') parser.add_argument('values', nargs='+', type=str, help='The value of settings. key=value list or a single value is accepted.') parser.add_argument('--commit', action='store_true', help='Specified true to commit after updating settings.') loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(configure_settings(parser.parse_args())) if __name__ == '__main__': main()