use crate::hrtimer::HighResTimerE; use stm32h7xx_hal as hal; pub struct DdsOutput { profiles: heapless::spsc::Queue<[u32; 4], heapless::consts::U32>, update_timer: hal::timer::Timer, io_update_trigger: HighResTimerE, } impl DdsOutput { pub fn new( mut timer: hal::timer::Timer, io_update_trigger: HighResTimerE, ) -> Self { timer.pause(); timer.reset_counter(); timer.listen(hal::timer::Event::TimeOut); Self { update_timer: timer, io_update_trigger, profiles: heapless::spsc::Queue::new(), } } pub fn update_handler(&mut self) { self.update_timer.clear_uif_bit(); match self.profiles.dequeue() { Some(profile) => self.write_profile(profile), None => self.update_timer.pause(), } } pub fn push(&mut self, profile: [u32; 4]) { self.profiles.enqueue(profile).unwrap(); self.update_timer.resume(); } fn write_profile(&mut self, profile: [u32; 4]) { let regs = unsafe { &*hal::stm32::QUADSPI::ptr() }; unsafe { core::ptr::write_volatile( ®s.dr as *const _ as *mut u32, profile[0], ); core::ptr::write_volatile( ®s.dr as *const _ as *mut u32, profile[1], ); core::ptr::write_volatile( ®s.dr as *const _ as *mut u32, profile[2], ); core::ptr::write_volatile( ®s.dr as *const _ as *mut u32, profile[3], ); } // Trigger the IO_update signal generating timer to asynchronous create the IO_Update pulse. self.io_update_trigger.trigger(); } }