///! Digital Input 0 (DI0) reference clock timestamper ///! ///! This module provides a means of timestamping the rising edges of an external reference clock on ///! the DI0 with a timer value from TIM5. ///! ///! This module only supports input clocks on DI0 and may or may not utilize DMA to collect ///! timestamps. ///! ///! # Design ///! An input capture channel is configured on DI0 and fed into TIM5's capture channel 4. TIM5 is ///! then run in a free-running mode with a configured frequency and period. Whenever an edge on DI0 ///! triggers, the current TIM5 capture value is recorded as a timestamp. This timestamp can be ///! either directly read from the timer channel or can be collected asynchronously via DMA ///! collection. ///! ///! When DMA is used for timestamp collection, a DMA transfer is configured to collect as many ///! timestamps as there are samples, but it is intended that this DMA transfer should never ///! complete. Instead, when all samples are collected, the module pauses the DMA transfer and ///! checks to see how many timestamps were collected. These collected timestamps are then returned ///! for further processing. ///! ///! To prevent silently discarding timestamps, the TIm5 input capture over-capture interrupt is ///! used. Any over-capture event (which indicates an overwritten timestamp) then generates an ISR ///! which handles the over-capture. ///! ///! # Tradeoffs ///! It appears that DMA transfers can take a significant amount of time to disable (400ns) if they ///! are being prematurely stopped (such is the case here). As such, for a sample batch size of 1, ///! this can take up a significant amount of the total available processing time for the samples. ///! To avoid this, the module does not use DMA when the sample batch size is one. Instead, the ///! module manually checks for any captured timestamps from the timer capture channel manually. In ///! this mode, the maximum input clock frequency supported is equal to the configured sample rate. ///! ///! There is a small window while the DMA buffers are swapped where a timestamp could potentially ///! be lost. To prevent this, the `acuire_buffer()` method should not be pre-empted. Any lost ///! timestamp will trigger an over-capture interrupt. use super::{ hal, timers, DmaConfig, PeripheralToMemory, Transfer, SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE, }; // The DMA buffers must exist in a location where DMA can access. By default, RAM uses DTCM, which // is off-limits to the normal DMA peripheral. Instead, we use AXISRAM. #[link_section = ".axisram.buffers"] static mut BUF: [[u32; SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE]; 2] = [[0; SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE]; 2]; /// The timestamper for DI0 reference clock inputs. pub struct InputStamper { _di0_trigger: hal::gpio::gpioa::PA3>, next_buffer: Option<&'static mut [u32; SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE]>, transfer: Option< Transfer< hal::dma::dma::Stream6, timers::tim5::Channel4InputCapture, PeripheralToMemory, &'static mut [u32; SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE], >, >, capture_channel: Option, } impl InputStamper { /// Construct the DI0 input timestamper. /// /// # Args /// * `trigger` - The capture trigger input pin. /// * `stream` - The DMA stream to use for collecting timestamps. /// * `timer_channel - The timer channel used for capturing timestamps. /// * `batch_size` - The number of samples collected per processing batch. pub fn new( trigger: hal::gpio::gpioa::PA3>, stream: hal::dma::dma::Stream6, timer_channel: timers::tim5::Channel4, batch_size: usize, ) -> Self { // Utilize the TIM5 CH4 as an input capture channel - use TI4 (the DI0 input trigger) as the // capture source. let input_capture = timer_channel.to_input_capture(timers::tim5::CC4S_A::TI4); // Listen for over-capture events, which indicates an over-run of DI0 timestamps. input_capture.listen_overcapture(); // For small batch sizes, the overhead of DMA can become burdensome to the point where // timing is not met. The DMA requires 500ns overhead, whereas a direct register read only // requires ~80ns. When batches of 2-or-greater are used, use a DMA-based approach. let (transfer, input_capture) = if batch_size >= 2 { input_capture.listen_dma(); // Set up the DMA transfer. let dma_config = DmaConfig::default().memory_increment(true); let mut timestamp_transfer: Transfer<_, _, PeripheralToMemory, _> = Transfer::init( stream, input_capture, unsafe { &mut BUF[0] }, None, dma_config, ); timestamp_transfer.start(|_| {}); (Some(timestamp_transfer), None) } else { (None, Some(input_capture)) }; Self { next_buffer: unsafe { Some(&mut BUF[1]) }, transfer, capture_channel: input_capture, _di0_trigger: trigger, } } /// Get all of the timestamps that have occurred during the last processing cycle. pub fn acquire_buffer(&mut self) -> &[u32] { // If we are using DMA, finish the transfer and swap over buffers. if self.transfer.is_some() { let next_buffer = self.next_buffer.take().unwrap(); let (prev_buffer, _, remaining_transfers) = self .transfer .as_mut() .unwrap() .next_transfer(next_buffer) .unwrap(); let valid_count = prev_buffer.len() - remaining_transfers; self.next_buffer.replace(prev_buffer); // Note that we likely didn't finish the transfer, so only return the number of // timestamps actually collected. &self.next_buffer.as_ref().unwrap()[..valid_count] } else { // If we aren't using DMA, just manually check the input capture channel for a // timestamp. match self.capture_channel.as_mut().unwrap().latest_capture() { Some(stamp) => { self.next_buffer.as_mut().unwrap()[0] = stamp; &self.next_buffer.as_ref().unwrap()[..1] } None => &[], } } } }